[It contains a secret that cannot be known, but must not be forgotten.]
Who is the dragon, truly?
Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!
"It is quite simple really. It contains a secret that none may know, but once learned can never be forgotten."
Samyaza blinks. "Mrglh?"
Alice taps her fingers on the book's intricate binding, considering. Then, she slowly exhales. "Very well. As the custodian of this artefact, I grant you its insight." And then the book… hm.
Despite your wisdom, despite your knowledge, you still barely sense it. The book remains stubbornly mundane, bereft of the ordinary magics that you might expect from a magician's tome. Yet despite that… if you, or Shinki, were to seize the book and pry open it by force…
You're certain that the pages would remain stubbornly empty.
Even with Alice's declaration, rather than some form of ordinary magic, it is more as if in a moment like this, the metaphysical line between her existence as a person and the existence of the book has become so blurred as to not exist at all.
The book
slams open, a dazzling array of lights of every hue shining forth from it, blinding in brightness, a rainbow writ large unspooling across the puppeteer's cabin as an unseen and unfelt wind flips through the pages without any further interaction - and yet, it is still utterly mundane to all your senses.
You idly note that Marisa has pulled out a pen and notepad and is frantically scribbling notes.
And then, finally, the pages settle, the grimoire neatly and naturally falling open to a particular two page spread. Poetry, written in an unfamiliar script. And yet… the meaning of it inscribes itself upon your mind, with the slightest glance upon it.
Hear well,
This fabled end;
The truth can cut,
Deeper than blades;
This destined fate,
Was known to all;
The last of days;
Yet not all who knew,
Were content to wait;
Of its great figures,
None stands greater;
Than the serpent beast,
That all devours;
That swallows the sun,
And drinks the seas;
That crumbles the mountains,
And tramples the beasts;
Yet this great dragon,
Was given foreknowledge;
Shared by its father,
Trickster and cunning;
And sought to undo,
That destined finale;
Who encircles the world;
Who spans the horizon;
With such strength and power;
Yet foretold destiny;
Is stronger yet still!
But the serpent refused,
To lie down and die;
And sought to avert,
That final clash,
The destined destruction,
Of the son of the wise;
And thus did the snake,
That devours its tail;
Swallow itself,
From its end to its head;
And vanish from view,
And the knowledge of all;
Yet destiny cannot,
Will not,
Shall not,
Be defied!
You stare at the book, admiring the prose within. "That answers some questions, yet raises more." You turn your head to look at Alice, who is staring into the book with a deeply perplexed expression.
"That is…" Alice says quietly. "That… has never been there before."
"Looks like squiggly lines from the moon," Cirno grouses from her perch resting upon my head. "It's a… spinny and weird looking, can't read it…."
"Neither can
I." Shinki says. "Priest, explain."
"What," Sariel says, mirth in her voice. "Can't read pagan? They don't let you into the
cool sinners club?"
"Mrgl?" Samyaza asks.
Marisa ignores the byplay, concentrating entirely on sketching down the strange, ever shifting runes with a speed that belies extensive practice.
"It is a poem, of a particularly ancient form, and it does quite well to explain to me a bit more about my mission here… I believe. The Buddha has given me quite a task… and I believe I have to have another discussion with Madam Yukari."
"But what's it say!?" Cirno shouts.
You close the book, and hand it back to Alice. "Thank you, seeing as I have gotten you involved with all of this now. Would you like to come meet the dragon?"
Alice… carefully latches the book shut, not looking at you. Her expression is kept carefully placid, in a method you're increasingly certain was drilled into her from childhood, but it's still clear that it's a stalling tactic meant to give her time to think.
And then she sighs, releasing some of the tension she's feeling. "At this point attempting to avoid it would just drag me in twice as hard. The poem's right, destiny can't be defied. At most, deferred."
"... Alright," Marisa says, setting down her pen. "From the top, the fucks going on?"
"Not for
you to worry about, how is this…" Shinki stares at Marisa.
"Schlemiel?" Sariel offers.
"Yes, schlemiel… dating
my daughter." Shinki finishes.
Marisa rolls her eyes. "My mystical futhark is rusty, but I can still pick out a few keywords. Lots of talk about Ragnerok and Jorgumandir or whatever they're called, some allusions to the northern gods and a lot of emphasis on a word that I'm pretty sure is fate and/or destiny. Gimme a week and I could probably get it translated - so who's the incompetent fool, here?"
Sariel cocks a brow.
Marisa shrugs. "I learned it for magic and swearing so that my dad wouldn't notice."
"I am seeking to recruit several powerful figures in order to ward off the end of existence. To do this, I am angering many people and causing a bit of an incident it would seem." If Alice was to be involved, which she would likely have to be, she deserved to at least know the basics. And you knew enough of Marisa that attempting to get rid of her would be about as easy as getting rid of Cirno. You point a finger to Samyaza. "Fallen angel." Then to Sariel. "Active angel." Shinki. "You've met." Then point to the creature on top of your head. "My student."
Oddly enough, it's the last one that gets the greatest reaction out of Alice. "Truly? I've read that fairies in foreign lands could become wise and learned, at least in the past, but the ones in Gensokyo have always been deeply diminished."
Cirno sticks out her tongue. "Your
face is deeply dimishished!"
"Be that as it may, it is what is occurring. Now," you turn to look at Marisa. "You may ask Reimu for further details if you so wish, I cannot speak of this more than I have, there are beings that may listen, and others that may spawn panic. But, regardless, I must speak to Yukari." You reach up, and pull open the portal that wasn't existing above your head. Purple light paints the room. You do not turn your head to look at it. "Good morning Yukari."
Yukari titters, a fan covering her mouth as she laughs politely, her upper half now leaning through her gap and into the room. "Such a gentleman, even holding open doors so the lady may enter."
Shinki… awkwardly looks away, while Sariel's eyes narrow at the demiurge's motion.
Alice - and her many dolls - freeze in place for a moment that stretches just a bit too long, before she seems to fall back on her etiquette training, a doll pouring out another cup of tea, while another pair approach Yukari with a saucer and the sugar dish. "I bid you welcome as a guest, under the same rights as the other visitors here now, Yukari Yakumo."
Yukari folds her fan away, before gracefully accepting the cup and saucer. "How polite and welcoming. What a charming young woman you've raised, Shinki. You could stand to learn a thing or two, Kirisame."
Marisa… rolls her eyes. "I've hung around hoity-toity crews enough to
learn the rules, I just don't care for following 'em."
"Madam Yukari, my request for you is quite simple to ask, though it may be difficult for you to perform."
Yukari smiles. "Oh? Well, state your request, and we shall see if it is in my power to grant."
"I need you to gather all the Sages."
Yukari… blinks. "That… mmm. Well, it is certainly within my power to
call such a gathering, but to impress the importance upon the other Sages such that they actually
attend… that will take longer, and be more difficult."
"I trust in your ability. I also wish to find the dragon, as I do not know its location."
"Whatsa sage?" Cirno asks.
Yukari's smile turns a touch melancholic. "We are the four who came together and agreed to create a land for youkai and gods, and then, centuries later, the ones who created the barrier and cleaved that land - Gensokyo - apart from the Outside world."
"Oh," Cirno says. "I can still beat you up though."
"Be that as it may," You stare at Yukari. "This is what I shall require of you, my apologies if this causes any difficulty."
Yukari reopens her fan, elegantly gesturing with it. "In truth, such a meeting would be necessary soon anyhow, should what we fear come to pass. Is there one you would prefer that I prioritize?"
You nod your head.
Please note, you aren't meeting any of these Sages immediately. This is just one that will be getting one on one focus, as the Sage of Borders prioritizes them.
[] [Kasen] The Sage of Might
She hides amongst Reimu's Shrine, and only recently allowed her identity to be somewhat known. And then, only to Reimu. Her strength is very necessary for the path ahead.
[] [Okina] The Sage of Seasons
You wish to speak to her regarding her 'servants' in any case. The Sage of doors will be a helpful ally in reaching the moon.
[] [Eirin] The Sage of Knowledge
Her wisdom and knowledge are unrivaled, and the value of her personal experience with your foe cannot be overstated.
[] [The Fifth Sage] The Sage of Fortune
The one of which Yukari knows naught. Until you brought it to her attention, anyhow.