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It is the hour between night and dawn. It is the hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when the sleepless are haunted by their deepest fear, when ghosts and demons are most powerful, when the fated are born. It is the Hour of the Wolf. Your hour.
I - The Beasts Must Die


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Hour of the Wolf
A Warhammer Fantasy Quest

A howl escapes your throat as harsh and terrible as your form, clawed hands as big as dinner plates slamming into the unsuspecting Ungor and tearing a bloody gash across its hairy hide. Bowled sideways, the Ungor slams against the still-smouldering wall of the tavern in a shower of sparks and squeals its last, wine-dark blood spilling onto the ash beneath your feet.

"Butchers!" You roar as you leap into the light of the beastmens' fire, the others scrambling back toward the darkness as smoke stings your throat and tears sting your eyes.

Slipping and stumbling for their discarded weapons, the clutch of foul-smelling chaos-kin bleat and bray as you lash out with another claw; a Gor's skull bursting as you slam it into an overturned cart. Dimly, you feel the animal part of your mind exalt in the sensation.


An instant later, pain explodes up your back, and you pivot to see the snarling face of an Ungor looking up at you past the spear stabbed into your flank. Letting loose another howl, you twist in place and snatch at the goat-legged man-thing, its victorious bleating cutting off in a gurgle as your claws plunge into its throat and tear the bloody mass free.

Yelling a not-quite-human cry, a goat-headed beastman lunges forward with a rusty sword in hand only to scream as you rip the spear from your flank and slam it into its knees with inhuman strength, bones crunching as it spills to the ground. Stamping your foot on its neck as you stalk towards the remaining beastmen, you end the Ungor's suffering far sooner than you'd like, delicate vertebrae shattering as the wound in your side knits together.

Wearing only loincloths and thick leather strips that smell of sweat and smoke, the three remaining beastmen appear to you veterans of many battles, the knotted scar tissue that adorns their hides and bestial faces telling of countless battles won. Chattering among themselves in the language of animals, they stand before you in a semi-circle; two of the three goat-legged creatures holding spears made from gnarled branches and the last clutching a short bow whose fine quality makes clear its provenance as plunder.

Rising to your full height, you would have grinned if your toothed snout could make such an expression, the stench of fear they unleashed almost overpowering the smell of burning homes and charred flesh.

"Vermin," You growl as you step forward, batting away a questing spear and sending it flying into the night.

An arrow to the chest is your answer, the twang of the bowstring and thud of impact coming so close together they were almost as one. Growling again, you pull the barbed arrow from your flesh and let it drop to the ashen earth, the bloody wound it left behind sealing like a smile in reverse. Pausing your advance, you eye the beastmen.

Shivering with fright, they huddle together as if numbers are any protection from your wrath; the human-headed creature that shot you struggling to draw another arrow from its quiver. Already, you can feel the red overtaking you as you stand before your prey, the scent of blood and the sound of pain filling the animal part of your mind with the urge to hunt and kill. Underlining it all is righteous anger and contempt, the desperate need to hurt the beastmen burning beneath your skin and coursing through your veins.

Kiiiillllll, hisses the part of you that yearns for the hunt, the wolf inside you tensing and flexing.

Rip and Tear, the wolf's not-words speak again, spilling into your mind and setting fire to your thoughts.

Pushing back the inner voice, you turn your head from the beasts and glance around your hamlet's still-smouldering ruins, the threat of the bowman and its guardians beneath your notice.

Your world for nearly twenty summers, Roslas is now no more than a cluster of burned-out shells and fallen stones, the air thick with the smell of flesh, blood, and smoke. Once home to more than a hundred people, most human but some Children of Ulric like yourself, none remain save the remnants of the beastmen horde that attacked it. A tableau of wanton violence visited upon the innocent, your supernaturally keen eyesight spies the crumpled bodies of people you knew since childhood scattered throughout the destruction, the occasional cluster of beastmen corpses telling you where other Children had fought to the last.

The crack of a twig breaking snaps you from your reverie, and you snap your attention to the trio of beastmen fanned out before you. Frozen in fright and illuminated by the orange light of Roslas' funeral pyre, the trio of chaos-spawns seem, for a moment, the avatars of all your ills—a fresh wave of righteous anger rising in your gorge.

Kiiiillllll, the inner voice hisses again, the desire to rip the beastmen apart with your claws and teeth bubbling beneath the not-words, your clawed hands flexing almost beneath your notice.

This time, you don't resist its call.

You wake the next morning amidst the red ruin of your act, the bodies of the three beastmen little more than scraps of meat and bone spread around the burned-out remnants of their campfire. Rising on unsteady but fully human legs, your clothes soaked in the blood of those you slaughtered, you hock a wad of phlegm onto the ashen ground and turn about in a daze.

All about you, the ruins of Roslas loom large, blackened timbers clawing at the slate-grey sky and sending brief spurts of steam hissing into the air as the occasional raindrop strikes. In the wan light of day, the nightmare that was once your home has not changed one iota, the bodies of your friends and neighbours no less hacked apart in the sunlight than they had been at night.

Wandering the hamlet as the morning mists begin to lessen, you search the ruins for any signs of life other than your own, calling out for survivors to reveal themselves, only for silence to answer you. An hour later, tears streaming down your blood-crusted face, you collapse to your knees in the middle of what had once been Roslas' marketplace and let loose a howl of grief that rises high above the forest floor, icy fingers stabbing into your throat as you tear at your hair and claw at your face; each act followed by the familiar sensation of your wounds healing.

You wake again in the marketplace's ash sometime later, the noonday sun blazing high above you, and the morning mists nowhere to be seen. As if from a great distance, you realise that you feel strange. Hollow. All your grief wrung out of you, and all your tears shed.

You do not rise as you did before. Not to your feet, at any rate. Kneeling in the ashes of your home, you turn your face to the sky and mutter with all the passion of a dead thing. "Why?"

No one answers save the birds.

"Why this? Why us?" You beg again.

As before, no one answers, and white-hot anger suddenly seizes your heart and burns in your chest.

"Why?" You all but scream at the sky, the calls of unseen birds ceasing as you leap to your feet. "What did we do to deserve this? What crimes did we commit? Answer me! Answer me!"

You shout the last again, the echo of your voice bouncing back from the trees as if mocking you. Without warning, your rage suddenly gutters and fades, and you find a hollowness in your chest once more. Swaying on your feet, you feel pain prickle in the corners of your eyes as tears refuse to fall, and you let out a final choking gasp.

Loyal as a dog, you feel the wolf inside you stir in response to your grief, and ghostly memories of the satisfaction you felt the night before rise to the forefront of your mind. Slowly, you feel the desire to hunt more beastmen flicker into existence in your chest, and you let loose an ugly chuckle as you realise that's exactly what you should do.

Opening your senses to their fullest, you blink in surprise as you scent a trail leading west, the thickness of the stench telling you that the swarm of beastmen that attacked your home were part of a much larger brayherd, one so large that not even the morning rain could hide their passage.

Growling to yourself, you turn west and set off after the butchers of your people, the wolf within you eager to hunt.

It is the hour between night and dawn. It is the hour when most people die, when sleep is deepest, when nightmares are most real. It is the hour when the sleepless are haunted by their deepest fear, when ghosts and demons are most powerful, when the fated are born. It is the Hour of the Wolf. Your hour.

But first, our most intrepid hero must be introduced.

Who Are You?
[] Name
[] Gender

You are Kasled Leitfeld, a Child of Ulric and a victim of circumstance. Your village burned, your family slaughtered, and your life turned to ashes before your eyes; you want revenge on those who wronged you and justice for those who suffered.

What Did You Do In Roslas?
[] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[] Merchant: Something of an oddity among your kind, you ventured out to the cities and towns surrounding Roslas to trade forest goods such as hides, herbs, and other goods at market.
[] Smith: Skilled in crafting and repairing metal items, you helped your people with the day-to-day requirements of life while occasionally dabbling in making weapons and armour.
[] Caravan Guard: A skilled fighter and very hard to kill thanks to your gift, you and others were often hired to serve as caravan guards for the rare few traders willing to brave the Forest of Shadows' many dangers in search of coin.
[] Healer: The closest thing to a doctor in Roslas, you did everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.

Under What Sign Were You Born?
[] Dragomas the Drake
[] Grungi's Baldric
[] The Piper
[] Wymund the Anchorite

In Your Wolf Form, What Were You Most Known For?
[] Your strength of arms
[] Your speed of foot
[] Your keenness of sense
[] Your understanding of the world
[] Your control of yourself
Character Sheet
Name: Kasled Leitfeld
Class: Healer - a literate man who made a living doing everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.

Mission: To get revenge on those who destroyed Roslas and justice for those who suffered.
Duty: To help those who are sick and injured.
Craving: Pleasures of the flesh

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 4
    Sense: 3
    Knowledge: 4
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +2 Dodge
    +2 Fight
    +3 Fascinate
    +2 Graces
    +3 Heal
    +2 Languages (Classical)
    +3 Lore
    +1 Lie
    +2 Parry
    +1 Plead
    +1 Run
    +3 Stealth
    +5 Student: Medicine
    +5 Student: Plants and Herbs

    Regeneration (5)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

    Dice Pool Table
    SkillUsual StatDice PoolDescription
    DodgeCoordination6 (2+4)Dodge lets you (and only you) avoid attacks. This differs from parry in that you can't protect people by dodging attacks.
    FightBody6 (2+4)A versatile skill that can be used to wrestle, punch, or use any hand-to-hand weapon, as long as its use is unsubtle and obvious. Anything that requires finesse, special training or an explanation can't be used with Fight. It's the crude Skill of hard clobbering, so weapons like whips, bows and lassos are beyond its purview.
    FascinateCharm5 (3+2)Fascinate is the skill you use when you want to try and ingratiate yourself with someone or when you want to distract someone from something conversationally. It's a very open ended skill.
    GracesCharm4 (2+2)The skill that keeps you from looking like an idiot/making a fool of yourself.
    Even if you've never met someone
    before and have no clue about their culture, Graces makes you sufficiently sensitive to nuances of posture and expression that you're able to abort rude actions before completion– or perform them in a way that it's clear you intend no offense.
    HealKnowledge7 (3+4)The healing skill. When used on the battlefield/as first aid, it can be used to quickly bind wounds, splint broken limbs, etc, but only removes shock damage. When used outside of those instances, it can remove one point of killing damage per day of rest.

    Notably, it can also be used to torture people, but we (probably) won't be doing that.
    Languages (Classical)Knowledge*6 (2+4)A weird one that won't come up, but it's the skill that determines if you're able to understand what someone is saying in classical/reman (I.E what's written in old doctor's books and such)
    LoreKnowledge7 (3+4)A catch all skill for knowing stuff that's useful as a fallback. Generally speaking, it's accompanied by a slightly higher difficulty than the skill you would normally use. E.G if you need to identify a poison but you don't have Student: Plants and Herbs, you could use Lore, but it would be harder to succeed.
    LieCharm3 (1+2)The skill that governs your ability to bullshit people. Can be seen through with an Empathy roll, or another roll if it's more relevant (I.E a merchant can do a sense+scrutinize roll to see if you're lying about the quality of something you're trying to sell)
    ParryBody6 (2+4)The skill that lets you directly block someone's attacks. Unlike dodge, it does let you protect a third party.

    Note: You need something tough/hard to parry.
    PleadCharm3 (1+2)If you roll a success while pleading, the
    person to whom you plead feels really,
    really bad if they don't do what you want. That said, it's not a get out of jail free card given the number of demonically evil things in Warhammer.
    RunBody5 (1+4)This governs your ability to run further than the 15 feet (5 meters) you can run automatically each round. Each success adds another 5 feet (1.5 meters). Useful when chasing, being chased, etc.
    StealthCoordination7 (3+4)The skill that lets you hide. Works kind of like dodge/parry, but for being seen/heard/smelled, etc
    Student: MedicineKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Student: Plants and HerbsKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Regeneration (5)N/A5A custom one. Once per round, roll your die pool and regenerate x damage where x is the number of successes you achieve in a roll. Heal shock first, then killing damage.

    Fire adds a difficulty threshold to the limb whose value is dependent on the severity of the burn. Damage that has been dealt with magic cannot be regenerated with this skill/trait (I.E you need to wait and let it heal naturally, if it heals at all).
    TransformN/AN/AThe thing that lets you turn into a hybrid or wolf form

  • Stats
    Body: 5
    Coordination: 5
    Sense: 4
    Knowledge: 4
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +2 Bite [Width Killing, Width Shock]
    Claws MD [Width Killing]
    +2 Dodge
    +4 Fight [Width Killing]
    +3 Fascinate
    +2 Graces
    +3 Heal
    +2 Languages (Classical)

    +3 Lore
    +1 Lie
    +2 Parry
    +1 Plead
    +2 Run
    +3 Stealth
    +5 Student: Medicine
    +5 Student: Plants and Herbs

    Armor Rating (1): For every point of AR, the armor stops one point of Shock damage and one point of Killing damage. (This is equivalent to wearing boiled leather all over)
    Regeneration (5)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

    Dice Pool Table
    I've removed some stuff you straight up can't do as a wolfman (Dr Wolfman M.D is not a thing, alas), but I'm open to letting you do shit like find healing herbs and whatever. I'm not a cop.
    SkillUsual StatDice PoolDescription
    BiteCoordination7 (2+5)A bite attack. Added separately from fight skill since it's a natural weapon
    ClawsCoordination5+MD (0 + 5) + MDA claw attack. Added separately from fight skill since it's a natural weapon
    DodgeCoordination7 (2+5)Dodge lets you (and only you) avoid attacks. This differs from parry in that you can't protect people by dodging attacks.
    FightBody9 (4+5)A versatile skill that can be used to wrestle, punch, or use any hand-to-hand weapon, as long as its use is unsubtle and obvious. Anything that requires finesse, special training or an explanation can't be used with Fight. It's the crude Skill of hard clobbering, so weapons like whips, bows and lassos are beyond its purview.
    LoreKnowledge7 (3+4)A catch all skill for knowing stuff that's useful as a fallback. Generally speaking, it's accompanied by a slightly higher difficulty than the skill you would normally use. E.G if you need to identify a poison but you don't have Student: Plants and Herbs, you could use Lore, but it would be harder to succeed.
    ParryBody7 (2+5)The skill that lets you directly block someone's attacks. Unlike dodge, it does let you protect a third party.

    Note: You need something tough/hard to parry.
    RunBody7 (2+5)This governs your ability to run further than the 15 feet (5 meters) you can run automatically each round. Each success adds another 5 feet (1.5 meters). Useful when chasing, being chased, etc.
    StealthCoordination8 (3+5)The skill that lets you hide. Works kind of like dodge/parry, but for being seen/heard/smelled, etc
    Student: MedicineKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Student: Plants and HerbsKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Regeneration (5)N/A5A custom one. Once per round, roll your die pool and regenerate x damage where x is the number of successes you achieve in a roll. Heal shock first, then killing damage.

    Fire adds a difficulty threshold to the limb whose value is dependent on the severity of the burn. Damage that has been dealt with magic cannot be regenerated with this skill/trait (I.E you need to wait and let it heal naturally, if it heals at all).
    TransformN/AN/AThe thing that lets you turn into a hybrid or wolf form

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 3
    Sense: 5
    Knowledge: 4
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +3 Bite [Width Killing]
    +3 Dodge
    +3 Fascinate
    +2 Graces
    +3 Heal

    +3 Hearing
    +2 Languages (Classical)
    +3 Lore
    +1 Lie
    +2 Parry
    +1 Plead

    +3 Run
    +4 Stealth
    +5 Student: Medicine
    +5 Student: Plants and Herbs
    +2 Sight
    +2 Scrutinise + Master Die (the main feature of a master die is that I can set its value after rolling the others in a pool, guaranteeing a success)

    Regeneration (5)
    Movement (20)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Right Foreleg[o][o][o]
    2Left Foreleg[o][o][o]
    3-4Right Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    5-6Left Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o]

    Dice Pool Table
    I've removed some stuff you straight up can't do as a wolf (Captain Wolf is not a thing, alas), but I'm open to various things so long as you can argue it properly. I'm not a cop.
    SkillUsual StatDice PoolDescription
    BiteBody7 (3+4)What it says. It's the skill that governs biting people
    DodgeCoordination6 (2+3)Dodge lets you (and only you) avoid attacks. This differs from parry in that you can't protect people by dodging attacks.
    HearingSense8 (3+5)Hearing helps you notice things that most others would miss/which are trying to stay quiet. I.E the drawing of a bowstring, someone sneaking behind you, etc.
    LoreKnowledge7 (3+4)A catch all skill for knowing stuff that's useful as a fallback. Generally speaking, it's accompanied by a slightly higher difficulty than the skill you would normally use. E.G if you need to identify a poison but you don't have Student: Plants and Herbs, you could use Lore, but it would be harder to succeed.
    RunBody7 (2+5)This governs your ability to run further than the 15 feet (5 meters) you can run automatically each round. Each success adds another 5 feet (1.5 meters). Useful when chasing, being chased, etc.
    StealthCoordination8 (3+5)The skill that lets you hide. Works kind of like dodge/parry, but for being seen/heard/smelled, etc
    Student: MedicineKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    Student: Plants and HerbsKnowledge9 (5+4)Like lore, but narrower. As such, it's either not going to have a difficulty threshold you need to meet or one that's lower than the one for lore.
    SightSense7 (2+7)The skill you use to notice things visually. Useful for identifying distant figures, finding something hidden, etc.
    ScrutiniseSense7 +MD (2+5) + MDThis skill helps you analyse your environment. Useful for reconstructing events, tracking paths through places, etc.
    Regeneration (5)N/A5A custom one. Once per round, roll your die pool and regenerate x damage where x is the number of successes you achieve in a roll. Heal shock first, then killing damage.

    Fire adds a difficulty threshold to the limb whose value is dependent on the severity of the burn. Damage that has been dealt with magic cannot be regenerated with this skill/trait (I.E you need to wait and let it heal naturally, if it heals at all).
    TransformN/AN/AThe thing that lets you turn into a hybrid or wolf form

  • Items of Note
    • A healer's bag (Full)
    • One small bottle (empty, finely made Tilean glass)
    • A small bottle of giant spider venom [unknown effect, unknown potency]
    • A small peasant blade [Width Shock, 1 Killing]
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Other Character Sheets New

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 3
    Sense: 3
    Knowledge: 3
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +3 Dodge
    +2 Eerie
    +2 Fight
    +2 Heal
    +2 Languages (Animal)
    +3 Lore (Woods)
    +3 Parry
    +3 Plead
    +2 Weapon (bow) +1 ED
    +1 Run
    +1 Sorcery
    +3 Vigor

    Regeneration (5)

    The first time you meet someone, they roll their Eerie pool. If they get a success, something about you just makes them feel creepy. You can still win them over with charm or bribery or an obvious display of good deeds, but you start out with one social strike against you.

    Martial Path

    Note: I haven't bothered changing any of these names yet, so they're weird compared to what you'd expect from Warhammer.

    Eye of Death
    Goddess in the Grave (1 point): If you take a round to aim, you add 2d to your pool. If you take two rounds to aim, you add 4d to your pool. Otherwise, aiming works as usual.

    Arrow of Gentle Repose (2 points): Any time you fire, and it's not part of a multiple action, you can bypass 1AR that's provided by armor. AR from martial techniques or sorcery still defends.

    The School of the Insouciant Monkey
    Monkey Dodge (1 point): You do not take a penalty for adding a Dodge to any action.

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

  • Stats
    Body: 5
    Coordination: 4
    Sense: 4
    Knowledge: 3
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +2 Bite
    Claws MD
    +3 Dodge
    +2 Eerie
    +4 Fight
    +2 Heal
    +2 Languages (Animal)
    +3 Lore (Woods)
    +3 Parry
    +3 Plead
    +2 Weapon (bow) +1 ED

    +1 Run
    +1 Sorcery
    +3 Vigor

    Armor Rating (1): For every point of AR, the armor stops one point of Shock damage and one point of Killing damage. (This is equivalent to wearing boiled leather all over)
    Regeneration (5)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Left leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    2Right leg[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    3-4Left arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    5-6Right arm[o][o][o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o][o]

  • Stats
    Body: 4
    Coordination: 2
    Sense: 5
    Knowledge: 3
    Command: 2
    Charm: 2

    +3 Bite
    +3 Dodge
    +2 Eerie
    +2 Heal
    +2 Hearing
    +2 Languages (Animal)
    +3 Lore (Woods)
    +3 Parry
    +3 Plead
    +2 Weapon (bow) +1 ED

    +1 Run
    +1 Sorcery
    +2 Sight
    +2 Scrutinise + Master Die (the main feature of a master die is that I can set its value after rolling the others in a pool, guaranteeing a success)
    +3 Vigor

    Regeneration (5)
    Movement (20)

    Wounds Table
    Roll To hitLocationWounds
    1Right Foreleg[o][o][o]
    2Left Foreleg[o][o][o]
    3-4Right Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    5-6Left Hind leg[o][o][o][o]
    7-9Torso [o][o][o][o][o][o]
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Hi all,

Welcome to Hour of the Wolf, a warhammer fantasy quests were you play as a werewolf who has returned home to find that his village was burned to the ground by beastmen and its people killed. This is going to be a pretty short quest (fucking hopefully) that I'm running to both test mechanics for a future quest and also get back into the swing of character focused quests (plus I'm still on holiday for a bit and I'm bored).

For those interested in what system I'll be using, I'll actually be using Greg Stolze's One-Roll Engine even though the warhammer RPGs exist since I like the system's quirks and will be using it in the future and need to roadtest some ideas. I'll be doing most of the work, so you won't be expected to know much about the system, but try not to stress if things diverge a bit from how the warhammer rpgs do things.

Also, yes I know that's MTG art, but warhammer has very little werewolf art that isn't obviously chaos werewolves, and that's just not the vibe I'm going with here.
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[X] Caravan Guard: A skilled fighter and very hard to kill thanks to your gift, you and others were often hired to serve as caravan guards for the rare few traders willing to brave the Forest of Shadows' many dangers in search of coin.
[X] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[X] Dragomas the Drake
[X] Your control of yourself

As we werewolf to be abte to fight or hunt for food is most important as is having a control to be more then just beast for we are the wolf gods blessed not vile beastmen
[X] Caravan Guard: A skilled fighter and very hard to kill thanks to your gift, you and others were often hired to serve as caravan guards for the rare few traders willing to brave the Forest of Shadows' many dangers in search of coin.
[X] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[X] Dragomas the Drake
[X] Your control of yourself

As we werewolf to be abte to fight or hunt for food is most important as is having a control to be more then just beast for we are the wolf gods blessed not vile beastmen
You can only pick one role in the village, alas. Fortunately, the rest of your skills should be enough even if you choose to avoid hunting.
[X] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[X] Dragomas the Drake
[X] Your control of yourself
[X] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[X] Dragomas the Drake
[X] Your control of yourself
[X] Healer: The closest thing to a doctor in Roslas, you did everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.
[X] Grungi's Baldric
[X] Your control of yourself

Alright, the base idea I have is that of a healer with a martial mindset and a greater sense of control in our Ulric blessed gift, with the chance that our martial mindset helps makes up for choosing better control over better strength or speed.
[X] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[X] Dragomas the Drake
[X] Your speed of foot
[X] Caravan Guard: A skilled fighter and very hard to kill thanks to your gift, you and others were often hired to serve as caravan guards for the rare few traders willing to brave the Forest of Shadows' many dangers in search of coin
[X] Grungi's Baldric
[X] Your strength of arms
[X] Caravan Guard: A skilled fighter and very hard to kill thanks to your gift, you and others were often hired to serve as caravan guards for the rare few traders willing to brave the Forest of Shadows' many dangers in search of coin
[X] Grungi's Baldric
[X] Your strength of arms
[X] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[X] Dragomas the Drake
[X] Your speed of foot
[X] Healer: The closest thing to a doctor in Roslas, you did everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.
[X] Grungi's Baldric
[X] Your control of yourself
[X] Healer: The closest thing to a doctor in Roslas, you did everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.
[X] Grungi's Baldric
[X] Your control of yourself
[X] Hunter: Skilled in all aspects of hunting, you helped your brothers and sisters provide Roslas with food by tracking and capturing prey in the forest.
[X] Dragomas the Drake
[X] Your control of yourself

At least this time I'm now participating at the start of this quest!
[X] Healer: The closest thing to a doctor in Roslas, you did everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.
[X] Grungi's Baldric
[X] Your control of yourself
[X] Healer: The closest thing to a doctor in Roslas, you did everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.
[X] Wymund the Anchorite
[X] Your control of yourself

lowkey aiming for the most dr jekyl lite setup with this choice, ngl
[X] Healer: The closest thing to a doctor in Roslas, you did everything from delivering babies to creating healing poultices and tinctures to aid the sick.
[X] Wymund the Anchorite
[X] Your control of yourself

Dr werewolf
bruce banner situation