Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel - An Isekai Quest

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by xamaplak on Oct 11, 2024 at 8:44 AM, finished with 15 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Team Rocket Vs the Universe!
    -[X] World
    -[X] High Fantasy
    --[X] Both, in the same world!? Gasp!
    -[X] Someone Else's Playground
    --[X] Pokemon. Arceus threatened to sue you, but honestly their other system with a hero in each region makes much more sense than having one hero face every single threat in every single region. 'The World Will Turn to Ash', you argued, could be made to be about your world. They grudgingly agreed to give you something.
    ---[X] Blasting off Again! Arceus offered to foot the metaphysical bill if you took a certain troublesome trio off their hands. What could go wrong!? (No power spent, three sentient heroes for the price of none! Options galore! Meowth, that's right!)
    -[X] All Of Them.
    [X] Plan: Battle Bonds and Bonds of Battle.
    [X] Plan: Too Old For This
    [X] Plan: Another World. Same old War.
    -[X] World
    --[X] Industrial Revolution
    —-[X] Magic with Rules (FMA- or Youjo Senki-style)
    -[X] Someone Else's Playground
    --[X] Fullmetal Alchemist.
    ---[X] Maes Hughes.
    -[X] Threat. What evil are you facing?
    --[X] Evil Empire of Evil – it might have a 'face', but you can't just take down the dark lord and wash your hands. People have tried. There's always going to be another Emperor. You need to knock down their pillars.
Runnoff Vote -- Messed up voting by accident
I messed up originally by not opening votes with the first post. Because of my mess-up, the voting's off -- there were two votes before I hit 'open voting'. Too Old For This and Battle Bonds got 4 votes, making it a three-way tie.

So I'm opening voting for about half a day to do a runoff vote on what is actually a tie. Guh.

[] Plan: Team Rocket Vs the Universe!
-[] World
--[] High Fantasy

--[] Both, in the same world!? Gasp!
-[] Someone Else's Playground
--[] Pokemon. Arceus threatened to sue you, but honestly their other system with a hero in each region makes much more sense than having one hero face every single threat in every single region. 'The World Will Turn to Ash', you argued, could be made to be about your world. They grudgingly agreed to give you something.
---[] Blasting off Again! Arceus offered to foot the metaphysical bill if you took a certain troublesome trio off their hands. What could go wrong!? (No power spent, three sentient heroes for the price of none! Options galore! Meowth, that's right!)
--[] All Of Them.

[] Plan: Battle Bonds and Bonds of Battle.
-[] World
--[] High Fantasy
---[] Both, in the same world!? Gasp!
-[] Champion Source
--[] Someone Else's Playground
---[] Pokemon. Arceus threatened to sue you, but honestly their other system with a hero in each region makes much more sense than having one hero face every single threat in every single region. 'The World Will Turn to Ash', you argued, could be made to be about your world. They grudgingly agreed to give you something.
----[] Early Kanto Ash. Ash, Pikachu, maybe more. Ash has just started to understand, but he hasn't even gotten to the conference yet!
-[] Threat

--[] All Of Them.

[] Plan: Too Old For This

-[] World
--[] Industrial Revolution
---[] 'Normal' on the surface but with things going on. (fairy tales are real, hidden magic, shoe gnomes.)
-[] Champion Source. Normally, it'd be a no-brainer, but pickin's are slim.
--[] The 'Seed World' (Highest customization, no crossovers)
---[] Senior Citizen. Not used to the new safety regulations and too slow to jump out of the way.
-[] Threat. What evil are you facing?
--[] Alien Invasion. Why couldn't it happen to a unified world? Or at least somewhere with better technology!
[X] Plan: Too Old For This

Was going to make a Nina based plan, but I'm slightly more towards a world that feels normal than High Fantasy, second pick of the runoff vote would be Team Rocket.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by xamaplak on Oct 12, 2024 at 12:22 AM, finished with 16 posts and 16 votes.
Well goodbye Potential Power of Friendship, Hello Unkillable Trio with the Pokemon holding all the brain cells.
Character Creation 2: Preparing for Trouble
Even with a lackluster showing, you were still tempted by the Seed World's harvests. There's always potential in someone with no preconceptions about magic or sorcery, and you've never even heard of an elderly person being reincarnated. That would be interesting, someone with no preconceptions about their new world, but a lifetime of experience with their old one…

But the allure of a world where, from a young age, children are urged to Be The Very Best was too much.

In the end, you had a choice. A young man who could – would – become a great trainer, a savior of regions, and best friend to… a good two dozen people, at least. Natural charisma, natural talent. Natural arrogance, natural childishness. Untempered and untested. The start of something great.

Or his most common adversaries. Tenacious and stubborn, obsessive and not too bright. Rotten, but not to the core. Irreverent but never irrelevant. Willing to step in when the world is in peril…

And able to survive incredibly high voltage shocks, and falls from great heights.

In the end, you chose the Terrible Trio. The 'freebee' nature of the choice was absolutely a factor – three for the price of none! What a deal!

As you and Arceus shake metaphorical hands, you feel an imprint of a thought.

||All transactions are final.||

"He's finally done it." James sighs, slowly doffing his elaborate disguise. "Part of me will miss him."

"Whaddaya mean miss 'im? Monarch don't mean nothin'. Da twerp's nevah gonna change – 'e won't stop travelin'. Ain't about the destination no more."

"That just proves how much of a twerp he is." Jessie scowls and shakes her head, "If I were in his place, I'd luxuriate in it. Officially recognized as the best trainer in the world, friends with every pokemon professor, champion, and Gym Leader? I'd be set for life. No more roughing it," She lets out a bitter bark of laughter. "No more 'blasting off'."

"I don't know," James says, thinking back to his own brushes with a life of ease. "I don't think I'd trade this for anything. What's a life of luxury if you're not doing what you love?"

"Luxury's in da eye 'a da beholdah. What would I trade for a chance ta be da boss' favorite feline?" Meowth pauses, then nods. "Pikachu."

"Pikachu." Jessie agrees.

James sighs and shakes his head. "Pikachu."


"Wait, what was-" James begins.


"Not now, ya big blue lummox!"

"Wobbuffet! Wobbuh wob wob wobbuffet!"

Meowth pauses, "Naw, dat don't seem right. We've 'eard Legendaries before, we've fought Legendaries before."

"We've been beaten by Le gendaries before. But I must admit, I've never even heard of a Legendary Pikachu."

"As-if the twerp's doesn't qualify?"

The trio thinks.

"Does dat mean-"

"Another Pikachu with the same amount of power as the twerp's?" Jessie grins.

"And the Strongest Pokemon Trainer in The World is nowhere to be seen. Fabulous." James reaches for his pokeballs.

||Fabulous indeed.||


"Dat's no Pikachu."


||Your Pikachu is in another castle.|| The voice pauses. ||Or rather, you're in another castle.||

"'s right. We are." James gulps, looking around. A white void, nothing in sight.

Jessie shivers, "What did the twerp do this time?"

"I tink it's less 'what did da twerp do', and more 'what did da twerp miss'. I knew it was too good ta be true. No one can be there fer every disaster. Somethin' had to give."

"So it's over…" Jessie fights back tears, "It's gone… it's all gone…"

James sinks to his knees. "Our Pokemon. Our families. Even the twerp."

"It's ovah. It's really ovah."

It seems that Arceus passed them to you at just the right moment.

"Not for you."


"It doesn't have to be over for you." It has to be in the form of an offer, always. Give them the illusion of a choice, while also making it seem like there's no choice at all. Make them grateful.

"Oh, I know what this is!" James immediately brightens up, "I read this fascinating book a few weeks ago called 'I was reincarnated as a refrigerator but without a freezer on top and now I'm the King's advisor in Ancient Galar'!"

"Dat's a mouthful, why izzit dat new books always give away da full plot in da title? What's da point a'readin' them?"

"It's because they started as electronic novels. Readers don't bother looking at summaries, so they have to put everything in the title." James shakes his head, "I'll admit, it's become overdone, but they have to keep the brand recognition when they make the switch to published novels."

"Wonderful discussion. I have to say, I'm fascinated." Sarcasm is one of the things that holds Team Rocket together. "But instead of talking about the intricacies of modern literature, which doesn't exist anymore, maybe we should focus on the Legendary offering us a second chance!"

"That is an excellent point, although personally I'm of the opinion that the longer the title, the better. At one point I fully expect a clever author to stick the entire first chapter in the title." You pause, "It's too bad you won't be able to see that happen."

"What do you mean, aren't you giving us a chance to fix this?" James sounds genuinely confused. "In 'My Second Life as a Magikarp', Magi stops the meteor that originally killed him from destroying Hoenn-"

"Your world's story is over. My world's story, on the other hand…" You trail off.

"Has just begun?" Jessie suggests, "Needs more characters? An empress, living a life of luxury-"

"Wit' her most trusted advisah!"

"And her chief Pokemon tender," James has a dreamy look in his eyes.

"No. It's been going for quite a while. But it's become… cluttered."


"Cluttered. I find myself in need of… technicians. Agents."

"Patsies." Jessie spits.

"In a way. I am limited in acting directly." You pause, "You will, of course, be handsomely rewarded."


"My own personal Saffari Zone?"

"A pillow that my claws'll nevah ruin?"


"Intriguing. Your dumbest member is your smartest."

The blue thing salutes.

"You are being given a chance to live. Is that not reward enough?"

"Not if ya need us." Meowth grins, "Sure, maybe we need each-othah. But I don't do nothin' fer nobody unless I know what I'm gettin' outa it."

Mercenary. Predictable. "Very well. In return for your loyal service as my intermediaries."

Yes?" All four rockets lean forward.

"My Chosen."


"My Heroes."


"I will grant you power. Special power. Unique power."

"Dat doesn't seem like a gift, more like a useful tool fer you."

"Good point. You're right. A group of your caliber deserves fair compensation. Unfortunately, my world needs immediate aid, and I have little power to spare. I'll just leave you in limbo for the next God-"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Nah, nah, we're da best at what we do!" Meowth smiles and nudges James. "Right, Jimmy?"

"Right!" James straightens his uniform, "We're uh, we're always happy to help a world in need-"

"We're always prepared for trouble!" Jessie has a gleam in her eye.

"Make it double!"

"We'll protect the world from devastation!"

"Unite all peoples within our nation!"

"Denounce the evils of-" Jessie pauses. "Uh. What evils are we fighting?"

"Let's just say that I fully expect you to extend your reach to the Stars Above."

"Meowth, dat's concernin'."

"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet salutes, and you mentally translate what he said as "That's just the way it is, baby."

"Team Rocket will blast off at the speed of light for you." Jessie pauses, "....Boss."

"Boss." James nods.

"Boss." Meowth brightens up, "Am I yer favorite feline?"

"Patches narrowly avoided the truck, so yes. Yes you are."

Meowth carefully considers your statement. "I'll take it! Dat's right!"

Jessie clears her throat. "So, Boss, about those special powers…"

You will play as Team Rocket, but their personalities are… not inherently conducive to grand heroics. That's the problem with recurring villains – unless you want them to make a permanent heel-face turn, it doesn't matter how many sympathetic character moments or snapshot episodes they get. They still have to be over-the-top bad guys. There will, by default, be general reluctance to act like "goody two-shoes twerps".

You have 30 Power Points to spend.

First off, what form does The Boss' consciousness take?

[] Consciousness

Back of the mind, present but not active. Passive unless something bad happens, but passive thoughts will always prompt more… beneficial actions. (Team Rocket doesn't know the Boss is always there, but if there are non-write-in options, one will always further The Boss' goals, and any personality-based maluses to heroic options will be lessened. There will be opportunities for direct communication where The Boss can menace [or praise] them.) (Default, 0 Points)

-[] Back of the mind, active. The Voldemort to their Quirrel. Active communication, but they know The Boss is there. (Less general confusion at their new surroundings, and straight-up shenanigans will often be curtailed, but a god isn't always tuned in to the vagaries of mortal life and TR might grow to resent their Boss.) (3 Points)

-[] Pokedex: Rotom ain't got nothin' on you. Not a phone, not a fancy flying Pokedex, you take the form of an ordinary-seeming old-school Pokedex. Bulky, charming. Small blurbs of easily digested exposition. Nudges and hints, and the ability to, as the kids say, face-time. (The cheat item is you, except you don't rub their faces in it. And you're not actively counterproductive. No, I'm not Kazuma.) (4 Points)

-[] A Legendary Pokemon. Gods having a physical presence is strangely appealing. (They'll have a special Pokeball with The Boss inside it. QM chooses the Pokemon. They'll be free from The Boss' preconceptions. Mechanically, it can be applied to one action a turn for a gigantic boost. If it's used too frivolously or too often, The Boss will remove itself to a physical location like a lake or a mountain for a time. As well, physical forms are vulnerable. Take ¾ of the Legendaries Ash encountered, for example. Or Tui and La.) (7 Points)

-[] Write in. Subject to veto. (Variable points.)

-[] Mote of light/Siri: Not a physical form, a small ball of light. You will always be there to guide their way, light the darkest moments, and generally be ever-present...but you will only speak when directly prompted. (4 points)

And options for their direct power-ups, and direct conditioning…

[] Rocket Power

-[] General

--[-] Protect The World from Devastation:
Already in effect. When the world is directly threatened, Team Rocket will suspend villainy and hooliganry to fight for the greater good. Or at least, to fight for the continued existence of their world. (Bonus to all rolls during Incidents of Mass Destruction.)

–[-] Blasting Off Again: Already in effect. They have a habit of surviving failed encounters relatively unscathed, and are quick to recover and jump right back in. (When failing an action, roll three times to escape and use the highest one. Then use the lowest roll to determine how embarrassing their escape was.)

–[] Unite All People Within Our Nation: Team Rocket has a strange charisma. (When performing high-profile deeds, heroic or villainous, there will be a chance that someone in the back-ground or on the 'enemy team' will decide to support the Rockets instead.) (2 Points)

--[] Prepared for Trouble: After multiple anime seasons worth of misadventures, the Trio is used to failure. Drenched in it. Prepared for it. (Whenever they crit fail, flip a coin. A heads turns it into a normal fail. Whenever they crit succeed, flip 2 coins. Two tails, and it's just a normal success.) (2 Points)

–[] Prepared For Trouble Fools' Edition: After multiple anime seasons worth of misadventures, the Trio is used to failure. Drenched in it. Prepared for it. Expecting it. (Whenever they crit fail, flip a coin. A heads turns it into a normal fail. Whenever they crit succeed, flip 2 coins. Two tails, and it's a failure.) (1 Point)

–[] Hiding in Plain Sight: Oh Look, Two Completely Non-Suspicious Street Venders and Their Totally Average Talking Meowth! (Roll with advantage when trying to go incognito or infiltrate.) (2 Points)

–[] Not You Guys Again!: No matter how far they Blast Off, no matter how many miles separates them from their quarry, Team Rocket always finds what they're looking for. (Roll with advantage when trying to track down a character or object.) (2 Points)

–[] Words of Power: Meowth, That's Right! (Every time they're able to fully complete the Team Rocket motto, Team Rocket and their allies get buffed and their enemies get a debuff. Bonus to all attempts to recruit temporary allies.) (3 Points)

-[] Mayhem and Madness: Not exactly Heroic, but causing chaos is what Team Rocket does best. (Roll with advantage when trying to disrupt enemy operations. Will always be destructive to the general area.) (3 Points)

-[] Just The Players In My Master Plan: Their personal schemes are nothing compared to their orders. Their Boss is the Boss. No matter how much they grumble, they will give 150% of their effort to enacting The Boss' direct bidding. (When directly following The Boss' orders, re-roll first failure.) (Synergises very well with Quirrel-style, but at what cost?) (5 Points)

--[] Rocket Pilots: Over their long career, Team Rocket has piloted and driven a wide selection of vehicles and mecha. They've become proficient in piloting pretty much... anything. (Advantage when piloting or driving vehicle, conveyance, mech, piloted golem, or moving Castle. Useful... Under the right circumstances.) (4 points)

-[] Write In: Subject to Veto.

-[] Jessie

–[-] Wobbuffet. Already in party. The fourth 'regular' member of Team Rocket is actually Jessie's Pokemon, and Jessie's only default on-hand Pokemon. (No directly offensive moves, only defensive and reactive. Despite being the comic relief's comic relief, has a very close relationship with his trainer… Also, shadow-tag has potential)

–[] Arbok. Her original Pokemon, released to protect a group of Ekans from poachers. This act, more than anything else, proves her potential for heroism. Enlightened self interest cannot be argued. (Both offensive and defensive moves, bringing this Pokemon back will make Jessie remember her best side.) (1 Point)

–[] Seviper. Jessie's Sinnoh Snake, sent into the Team Rocket pool after Sinnoh, and returned to her after Alola. Memorably caught after being bested in combat by Jessie herself. no Pokemon necessary. (Primarily offensive moves, Seviper was Jessie's preferred battle Pokemon, and will remind Jessie that she doesn't need Pokemon to fight for her all the time.) (1 Point.)

–[] Mimikyu. Jessie initially thought it was cute, but it joined Team Rocket because of its hatred for Pikachu. At the end of the Alola journey, it let go of its hatred – but during its stay with Team Rocket, it was willful, obsessive, and focused on its own goals. (Strong and scary, it will both bring out Jessie's spitefulness, and show her how it affects other people.) (1 Point.)

–[] Blissey. Jessie befriended her as a Chancey during her misadventures in Nursing School. Despite never catching her, they formed a strong friendship. (Blissey is a primary healer. She will remind Jessie of her youthful aspirations and encourage her to be better.) (3 Points.)

–[-] Anger Point: Already in Effect. When she's well and truly enraged, Jessie becomes dangerous. (When something makes her truly angry, she gets a bonus to all combat rolls.)

–[] Not Actually a Pokemon: Jessie's strong enough to defeat some Pokemon on her own, and she… accidentally? joined a Nursing School meant for Chancey and almost passed. It seems that she has a latent talent for the physical side of what her original world calls Aura. (Easier to learn and train physical techniques, bonus to personal combat.) (3 Points)

–[] Chainer Jessie: Before Team Rocket, Jessie and James joined a bike gang. Not motorcycle, bicycle. While part of that gang, Jessie was known for… swinging a chain over her head?! In a bicycle gang!? (Knows how to use weapons like flails. Is scarier.) (1 Point)

–[] Contest Queen: While her natural talents lean more towards violence and intimidation, Jessie has always yearned to be seen as a graceful beauty. Whether in Contests, Showcases, as a wannabe -model, -Idol or otherwise. (Bonus to rolls where it's possible to look graceful or where she can perform, small bonus to 'face' rolls.) (1 Point)

--[] Write In: Subject to Veto.

-[] James

–[] Carnivine.
One of James' childhood Pokemon, it loves him. It shows its love in a… unique way. Well, not unique, but… Unique to James' Grass Types. (A lot of Grass-Type moves, Carnivine truly loves its trainer, and will remind James of his innocently adventurous youth.) (1 Point)

–[] Growlie. A Growlithe, James' childhood friend and companion. He was always there for James. After they reunited, James bid Growlie to 'stay' to watch over his parents. (Extremely loyal, this Pokemon will remind James of duty and responsibility.) (1 Point)

–[] Weezing. The Pokemon James had at the start of Ash's Journey. Extremely loyal to James, to the point where he will refuse orders from anyone who isn't James. Believes that there are no evil Pokemon, but rather that Pokemon should do as their trainers say, and morality is the trainer's burden. Was released along with Jessie's Arbok to protect groups of their pre-evolutions. (Knows a mixture of damaging and utility moves. Weezing will remind James that he's not the only one affected by his choices.) (1 Point.)

–[] Chimecho. James always wanted a Chimecho – and when he and Chimecho found each-other, they bonded at first sight. James is incredibly protective. (Primarily used for healing and morale, James will not allow Chimecho to fight. Chimecho will bring out the protector in James.) (2 Points)

–[-] Silver Spoon in Hand: Already Active. James was raised rich. Not 'no college debt and my parents own two houses' rich. Not 'enough money to live comfortably without having to ever work' rich. 'Family own multiple castles and mansions dotted around the world and nobody's sure where their money came from' rich. Filthy rich. Despite running away from it, James is intimately familiar with how the 'upper class' thinks, and can effortlessly blend in among them. He's extravagant, campy, moody and impulsive. Par for the course for nobility. But among normal people, uh. Well, he's definitely eccentric. (Big bonus when trying to blend in with the upper crust, decent bonus when trying to get something from them. Malus when trying to pretend to be from a humble background.)

–[-] Pokemon Bait: Already in Effect. Despite being part of a villainous organization that steals Pokemon, James is an affectionate trainer who loves all of his Pokemon. Well, most of his Pokemon. We don't talk about the Magikarp incident. And James' Pokemon love him back. (James has an easier time recruiting and bonding with animal/'animal' team-mates.)

–[] More Than Meets The Eye: Under all the campiness and villainy, James can be perceptive. He mainly uses it for sarcasm, but he has a true talent for raising and training Pokemon. He can get through to almost any Pokemon. He has enough practical knowledge about Pokemon to convincingly impersonate Professor Oak. It turns out that he has a latent talent for the more touchy-feely aspects of what his original world calls Aura – though it's not clear if the Aura came first, or if he ended up subconsciously learning it because of his love for (his) Pokemon. (Easier to learn and train empathic powers and techniques, decent bonus to 'face' rolls.) (3 Points)

–[] Prepare For Rhyming: And mind the timing. James has a talent for writing rhymes, poetry, and snappy tunes. He doesn't quite have the same knack for it as Professor Oak… or at least, he didn't back when it was relevant. He's got a way with words, an affinity for alliteration, and the ability to drop a sick beat. (Bonus to 'face' rolls. Ability to make, modify or alter rhyming couplets and possibly any affects they may have.) (3 Points)

--[] Write In: Subject to Veto.

--[] Stage Make-up: While every member of Team Rocket has had occasion to disguise themselves, James has taken... a flare to it. (Large bonus when James tries to disguise himself. When he cross-dresses, will always have... uh... notable assets. There was a reason that episode never aired in America...) (1 Point)

-[] Meowth.
--[-] Actually a Pokemon: Already Active. Meowth doesn't have a Pokemon, he is one. He heals faster and doesn't get hurt as easily, has an easier time getting stronger, and can relate more easily to animals/'animals'. Even if he's not always sure about that last part. (Bonus to all combat rolls, bonus to diplomacy with animals/'animals', can learn techniques unique to animals/'animals'.)

--[-] Da Brains: Already Active. Meowth may be hesitant to use moves or learn new ones, but when he's forced to fight he's smart. And while he prefers not to fight directly, he's the one responsible for making, maintaining, and repairing Team Rocket's insane mechas and machines. (Bonus to unconventional fighting, bonus for learning more technical skills like alchemy, able to do things with technology. Not that that could be relevant in a High Fantasy setting, right? Hahahahahaha.)

–[] Schroedinger's Move: Nobody actually knows how Meowth can talk. Sure, he taught himself – but is it an Ability? A Move? Just something he can do? (Explicitly makes talking one of Meowth's innate abilities. He will no longer live in fear of losing his ability to snark at his teammates because he learned Tackle. Makes it possible to teach speaking to other Pokemon/animals/'animals'.) (1 Point)

–[] Dat's Right: Meowth is ambitious. He's conniving. He's greedy. And yet, he'll put it all aside – put enmity and petty rivalries aside, when the Big Picture demands it, or even when he feels like it. He loves being evil, but being good feels good. (No inherent maluses when doing good deeds. It took Meowth a long time to admit to himself that he enjoys helping people.) (1 Point)

–[] What the Fuck is That, is That a Fucking Cat?: A talking Pokemon he may be, but Meowth is still a feline. The Boss' favorite feline, for real now! (Can seamlessly impersonate a normal-ish cat, no rolls unless he acts out of character. Enjoys stereotypical cat activities.) (1 Point)

–[] Payday Loan: Meowth will learn Payday, it will not conflict with any other Moves or Abilities, and the coins will exist for 3 days. (They are criminals.) (2 Points)

–[] Da Noive!: Meowth can be a spiteful kitty. After the Pikachu saga, he's done being constantly defeated by the same nuisance. (When facing someone who has beaten him previously, Meowth's first success will be critical. If it's a natural crit, the next failure will be a success.) (3 Points)

--[] Write In: Subject to Veto.

-[] Cheat Items:

–[-] Meowth Hot Air Balloon: Already owned. The classic. Slow but steady. (Hot air balloons were invented in China almost 2000 years ago, and were around in Medieval Europe. They are not unknown in this new world.)

--[] Master Ball: x0 Guaranteed capture of any animal or 'animal'. (3 Points each)

–[] 10 Green Apricorn Seeds: (4 points)

–[] 3 Black Apricorn Seed: (4 points)

–[] PokeBike: Two bicycles that can be stored in a backpack, are very durable, and allow people to move great distances at a far greater speed than one would expect. James' will have training wheels. (3 Points)

–[] Z-Ring and Two Z-Crystals. (4 Power Points)
—[] Write in Z-Crystals.

–[] Keystone and one Mega Stones: (4 Power Points) (Team Rocket have no Mega-Capable Pokemon unless you choose one of the next two options.)

–[] Unevolved Non-Legendary: (3 Power Points.)
—[] Write in Pokemon, Subject To Veto:

–[] Unevolved Non-Legendary Grass Type: Will be automatically assigned to James. (1 Power Point, can only be used once.)
—[] Write in Grass-type.

–[] Magic Weapon of Power: (4 Power Points)
—[] Flail
—[] Write in, subject to Veto:

–[] The Unbreakable Shield: Wait, you already have Wobbuffet. (4 Points)

–[] The Unbreakable Shield, Skintight Suit Edition: Greed? Oh, no. Well, I guess it could be argued- (Extremely difficult to physically harm one party member.) (8 Points)

--[] Write in? Extremely subject to veto.

I... got a bit deep with their Pokemon options, didn't I? The tragedy is, if you glom all of their character moments across all of the animes together, Team Rocket have come a long way. But everyone got a variable character- and competency-reset in New Regions up until Journeys (which I have watched exactly 0 episodes of. I've at least dabbled in all of the others, though admittedly Alola's large cast put me off.)

Also, I forgot everything about the episode where Chainer Jessie was talked about except for the fact that Jessie swung around a chain and James needed training wheels. I was half-convinced it was a weird dream.

Please let me know if any of the options don't feel right. I'll review any write-in's, then open voting tomorrow (Tuesday) some time after 6 PM EST.
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I like the options here. I'm already thinking of a a plan or at the very least pushing so that Meowth can speak freely AND use all of his possible attacks, having us become their Pokedex, and I have good feeling of what pokemon to give Jessie and James from their personal selection...

Although the General powers are probably where most would sink in their points.

and that Z-Ring...could synergize REALLY well with Meowth.
[X] Plan: It's what's inside that counts
-[X] Consciousness
--[X] Pokedex:
Rotom ain't got nothin' on you. Not a phone, not a fancy flying Pokedex, you take the form of an ordinary-seeming old-school Pokedex. Bulky, charming. Small blurbs of easily digested exposition. Nudges and hints, and the ability to, as the kids say, face-time. (The cheat item is you, except you don't rub their faces in it. And you're not actively counterproductive. No, I'm not Kazuma.) (4 Points)
-[X] Rocket Power
--[X] General
---[X] Protect The World from Devastation:
Already in effect. When the world is directly threatened, Team Rocket will suspend villainy and hooliganry to fight for the greater good. Or at least, to fight for the continued existence of their world. (Bonus to all rolls during Incidents of Mass Destruction.)
--[X] Blasting Off Again: Already in effect. They have a habit of surviving failed encounters relatively unscathed, and are quick to recover and jump right back in. (When failing an action, roll three times to escape and use the highest one. Then use the lowest roll to determine how embarrassing their escape was.)
---[X] Unite All People Within Our Nation: Team Rocket has a strange charisma. (When performing high-profile deeds, heroic or villainous, there will be a chance that someone in the back-ground or on the 'enemy team' will decide to support the Rockets instead.) (2 Points)
---[X] Prepared for Trouble: After multiple anime seasons worth of misadventures, the Trio is used to failure. Drenched in it. Prepared for it. (Whenever they crit fail, flip a coin. A heads turns it into a normal fail. Whenever they crit succeed, flip 2 coins. Two tails, and it's just a normal success.) (2 Points)
---[X] Hiding in Plain Sight: Oh Look, Two Completely Non-Suspicious Street Venders and Their Totally Average Talking Meowth! (Roll with advantage when trying to go incognito or infiltrate.) (2 Points)
---[X] Mayhem and Madness: Not exactly Heroic, but causing chaos is what Team Rocket does best. (Roll with advantage when trying to disrupt enemy operations. Will always be destructive to the general area.) (3 Points)
--[X] Jessie
Wobbuffet. Already in party. The fourth 'regular' member of Team Rocket is actually Jessie's Pokemon, and Jessie's only default on-hand Pokemon. (No directly offensive moves, only defensive and reactive. Despite being the comic relief's comic relief, has a very close relationship with his trainer… Also, shadow-tag has potential)
---[X] Anger Point: Already in Effect. When she's well and truly enraged, Jessie becomes dangerous. (When something makes her truly angry, she gets a bonus to all combat rolls.)
---[X] Arbok. Her original Pokemon, released to protect a group of Ekans from poachers. This act, more than anything else, proves her potential for heroism. Enlightened self interest cannot be argued. (Both offensive and defensive moves, bringing this Pokemon back will make Jessie remember her best side.) (1 Point)
---[X] Seviper. Jessie's Sinnoh Snake, sent into the Team Rocket pool after Sinnoh, and returned to her after Alola. Memorably caught after being bested in combat by Jessie herself. no Pokemon necessary. (Primarily offensive moves, Seviper was Jessie's preferred battle Pokemon, and will remind Jessie that she doesn't need Pokemon to fight for her all the time.) (1 Point.)
---[X] Blissey. Jessie befriended her as a Chancey during her misadventures in Nursing School. Despite never catching her, they formed a strong friendship. (Blissey is a primary healer. She will remind Jessie of her youthful aspirations and encourage her to be better.) (3 Points.)
---[X] Not Actually a Pokemon: Jessie's strong enough to defeat some Pokemon on her own, and she… accidentally? joined a Nursing School meant for Chancey and almost passed. It seems that she has a latent talent for the physical side of what her original world calls Aura. (Easier to learn and train physical techniques, bonus to personal combat.) (3 Points)
--[X] James
---[X] Silver Spoon in Hand:
Already Active. James was raised rich. Not 'no college debt and my parents own two houses' rich. Not 'enough money to live comfortably without having to ever work' rich. 'Family own multiple castles and mansions dotted around the world and nobody's sure where their money came from' rich. Filthy rich. Despite running away from it, James is intimately familiar with how the 'upper class' thinks, and can effortlessly blend in among them. He's extravagant, campy, moody and impulsive. Par for the course for nobility. But among normal people, uh. Well, he's definitely eccentric. (Big bonus when trying to blend in with the upper crust, decent bonus when trying to get something from them. Malus when trying to pretend to be from a humble background.)
---[X] Pokemon Bait: Already in Effect. Despite being part of a villainous organization that steals Pokemon, James is an affectionate trainer who loves all of his Pokemon. Well, most of his Pokemon. We don't talk about the Magikarp incident. And James' Pokemon love him back. (James has an easier time recruiting and bonding with animal/'animal' team-mates.)
---[X] Carnivine. One of James' childhood Pokemon, it loves him. It shows its love in a… unique way. Well, not unique, but… Unique to James' Grass Types. (A lot of Grass-Type moves, Carnivine truly loves its trainer, and will remind James of his innocently adventurous youth.) (1 Point)
---[X] Growlie. A Growlithe, James' childhood friend and companion. He was always there for James. After they reunited, James bid Growlie to 'stay' to watch over his parents. (Extremely loyal, this Pokemon will remind James of duty and responsibility.) (1 Point)
---[X] Weezing. The Pokemon James had at the start of Ash's Journey. Extremely loyal to James, to the point where he will refuse orders from anyone who isn't James. Believes that there are no evil Pokemon, but rather that Pokemon should do as their trainers say, and morality is the trainer's burden. Was released along with Jessie's Arbok to protect groups of their pre-evolutions. (Knows a mixture of damaging and utility moves. Weezing will remind James that he's not the only one affected by his choices.) (1 Point.)
---[X] More Than Meets The Eye: Under all the campiness and villainy, James can be perceptive. He mainly uses it for sarcasm, but he has a true talent for raising and training Pokemon. He can get through to almost any Pokemon. He has enough practical knowledge about Pokemon to convincingly impersonate Professor Oak. It turns out that he has a latent talent for the more touchy-feely aspects of what his original world calls Aura – though it's not clear if the Aura came first, or if he ended up subconsciously learning it because of his love for (his) Pokemon. (Easier to learn and train empathic powers and techniques, decent bonus to 'face' rolls.) (3 Points)
--[X] Meowth
Actually a Pokemon: Already Active. Meowth doesn't have a Pokemon, he is one. He heals faster and doesn't get hurt as easily, has an easier time getting stronger, and can relate more easily to animals/'animals'. Even if he's not always sure about that last part. (Bonus to all combat rolls, bonus to diplomacy with animals/'animals', can learn techniques unique to animals/'animals'.)
---[X] Da Brains: Already Active. Meowth may be hesitant to use moves or learn new ones, but when he's forced to fight he's smart. And while he prefers not to fight directly, he's the one responsible for making, maintaining, and repairing Team Rocket's insane mechas and machines. (Bonus to unconventional fighting, bonus for learning more technical skills like alchemy, able to do things with technology. Not that that could be relevant in a High Fantasy setting, right? Hahahahahaha.)
---[X] Schroedinger's Move: Nobody actually knows how Meowth can talk. Sure, he taught himself – but is it an Ability? A Move? Just something he can do? (Explicitly makes talking one of Meowth's innate abilities. He will no longer live in fear of losing his ability to snark at his teammates because he learned Tackle. Makes it possible to teach speaking to other Pokemon/animals/'animals'.) (1 Point)
---[X] Dat's Right: Meowth is ambitious. He's conniving. He's greedy. And yet, he'll put it all aside – put enmity and petty rivalries aside, when the Big Picture demands it, or even when he feels like it. He loves being evil, but being good feels good. (No inherent maluses when doing good deeds. It took Meowth a long time to admit to himself that he enjoys helping people.) (1 Point)
---[X] What the Fuck is That, is That a Fucking Cat?: A talking Pokemon he may be, but Meowth is still a feline. The Boss' favorite feline, for real now! (Can seamlessly impersonate a normal-ish cat, no rolls unless he acts out of character. Enjoys stereotypical cat activities.) (1 Point)
--[X] Cheat Items:
---[X] Meowth Hot Air Balloon:
Already owned. The classic. Slow but steady. (Hot air balloons were invented in China almost 2000 years ago, and were around in Medieval Europe. They are not unknown in this new world.)

Basic idea is to avoid cheat items (beyond us as the Pokedex) and invest in a nice spread of both general and individual powers while setting them up to become better people.
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now that's a good looking plan! Still it's a shame we won't get the Z-Moves for Meowth that way, I'd like to see him improve on his Fury Swipes. (AKA the one move he consistently uses in the series.)