The Enemy Within (WHF Witch Hunter Quest)

[X] Live
[X] Break

Yeah, updating to multi vote for live. It's not a BAD spot for the story to end, but there's some parts I'd still be interested in.
So, I think I'm not going to vote because I'm a bit of an outsider having just found this quest (this is literally my first 'live' update), but I feel like that also gives a particular perspective that has value.

At this point, this actually makes a very good endpoint as a "complete" quest, which is not something every quest gets. Basically every emotional setup has paid off the majority of the way, Markus is dying having accomplished more than he failed on a reasonably satisfying endpoint (having killed the only antagonist I've developed any emotional investment in him defeating, rather than dying in a fight with some rando).

Wizard? Started on the road to mentorship.
Family? Reconciled.
Chaos witch who kicked off the bad things in his life? Killed the shit out of.
Daemonic interest him? Ironically, dying here just straight up resolves that. Whatever they wanted out of him, they're simply not getting.

It's not that there's nothing more to extract out of those setups, but that none of them are leaving me going "but wait, it mean's we're just completely dropping _____". The plot threads that ARE completely unresolved fall more into idle curiosity than anything else because they simply... haven't been very on-screen so far. Yeah, something's going on with the purple hand, but to me, eh, no biggee to not get to that. (Maybe I'd feel different if I had any familiarity with the module this is apparently based on, but I'm not, so I'm treating the quest as an independent work.)

If it ends here we basically ends up with the story a man whose combined formal and self-appointed responsibilities ended up exceeding his current skills because he insisted on doing the right thing, but he went down doing that right thing despite that and brought his enemy down with him, which is a perfectly fine story to tell in Warhammer Fantasy.

Again, I feel like this is too pivotal of a vote to come in and contribute to the full on decision of how the quest will go for people much more invested than I am, but if it ends right here it'll end as a pretty damn good complete work that I'd unabashedly recommend to anyone looking for something to read, which is more than you can say about where a lot of quests end up at.
Had the thing ended right after the fight, I would have been content. But it didn't.

Markus lives and can live on. He woke up, which means he can still fight on, whatever he'll decide later.

I want to see him return home and to see Spatin and the rest of our daemonslaying party members.

We still have that lovely suit of Dwarven Armour waiting for us.
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[X] Rest

We took the Witch with us. Hopefully our brother realizes hiding his magic isn't as viable anymore.
[X] Live

Welcome to Warhammer Fantasy: Sometimes, you do just about everything right, you spit defiance in the face of evil...

And you lose, hard.

This is just part of the job description for a Templar.
[X] Live

i fucking hate break choice i like this quest because we are a witch hunter if we stop than we can end this quest i would say

Live a witch hunter is hard and losening our companions brutal but it was the best think we could do at the situation
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[X] Live
[X] Break

I really can't decide which works better. Either way I hope we meet Spatin again.

I'm sorry for making the plan I did. I should have made a different one, one that didn't employ violence. I could have spent the Resilience on some kind of Charm Test to deceive Etelka, or Intimidate like I'd thought of before.

There was no perfect plan, the dice can roll badly and Markus' resources are painfully limited. If something like this wasn't inevitable in or out of universal it was always a likely outcome. Witch Hunters have a terrible lot, even when they try to do they best they can.
I would argue that Break isn't Markus deciding he "can neither do anything to save the downtrodden or fight the arch-enemy" but rather that he cannot be both savior and hunter. Obviously the exact psychological break is up in the air but I don't think it is giving up everything. It is giving up being a hunter in particular. But Markus is more than a Hunter.

Edit: if Markus does live then I'd hope he'd take in Elvyra's granddaughter since she lacks other family. It isn't like he'll be having children of his body so maybe even adoption.
What part of trying to be both a savior and a hunter caused problems here though? None as far as I can see.

Unless you mean the part where he wanted to kill Etelka. But that has little to do with him being a Witch Hunter, that's just him being him. He could have been an armored were-clown and the thread would have mostly voted to do the same.

If anything, in this scenario accepting that he "cannot be both a hunter and a savior" seems like giving up on being a savior rather than a hunter. Because it is the former's path that ultimately led to this.
[X] Break
Markus will survive, but his will to continue will not. Unable to bear the burdens demanded by his faith and service, he will resign from the Holy Orders and seek some other path.