[x] [You shall speak to Miko, now.]

Welp, uh, that was unexpected! Just outright offing a character, huh...

And this one was significantly worse than canon, jesus fuck.

For those unaware, the only ones who suffered at Seiga's hands for her "ascension" into Hermithood was her family mourning her "loss", as she completely faked her "sudden death". No child involved, no murder, just a fake body that was actually a bamboo rod.

And Damn, Miko is ruthless. I wonder if Reimu had an idea...?

...What happens to Yoshika, now? Is she just a zombie, a corpse without a soul? Is there a mind in there beyond preserved neural paths?

Maybe, she does recite poetry whenever she is freed...

...Also, since it got skipped over a bit...Bamboo Forest means the Sage is most likely Tewi. Which makes sense, she is based off a very ancient legend ("Hare of Inaba"), assuming she is that exact rabbit she's over 3000 years old.

That she was secretly blessing the founding of Gensokyo...probably also not a surprise. That's a big benefit for her and hers.
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So, yes, indeed things do be happening. This has been planned since before this quest was started, one of many plotpoints we wanted to hit as things get shaken up in Gensokyo. Seiga has been removed from the board, and apparently deliberately as well. Myouren has little patience for those who chase immortality, much less those who do so wickedly. This will be explained more in upcoming chapters.
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I have come to the conclusion that Sariel and Shinki no longer have valid opinions. Anything they say is to be checked against by Cirno.

RIP in pieces Saiga. Honestly, I'd figured you to be clever enough to see that coming and be literally anywhere else.

[X] [You shall speak to Miko, now.]

Now then, what does Miko want?
The other option would only be possible if there's literally anything else to discuss with Reimu or the others already at the shrine. There's nothing else, and anyway I too would like to know why Miko wanted Seiga deader than even a zhenren can manage.
The other option would only be possible if there's literally anything else to discuss with Reimu or the others already at the shrine. There's nothing else, and anyway I too would like to know why Miko wanted Seiga deader than even a zhenren can manage.

I mean, Miko can read people's hearts quite well.

While in canon her Evil Hermit teacher was still kinda fucked up, she wasn't shown actually hurting others (beyond the norm of Gensokyo, that is.) It's not like she murdered Yoshika, the worst thing we know she did was raise a single Jiang-shi.

Here? She not only murdered her own baby for the Immortality ritual, but had shown absolutely no remorse over it.

I guarantee you that if Miko is even a half-decent person, she has likely been searching for a way to off this Seiga for as long as she's been able to read Seiga's heart.
Well, assuming that the reason Miko handed forced existence failure duties to our protagonist is so obvious as to not need much discourse between them, what else could they talk about? Not as if she would be any more acquainted with our hidden sage if Yukari actual Yakumo doesn't know, yeah?

Oh, and why was Seiga offering her body up in the first place? I imagine she wanted information in exchange for some infanticide-powered sexy time, but what could she have done with it?
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Oh, and why was Seiga offering her body up in the first place? I imagine she wanted information in exchange for some infanticide-powered sexy time, but what could she have done with it?
I mean, we're told why she did that in the update. She thought that it would make us uncomfortable, which she'd find amusing, and that we wouldn't actually accept.
Honestly, I'd figured you to be clever enough to see that coming and be literally anywhere else.
Everyone thinks they're clever until Buddha decides to take them seriously enough to just backhand them out of existence.

*turns on Heavy's russian accent*

I've yet to meet the man that can outsmart Buddha.

[X] [You shall speak to Miko, now.]

And Cirno continues to be a highlight of the story.
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Jan 13, 2025 at 9:54 AM, finished with 29 posts and 21 votes.

This'll be an interesting talk I think.
Unanimous vote lmao, this has been an interesting read as always. I don't like some of the story decisions but hey, what can I do about it. You have your vision and it's not too bad either.
To the shadow realm you go, do not pass go and do not collect 200 yen.

Also, DAMN, he's even more OP then I realized isn't he?

[X] [You shall speak to Miko, now.]
[X] [You shall speak to Miko, now.]

And yeah, the Fifth Sage is definitely Tewi, the title corespondes with her ability to grant luck to others and she IS old enough too ...