Starfleet Design Bureau

Even during peacetime the added cargo capacity of the loading deck will still prove quite useful, not everything is going to be needed to be transported as/with the bulk cargo and having not only the extra room on hand but also having much better transport conditions (full life support and power, something that would take the whole ship getting messed with to disrupt rather than having to dump the pod during an emergency killing anything that lives within it) to go along with it means critical sensitive colony cargos can also be transported.
There's also the possibility we could put a small cargo area somewhere else if people are concerned with just having a non-cargo pod cargo area in and of itself. Wouldn't be as convenient for the shuttles, sure, but it would mean going max shuttles and one less lab somewhere.
It also means that any time it's running without a pod, for any reason, it still has the flexibility of a cargo bay, which can be used for a lot more things than just being filled with crates. How many times, after all, does one of the various Protagonist Ships go "We'll set up XYZ in a cargo bay" when they need some kind of temporary facility?

There's also the possibility we could put a small cargo area somewhere else if people are concerned with just having a non-cargo pod cargo area in and of itself. Wouldn't be as convenient for the shuttles, sure, but it would mean going max shuttles and one less lab somewhere.
This is explicitly the only cargo bay option we're getting, per word of QM.
[X] Shuttledeck [8 Engineering, 32 Type-F Shuttlecraft]

While extra cargo space on a cargo transport would be nice, that's not what this ship's mission is. It's an Engineering ship that can carry cargo, not a cargo ship that can do Engineering things, and as such the cargo pod is probably sufficient. Now it's time to go maximum engineering to make sure it's fit for it's primary mission.
[X] Loading Deck (4 Engineering, 16 Type-F Shuttlecraft, 6 Cargo]
I am choosing this as it would allow the modular pod concept work better which means that it will always have a sizeable cargo storage even if it is equipped with something else than a cargo pod
It also means that any time it's running without a pod, for any reason, it still has the flexibility of a cargo bay, which can be used for a lot more things than just being filled with crates. How many times, after all, does one of the various Protagonist Ships go "We'll set up XYZ in a cargo bay" when they need some kind of temporary facility?
Quite a lot, and it could range in a lot of things but I think a particularly common one would be additional engineering equipment that would otherwise be put into the pod, meaning it frees up potentially quite a bit of extra space in the pod for the primary cargo/parts.
We need internal cargo bays to be effective engineers. You need to have a well stocked workshop instead of having to run to the warehouse every time you need something.
[X] Shuttledeck [8 Engineering, 32 Type-F Shuttlecraft]

While extra cargo space on a cargo transport would be nice, that's not what this ship's mission is. It's an Engineering ship that can carry cargo, not a cargo ship that can do Engineering things, and as such the cargo pod is probably sufficient. Now it's time to go maximum engineering to make sure it's fit for it's primary mission.
The design brief is, and I quote:
The Cygnus is getting old, for all that the final ship rolled off the lines only three decades ago. The expanding scope of the Federation and technological advancement means the shuttlepod-equipped ship has gone from being an internal police cruiser and cargo transport to mostly just a cargo transport, and even then its capacity leaves something to be desired. Starfleet wants a ship that can carry more, get there faster, and do more when it is there. You and San Francisco both intend to deliver.
You are probably underestimating how important the cargo part of the brief is. IMO.
This isnt the Engineering section option, either. That choice is yet to come.
Comsider that the biggest time sink is actually getting all the stuff out to where it goes. Yes being able to unload everything in 1 week instead of 2 is a nice result. But not if it takes a month to ship it over from the nearest distrubution point and it only had room for 80% of the stuff you need. You're then either looking at getting a 2nd ship to carry the rest. Or more likely (considering the size of Feddie space Vs # ships available) - have to wait ANOTHER 2 MONTHS for the ship to fly back, load the rest and fly out to you again. And while it's doing this, it's not going to be available for the next delivery.
The idea is to be able to carry as much as possible in the fewest possible number of deliveries. Plus it's a nice safe storage for the occasional critical storage that MUST!! get to it's destination - even if it means dumping the entire pod when attacked, or not running with a pod so that we can go 0.2 warp faster (if the warp field shape can be adjusted to take advantage of no pod). If it takes the ship a month at 6.2, then at 6.4 it's 2.75 days faster. If it's a plague or bioweapon that could be a huge lifesaver.

[X] Loading Deck (4 Engineering, 16 Type-F Shuttlecraft, 6 Cargo]
[X] Loading Deck (4 Engineering, 16 Type-F Shuttlecraft, 6 Cargo]

Literally can't see the point of having more shuttles unless you actually have local cargo to draw from. Unless the idea is to teleport a lot of the goods out of the cargo pod? Or is it all going through the really narrow lift straw?

In practise there is no way that you can sustain 32 shuttles of logistics without continuous teleporter usage if you have no local storage. If the teleporter system fails, then many of the uses of the shuttle will thus become unusable. So if one wants to have teleporter free operations, then one needs local cargo storage.
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Given the only way of getting that material to the shuttles is a single turbolift we could have 68 shuttles and it wouldn't make much of a difference.
While we want to avoid that bottleneck, if we build the shuttle capacity I'd imagine we can also make those higher quality with the rest of the cargo handling stuff
It also means that any time it's running without a pod, for any reason, it still has the flexibility of a cargo bay, which can be used for a lot more things than just being filled with crates.
Or if it's running a pod that's doing something other than cargo.

Because if the Halley is successful, you can bet people are going to try to take advantage of the cargo pod being inherently swappable - a hospital in a can is only the beginning. And that's a lot easier if the cargo pod isn't the ship's only way to hold cargo.
While we want to avoid that bottleneck, if we build the shuttle capacity I'd imagine we can also make those higher quality with the rest of the cargo handling stuff
Isn't that a rather big assumption to make?

Does anyone with good knowledge on Starfleet ship designs know if that is a realistic possibility?
Based upon what I can see these are exactly the same turbolift as in every ship of the TOS generation that we've made before, if you want to check it out for yourselves just go pixel scaling. At 1px=50cm and being deck height there should be 6 pixels/300cm.

To the best of my knowledge we never see a separate/high capacity turbolift system in Star Trek.