Machine Men with Machine Minds: Technocracy Inc Plan Quest

[X] Frederick L. Ackerman
[X] Marion King Hubbert

We must resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions President Scott made, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions President Scott gave!
@Fission Battery This is looking very interesting , but could you elaborate on how the world looks like? German ww1 victory is quite a change , after all. Specifically , how do Austria-Hungary and Ottomans feel? Winning a big war isn't a cure for being an oppresive multhiethnic monarchy in the 20th century , after all. What happened to french colonies after the fascist/national-syndicalist/maybe even a monarchist revolution (if Germany left them any). Who leads this new regime?(same question for Italy , though judging by Lenin in Russia it could be Mussolini. Then again , it could be d'Annuzio/some over less known nationalist). How is Brazil of all places an industrial powerhouse + a Popular republic , established by the looks of it even before the Soviets did. What kind of socialism do they practice there? Finally , how are chinese warlord situation looking and what happened to presumably loser power of Japan?
Honestly I'm thinking Tugwell. One of the main issues we've got currently is the dust bowl, and I like the bonuses to agricultural rolls. That being said, I think we could do with throwing the IWW a bone at some point: if we're going to go the full Technocracy Inc programme and replace money with energy credits they're probably the only people who'd support us, so we could do with keeping a foot in their door
This quest is going to be incredible, I'm leaning towards Moses but can someone convince me an option is even worse than him? The "PUMP PUMPPUMP" man speaks to me in a way
This quest is going to be incredible, I'm leaning towards Moses but can someone convince me an option is even worse than him? The "PUMP PUMPPUMP" man speaks to me in a way
At least we know what Moses is gonna do and what it'll lead to. I want to see what happens if we pick the party insiders and declare that Howard Scott was right about everything forever
@Fission Battery This is looking very interesting , but could you elaborate on how the world looks like? German ww1 victory is quite a change , after all. Specifically , how do Austria-Hungary and Ottomans feel? Winning a big war isn't a cure for being an oppresive multhiethnic monarchy in the 20th century , after all. What happened to french colonies after the fascist/national-syndicalist/maybe even a monarchist revolution (if Germany left them any). Who leads this new regime?(same question for Italy , though judging by Lenin in Russia it could be Mussolini. Then again , it could be d'Annuzio/some over less known nationalist). How is Brazil of all places an industrial powerhouse + a Popular republic , established by the looks of it even before the Soviets did. What kind of socialism do they practice there? Finally , how are chinese warlord situation looking and what happened to presumably loser power of Japan?

Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans are still around. Winning a war is in fact a cure for being an oppressive multiethnic monarchy in the 20th century. They got to shoot all the revolutionaries during the failed uprisings of the early 20s. Don't ask what happened to the Kurds or Armenians.

Germany got nearly all of France's African colonies, some British ones, and all of French Indochina. France lost more border regions to Germany and Belgium. Britain got off way lighter than France all things considered. France kept its Caribbean islands, West Africa and Algeria, but lost everything else to Germany. Portugal lost Angola to Germany.

Italy took losing real poorly. D'Annunzio pulled a Fiume, but in Rome. He's ruled it since 1919. Italy has genuine futurists in power, so it's being extremely normal. France was couped by officers and militant workers, but unfortunately they shot all the communists. It's led by Valois, who's leading a coalition of integralists, national syndicalists, fascists, and neosocialists.

The industrial juggernaut of the Empire of Brazil underwent a communist revolution during the instability of the early 20s. Obviously. They're Leninists/Luxemburgists/Marxists in the SPD/KPD tradition, though not Marxist-Leninists in the Stalinist sense. Brazil is sort of the senior partner in the arrangement by virtue of having more industry and a larger working class.

China is having a fun time. Germany does have ties to the KMT, but it also likes the idea of breaking apart China more for fun and profit. Japan and Britain have maintained their alliance to contain Germany in East Asia, so they're both backing the Fengtian Clique against the KMT. Chiang Kai-shek's northern expedition failed to unify the country on paper. It's full on thunderdome in there.

This quest is going to be incredible, I'm leaning towards Moses but can someone convince me an option is even worse than him? The "PUMP PUMPPUMP" man speaks to me in a way

What's really funny is M. King Hubbert developed peak oil as an idea in the 60s and 70s, believing that America and the world in general would reach the limits of oil production by the mid 90s. He developed a statistical model to calculate that, and its apparently useful in a few other fields like whaling and fishing. He also developed models to track the migration of oil and natural gas underground, and also modeled the Earth's crust and determined it was plastic like. It's kind of crazy, he was an actually skilled geologist that also co-founded this insane political group.

Ironically, he argued in favour of renewable energy sources, especially hydroelectric and solar, because oil was non-renewable and damaging to the environment.
[X] Rexford Tugwell

I think the Technocrats would take one look at the Dust Bowl and say "yeah we can fix that". Agriculture man all the way.
[X] Marion King Hubbert
