[X][Reinforce] Strength
[X][Plan]Fight the knights.

Ok then, it's time to get rid of this wannabe monarch with a crown he has no place wearing. It's a complete insult to any who would call themselves a true King.

And Shirou will take no false rulers or pretenders. Let us make an example of him; especially so, seeing as he's a vile piece of shit.

As satisfying as I'm sure it'd be to just try and kill him, we know that won't really solve or help the problem.
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[X][Reinforce] Endurance
Considering the noncombatant, you may need to tank some hits, here.
[X][Plan]Fight the knights.
No need to hesitate, you're certain they're not living beings.
[X][Reinforce] Strength
[X][Plan]Fight the knights.

Wonder if there's any good weapons for Shirou to start tracing, the only shadows that comes to mind in this palace is Berith, Archangel, and Eligor.
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[X][Reinforce] Endurance

[X][Plan]Fight the knights.
-[X] Project a bow and shoot at the king. Rely on the element of surprise.
-[X] If Shirou fails, project Makoto a spear and shield to protect herself.
-[X] Reinforce them in case they are immune to mundane weapons.

Spear and shield lets her block attacks and keep them away.
[X][Reinforce] Strength
A classic. Will help break through the plate armor the knights are wearing.
[X][Plan]Fight the knights.
No need to hesitate, you're certain they're not living beings.
[X][Reinforce] Strength

[X][Plan]Fight the knights.

Our Agility is so bad that using Reinforcement would just make it passable. Strength is ok and a better option when using the bow at range is no longer an option.

'Wouldn't it be more your style to not have me throw it, then?'

'Well, I was planning to tense up your hand so you'd just drop it on the ground."


'Y'know, so you'd have both a broken libido and a broken phone.'


'Or if that didn't work I at least hoped a suddenly appearing group of like, nuns or something, showed up where you threw it.'

'You are absolutely disgusting.'

Are you being serious Angra? Seems like tactical choices would be easy to screw up if our extra passenger is feeling a little silly.
[X][Reinforce] Strength

[X][Plan]Fight the knights.

I would want to reinforce Endurance for the extra HP, bur then we wouldn't have any stats to actually help us injure the knights, which would not be a enjoyable experience.
We will automatically trace a bow and some swords with short blades and long handles with feathers at the pommel arrows without explicitly voting to do so, right?
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