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Once upon a time, a girl was trapped in a tower - but a hero saved her, and they lived happily ever after. Or that's what should have been.

- monsters!

- no-one left…

- world is quite literally godless… we could become -

- we were finally free -

In this quest, you are Salem, the Queen of the Grimm. You stand upon eternities of existence. You are the last complete magic wielder in existence. You are so very, very alone. What goal do you reach for, what will you do to reach it, and what lives will you sacrifice to carve a path to your freedom?
Basic Rules


Actual Real Game Dev!
Behind You
This is a semi-Strategy, semi-RP quest, with a focus on managing resources, allies, and Salem's own troubled emotional state. At any given moment, Salem - you - has control of a number of loyal servants, intricate plots, and of course the innumerable creatures of Grimm.

In general in this quest, when embarking on a particular challenge, there will be some kind of roll to determine its level of success. This will, generally, be a roll of a number of d10s, with the number dependent on a variety of modifiers and skills from a base of 1d10 (so, for instance, if an agent of yours is trying to sneak into a CCT tower and plant a virus - she's timing this alongside a distraction for a +2 modifier, but she's not naturally inclined to stealth so much as secrecy and lying, so she's also taking a -1 modifier, rolling 2d10 to determine how successful she is). One of the most common groups of modifiers are Goals and Weaknesses; if a task is aligned with a character's Goal they are going to give it more of their effort. Equally, if a task requires strength where they have a Weakness, they will struggle. But the reverse is also true - acting against a Goal impairs a character and playing into a Weakness will turn it into a strength. Bear this in mind before making any choices!

Any roll on one of the d10s of a seven or higher is a success; any roll of a one is a complication (so, in the above example, rolling a one might mean a trainee huntress sees your agent sneaking around on the rooftops and goes to investigate what's going on). Multiple ones can either increase the complication (it's not just a trainee huntress, it's Oz's pet) or give an additional complication (there's a bunch of Atlesian guards there too). I will always say what potential complications a roll can have before it's made!

If a roll has no complications it is flawless and will give additional bonuses; if it has no successes and at least one complication, it is a setback, and will cause some level of penalty beyond the norm.

Additionally, certain rolls may be especially risky (x) or challenging (x). Risky rolls count as generating a complication on the listed number or below - so a Risky (2) roll would generate complications on any roll of one or two; challenging rolls require a higher target number than seven - so a challenging (9) roll requires a roll of nine or higher to count as a success! Obviously, some rolls can be BOTH risky AND challenging!

Rolls will only occur for exceptional tipping points - generally, people will simply Do things.

Salem has a number of resources to draw on - however, due to her nature, she's mostly operated in the shadows over the last few centuries/millenia, and thus she doesn't exactly have 'resources' as most nationstates would define them. Nevertheless, her and her agents are assumed to be able to get 'normal' equipment (weaponry, transport, etc.) without any effort. Sometimes, however, the Queen needs something specific - a virus that can bring down a kingdom, the allegiance of a branch of the White Fang, a key to a hidden chamber dear Ozma made. Any of these would be a resource, generally with their own specific rules as to their usage and effects.

Resources can be gained in one of two ways - Research and Acquisition.

Research is the process of developing or making something from scratch - a new breed of flying beringels, for instance. Research will require a certain number of actions taken for it to be completed, or a certain number of successes, or both, after which you acquire the indicated resource. Research can also be used to gain information about a variety of subjects and 'unlock' other research projects to generate actual Resources.

Acquisition is for things that can't simply be made - the loyalty of groups, special projects made by someone not under Salem's thumb, rare artifacts, and so on. Acquisition of these Resources requires some level of active effort, generally assigning another agent or Salem herself to an Excursion (see below for more on them) to retrieve them.

There is, of course, a special category of resources - Salem's Inner Circle, her Agents.

An Agent is both a resource and narratively a member of Salem's inner circle. They are her hands and eyes outside of her castle - while Lionheart's cowardice might make him a Resource, Tyrian, Watts, Cinder, and Hazel would all be Agents. Much like Salem herself, Agents have several traits, as well as goals they are striving for. It's important to keep Agents (relatively) happy - the more their goals are ignored, the less loyal and more erratic they may become, potentially making irrational decisions or even defecting (!) if not paid attention to.

This makes them sound like they're all downside - but crucially, Agents can be assigned to do actions Salem does not have time for each turn; they can also be sent on Excursions, Acquire resources and do Research. Each Agent is a boost to your action economy, and thus they are exceptionally valuable.

You've probably seen by now I've mentioned the term Excursion a lot. This is one of three kinds of turn that can happen. Each of the time they take is somewhat abstracted, but is generally in the indicated range.

Strategic level turns take, in universe, somewhere between six months and two years. They are Salem playing the grand game and making slow steps towards her goals. Each Strategic Turn, Salem can take three actions, with one additional action per Agent, assigning Agents to it via putting the agent's name in square brackets after the vote (so, for instance, if you wanted Watts to do research on the CCT towers you'd format the vote as [X] Research on the CCT [Watts]). You may always push additional actions, but for each additional action taken, all other actions (including those by your agents!) will become more Risky, more Challenging, or both! Strategic turns contain Research options, and further allow Salem to direct her forces on a continental or planetary scale, marshaling and sending out Agents (or herself) on -

Excursion level turns are for when Salem, or one or more of her Agents, are actively working on a particular, 'short' term plan in a particular locale. They take, in universe, somewhere between a week and two months. Any given Excursion will have a number of available actions Salem, or any Agents on the Excursion can take, depending on the goals of the Excursion and its location. However, taking more than the indicated limit will make Salem's actions more noticeable, potentially drawing in Ozpin's own Agents or increasing the difficulty faced by Salem/her Agents. This, or other decisions, may lead to -

Battle level turns are for when Salem, or one or more of her Agents, are actively engaged in a fight, series of skirmishes, or ongoing armed attack of some kind. They take, in universe, somewhere between a minute and two hours per turn, depending obviously on the kind of battle being depicted. While Salem herself cannot die, her Agents, Resources and plans can be threatened, destroyed or halted on failure. Generally, I will define consequences for a Battle on the turn it starts (i.e.; on a loss x will happen, on a win y will happen), though final results are likely to lead to some mix of both consequences (human error often mars perfection, after all).

All characters can endure a certain level of Stress; this represents harm physical, mental and beyond that a character accumulates over time. In general, the higher a character's stress is, the closer they are to their breaking point - when Broken, they will suffer in some major way, be it physical injury, mental disorder, or outright death! These major Consequences will take time and action to clear.

Stress can be reduced in two ways - taking smaller consequences (minor injuries and problems), or by moments of Catharsis that allow Stress to be relieved through treatment or a venting of emotion. In most characters this is normally achieved through bonds of comradeship and social interaction.

Salem is not most characters, and achieving Catharsis is far harder than normal. Any non-normal methods will have to be discovered, except for one - any time Salem leans into her Grimm half (see her Traits) she automatically clears all Stress and mental Consequences.
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Salem Character Sheet

  • End My Curse: "So long as this world turns, you shall walk its face," they said to me. I lived for years so long they cannot be counted. Even before then, I did not want to live more. I want this to end. I just want this to end.
  • Defy the Gods: The Gods were not just fallible, in the end - they were monstrous. They destroyed humanity for the act of defiance of a few thousand. They struck Ozma down then brought him back over and over again before setting him to a futile task. If it is possible, I would like to stand before them again, and win this time, and bring an end to their existence.
  • Stop Ozma's Unity: If the four Relics are brought together, the gods will return. If 'humanity' is 'united', they will 'once again live among you'. This cannot be allowed - I will never submit myself to the tyranny of the Brothers' rule again. No matter how nonsensical the goal of all of 'humanity' living in 'harmony' is, actions must be taken to prevent it.
  • A Charred Toy: Once, there was another chance. A hope. We finally had freedom, and Ozma threw it away. And in the process he - I - one of us, we destroyed the only thing that mattered.
  • Spite: What do you mean spite? (Salem, while not self aware of this, tends to take slights and grudges seriously, no matter how minor or unintentional. She has the time to nurse them, after all, and her emotions on such subjects fester into irrationality.)
  • Something They Could Never Be: I watched humanity die. And I watched over many, many, many years, too many to count, as something else crawled to existence. It calls itself 'humanity', but how can it be? It lacks the magic and direction that defined humanity's existence, no matter how poisoned a chalice that gift and that direction were. Whatever people exist on 'Remnant' now, they are echoes, with only a semblance of what once was.
  • You Shall Walk Its Face: As long as the world now known to its inhabitants as Remnant exists, Salem cannot die. At the start of each turn, Salem removes all complications or consequences that are caused by physical harm. If she 'died', she reforms as close to her body as possible. This effect cannot be removed or superceded by any other effect.
  • A Gift From the Gods: Salem is one of only two magic users in existence without limits, and has never bestowed any fraction of it on others in the way Ozma has - all Semblances and their ilk are pathetic shadows of the power she wields, and she has had uncounted ages to hone her craft. In direct combat, Salem gains +4d10 on all rolls, and those rolls cannot EVER be made Challenging. Additionally, if given sufficient time to study its nature, she can replicate the effect of any Semblance; depending on the Semblance in question this may take up to a full Strategic turn of Research.
  • The Hearts of Men are Easily Swayed: Salem has had untold aeons to learn how to manipulate those around her, and she wasn't exactly a slouch at it before then. On first encounter with another major character, Salem will automatically learn one of their Goals and one of their Weaknesses. Additionally, she always counts as having at least one success on all rolls required for manipulation, deceit, or subversion.
  • A Desire for Pure Destruction: Salem sank into the pools of Grimm, and emerged forever changed. For all effects, Salem counts as a creature of Grimm (no need for sustenance, can detect negative emotions, not able to project an Aura, weak to silver eyes, etc.). Additionally, her desire for destruction must be fed - on any turn, any action Salem herself takes marked with a [Grimm] will automatically succeed, but will be completed in the most destructive way possible (recruiting an agent by breaking their mind so utterly they cannot think of disobeying you, silencing a potential defector by openly ripping them to pieces in front of your court, etc.). Moreover, if at any point 3 consecutive Turns (of any kind) go by without at least one [Grimm] action being taken, one will be chosen at random for this effect to apply to on the fourth Turn. Choose wisely.
Current Stress: 1/8

Current Agents (see Cast List for more on all):
  • Hazel Rainart, a vengeful young man who is on my side because I am a harder target than Ozma. Time may calcify his feelings towards me into weary apathy and solidify his hatred of Ozma but he is not there yet.
  • Rosie Arourai, my skilled little rat; while not the favourite assassin I have ever employed, the simple spread of her kills has been a treat to witness, as has her quiet competence. Deceased.
  • Rene d'Aufere, the last of the 'true' Valean nobility, my eyes and ears and mouth, and devoted to my cause. His only flaws are his increasing age and that his veil of secrecy is slowly fading.
  • Mircalla Umbre, my quiet voice and hand where a nobleman cannot tread; once I might have considered her a candidate for greater tasks, perhaps even stealing Maidenhood, but her temperamental nature renders that a poor idea. Deceased.
  • Coral 'Giantsbane' Maupin, a mercenary - in truth, a bandit - under my employ, alongside their other 'Giantkillers'. Believes I fight solely for a world 'free' from the tyranny of the wealthy, yet seeks that wealth themselves in a hypocritical act they do not seem to be aware of.
Current Resources:
  • Evernight Castle: The castle of Evernight. Within are training rooms, meeting halls, research stations, and quarters for those who serve me. While some of its facilities are antiquated, it is the closest thing to a home I can bring to allow myself.
  • The Pools of Grimm: Once bottomless, now drained by my experimentation and, as ironic as it is, creation, this place where I was reborn still holds many millenia of Grimm-matter with which I may create what I please.
  • The Giantkillers: A mercenary band sworn to Coral's command. In truth they are little more than a rather more 'professional' bandit clan, and without sufficent loot - or with their leader's attention elsewhere - they would scatter beyond my reach.
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Other Members of the Cast, and what is Known of Them
Other Members of the Cast, and what is Known of Them:

A Note: All information in these cast character sheets are from Salem's point of view. This, naturally, leaves a level of bias in them. Do not take any of these as gospel truth about the way things actually work or are.


  • The Return: Ozma and his many reincarnations seek to bring the Gods back to a unified humanity where they may live alongside 'their creations' - as if any of them are still alive but me - in 'peace' once again.
  • Thwart Salem: Ozma ever seeks to interfere in my plans, regardless of their focus, and will set his servants to my trail as I set mine to his.
  • ?????
  • Lack of Will (?): Ozma lacks the will for the unity he desires - ever he moves with an even tempered, 'balanced', deceitful hand, and thus leaves the seeds of division in his wake for me to exploit.
  • Devotion (???): Ozma still believes a world where the fallible Brothers sit in judgement upon all 'beneath' them is desirable, or at least, that's what his actions seem to indicate.
  • ?????
Resources and Agents:
  • The Four Relics: While Ozma has never brought the four of them together, for the past century or so he has had the capacity to do so, holding all four of the Relics granted by the gods secure. Each - Knowledge, Creation, Destruction, and Choice - are unreproducibly powerful resources in their own right, and when pushed to his limits, Ozma will draw upon them.
  • The Four Academies: In the wake of the Great War, some over earlier vaults and some specifically constructed to house them, Ozma built his four academies of huntsmen to block my path to the Relics. Not only do they churn out generations of peacekeepers who eat into my forces of Grimm, but each is headed by a headmaster in his inner circle, who holds considerable political power - through them, Ozma sits a near-dictator over the 'known' world.
  • The Four Maidens: A long time ago, Ozma split a portion of his power in four, and imbued it in four young women, as though they could be any substitute for those he killed. The power is passed down, generation to generation, and so the line of Maidens continues. He keeps their identities secret now, and each wields elemental magical force unmatched by any save I myself, and many of his closest treasures and secrets - including the Relics - are barred by doors only they can open.
  • The Wizard's Many Eyes: Ozma maintains many Agents with which to hinder my schemes, from the unwitting to those who believe they know him. Some of his most powerful he has, over the centuries, imbued with esoteric and specific pieces of his magic, granting them dangerous capabilities.
  • Unknown At This Time…
  • You Are Never Alone: Ozma can die… for a time. When he emerges into a new soul that resonates with his, he slowly cannibalises their soul to power himself and continue his line, changing subtly in the process over the aeons, learning new skills as he goes. Ozma may never roll less than (?????) on any given Action as instead he draws on his lifetimes of experience; additionally, when Ozma's current host would be killed, his soul will find a 'like-minded' one and bond to it within ??? Strategic Turns.
  • A Wizard: While he has sacrificed much of his direct power to others, Ozma is still one of the only users of true magic on the planet, and his skill and ability reflect this. In direct combat, Ozma gains +2d10 on all rolls, and those rolls cannot EVER be made Challenging. In addition, he can bestow a portion of his power on others, ?????.
  • ??Flotsam of the Past??: ?????
  • ?????: ?????
Hazel Rainart

  • No More Dead Children: Hazel seeks a beautiful world order where his sister would never have been killed by training; of course, he seeks this through me, one who cares little for the survival of this world so much as my own exit from it. This is, however, something he is still somewhat aware of, and managing him will take time and care.
  • The Purity of Vengeance: Beyond his utopian would-be ideals, Hazel simply wants to hurt those who took his sister from him - the Grimm that killed her, and dear Ozma in his role as Beacon's headmaster. I have managed to divert him from the manifestation of the former that is myself - for now - so he is currently focused on the latter.
  • ?????: Surely, there is more to him, but given his rather recent involvement with my cause, I have not yet discovered it.
  • The Cowardice of Hypocrisy: Hazel, fundamentally, knows that Ozma is only as much to blame for his Gretchen's death as any authority figure would be. But it is easier to be angry with a person with a face than the hordes of Grimm, or the nature of mistakes, statistical errors, the fact that Gretchen herself made a mistake. If forced to confront this hypocrisy or another 'responsible' figure - like, say, myself - he may snap in another direction to maintain his delusions.
  • Apathy and Rage: Hazel has handled his grief simply - by sinking into a calm so deep it is resignation, and lapsing into rage so hot it heeds little but its own call. While these emotions are deeply familiar, they also currently make him a somewhat unreliable Agent without supervision.
  • ?????: Surely, there is more to him, but given his rather recent involvement with my cause, I have not yet discovered it.
  • Anesthetic Rage (Semblance): Hazel may ignore any pain he is suffering from as long as his aura lasts; until he Breaks, all Stress he suffers may be reduced, and he may ignore all Consequences and physical Complications that relate to injuries he has received (note, though, that he IS still injured, he just ignores the effects).
  • Journeyman Dust Mage: Hazel has developed some level of skill with manipulating raw dust and its effects - he may, with a sufficient supply and a good way to use it, use Dust in combat to grant himself a +1 modifier to any combat roll.
Current Stress: ?/8

Current Loyalty: Strained

Rosie Arourai

Deceased in My Service


Rene d'Auferre

  • The Will of the Queen: Rene is… genuinely sympathetic to me. To what I want. And he is willing to do what it takes for me to achieve it. This is… rare, especially in one who is not a deranged zealot, or who has been manipulated to the point they might as well be. It has been many years now and I am still not sure how I feel about it.
  • A Certain Level of Class: Rene requires his actions - and his surroundings - to maintain a certain level of dignity and nobility that has faded somewhat from the world, to his chagrin. He would see the world restored, at least a little, to his somewhat-edited memories of his youth.
  • A Good Death: For some years now, it has become clear that he will not see me achieve my desires within his lifetime. Since that became clear, he has sought an 'honourable' death in my service before age manages to catch him.
  • The Hand of Age: Rene is now fast approaching seventy years of age. While not incapable, he moves slower, speaks in ways those around him are not accustomed to, and is increasingly burdened by sickness. Worse, perhaps, he has been in my service a long time - while his loyalties are not discovered directly, they are almost certainly highly suspected.
  • Flair: Rene will never use two words when he can use two hundred; he will never make a simple plan when he can organise an elaborate masquerade full of clandestine meetings and hidden doors. His style is amusing, but it can hinder his performance.
  • Not a Fighter: While trained for fighting, Rene has never been a prodigy in combat, a fact that has only become more clear as he has aged.
  • A Thread of Gold (Semblance): Rene can connect himself to a place or person, then find his way to them no matter the distance. Only one place or person can be chosen at a time, but as long as Rene is familiar with them, he may 'connect' with them from anywhere on Remnant. The 'thread' is aware of transportation limits and will bear them in mind when planning a route.
  • Skilled Diplomat: Rene is a master of the quick word and the negotiation. On any roll involving negotiation or generic social interaction, he gains +2d10 on all rolls, and cannot count it as more than Challenging (9). Additionally, he may ignore up to one social Complication on any such rolls.
  • Many Contacts: Rene has friends everywhere. When he arrives in a location, he may roll 1d6 - on a 4-5, he knows someone who can provide minor assistance, on a 6 he knows someone who can provide great assistance. However, on a 1, he is known and disliked!
Current Stress: ?/8

Current Loyalty: Devoted


Mircalla Umbre

Deceased in My Service


Coral Maupin

  • Cut Down the Chain to Heaven: Once, Coral climbed from Mantle to Atlas, and stole something. The crackdown in response to this crime devastated their family. She thumbs their nose at tradition, and authority, and all who would do this again, and seeks to see them pulled down into the rubble alongside 'the rest of us'.
  • A Good Time!: While not an out and out hedonist - I would not accept working alongside one, they are deeply tiresome - Coral's wants, moment to moment, are simple. They seek excitement, engagement - a good swordfight, a good mission, a good time.
  • ???Golden Egg???: I believe whatever it was Coral stole from Atlas is still in her possession, and she seeks more for it. However, they have been remarkably cagey on the subject.
  • I Cannot Weave: … it is a rather simple weakness, but it seems as though Coral cannot go a month without finding some new woman to sigh over and seek to 'free'. They will find another next week, but until then her… attraction is her focus.
  • ?????: ?????
  • Rob from the Rich for Myself: Fundamentally, for all Coral's claims of fighting for 'freedom', Coral seeks to empower themselves. She does not invest the dust she steals in more than their own weaponry and company, and their attitude to societal injustice seems more seeking to be the boot herself rather than removing its existence.
  • Always a Fair Fight (Semblance): Coral may level the playing field to cut down giants; they always hit with the same relative force when empowered, her blows acting the same on a Beowulf as a skilled Huntress as a Megagoliath. When active, she will always deal at least 2 Stress to another character on a combat roll, even on complete failure.
  • Mercenary Leader: Coral leads a band of skilled mercenaries and bandits, and is generally accompanied by one or two trusted lieutenants. At any given time, she may call for support from them, increasing her chance of success in combat and on wider excursions. ?????
  • ??Connections???: Coral has a number of connections across ?????
  • ????? Thief: ????? stealing ?????
Current Stress: ?/8

Current Loyalty: Invested
Summer Rose

  • A Happy Ever After: She seeks a world without Grimm. Without violence. Without… she seeks the unity Ozma claims to, and she will carve whatever path she must to achieve it. It would almost be admirable, if I didn't stand in her way.
  • ?????: ?????
  • ?????: ?????
  • ?????
  • A Prison of Abandonment: … she knows she cannot survive this. No matter how this day goes, it will be her end. Who has she left behind to make that choice? How has she justified it to herself?
  • Always an Open Hand: It's hardly surprising from a 'noble' silver-eyed warrior, but despite her vicious skill and defiance against manipulation she is willing to act even against allies to give her foes a 'chance'. That… could be easily exploited.
  • Silver Eyed Warrior: Summer bears Silver Eyes, and is adept in their use. She may ????? in order to instantly Break and kill, petrify, or freeze any Grimm. ?????
  • The Moment of the Rose (Semblance): Summer's semblance is, from all reports, simple but effective. As long as she fights, she cannot tire, she cannot be fatigued, she cannot stop, until 'evil' is vanquished. ?????
  • A Simpler Soul: Summer Rose may choose to ignore any social manipulation or diplomacy attempt; if she does so, she gains 1d3-1 minimum of 1 Stress.
  • ?????
Current Stress: 2?/?


Raven Branwen

  • ?????: ?????
  • The Strong Live, The Weak Die: A basic bandit philosophy, engrained so deep in her bones she could not escape it. If you live you are worthy - if you didn't you were not. I wonder what she thinks of my strength, and her teammate's choice…
  • ?????: ?????

  • ?????: ?????
  • Ozpin the Great and Terrible: So… the bandit has no love for Ozpin or his secrets. Does she feel manipulated into accepting her gift? Is that why she returned to her tribe? I had assumed it was Ozma diversifying his assets, but if she left his employ…
  • But that doesn't make you Strong: Oh, but look in her eyes - there's a deeper fear there. That for all her power, she isn't Strong. That she won't Survive. That's her truest priority - living, no matter the cost.

  • Kindred Link (Semblance): Raven may make a portal spanning Remnant's length to those she is emotionally 'tied' to. ?????
  • A Bird's Eye: While she may have left Ozma's services - formally at least - she was empowered with that portion of his magic that lets her become one of his 'birds'. Raven may transform into a raven, ?????
  • ?Bandit Chieftainess?: ?????
  • ?????

Current Stress: 3?/?
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Character Definition
Once upon a time, a girl was trapped in a tower - but a hero saved her, and they lived happily ever after. Or that's what should have been.

- monsters!

- no-one left…

- world is quite literally godless… we could become -

- we were finally free -

In this quest, you are Salem, the Queen of the Grimm. You stand upon eternities of existence. You are the last complete magic wielder in existence. You are so very, very alone. What goal do you reach for, what will you do to reach it, and what lives will you sacrifice to carve a path to your freedom?

Salem's goals are, to most in Remnant, still uncertain. Only she can know for sure what her final plans are. For now, though, as you step into her head, a choice must be made. Salem is a complicated person, and has several desires, but which sits highest in primacy within her thoughts? Which is the final step that she strives towards over the long millenia to achieve? All of the below options will be Goals, as Salem desires all of these things, but only one is her true focus.

Which Goal defines Salem's existence?
  • [ ] End My Curse - "So long as this world turns, you shall walk its face," they said to me. I lived for years so long they cannot be counted. Even before then, I did not want to live more. I want this to end. I just want this to end.
  • [ ] Defy the Gods - The Gods were not just fallible, in the end - they were monstrous. They destroyed humanity for the act of defiance of a few thousand. They struck Ozma down then brought him back over and over again before setting him to a futile task. If it is possible, I would like to stand before them again, and win this time, and bring an end to their existence.
  • [ ] Stop Ozma's Unity - If the four Relics are brought together, the gods will return. If 'humanity' is 'united', they will 'once again live among you'. This cannot be allowed - I will never submit myself to the tyranny of the Brothers' rule again. No matter how nonsensical the goal of all of 'humanity' living in 'harmony' is, actions must be taken to prevent it.
Salem, while no longer mortal, is not without flaws. Some are ones she is all too aware of, others are ones she is blind to, or actively regards as strengths, perhaps even truths about the world. She has several, but one is a defining, fatal flaw, that taints every action she takes.

Which Weakness defines Salem's existence?
  • [ ] A Charred Toy - Once, there was another chance. A hope. We finally had freedom, and Ozma threw it away. And in the process he - I - one of us, we destroyed the only thing that mattered.
  • [ ] Spite - What do you mean spite? (Salem, while not self aware of this, tends to take slights and grudges seriously, no matter how minor or unintentional. She has the time to nurse them, after all, and her emotions on such subjects fester into irrationality.)
  • [ ] Something They Could Never Be - I watched humanity die. And I watched over many, many, many years, too many to count, as something else crawled to existence. It calls itself 'humanity', but how can it be? It lacks the magic and direction that defined humanity's existence, no matter how poisoned a chalice that gift and that direction were. Whatever people exist on 'Remnant' now, they are echoes, with only a semblance of what once was.
Finally, it must be asked - when are you stepping into Salem's shoes? At what point in time will you take the helm of her mind?

Where does this Quest start?
  • [ ] Summer's End (12 years before the robbery in From Dust til Dawn) - One of Ozma's best, a huntress without peer, a silver eyed warrior, has fought through my Grimm and my circle to the core of Evernight. Aware of my immortality, she seeks not to kill me but to halt my progress as much as she can. If she succeeds, even partially, so much will be lost. If she fails… new opportunities may arise.
    • Begins in Battle Turns
    • Salem will have multiple Agents available immediately, though a number may be injured, dying, or dead
    • Earliest point in the timeline allows shaping of Salem's upcoming strategy the most, but also the most unfamiliarity - the world isn't as it will be in a decade's time
  • [ ] A City in the Heavens (8 years before the robbery in From Dust til Dawn) - I have made new plans, but I am hampered by my lack of hands in the world beyond Evernight; for that reason, I have made the excursion to the floating gewgaw that is Atlas to prepare to free a serial killer I know I can twist into a willing assassin. And perhaps I shall find my most important piece yet while I am here: a candidate for my new plans for Maidenhood…
    • Begins in Excursion Turns
    • Salem begins with only a few Agents, but can recruit multiple Agents on this Excursion, allowing a shaping of her inner circle
    • Midpoint in the timeline allows major changes to her upcoming strategy while sticking to a degree of familiarity with canon events and characters
  • [ ] The End's Beginning (2 years before the robbery in From Dust til Dawn) - The circle turns, and I am closer to success than I have been in many centuries. My new hands stand ready to begin my plans, beginning with the acquisition of the Fall Maiden's powers. If I am to change my path at all, this is the last possible moment, before it begins…
    • Begins in Strategic Turns
    • Salem begins with her canon circle of agents - Hazel, Tyrian, Watts and Cinder - who are well balanced and (at first) loyal, but recruitment opportunities for others are limited
    • Salem's plans are starting - while changes can be made, some things have already been set in motion, and stopping them will be a challenge
So cast your votes, then. Divide yourselves. Bicker and squabble, until you come together in unity…

As me.
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[X] End My Curse
[X] A Charred Toy
[X] Summer's End

I'm never going to be comfortable being evil, but I'll still vote here.
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This is how i'd go about it personally.

How to end her immortality? Move the people, who have emotions feelings, and thoughts. Because no matter if they're humans or not they are definitely fully sapient, and deserve to be treated as the clearly sapient beings they are. Ozma's conversions are utterly monstrous but mass murder is still evil, to a massive degree.

Defy the Gods? Simply prepare, and ensure you are capable if and when they're present. Deal with the other two first, though. Last Priority, if we can help it, still prepare just in case.

Stop Ozma's Unity? No man is capable of doing it, if there's sudden wide-spread peace especially, if all of humanity is on several different planets, that makes it hard for them to work together, and cooperate. Humanity just isn't built for this, so get rid of the uniting force of the Grimm, and we should be good. But, for that goal... Hmm, Simple. Make several different planets, one being a utopian world, which can only hold a small amount of people. Then, ensure those people are somehow responsible for directing efforts on the other worlds ensuring each decision they make isn't purely good it helps one group, while hurting another. That makes it endlessly possible. There's other strategies of course, but the best bet is just making them live on different worlds in the first place, while not having difficulties that force them to unite against a common threat.

In the end developing space tech, and making the move possible. To End our immortality, and also probably devise some kind of A.I. to take up our jobs after we become very much mortal. Also, by developing space tech, orbital bombardment becomes very easy to pull off.
[X] Stop Ozma's Unity
Salem probably doesn't see any real way for anyone or anything to kill her, and there's no need to kill the Gods if the condition for them to return (However positive) is never fulfiled. so stopping the Unity seems the the objective she'd focus the most on. With ending the curse being number 2

[X] Spite
To end her Curse, Salem has to know the value of life and death, or it's importance, and ONLY then she can rest. Her own Spite and hatred of the Gods and in turn Oz prevents her from doing this, making this her BIGGEST weakness. I would think. it is at the core of what she does.

[X] Summer's End
Hell Yeah, fight scene.

So cast your votes, then. Divide yourselves. Bicker and squabble, until you come together in unity…

As me.
...Also technically this is more of a democracy than a Unity.
[X] Stop Ozma's Unity
Basically the same core motive as The Organization from the movie Cabin in the Woods: hurt people to keep the world-killing god monsters from returning.
[X] Something They Could Never Be
I headcanon that faunus were descended from Salem's earliest attempts to restore humanity, Circe style, and she gave up after Aura without animal features was the best she could manage.
[X] Summer's End
Tyrian's a fun villain to watch fight, but he's got a tendency to harsh the vibes.
[x] End My Curse
[x] A Charred Toy
[x] A City in the Heavens

I need my protagonist somewhat sympathetic to follow their story, even a villain, and an immortal who just lived far too long and knows she's too far gone sounds like a better read than, say, spiteful ex girlfriend. Plus, starting right at adopting a new kid with the I killed my kids flaw highlighted sounds like drama.
[X] Defy the Gods - The Gods were not just fallible, in the end - they were monstrous. They destroyed humanity for the act of defiance of a few thousand. They struck Ozma down then brought him back over and over again before setting him to a futile task. If it is possible, I would like to stand before them again, and win this time, and bring an end to their existence.

[X] A Charred Toy - Once, there was another chance. A hope. We finally had freedom, and Ozma threw it away. And in the process he - I - one of us, we destroyed the only thing that mattered.

[X] Summer's End (12 years before the robbery in From Dust til Dawn) - One of Ozma's best, a huntress without peer, a silver eyed warrior, has fought through my Grimm and my circle to the core of Evernight. Aware of my immortality, she seeks not to kill me but to halt my progress as much as she can. If she succeeds, even partially, so much will be lost. If she fails… new opportunities may arise.
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[X] Defy the Gods
[X] A Charred Toy
[X] Summer's End

Maximum tragedy into a fight scene!

You need to close this bracket. And also drop the bullet points.

Edit: I recommend everyone just copy the bolded titles instead of the whole text blurb, that's good questing practice.
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[X] End My Curse
[X] A Charred Toy
[X] Summer's End

I think this makes a unique balance of things to explore and limitations to the game. It doesn't put harder limits on genuine affection and diplomacy. We ultimately want to fail by some definition of the word. And we can cultivate our way of going about breaking the world. Probably by recruiting people who canonically opposed us, because that's how this usually goes.

Also, I have this fun vision of Salem just walking into Summer's Silver Eyes just to prove that they are not the way we get killed.
[X] Defy the Gods
[X] A Charred Toy
[X] Summer's End
[X] Stop Ozma's Unity
[X] Something They Could Never Be
[X] A City in the Heavens

The timeline is just my personal preference, I like the idea of being able to highlight the differences be make from canon by our actions against what stays the same compared to reshaping the entire thing.

As for the rest, Salem has eternity to accomplish her goals of cracking her curse or get strong enough to fight the gods and win, as long as nobody calls them back before then. So that should be the bid deal here IMO. And many of the big defining moments of Salem's life that sent her down this path, her rescue, her cursing, her rebellion against the gods, all happened before the end of the world with the humanity she knew. It makes sense to me to have that comparison of "then vs. now" loom large in her mind whenever she looks upon what remains.

[X] End My Curse
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[X] End My Curse
[X] A Charred Toy
[X] Summer's End