[X] Plan: Ancient JRPG Hero
-[X] you're helping the world and keeping the past alive. When you've lived as many years as you have, you see all manners of things. You see all types of people, civilizations, cultures, inventions, events, and really everything anyone can think of. Though such things are thought to be eternal or immortal, they are eventually forgotten by the world. The effects and consequences of those things are still felt today…even if barely, but no one remembers them. That's why you do what you do. To keep the legacies of such things alive, and to improve the world when necessary and where needed.
-[X] Once upon a time, in days you can barely remember, your immortality was know far and wide. Still, as time passes kingdoms and empires you once knew fell into stagnancy and then dust. These days, you suspect only a few people, carrying secrets told through generations, messages of twisted faiths there were once dedicated to you(Before time claimed it like everything else) or explorers of ancient wonders might even come close to the truth of what you are.
-[X] Capital G, God once walked the Earth. The creator of everything, from the earth itself to all the races that walked upon it. Then, for maddening reasons that even now you don't fully know, they tried to destroy everything. You opposed them, like everyone had in those days, and through a gambit that defied all know odds, you slayed God. And in it's last moment, gave you their power. And So you found yourself the unwitting heir to a heavenly throne that have now stood empty for millennium. Because you remember the God you had once loved so much, the sacrifices and you fear you might one day become the same.
-[X] Name: Arc
-[X] Gender: Female
-[X] Appearance: You were human once, and it's the form you take on most days. But peel away your surface level skin, and you'll see impossible geometry, lights of the very stars themself and eyes countless beyond their measure. You do not like looking at that often, so you keep yourself to the form you can only distantly remember, and hope is correct. Long blonde hair, eyes that refuses to be any other color except golden, short in stature and a pretty face. You might stand out a bit, but normal enough that you can fit into most crowds.
-[X] Melancholic
-[X] Eccentric
-[X] Heroic
-[X] 7 Sacred Towers of Wisdom: a rather prestigious college that specializes in the arcano-sciences. Due to the Age of Magitech, magic and science are basically one and the same. With the winds of magic being so entwined with technology, people started studying and researching it once again. The 7 Sacred Towers of Wisdom is a university where great minds of all types congregate to teach, research, study, and further develop everyone's understanding of magic and science. You'll be a professor here that gets to deal with experts of their fields, seasoned adults and youngsters entering adulthood.
So! The idea here is that you were basically an once upon a time JRPG protagonist, that ended up fighting God as one so often do. Only, at the very end God decided to entrust their heavenly power upon them. After all the fighting, Arc didn't really want to assume the position of God, after so much suffering, and so spend their time mostly helping people out.
In the aftermath, there was religious following of her, but as time passes she passed away into memory, and while there are still churches that might follow religion that was based upon her. These days time has ensured it's strayed away from the full accuracy of the truth. Though, perhaps a few of the more high leading people knows the truth.
As expected, of an old jrgp protagonist, she spends alot of her time just doing normal side-quests. Really, she can't help herself, in between her duties where she teaches other people. Half to ensure that if she ever loses controll, there will be heroes to stop her, and half because she really misses old parties, friends and such.
It does use a lot of the pre-options allready presented, but i changed it a bit in order to fit the narrative i wanted to weave for this!