Of Stolen Valor and Copied Flesh (A Clone Primarch 40k Quest)

Voting is open
[X] The Urizen
[X] The Night Haunter
[X] The Lord of the Red Sands
[X] Woman
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[X] The Urizen
[X] The Lord of the Red Sands
[X] The Great Angel
[X] Woman
[X] Man
[X] The Night Haunter

How i would fee if ever the following votes win...
- lord of red sands + woman = that's interesting
- night haunter + woman = that's sad
Adhoc vote count started by Phoenix853456! on Oct 22, 2024 at 10:44 AM, finished with 119 posts and 90 votes.
[X] The Gorgon
[X] Man

[X] The Great Angel
[X] Woman

Unlikely to win, but Ferrus coming back to fix the Iron Hands and also punch Demongrim in the face as vengeance would be sick.

Failing this... my glorious Hawkgirl!
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They could see the folly of belief, and try to restore the Imperial Truth as it once was - scientific and rationalist.
It's always funny to hear the Imperial Truth described as "rational and scientific" when it's literally, objectively a denial of reality
The Imperial Cult, which accepts the divinity of the Emperor and the existence of deamons, is inarguably more rational than the Imperial "Truth"

All that being said, female Lorgar as a pseudo-Living Saint once again preaching the Creed of Monarchia only now people laud her for it is a very funny angle
i wonder how angry we can make the original Lorgar with this

[X] The Urizen

[X] Woman
[X] The Great Angel
[X] The Lord of the Red Sands
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Voting is open