Warhammer Engineers Quest
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You play as a newly minted engineer in the old world. Beginning in 2304 just after the great war against chaos your quest begins.
Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 1


Annoyingly Historical
East Coast USA
Ch 0.5 Character Creation Part 1

Welcome to my first quest. I've been inspired mostly by "A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism," one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever read, but I also draw from "A Tattered Eagle" over on Spacebattles.

This quest will be about a citizen of the empire working to make a fortune through industry of any kind. This is the kind of quest where I want people to interact and give ideas on how the character will build his wealth.

This quest takes place at the end of 2304 just after Magnus the Pious is elected emperor. You are 18 years old, you will be male.

[x] Name

Your stats will be chosen in part 2 but here are the 6 stats. Your decisions in the choices will help me distribute them, not including the bonuses to rolls from the backstory.

- Martial
- Diplomacy
- Stewardship
- Intrigue
- Piety
- Learning

This quest also has a somewhat unique mechanic, Mastery. The Mc and other characters can gain mastery, this is similar to stats in a ttrpg called World of Darkness. But unlike Wod these are only for skills you are learning so, while a one in Wod is poor, one here simply means a novice. The ranks go from novice, sufficient, competent, proficient, and expert.

Skills may change, so while in the beginning, it may be metallurgy, when it becomes a five and you keep studying metallurgy you gain a novice in advanced metallurgy while keeping a 5 in basic metallurgy

Some examples would be a human normal smith, dwarven journeyman runesmith, and elvish caledonian smith.

Human Smith
-Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]

Dwarven Runesmith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][][]
-Runesmithing [x][x][x][][]

Elvish Caledonian Smith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][x][]
-Magic Smithing [x][x][x][x][]

The Following traits will be combined to help give unique bonuses and options for part 2 of character creation which deals with more personal traits.

Where are you and your family from (Choose one)

[x] Reikland
  • Reikland is for many the core of the empire. It houses the city of Sigmar himself, home of the Unberogens, and stands at the crossroads of the rivers of the empire. Safe from most sides it is considered by many to be the most important province.
    • Observations of Engineers- Growing up in Altdorf you watched the comings and goings of the students and scholars working in the Imperial College of Engineers. Never taking an interest in the workings of the foundries you gained an appreciation for the skills in building and construction. (+5 to designing and building)

[x] Wissenland
  • Wissenland is the industrial heart of the empire. In its capital Nuln it churns out most of the cannons and weapons for the entire empire. Home of Magnus the Pious it is now the new imperial capital taking away some political clout from Altdorf.
    • Fires of Industry- Growing up in Nuln you watched how the forge of the empire churned out weapons, first to aid in the many wars during the era of three emperors, then to arm the warriors of now emperor Magnus's armies. (+5 to metalworking and weaponsmithing)

[x] Nordland
  • Nordland is the northernmost province of the empire and home to a great deal of the empire's military and naval might.
    • Eye to the Horizon- Growing up in Dietershafen you watched the ships big and small pull into port. The constant threat of Norscans made you take a distinct appreciation not found in any other province for the protection of the ships. (+5 to shipbuilding and sea trade)

[x] Talabecland
  • Talabecland is one of the largest provinces in the empire. Home to the cult of Taal and Rhya it is in the center of the very empire and it has dominion over the River Stir and the River Talabec.
    • Crossroads of Trade- Growing up in Talabheim you spent your time watching the many merchants of the empire plying trade and transporting goods. (+4 to negotiation and contracts) (GM note, a Taal-loving friend asked me to add this in, it won't synergize well with other traits and will probably lead to a more boring story)

What is your Family History (Choose one)

[x] Knightly Family
  • A family of knights, your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all knights. Not of any large powerful order but of a smaller more local one. You were trained in martial skills strategy and tactics. (+2 to martial related skills)

[x] Merchant Family
  • Your parents were scions of a small but still wealthy merchant family you saw how they managed a business and made a small fortune. Receiving an education in numbers and accounts you had a mind for business. (+2 to stewardship)

[x] Priestly Family
  • It was strange having your father be a priest because despite being the scion of a religious man you were never pressured into falling in with his cult as he wanted you to find faith on your own like he did. Nevertheless, you still received an education in religious matters (+2 to Piety)

[x] Landed Family
  • You are the heir to a noble estate, 1500 acres of land worth. But with only 800 acres farmable its wealth did not equate to its size. With a fortified manor on the top of a hill, your family lived close enough to the provincial capital to spend a good deal of time in the city and you gained an education in lordly manners and courtly politics. (+2 to diplomacy)

What was your Education during your latter teenage years? (Choose one-two)

[x] College of Altdorf
  • You studied at the Imperial Colleges at Altdorf when receiving your formal education. You learned much in the way of engineering but also in the way of politics. But for all the skill in statesmanship and engineering, you never picked up only any lesions in military skill, (+5 to learning, +5 to diplomacy, -5 to martial)
[x] College of Nuln
  • You studied in the Imperial College of Gunnery in Nuln gaining valuable experience in the creation of cannons and metalworking. You became skilled in cannons and gunnery, but while there you picked up a trait that many engineers do of getting lost in your work and disregarding other things (+5 to learning, +5 to Martial, -5 to stewardship)

[x] Miragliano
  • You studied under an engineer in Miragliano, home of the famous genius Leonardo da Miragliano. During your time in the canal-lined streets, you learned much in the way of intrigue due to the natural amount of backroom politicking but also gained a bit of foreignness due to your time away, especially to the faithful. (+5 to learning, +5 to intrigue, -5 to piety)

[x] Dwarven Wanderer
  • You studied for several years under a wandering engineer from Zuftbar. You learned much from the dwarf whose time with you seemed like a blink in his lifespan. You learned how thoroughly dwarfs get lost in work but also how meticulous they are in their recordkeeping. But for all you learned in terms of skill the dwarven bluntness was something you gained as well. (+5 to learning, +5 to stewardship, -5 to diplomacy)
The poll will be opened up tonight here is the format around 10 pm est

This is my first quest so I am learning as I go

Plan Format, Remember you get to choose two education choices, but if you only choose one its QM's choice for the second.
[x]Plan Name
-[x]Mc Name
-[x] Original Province
-[x] Family History
-[x] Education choice 1
-[x] Education choice 2

Voting will begin at 3:30 (if I can figure out how it works)
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet
Dieter Frieden

Born: 2285, Frieden Estate, Nordland

- Martial 11= 11 +0
- Diplomacy 13, +2, -5= 10 +0
- Stewardship 14, +5= 19 +4
- Intrigue 13, +5= 18 +3
- Piety 14, -5, = 9 +0
- Learning 15 +5+5= 25 +7

Stat Bonus Traits
  • Noble Heir +2 diplomacy
  • Educated in Miragliano (+5 to learning, +5 to intrigue, -5 to piety)
  • Educated by a Dwarven Wanderer (+5 to learning, +5 to stewardship, -5 to diplomacy)
  • Spendthrift (-2 to purchasing deals/contracts)
  • Small Lab (+5 to research)
  • Structural Engineering [x][x][x][x][x] +15
  • Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x] +15
  • Mechanical Engineering [x][x][x] +7
  • Shipmaking [x][x][x][x][x] +15
  • Steam power [x] +2
Special Traits.
  • Eye to the Horizon: Growing up in Dietershafen you watched the ships big and small pull into port. The constant threat of Norscans made you take a distinct appreciation not found in any other province for the protection of the ships. (+5 to shipbuilding and sea trade)
  • Goal: Defence of the seas - Living in Nordland you grew up hearing stories from the coast and lesser defended areas of Norscan raids and Dark Elf attacks. You want to defend your home from threats coming from the sea
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Turn Length

A turn is a quarter of a year, three months. They will be listed as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 respectively.


This quest also has a somewhat unique mechanic, Mastery. The Mc and other characters can gain mastery, this is similar to stats in a ttrpg called World of Darkness. But unlike Wod these are only for skills you are learning so, while a one in Wod is poor, one here simply means a novice. The ranks go from novice, sufficient, competent, proficient, and expert.

Skills may change, so while in the beginning, it may be metallurgy, when it becomes a five and you keep studying metallurgy you gain a novice in advanced metallurgy while keeping a 5 in basic metallurgy.

Some examples would be a human normal smith, a dwarven journeyman runesmith, and an elvish Caledonian smith.

Human Smith
-Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]

Dwarven Runesmith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][x][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][][]
-Runesmithing [x][x][x][][]

Elvish Caledonian Smith
-Basic Metalworking [x][x][x][x][x]
-Basic Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][x]
-Advanced Metalworking [x][x][x][][]
-Advanced Metallurgy [x][x][x][x][]
-Creature Craft [x][x][x][x][]
-Magic Smiting [x][x][x][x][]

These add bonuses to rolls as well as unlock new research options and investments, it goes +2, +5, +7, +10, +15. It does get harder to level up skills as they progress.


A large part of this quest is doing contracts. You can receive contracts from anyone you so choose, you can seek them out or they can seek you out.

Usually, contracts take place over multiple turns. You can do them wherever you want as long as they are done by the completion date.

If you don't finish them in time there can be consequences, from reputation and prestige loss, to financial penalties, and even threats and attacks. In cases where it is cash after dive very, you can give part of the order if it isn't finished but this can have similar, if similar effects, to not delivering at all.

Sometimes there may be bonuses for contacts being finished early, but this will only be for large orders.

If you produce goods and you don't think they are good quality, like say making subpar swords from a contract, then you can try to make them again and deliver a product. Usually, the contract will name the quality of good or service they want, and you need to meet this to fulfill the contract.


You will not be making everything by hand, what are a laborer. You will work to establish production facilities and supply lines.

All production lines make one good, that isn't to say that only one good can be made in a building or that one good has only one use. You can establish a supply line to make basic goods that flow into larger categories.

Two examples would be making a logging camp to get wood, one of the most basic resources. Then you could make a sawmill to turn that wood into planks which would be part of the building supplies group.
The same can be done with clay, which once harvested can be put into a kiln to make bricks that fall into the aforementioned building supplies group.

There are several basic item groups that if produced can be used to get discounts on certain actions.

So if you want to build a building you would either buy one to then refurbish with building supplies, or build an entirely new one with building supplies. If you didn't have enough you could simply buy more, and if you had too much then you could sell it. This won't be some hyper reactive system, I am only one guy and it is more of if you make this thing then you get a discount for material costs and operating costs.

Basic goods like building supplies, simple tools, foodstuffs, and other stock whose quality isn't important won't have complex production lines. But for advanced goods, things like luxury items, weapons, and items with large variances in value, like textiles, the production quality matters.

Production lines for these things are expensive and require higher maintenance, as well as trained and more expensive workers. These lines also make some items not fit for sale, a number determined by a roll. There are measures to be taken to reduce this.

The final aspect of production is effectiveness vs efficiency. This metric isn't too important for basic goods but for some advanced goods production may be effective, which means it can make it, but it isn't efficient meaning that it uses a lot of resources and time. You can sacrifice one for the other or take other means to improve production.

Goods are just that, items to be produced and then sold.

Basic goods are items that have little difference between production and are almost always consistent, food, wood, and stone.

Advanced goods are items like weapons, textiles, and other items that require a good deal of processing to be made.

Specialty goods are things made one at a time, and can rarely be mass-produced. Large industrial creations and other machines. They can be recreated but not made on an assembly line, but through research, they could become advanced goods and then mass-produced.


Research is a subset of learning, you can research to do two things.

One is to look into inventions or discoveries, this can be done by the MC or other people.

The second thing is when the Mc or another character spends time studying to increase their mastery level.
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[X]Plan: Smith of War
-[X]Hans Gruber
-[X]Knightly Family
-[X]College of Nuln
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-[X]Dieter Frieden
-[x] Nordland
-[x] Landed Family
-[x] Miragliano
-[x] Dwarven Wanderer

Lets go Project Airship, i mean it's right there for all and nobody tought about that lets get to it!
[X] Plan Universum und menschlicher Einfallsreichtum.
[X] Ekkirih Verenaffin
[X} Wissenland
[X] Priestly Family
[X] Nuln
[X] Miragliano
[X] To the Air we take!
-[X]Dieter Frieden
-[x] Nordland
-[x] Landed Family
-[x] Miragliano
-[x] Dwarven Wanderer
I like your enthusiasm but air travel will take time
I know, but imagine this one enterprising youth with a big dream, and he upends the elf's empire monopoly, and every race has to scramble to go toe to toe with the empire. Not to mention the cap stone project the floating city in the sky :V
[X] To the Air we take!

Mostly because a quest based around naval research and manufacturing sounds awesome. Rather than airships though, I wanna get the Empire some ironclads. Really show those Norscan raiders and Bretonnians who's boss.
Oh that's intresting, but for my plan

[X] Plan: Student of Ancients, Pioneer of the new
-[X] Name: Himmel Sensenmann
-[X] Province: Reikland
-[X] Family: Landed Family
-[X] Education: College of Nuln
-[X] Education 2: Dwarven Wanderer

I want to make use of newly created colleges of magic and Dwarven legacy to create an unique combination of magic and tech not seen since the fall of nekehara