Pocky Eating MafiaDoka
I'm still really confused by our Skinwolf's actions here. They're typically driven by a insane hunger since having their fill is the only way to actually bring back their human self, so it shouldn't have the self-restraint to just nibble some blood from the Dwarfs instead of eating them whole. We know some of the workers went completely missing, so it probably did do that to a few Dwarfs, but it shouldn't be smart enough to act like a vampire after a few full course meals.
We do know that Skinwolves can be bound by Wizards however, so that can explain its weird behavior. It feels probable to me that there's a rogue spellcaster involved that we completely missed due to a failed and hidden perception check, but why exactly would they want their pet skinwolf acting like this is beyond me.
We do know that Skinwolves can be bound by Wizards however, so that can explain its weird behavior. It feels probable to me that there's a rogue spellcaster involved that we completely missed due to a failed and hidden perception check, but why exactly would they want their pet skinwolf acting like this is beyond me.
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