There also gods of man that deal with engineering
Gods like Isolde? Though she is the Imperial Goddess of Guns and Industry, not necessarily one of engineering, lol.

Edit: if it's unclear, I'm talking about the protagonist of the quest [WHF] - Of Gods, Guns, And Industry by HeroCooky, here in SV. Which I highly recommend reading, despite the thread having been inactive for almost a year as of this edit.
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Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae

Family Members
  • Agustus Frieden- Father of Dieter Frieden, Lord of Frieden Valley. Reputation (?/10)
  • Alice Meyer Frieden- Mother of Dieter Frieden, Lady of Frieden Valley Reputation (?/10)
    • Dieter Frieden

Family Servants
  • Kurt- Family Guard for the Frieden family. Reputation (6/10)
  • Bruno Voit- Master at arms at Frieden Castle Reputation (5/10)
Friends, Aquantances
  • Andrei de Livoci- Tileian Master engineer and Teacher of Dieter Frieden Reputation (7/10)
  • Alaric Bolkison- Master engineer of Zhufbar and Teacher of Dieter Frieden Reputation (8/10)
Friendsburg Residents
  • Old Heinrich Local Bailiff of Friendsburg
  • Jost Mengen Local Priest of Friendsburg, Reputation (6/10)

General Reputation

  • Imperial Reputation (Unkown to the Wider Empire)
  • Nordland Reputation (6/10 Respected, member of a well-known family)
  • Friendsburg Reputation (5/10 Heir to these lands but abroad for a long time)
  • Dawi Reputation (7/10 This Umgi was trained to proper dawi standards, we can work with him)
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Btw I want to say that I'd anyone had ideas of possible decisions to add as possibilities please post them
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HydroG3 on Oct 12, 2024 at 3:58 PM, finished with 29 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Plan: learn about our home
    -[X] About the Guard- (DC 25) You lack any authority or official position apart from being heir but you could talk and examine the guard and talk to the men. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Fields of Plenty- (DC: 35) Your family like most noble families earns a large amount of their funds from the farm. You could go walk the fields and look at the current progress and structure of the farms. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Gossip around town- (DC: 30/50/90) Kurt offered to meet up with you at a tavern and tell you about the going on in the town. A local guard would be one of the most capable people when it comes to hearing any local rumors. (Cost: 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Local Man of Faith(Dc: 25) In Friedenburg there is a small chapel to Sigmar, you should go and check it out and introduce yourself to the priest, an undoubtedly important individual in any small village. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10) Time: 1 Quarter
    [X] Plan: Somehow, I your son have returned
    -[X] Marksmanship: (DC 35) Even with your time training with both your masters you never got a large amount of experience using a pistol, you could grab a matchlock from your stores and practice. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Check my Stocks- (Dc: ???) Having only gotten home you realize that there are many small trinkets you've picked up over time without realizing, you should go through your stocks to see what's there. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Nooks and Crannies- (Dc ???) Any keep in the empire has secrets. Hidden passages, false bricks hiding treasures, and unsavory details hidden in the dark recesses. Spend some time looking around and checking to see if there is anything special in your family's keep. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Reflect on Faith (DC 10/25/50/75/100)- Spending many years abroad in foreign lands you never interacted much with the empire's pantheon. You grew familiar with many of the classical gods during your time in Tilea, but you should reflect on your beliefs. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10) Time: 1 Quarter
    [X] Plan: Faith and local knowledge
    -[X] About the Guard- (DC 25) You lack any authority or official position apart from being heir but you could talk and examine the guard and talk to the men. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Check my Stocks- (Dc: ???) Having only gotten home you realize that there are many small trinkets you've picked up over time without realizing, you should go through your stocks to see what's there. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Gossip around town- (DC: 30/50/90) Kurt offered to meet up with you at a tavern and tell you about the going on in the town. A local guard would be one of the most capable people when it comes to hearing any local rumors. (Cost: 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] Reflect on Faith (DC 10/25/50/75/100)- Spending many years abroad in foreign lands you never interacted much with the empire's pantheon. You grew familiar with many of the classical gods during your time in Tilea, but you should reflect on your beliefs. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter
    -[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10) Time: 1 Quarter
Turn 1 Results
Turn 1 Results
Year 1 Q1

Finally, being home is a unique experience after so many years of travel, but you settle in. Before you can establish a routine, you must first iron out any kinks that arrive in your ancestral lands unannounced.

Martial: You have trained somewhat in martial skills but it isn't your best trait. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] About the Guard- (DC 25) You lack any authority or official position apart from being heir but you could talk and examine the guard and talk to the men. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 25: Rolled - 46+0=46)

Walking into the training yard around noon a week after you've arrived, you find less than ten men training with swords. You learn that a few days a month, the family guard, having nothing better to do, invites the local men to train and practice against them during the off-season.
"Martin!" you hear a man's name called out.
Looking toward the source of the voice, you are drawn to an older man, maybe in his forties. Black hair with strands of grey, the eyes of a sentry, and a long jagged scar along the right side of his face cutting into his hairline.
You see the scarred individual approach a younger-looking man and grab the spear in his hand.
"You need to thrust forward in a straight line, avoid letting the spear lean down when you drive the point forward," he says while demonstrating the proper technique.
You watch the man go and correct a few more of the men on the field before training resumes. Seeing you watching over the field he walks over and stands in front of you.
"So," he says with an only slightly serious tone, "You must be the little lordling." As he speaks, you can see him giving you a once-over.
Slightly startled, you respond, "Yes, I am Dieter Frieden, son of the Lord Frieden." Trying to recompose yourself, you then ask, " And who are you? I know it has been some time since I was in the valley, but I remember most of my father's men at arms, and I won't recognize you."
Giving a small nod of acknowledgment he answers in a less serious tone, "Names Bruno Voit," he says giving you a small bow, "I've been the master at arms here for about two and a half years"
"And how did you get this job," you say, curious about this man you've never met before.
"I suppose you would like to know," he says with an understanding tone, "Four years ago I was working as a caravan guard, one your father was part of. We were ambushed by beastmen and in the chaos I saved your mother's life.'
Your eyes widen as this is the first time you heard of this attack, "He offered me anything in his power" That part makes you chuckle, your father was always like that. "I asked for a job, one that would keep me in one place for my family and he sent me here, took me two years to become master at arms and that's my story."
The two of you talk about the castle, its guard, and your personal lives. You leave with the impression that while Bruno doesn't like you, he does not dislike you.

Diplomacy: You are a decent enough diplomat from your time in tiles and you are especially good at negotiating with dwarfs. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Letters to Mom and Dad: (DC 30/70) Your parents are at one of their houses in the cities, after being away for so long you should write to them. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 30/70: Rolled - 73+0=73)

After a week at home, you sent letters to both your parents, identical ones to both of the family's urban manses. They were simple things, letters simply stating that you had arrived home, that you were in good health and decided to rest in the countryside for a while. Five weeks later you get responses from Dietershafen. The letter from your mother is one filled with flowery prose that you still remember your mom being obsessed with. She never liked you leaving for abroad and speaks of her joy at you arriving back home in the empire. To this day you haven't told either of your parents about your adventures with Master Alaric, if you did your mother might faint. Your father's letter, while more formal, is still affectionate. He writes about the connections he has made and other things about the state of the town. Happy you are home he sends you word that during the next shipment to the town will be 20 gold stipend to be used as you see fit.
He also writes to you about the discovery of new vegetables he bought seeds and samples from a passing Tilean trader. He describes them as a strange almost sour red fruit, a kind of strange yellow grain that grows in kernels, and a pair of brownish tubers that sounds somewhat offputting, with one being mealy and the other being strangely sweet but still offputting. He offers to send you some but only if you are interested as the shipping costs will come out of the stipend.

[]Accept- Get a shipment of seeds of these strange plants but will have a 5gp reduction in stipend due to the rarity of these plants at this time and the cost of transport. Roll for the amount of seeds 1d100. (Volume of 15 if enough for an acre of farmland.)
[]Decline- You don't need these strange plants, get the full 20gp in the stipend.

Stewardship: Your time abroad managing your supplies as well as learning dwarven bookkeeping methods has. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Fields of Plenty- (DC: 35) Your family like most noble families earns a large amount of their funds from the farm. You could go walk the fields and look at the current progress and structure of the farms. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 35: Rolled - 42+4= 46)

One morning after a good night's sleep you decide to look over the family's ledgers, and while these books are technically supposed to be for the steward's eyes only no one would deny their lord's heir from reading over the books. What you see satisfies you, a large surplus of food has been produced and stored over the last three years. The sales of this food have been quite profitable as with the empire reunified and a great many men off to war there has been a great demand for food. But even with this demand, you notice a flaw, there simply isnt enough space for your family to keep the food it produces with its storehouses almost overflowing at the end of some harvests. The local farmer's warehouses are also not capable of this bounty. While this is nowhere close to a problem you still do not want to risk a time when grain is left to rot due to having too much of a surplus
Learning this you use your notable structural engineering skills you design a plan to be presented to the steward. One is where your family would build a series of new warehouses, some for exclusive use by your family while others are built for the farmers and are allowed to use for a small portion of the harvest they choose to store.
(Problem Identified and possible solution, "Store My Wares" )

: While you did pick up on a few things in Miragliano your time with Master Alaric somewhat made you unlearn things. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Gossip around town- (DC: 30/50/90) Kurt offered to meet up with you at a tavern and tell you about the going on in the town. A local guard would be one of the most capable people when it comes to hearing any local rumors. (Cost: 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 30/50/90: Rolled - 51+3= 54)

After a week or two of hanging around the castle, you see Kurt in passing while wandering the keep and the two of you strike up a conversation and agree to meet up later that night with you taking Kurt up on his offer to discuss the going ons in the town.
Later at night you take a horse out and arrive at Fridensburg and go to the local tavern. A sign saying "The Green Stalk" hangs above the door and as you enter you see a bustling hall. Being the only tavern in town it holds a near monopoly over the sale of less common alcohols. Scanning the room there are a wide variety of people. From farmers resting after a hard day's work, guards from your family, and a few local tradespeople all are resting after a hard day.
In the corner, you see Kurt at a table with a free seat and approach weaving your way through the crowd. Seeing you he pushes the chair out with his foot and gestures for you to sit. Sitting down he gestures over to the bar and in less than a minute a mug of ale is produced and sits before you. The two of you get to talking and throughout the night you learn three key things.
First is that the locals do not particularly like you. They do not despise you as due to the prosperity of recent years they have a positive disposition toward your family. But the knowledge that you spent many years in the "Heathen" south beyond the empire makes some of them wary. The second is that the local Ballif is rather weak-willed, old Heinrich is what they call him and he hasn't done a great job maintaining the town. He often does not collect the entire tax amount owed and as such some of the local infrastructure he is supposed to maintain is experiencing wear and tear. Kurt says Heinrich is a kind old soul who wants to work hard but is overburdened and could use help.
The third thing you learn that night is that you are a heavy weight. Years on the road with a dwarf and trying to follow their instruction has led you to develop a resilience to all but the strongest brews meaning that after three ales you are only beginning to feel a buzz while Kurt, who is on his fourth, is slurring his speech.
(Information Gained, Friendsburg Reputation (5/10 Heir to these lands but abroad for a long time), Old Heinrich (Local Bailiff))

: You have strange feelings for religion, you need to come to terms with it, until then there isn't much you can truly do. You have no one to assist you in these matters yet. (1 Action)

-[X] Local Man of Faith(Dc: 25) In Friedenburg there is a small chapel to Sigmar, you should go and check it out and introduce yourself to the priest, an undoubtedly important individual in any small village. (Cost 0) Time: 1 Quarter

(DC 25: Rolled - 67+0=67)

About a month into your return home you decide to do something that has been on your mind for a while, go to church. During your time in Tilea you never really went to a temple, especially one to Sigmar. And this was more so during your travels with Alaric as most of your free time was spent trying to decipher the dwarf's mutterings. Arriving at the church you see it's a small thing, probably barely able to hold thirty people inside. Wooden walls with a small stone foundation and a belltower that is barely two stories tall it is a runt of a building. Walking to the doors you see an ornate and painted carving of the hammer and twin-tailed comet sitting above it.
Entering it you see a man cleaning the altar at the far side, hearing the creaking of the doors he turns sound and looks at you.
"Welcome son of Sigmar," he says with a kind tone, "Please give me a moment and I will come greet you."
As the man comes out from behind the altar you a face scarred across the jat complemented by sharp blue eyes and the traditional bald head of a sigmarite priest. Then you hear the 'clack, clack, clack', and looking at the floor you see that the man is missing something, and where was once his left leg is now a sturdy piece of oak.
Over the coming minutes, the two of you talk and you learn much of this small priest. Jost Mengen is his name and his story is a special one. He was a warrior priest of Sigmar one who traveled far and wide across the empire even during the disunity that came before Magnus's arrival. After one encounter with a beastman, he ended up gravely wounded and missing a leg. Jost tells you that at the moment that he would be his death he had a vision from Sigmar that he would be saved and must take on a simpler life. Then he tells of how Old Heinrich, then just called Heinrich, found him and took him into the village and helped him heal. Afterward, he decided to stay in the town and help the man who saved him.
After your conversations, you leave with a favorable impression of the man and you think he has one of you as well.
(Met Jost Mengen Local Priest of Friendsburg, Reputation (6/10))

: This is what you enjoy, and you love to learn, a day without learning is a day wasted. You want to start working on your research again. You lack any kind of facility though, something you probably want to rectify (1 Action)

-[X] I need a Lab: (DC: 30/70/95) Having only just gotten home you lack any kind of space to do research in. If you want to be productive you need to see if you can set something up, but anything done right will cost a fair bit of coin. (Cost: 10)

(DC 30/70/95: Rolled - 24+7=31)

It took you a week to convince the steward to let you take one of the castle rooms for your "experiments" and in the end, you only just barely succeeded. You gain a room in the keep on a higher floor, a room that while not truly suited for your experiments is better than nothing. During some of your free time, you clean out the chamber and to your joy, you discover a small pile of books.
Noting special, just some agricultural documents from half a century ago and one book simply called "Surveys" sits at the bottom of the pile. The revelation of this, albeit small, trove of knowledge feels like a validation of the room you have chosen.
By the end of the month, the room is set up, but it isnt functional yet. You haven't taken inventory of your supplies yet as that is a task you are dreading the mundanity of it.
(Small Lab Gained, +5 to basic research rolls. Lab Can be refurbished or moved to other locations in the future to change rolls.)


[]Accept the Shipment
[]Decline The Shipment
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[X]Accept the Shipment

I guess we gotta have some economic foundation and rationale for building a fleet. Food is good as any.