The Enemy Within (WHF Witch Hunter Quest)

Not familiar with skinwolves. Can someone summarise them for me?
Chaos werewolves of the rips out of their human skin variety, hence the name. Mostly found among Norscan raiding bands rather than more subtle cults, which is probably the narrative reason Markus didn't recognize it.
[X] Plate and Chain
[X] Burn It

I am of the mind that the Skinwolf isn't our monster. This wasn't the usual MO for skinwolves, they don't go around drinking people's blood without ripping and tearing the rest of the body. Additionally, how would it even escape its hidey hole to hunt when it's trapped behind a wall and there's no lever to let it out? Either someone has been coming here to let it out, or we missed another monster.

It just doesn't make sense to me. The Dwarfs aren't safe yet. We absolutely need to burn this place down, to be extra sure.
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[x] Drakefire Pistol
[X] Leave It

So what we are just going to clank around all day? I would be down if it was tailored to our role more, so something like concealable mail and a reinforced trench coat or something.
If we end up getting platemail on our body, arms, and legs, that'd get us Overburdened for going over our Encumbrance limit. It reduces how fast we can move, gives us a -10 Agility penalty (and our agility already sucks), and doubles any Fatigued Conditions we get.
Not familiar with skinwolves. Can someone summarise them for me?
Basically a werewolf with Chaos flavoring
Non-infectious (well, you might contract an ordinary infected wound from getting mauled but it won't turn you into a Skinwolf)

They're called Skinwolves because the wolf monster literally rips its way out of the human when they transform, leaving gory strands of skin and flesh clinging to their form

The Skinwolf can only change back after its glutted itself on flesh
After being sated the wolf collapses and the human has to rip and chew its way out

Which raises some questions, because sneaking around in the night and sneakily feeding on individuals while leaving them alive is not a Skinwolfs usual modus operandi

It's possible there was something else
But if there was then I don't think we'll find whatever it was
Maybe the investigators being called in will shed some light on the matter, but that won't come up until much later
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Clearly the skinwolf brought knives to a gunfight. Speaking of which...

[X] Drakefire Pistol

Shooting people is good. Shooting people with a bigger gun is good. Shooting lots of people via an AoE effect is better. Shooting lots of fire is downright amazing.

Humans react badly to being on fire. Trolls and other regenerating creatures really, really don't like being on fire. Vampires and other undead react even worse. Fire also serves as a wonderful distraction and useful tool:
-Gotta run away from a mob? Find a chokepoint, shoot the first unfortunate who comes thru, and the remainder will have to traverse alchemical flames to reach us.
-Shooter at a distance in the countryside? Drakefire shell into brush on the ground to make smoke for quick concealment.
-Bunch of baddies in a house? Drakefire shell into the front door, and we thrash baddies at the back door. Imagine how the warehouse fight would've gone if we could've set the roof aflame and started burning the squishy mortals even before we went inside!

Fire lets us shape the field on the go, oftentimes by the simple expedient of "turn the biggest baddie into a screaming torrent of alchemical flame that splashes distractingly onto his buddies." Sigmar approves the purifying effect of fire on witches - yay for fire!

[X] Sell Them

Our agents are wonderfully mercenary, driven in very large part by a love of money. Since we naturally wish to retain their love, let's sell off the non-dangerous stuff and remind them that we're great to keep around and not shiv in the back.
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