[X] Plan Fuck It, We Ball!!!
[X] Beautiful
[X] Healthy
[X] Tall
[X] Dextrous
[X] Quick
[X] Melee Skill
[X] Norscan Bodyguard
[X] Friendly ?? Witchhunter
[X] Unbreakable
[X] Smithy
[X] Price on your Head
[X] Honest
[X] Bad Rumor
[X] Haunted
[X] Cursed
Honestly I figure, we're on a fucking undead infested hellscape of an island, with a noble who's embarrassed he got caught in our backstory, and we legit are said to be somewhat honest already. Plus I also want our man to be an absolute Chad, and with the extra fellowship and a witch hunter liking us it'll probably be not ass painful to get rid of the rumor.