Persona: A Less-Than Cinematic Tale (Starring Hikari of PQ2)

A nice drink... surely, nothing could go wrong here.

-Vote Closed!-

Hikari can get a nice look at how normal people interact for a bit.
Thursday, May 4- Evening
After sunset, the lights of the on-campus Cafe Chagall location had a nice, warm glow. Perhaps it would look even more welcoming in the winter, when darkness took hold for more of the day, but Hikari didn't care about that. If that was the case, she'd find out when winter arrived.

For now, she needed something to drink, and literally anything to focus on that didn't involve words on a page.

The first part was easy. She just went up to the counter and placed her order. For the second part... she'd have to enlist a bit of help for that. "Is your head okay?" Hanaya was sporting a large bruise on his forehead that hadn't been there the last time they talked.

He waved her off. "It's fine... it was just a baseball accident. I knew I shouldn't have let Nakajima talk me into it... I don't really have the coordination for catching things."

"...If you can't catch something, you should probably dodge." Hikari wasn't a sports person, but she understood that much, at least. Getting out of the way of things that could hurt you were common sense.

...Or maybe exploring Phantasmagoria was making her paranoid. Maybe most people didn't think about the incredible concussive properties of a baseball.

It didn't seem like something Hanaya was interested in pondering. "It's fine, I'll get back at him later."


"There's this series of horror game that's basically a bunch of interactive horror movies. He said I could play any game I wanted on our television while he was there if I just joined up for one game." Hikari got the feeling this deal wasn't going to be offered a second time- but then, maybe that was what he was going for. These sorts of social politics were why she'd opted against having a roommate. "I can't decide if it should be one with a story that's sort of decent, or if it being bad adds to the effect."

She couldn't even begin to make a suggestion. Console games were far from her area of expertise- her TV at home had a tendency to skip over input channels if anyone touched that button, and messing with wires was too much effort. Also, she couldn't imagine playing anything horror from speakers against a shared wall. "Do you think your neighbors will complain?"

"One of them only sleeps here if they have classes the next day, another has a date tonight, and the third makes enough noise that he doesn't have any room to complain. If you don't want horror playing through your wall, you need to remember that love hotels exist." Well. It seemed that he'd made up his mind.

Was this really just for revenge on Nakajima, or was that neighbor also a target? Did it matter if he was?

Normal person relationships were complicated. Hikari was almost glad for the weirdness she'd gotten sucked into. No time for this sort of mess when there were Shadows to face.

Still... a video game series that was based on movies... she'd have to watch someone's playthrough eventually. Even if they did turn out being bad, there was just as much to learn from that as anything that was actually good.

Maybe even more. There were as many things that worked as didn't, and it all came in combination. Ruling out some possibilities was a great way to not repeat those exact mistakes.

...Hikari made a mental note to stop watching anything horror related right before bed. And to put her notes away before she went to sleep. And that it was probably time to replace her headphones- the soft bits on the insides were starting to break.

It was a good thing she didn't need to go anywhere this early in the morning, but she wanted to, anyway. Just to get the death scenes to stop playing in her head.

It hadn't even taught her anything she couldn't learn from an actual movie. And real movies could have practical effects to examine! And less people talking over them.

...She definitely needed to be doing something. Otherwise, she'd keep thinking up reasons to complain.

[ ] So the news hadn't been that useful yesterday. That could still change today! There was no reason to think it wouldn't!

[ ] The best way to work out uncomfortable thoughts was Phantasmagoria. Mostly because it would be too dangerous to dwell on them.
-[ ] Theater Two.
-[ ] Theater Four.

[ ] The Phantom Thieves were important because of... something. Learning more about them- even if it was just how people thought of them- might help her figure out why.
-[ ] She'd look through the semi-official web forums.
-[ ] She'd look through old news articles.

[ ] Maybe it would be nice to visit the garden for a bit.
-[ ] By herself.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.

[ ] The week-long break was nearing its end... studying would be extra important.
-[ ] By herself.
-[ ] With Shiyuri Kosono.
-[ ] With Hanaya Chatani.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.
-[ ] With Kazamu Kota.

[ ] If they were going to go deeper into Phantasmagoria... more weapon options could only help.

[ ] She needed to go see an actual movie. That always made her feel better.
-[ ] With Shiyuri Kosono.
-[ ] With Hanaya Chatani.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.
-[ ] With Kazamu Kota.
Ough. Ouch. Horror before bed is definitely a no-no. And makes sense Hikari's not a gamer, though I'd imagine she might enjoy games with good character writing, get some new ideas to convey characterization through text.

[X] She needed to go see an actual movie. That always made her feel better.
Hm, I'm having a bit of hard time keeping track of Hikari's "social link" friends, save Tsukane. Would someone mind giving a summary of who they each were, again?

Initially, I wanted to vote for Hikari to read more about the Phantom Thieves. Then, I realized that it's potentially useless due to the bias each side holds thanks to Yaldabaoth's game. The forums might be less biased, but there's still some possibility of that.
I'd imagine the forums would be more biased, if anything, haha. Though, if Hikari manages to find some of Haru's replies on the forums when she was talking to people during her solo stint, that might jog something...
@SeekerofDreams, is it okay if you make an Informational threadmark for the confidants Hikari had? That way, voters can keep track of what each confidant Hikari has is like.

My vote:
[X] Maybe it would be nice to visit the garden for a bit.
-[X] With Tsukane Akabori.
Hm, I'm having a bit of hard time keeping track of Hikari's "social link" friends, save Tsukane. Would someone mind giving a summary of who they each were, again?
Shiyuri Kosono: Pre-Med student that we kept running into around campus. Seriously overworks herself, to the point of skipping meals and/or sleep; hopefully she's taking better care of herself during the break.
Hanaya Chatani: One of Hikari's classmates, I think? Seems to have an ear for gossip, and was the only one to remember that Tsukane went missing after we rescued him.
Kazamu Kota: Tsukane's roommate. Computer Science major. Seems pretty serious/formal? Apparently looking for some kind of pattern in business scandals, which I'm guessing may have something to do with his allegedly once-rich family.

On that note...
[X] She needed to go see an actual movie. That always made her feel better.
-[X] With Shiyuri Kosono.
The last thing we talked to her about was watching movies as something to do that isn't studying. We could follow up on that.
Movies make things better! Or at least they don't make things worse!

-Vote Closed!-

Some people just need to be convinced of that.
Friday, May 5- Morning
"I can't believe you dragged me out here," Shiyuri grumbled.

She'd accepted the invitation without a fuss. Hikari remembered sending a text, and then getting a reply five minutes later. There'd been no sign that she was anything but happy to be there.

She didn't say any of that. "Do you not like this kind of movie? We can pick another one." Historical documentaries weren't for everyone.

She shook her head. "No, this is... the best kind of movie. You can actually learn something from it."

"You like learning new things, then?" It was a simple enough motivation to understand. Hikari had seen many characters whose greatest desire was to learn things.

Shiyuri turned to the posters lining the wall. "If you're not learning something, you're wasting time. You need to know a lot of things if you want to be successful." And yet, her eyes flickered ever so slightly towards the concession stand. "You don't have time to do things that don't contribute to your ambitions."

What would she think about Phantasmagoria? None of what happened there could advance Hikari's career goals, aside from in the vague and unpredictable form of inspiration. She did it anyway, because knowing why she was drawn to such a place would be its own reward.

Did Shiyuri have any sort of passion like that? Something she did just for the sake of it?

Would she admit it if she did?

Maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she was one of those weird people who saw having interests as something shameful. Hikari had no idea how that sort of person survived, what they could possibly be living for, but she supposed it wasn't any of her business. All she needed to do was be glad she hadn't let herself turn out like them.

Still, with how Shiyuri hurried down to one of the closest seats to the screen... perhaps there was hope for her yet.

Shiyuri was gone basically as soon as the movie was over, saying something about studying and then disappearing.

Hikari wasn't surprised. She wasn't even that disappointed. With how her gaze had been fixed on the big screen until the last trace of credits was gone, today must have been something she needed.

She'd sort of needed it, too. It was always good to remember that people had still been people, even hundreds of years ago. Maybe they weren't just like her and Shiyuri- both of them had lives enabled by living in modern times- but they would have been something similar. People who found something they loved to the exclusion of all else, or pursued so far the idea of anything else vanished. There was a difference between the two, albeit a hard one to quantify.

She wondered what people in the future would think, looking back at their piece of history. Maybe they'd even notice things as mundane as what she was going to do next.

[ ] It was time for her own historical research- looking through existing records of the Phantom Thieves. She'd been there from the start, but it couldn't hurt to get a refresher.
-[ ] She'd look through the semi-official web forums.
-[ ] She'd look through old news articles.

[ ] Ribbon said she didn't need any sort of weapons... but the more Hikari thought about it, the less she believed her.

[ ] People liked going to cafes during lunch. This made it the best way to interact with people!
-[ ] With Hanaya Chatani.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.
-[ ] With Kazamu Kota.

[ ] She didn't think studying would prove to Shiyuri that she was taking life seriously. It still couldn't hurt to do so.
-[ ] By herself.
-[ ] With Hanaya Chatani.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.
-[ ] With Kazamu Kota.

[ ] The only real way to know anything about Phantasmagoria was to go to Phantasmagoria... probably.
-[ ] Theater Two.
-[ ] Theater Four.

[ ] Spending time in the garden, surrounded by flowers, was becoming a bit of a habit for her.
-[ ] By herself.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.
Well, I suppose Hikari should finally search for more info on the Phantom Thieves.

My vote:

[X] It was time for her own historical research- looking through existing records of the Phantom Thieves. She'd been there from the start, but it couldn't hurt to get a refresher.
-[X] She'd look through old news articles.
[X] It was time for her own historical research- looking through existing records of the Phantom Thieves. She'd been there from the start, but it couldn't hurt to get a refresher.
-[X] She'd look through old news articles.
[X] It was time for her own historical research- looking through existing records of the Phantom Thieves. She'd been there from the start, but it couldn't hurt to get a refresher.
-[X] She'd look through old news articles.
[X] It was time for her own historical research- looking through existing records of the Phantom Thieves. She'd been there from the start, but it couldn't hurt to get a refresher.
-[X] She'd look through old news articles.
[X] She didn't think studying would prove to Shiyuri that she was taking life seriously. It still couldn't hurt to do so.
-[X] By herself.
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Oct 5, 2024 at 7:50 AM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] It was time for her own historical research- looking through existing records of the Phantom Thieves. She'd been there from the start, but it couldn't hurt to get a refresher.
    -[X] She'd look through old news articles.
    [X] She didn't think studying would prove to Shiyuri that she was taking life seriously. It still couldn't hurt to do so.
    -[X] By herself.
Time to do some research!

-Vote Closed!-

Of course, in this case, the most interesting thing might be how you follow up on it.
Friday, May 5- Afternoon
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.

The biggest sensation of last year. The center of the biggest scandals of last year.

The worst possible thing to try to look back on. It had been hard enough keeping up with it in the moment, and Hikari'd been invested in how things turned out, beyond any sort of reason. Now, clicking through news articles, a large portion of them had been retracted, and some of those retractions had been retracted, and even some of the pieces that were untouched, it was impossible to tell if the author still stood by them.

That was fine, she cared less about what people thought of them now than how they'd thought then, but literally no other subject on the internet was like this. Not within such a small timeframe, at least.

She'd known the shifting tides of public opinion were volatile, but before last year, she hadn't thought it was possible for the shifts to get that extreme. People loved or hated them, and which one it was changed around by the day, sometimes. And yet, somehow, the articles always spoke like a monolith.

...Maybe it was just that journalistic integrity was dead.

Eventually, through careful backtracking and her own knowledge of the timeline of events, she reached what she believed to be the earliest news article about the Phantom Thieves' activities. They weren't mentioned by name, of course, it'd be another month before that really got off the ground, but such was the benefit of hindsight.

Perhaps that was why it was so much less... sensational... than anything that came after.

Suguru Kamoshida Arrested

This morning, police were called out to Shujin Academy. One of the teachers, and a former Olympic medalist, turned himself in confessing to years of abuse against the students there.

"He looked really broken up about it," claims one of his students. "Like... 'he took over the morning assembly and tried to kill himself there' type of broken up. I'm not sure what he thought that would have fixed, I didn't sign up for being a witness to a suicide, but good on him for growing a conscience, I guess."

Kamoshida's list of confessions includes physical and sexual abuse of his students, as well as abuse of his power over expulsions. He claims responsibility for at least one student's attempted suicide.

More details will be released as the situation evolves.

...Suguru Kamoshida. For whatever reason, whenever Hikari saw the name, she imagined a giant rabbit with carrot cannons. She had no idea where that mental image came from, but it existed, and she just had to live with it.

He was the subject of a number of other articles, as varied as there were stars in the sky. The days where the Phantom Thieves were unpopular saw a truly massive amount of apologia, with some people even claiming that the crimes had been completely made up, and he'd just been brainwashed into believing in them. At least one of those article writers had been sued into oblivion by the family of one of the victims. Some of them still kept going.

These days, most people agreed that there was physical evidence of someone assaulting students at Shujin Academy, and that only one person had confessed to it, and the assaults stopped as soon as that person was arrested. Most left the question of the Phantom Thieves out of it.

Given the utter mess that was news articles that mentioned them directly, probably a smart decision.

Madarame and whatever happened with Medjed weren't as extensively covered after the fact. People just didn't care about old artists as much as they did recent Olympic medalists, and Medjed were a faceless hacker group. There wasn't much for people to go back over.

Okumura was extensively covered, but that was... well, months after the fact, it turned out he'd been assassinated by someone else, but it took long enough for that to come out. Like with Kamoshida, at least one reporter took this to mean that rumors of his mistreatment of workers was entirely fake despite documents that were eventually uncovered proving it. Some people insisted on saying that even now.

The top staff of Okumura Foods was not among those people, and in Hikari's mind, that was damning enough. They'd actually maintained a pretty consistent assertion that all the allegations were true, which begged the question of why so many people were jumping out to defend them.

After this was a few articles celebrating how the leader of the Phantom Thieves had committed suicide in police custody. It was clearly some kind of cover story, though, given what happened next.

Masayoshi Shido. Where to even begin with Masayoshi Shido. The way some of those articles discussed him, it was like he was the center of their religion or something.

Not just about the Phantom Thieves, either. Discussions of the election were more one-sided than she'd expected from even the usual suspects. She'd thought at the time that everything felt a bit odd, but looking back, it was weirder than she'd realized.

...Probably because she'd spent most of that time preoccupied with what school to apply to, and studying for entrance exams, and all those fun third-year activities. She'd just been too busy to notice if anything was off.

A lot of things must have been off, though, if literally every journalist in Tokyo was writing like that.

She wondered what else she must have missed.

It must have been a lot. Even now, text could only give her so much.

And even in the depths of research, she still needed to take breaks.

[ ] Did studying count as a break? She wasn't sure it did. She was doing it anyway.
-[ ] By herself.
-[ ] With Hanaya Chatani.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.
-[ ] With Kazamu Kota.

[ ] Now that she knew a bit more, maybe Phantasmagoria would be a bit easier to explore.
-[ ] Theater Two.
-[ ] Theater Four.

[ ] Going to a cafe... might actually have counted as a break.
-[ ] With Hanaya Chatani.
-[ ] With Tsukane Akabori.
-[ ] With Kazamu Kota.

[ ] Maybe it was time for a movie night?

[ ] Maybe she could just play video games until she completely forgot about anything that was relevant to her life?
I'm very tempted to vote for video games, mostly because I think it would be absolutely hilarious to go from researching the Phantom Thieves to unknowingly talking to the Phantom Thieves. Someone please talk me out of it.
Well, Hikari already did study beforehand.

My vote:

[X] Maybe she could just play video games until she completely forgot about anything that was relevant to her life?
[X] Maybe she could just play video games until she completely forgot about anything that was relevant to her life?

Yeah, this is too funny not to pick.