Honestly, my main dislike of Amber Wizards usually is that it's the one Wind that seems to universally pigeonhole you in a way none of the other ones were, because apparently the only Beasts that matter are apex predators.
Most of the other Winds have a number of interpretations even if you can drift one way or another, and the Arcane Marks are "Some are good, some are bad", the Amber College meanwhile is dealing with virtually every one of their Arcane Marks being a Problem (Even if they don't see it as such.) Even the 4th edition lore straight up goes "Yeah, Amber Colleges aren't plugged into the same patronage network the others are, they're hobos who live out in the woods and sometimes kidnap random children with magical potential to raise them as new Amber Wizards., they don't even have a formal College like the others do.")
I'm really hoping this story ends up being a redemption story for that, rather than just "Yes, all the stereotypes are objectively right for the Amber Order, and they have no interest in changing that, every single one of them is a half feral hermit and there are no exceptions because Ghur does exactly one thing, and that's Apex Predator Predation."