Clearly the skinwolf brought knives to a gunfight. Speaking of which...
[X] Drakefire Pistol
Shooting people is good. Shooting people with a bigger gun is good. Shooting lots of people via an AoE effect is better. Shooting lots of fire is downright amazing.
Humans react badly to being on fire. Trolls and other regenerating creatures really, really don't like being on fire. Vampires and other undead react even worse. Fire also serves as a wonderful distraction and useful tool:
-Gotta run away from a mob? Find a chokepoint, shoot the first unfortunate who comes thru, and the remainder will have to traverse alchemical flames to reach us.
-Shooter at a distance in the countryside? Drakefire shell into brush on the ground to make smoke for quick concealment.
-Bunch of baddies in a house? Drakefire shell into the front door, and we thrash baddies at the back door. Imagine how the warehouse fight would've gone if we could've set the roof aflame and started burning the squishy mortals even before we went inside!
Fire lets us shape the field on the go, oftentimes by the simple expedient of "turn the biggest baddie into a screaming torrent of alchemical flame that splashes distractingly onto his buddies." Sigmar approves the purifying effect of fire on witches - yay for fire!
[X] Sell Them
Our agents are wonderfully mercenary, driven in very large part by a love of money. Since we naturally wish to retain their love, let's sell off the non-dangerous stuff and remind them that we're great to keep around and not shiv in the back.