Well that works then, though I thought Technomage tier abilities required high tier shadow implants to achieve?
Also our ships being atleast partially biotech just makes me picture Boron ships from the X series especially X4s
The Technomage's abilities do indeed require shadow implants. Jack's came from that staff he had.

What you guys have are a completely different kind of techbase to work with psionically speaking. The psi-amps let you take electrical charge and convert it into telekinetic/telepathic raw power; skills and training and psi-crystal attuning will let you develop more things over time. Like, the psi-crystal weapons you're researching right now once they're developed will result in a couple of developments -- telekinetic missiles that use enlarged coil-spring reactionless drives, sensor-ablating casings, and shaped charge warheads; and telekinetic lasers that use imbue psionic energy into the base lasers to make the photons "sticky" and thus carry kinetic energy and have dramatically longer focal distances (going from the 100-ish meters your current psi-amp enhanced mining lasers have to proper weapons designs that have ranges of up to 3km and impart momentum on impact.)

That all works because your individual teep's abilities aren't limited to what you can hold in your hand because unlike the technomages and Jack, you're actually making the tech yourself.

There's also
Seriously this is revealing stuff that you guys have no way of knowing yet and read at your own risk.

The fact that the First Ones who intervened in the Great Circle (timeloop) in the first place also have left a few smatterings of their distinctive tech so the other First Ones recognize you as a client race. The "Lightning Rift" is an example of this -- when you guys research it you'll unlock a variant of hyperspace travel that doesn't work the Vorlon or Shadow way, and actually works better for smaller vehicles than larger -- to the point that it'll work better, for capital ships, to launch fighter-shuttles in a geometric pattern to form multiple smaller rifts that would merge together.

This is not canonical to B5 in any way; I just wanted to do something different to represent the different origination of tech-base that had something like parity with the other canonical hyperspace transit methods. Vorlon method works for whole fleets but requires capital ships and huge sums of energy to work; Shadow method only works on individual vessels; the Mindwalker method works on individual small vehicles but requires multiple emitters to carry other vehicles with them.
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Well in some ways we are all like Jack/Technomages as modern telepathy is a Vorlon creation - just modern though, cause other First Ones have Telepathy too. The Mind Walkers.

Also lets not forget that a mysterious being not once but twice did timey whimey shit to gives us more people and time so like yeah.

Honestly by the time B5 era stuff happens even if we aren't a major interstellar polity there is no way we are going to be defenseless. In our home system, with us being Teeps and TKs and all that means, we are going to be mighty power houses.

We will also have artiiical gravity tech by then too, a fact Earth does not. Oh and we will also probably have sites in hyperspace nearby, linked to us via the rift or just stuff. And Hyperpsace boosts telepathy.

And yeah we can do stuff like make alliances with various races to be given safety. Including maybe taking in TPs running from the Corps.

We also know about the Dilgar War and the Earth-Minbari War. I don't know exactly when the second group dissapeared but they were on a ship being given to the Shadows, as far as we could tell, meaning they are up to early B5 stuff. Which gives us knoweldge.


As for making plans. I don't even know where to begin. Giving ideas sure but full on plans. Not really at this moment.
Just bear in mind that for now at least, your capacity to work with the biomech material is strictly injection-molding style right now, and it can only be used structurally. A lot of the features that makes "organic technology" what it is in the B5 setting just isn't available to you.

You can make it somewhat stronger than any steel you can manufacture, and it can heal microfractures and recover its form to an extent, but as of right now your design capacity is basically the Achillles freighter and the Kestrel atmospheric shuttle. Well, you could also notionally construct a Centauri cargo ship (unnamed class). It'll be decades before you're in the position to have people build custom ship designs is what I'm getting at.
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[X] Digging Deep
-[X] Industry:
--[X] 1 Autofactory (1/12) will serve as 3 Autofabbers.
--[X] 1 Storm hardened Autofactory. Cost: -6 Minerals, 2 Autofabber Actions (2/6)
--[X] 1 Storm hardened Warehouse. Cost: -1 Minerals, 1 Autofabber Action (3/6)
--[X] 1 Storm Hardened Blight hardened Basic Hab Complex. Cost: -1 Biomass, 1 Autofabber Action (4/6)
--[X] 1 Storm Hardened Ironwood Logging Camp. Cost: -1 Biomass, 1 Autofabber Action (5/6)
--[X] 1 Telekinetic Militia Equipment. Cost: 1 Autofabber Action (6/6), 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action (1/5), -2 Minerals.
--[X] 1 Storm Hardened Blight hardened Exowomb Nursery: Cost: 1 Autofactory Action (2/13). -3 Minerals. -2 Food
--[X] 1 Storm Hardened Research Lab. Cost -5 Minerals, -1 Biomass, 1 Autofactory Action (3/14)
--[X] 1 Storm Hardened Shipscale Fusion Reactor. +18 Energy/t. Cost: -16 Minerals, 4 Autofactory Actions (7/13)
--[X] 2 Storm Hardened Neuro-Throne Rooms. Cost: 4 Autofactory Actions (11/13), 2 Psi-Machine Actions (3/5), -6 Minerals, -6 Biomass.
--[X] 6 Psi Drones will be assigned as follows: 1 each to Labs 1, 2, and 3 bringing each to +20. 2 to lab 4 bringing it to +20, 1 to the newly constructed lab 5, bringing it to +10.
--[X] 2 Autofactories and 2 Psi Crystal Machines kept in reserve to help other actions.
--[X] Total Build Cost -2 Food, -34 Minerals, -9 Biomass
--[X] Continue Syngas storage rate at (6/6)
-[X] Orbital
--[X] 1 Supply Operation
--[X] 4 Asteroid Mining Operations
--[X] Boost 1 Basic Fusion Reactor to Orbit and install in Astro-mining bay
--[X] Boost 1 Neuro-throne module to Orbit and install in Astro-mining bay
--[X] 3 Capture Asteroid Operations
--[X] 1 Harvest Biomass Operation
-[X] Military:
--[X] Create a list of possible sites for a hidden supply cache within a few hundred miles of the colony. Location must be safe from worms and ideally close to features that would aid in concealment. A mountain valley far from any aquifer would be perfect, but islands closer to the settlement may also be considered as well as boring right into a mountain, though that would be more complicated. The purpose of the site would be to conceal essential equipment and materiel in case of an attack. Preventing visual or thermal detection from orbit is therefore a priority, along with still being reachable if our capacities were diminished, and being worm proof.
-[X] Exploration:
--[X] Map the magma tunnels beneath the colony. Evaluate areas for structural strength and the possibility of constructing a deep shelter to protect people from an attack, or just temporary shelter from really bad storms.
-[X] Research:
--[X] Labs 1 and 4 will continue present projects.
--[X] Lab 2 will research the Stormrider Anemone crystals
--[X] Lab 3 will research subterranean Bunker/Vault designs
--[X] Lab 5 will begin to study the Piezoelectric aquifers and their relationship to the Storm cycle
-[X] Diplomacy:
--[X] With the probability that the next Storm cycle will be complicated by our efforts to end the Blight propose a temporary interruption of service at the Exowomb Nurseries to protect the lives of staff and their charges during and before that Storm cycle. Since it would be impossible to evacuate incubators if a building were endangered by the storm we should ensure that the schedule has been cleared so that 9 months gestation of all patients completes before the storms and the buildings are safely empty when the storms hit. Full service will return as soon as damage from the storm is repaired.
-[X] Personal:
--[X] Have some sit-down meetings with the Matriarchs. Get a sense of any concerns they have and discuss future steps.

With the Blight jammers do we still need to worry about Blight-hardening individual facilities?
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[] Digging Deep

So generally speaking good stuff.

My first inclination on not seeing grav research was "noooooo my grav research" but then I thought time is not really against us on that tech so delays are fine. That said I still definetly want us pursuing it.

Could we maybe send a probe into the rift? let us see if we can pick anything up. Maybe our greater mind helm stuff or just general upgrades will give us better understanding.

Also, on personal. I think maybe we could also look at the non-clan people too. We don't want to focus entirely on the matriarchs (which I still find a not so great thing, I wish we could expand it to like both male and female elders or something, like honestly the whole clan thing going away by present B5 is something I am fine with)

I don't know if we need to do the exowomb safety systems though. Nothing we have seen indicates they are in danger of the storm.

Mind you I don't really have much other diplomacy thing to suggest, though I guess maybe the two prong elder council thing, but that is probably more than pure diplmacy.

But yeah good stuff. Great set up.
Wonder if we could imprint our Founders mind Alexander more into the central core sort of able to think it would be nice to continue the vigil even after death.

If our method of Bio material forming is injection molding could we not give Ships "Bones" in it's super structure either by standard arch shapes or by injecting it directly into cavities designed into the ship hull by specialized ports and tubing possibly a self healing hull super structure "spine" as it's a part that would be stressed with micro structural fractures, other is standardized panels or "scales" depending on size can be fitted to diffrent hulls acting as the skin against micro asteroids and reentry if you could carbon foam the outermost layer
Wonder if we could imprint our Founders mind Alexander more into the central core sort of able to think it would be nice to continue the vigil even after death.

If our method of Bio material forming is injection molding could we not give Ships "Bones" in it's super structure either by standard arch shapes or by injecting it directly into cavities designed into the ship hull by specialized ports and tubing possibly a self healing hull super structure "spine" as it's a part that would be stressed with micro structural fractures, other is standardized panels or "scales" depending on size can be fitted to diffrent hulls acting as the skin against micro asteroids and reentry if you could carbon foam the outermost layer
I mean, the molds can be pretty arbitrary in size and shape -- you just can't do things that require micrometer scale machining (so no gearing) or electrical/photonic conductivity/semiconductivity (so no power grids or computing), and so on.

But armor and structure components? Or coil or leaf springs? Those you absolutely can do.

This fact -- and the self-healing nature of the material -- along with the high-tensile Biomech material, are why you can't just retrofit the Standard shuttles you have into Militarized shuttles. The Militarized have to be made using the biomech materials as structural skeleton and as the reinforced hull (you don't have the thrust tech to genuinely armor them yet. Nor a more suitable but lightweight armor tech to use in place of bulking up.)
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So generally speaking good stuff.

My first inclination on not seeing grav research was "noooooo my grav research" but then I thought time is not really against us on that tech so delays are fine. That said I still definetly want us pursuing it.

Could we maybe send a probe into the rift? let us see if we can pick anything up. Maybe our greater mind helm stuff or just general upgrades will give us better understanding.

Also, on personal. I think maybe we could also look at the non-clan people too. We don't want to focus entirely on the matriarchs (which I still find a not so great thing, I wish we could expand it to like both male and female elders or something, like honestly the whole clan thing going away by present B5 is something I am fine with)

I don't know if we need to do the exowomb safety systems though. Nothing we have seen indicates they are in danger of the storm.

Mind you I don't really have much other diplomacy thing to suggest, though I guess maybe the two prong elder council thing, but that is probably more than pure diplmacy.

But yeah good stuff. Great set up.

The reason that I wanted to temporarily shut down the nurseries is that all our buildings will be in danger of destruction while we are trying to cure the Blight. We don't know whether the chance of building collapse will be 10% or 25%, or if we can lower it with preparations, but we will lose some buildings. There is very little we can't replace, given a minerals stockpile and power and working factories. The thing we need to avoid is casualties.

The Blight hasn't actually killed any Kith yet. We don't know what effect multiple infections could do, but it hasn't killed anyone yet. So enacting a solution that could kill some of our people to fix it is a bit of a fraught choice. Most of the choices I made in the last 2 plans have been focused on trying to keep potential casualties low. But we can't protect the exowombs if he nursery roof collapses. Operating on my experience of how devastated people can be when a wanted pregnancy ends in a miscarriage I could only imagine the morale hit if an occupied nursery was destroyed. Better to cope with a reduced growth rate over a couple of years and some inconvenience to family planning decisions than face that catastrophe. I don't know that the colony's administration could take that kind of morale hit.

As far as the hyperspace rift I think we should hold off messing with it until we can build the research facility to study it. Which is about 4-5 techs down from where we are. Two for the transport, 1 to design an Orbital Autofactory to build the transport, 1 to design the research station, and it would be nice to have the gravity plating.
It makes them perfect and we could then unironically have ship "bones" perhaps take some inspiration from nature in bone design or insects.

Also imagine asking what creature those bones on the beach are from and just say in response "oh? You mean the sail boat skeleton?" Like it's obvious with a what about it energy.

Let's see cogs would not seem the most exacting of things depending on how much you can pressurize it to fit in to fill in the corners could be the nature of the material it naturally wants to form into strong "organic" shapes with curves for optimal tensile strength
Turn 23: We CAN stop digging here, this ISN'T balrog country
Scheduled vote count started by Logos01 on Sep 18, 2024 at 8:16 AM, finished with 35 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Digging Deep
    [X] Digging Deep
    -[X] Industry:
    --[X] 1 Autofactory (1/12) will serve as 3 Autofabbers.
    --[X] 1 Storm hardened Autofactory. Cost: -6 Minerals, 2 Autofabber Actions (2/6)
    --[X] 1 Storm hardened Warehouse. Cost: -1 Minerals, 1 Autofabber Action (3/6)
    --[X] 1 Storm Hardened Blight hardened Basic Hab Complex. Cost: -1 Biomass, 1 Autofabber Action (4/6)
    --[X] 1 Storm Hardened Ironwood Logging Camp. Cost: -1 Biomass, 1 Autofabber Action (5/6)
    --[X] 1 Telekinetic Militia Equipment. Cost: 1 Autofabber Action (6/6), 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action (1/5), -2 Minerals.
    --[X] 1 Storm Hardened Blight hardened Exowomb Nursery: Cost: 1 Autofactory Action (2/13). -3 Minerals. -2 Food
    --[X] 1 Storm Hardened Research Lab. Cost -5 Minerals, -1 Biomass, 1 Autofactory Action (3/14)
    --[X] 1 Storm Hardened Shipscale Fusion Reactor. +18 Energy/t. Cost: -16 Minerals, 4 Autofactory Actions (7/13)
    --[X] 2 Storm Hardened Neuro-Throne Rooms. Cost: 4 Autofactory Actions (11/13), 2 Psi-Machine Actions (3/5), -6 Minerals, -6 Biomass.
    --[X] 6 Psi Drones will be assigned as follows: 1 each to Labs 1, 2, and 3 bringing each to +20. 2 to lab 4 bringing it to +20, 1 to the newly constructed lab 5, bringing it to +10.
    --[X] 2 Autofactories and 2 Psi Crystal Machines kept in reserve to help other actions.
    --[X] Total Build Cost -2 Food, -34 Minerals, -9 Biomass
    --[X] Continue Syngas storage rate at (6/6)
    -[X] Orbital
    --[X] 1 Supply Operation
    --[X] 4 Asteroid Mining Operations
    --[X] Boost 1 Basic Fusion Reactor to Orbit and install in Astro-mining bay
    --[X] Boost 1 Neuro-throne module to Orbit and install in Astro-mining bay
    --[X] 3 Capture Asteroid Operations
    --[X] 1 Harvest Biomass Operation
    -[X] Military:
    --[X] Create a list of possible sites for a hidden supply cache within a few hundred miles of the colony. Location must be safe from worms and ideally close to features that would aid in concealment. A mountain valley far from any aquifer would be perfect, but islands closer to the settlement may also be considered as well as boring right into a mountain, though that would be more complicated. The purpose of the site would be to conceal essential equipment and materiel in case of an attack. Preventing visual or thermal detection from orbit is therefore a priority, along with still being reachable if our capacities were diminished, and being worm proof.
    -[X] Exploration:
    --[X] Map the magma tunnels beneath the colony. Evaluate areas for structural strength and the possibility of constructing a deep shelter to protect people from an attack, or just temporary shelter from really bad storms.
    -[X] Research:
    --[X] Labs 1 and 4 will continue present projects.
    --[X] Lab 2 will research the Stormrider Anemone crystals
    --[X] Lab 3 will research subterranean Bunker/Vault designs
    --[X] Lab 5 will begin to study the Piezoelectric aquifers and their relationship to the Storm cycle
    -[X] Diplomacy:
    --[X] With the probability that the next Storm cycle will be complicated by our efforts to end the Blight propose a temporary interruption of service at the Exowomb Nurseries to protect the lives of staff and their charges during and before that Storm cycle. Since it would be impossible to evacuate incubators if a building were endangered by the storm we should ensure that the schedule has been cleared so that 9 months gestation of all patients completes before the storms and the buildings are safely empty when the storms hit. Full service will return as soon as damage from the storm is repaired.
    -[X] Personal:
    --[X] Have some sit-down meetings with the Matriarchs. Get a sense of any concerns they have and discuss future steps.

Event Roll: 43
Sandworm Attack: 66
Blight Check: 27

Year: 2093
  • Income:
    • Food: +23 ( Base +18, Fishing +5 )
    • Biomass: +50
    • Minerals: +67 ( Base: +20, Asteroid Mining +47)
    • Energy: +120
  • Expenses:
    • Food: -19 (Maint: -5 Pop Cost, -4 Civ Economy, -6 Exowombs) ( -2 Construction ) ( -2 Research )
    • Biomass: -32 ( Maint: -4 Civ Economy, -2 Military, -5 Buildings ) ( -9 Construction ) ( -6 Research ) ( -6 Syngas )
    • Minerals: -53 (Maint: -4 Civ Economy, -2 Military, -2 Buildings ) ( -39 Construction ) ( -5 Research )
    • Energy: -95 ( Maint: -9 Civ Economy, -50 Infra, -36 Buildings )
  • Reserves:
    • 31/100 Food Units
    • 38/100 Biomass
    • 50/100 Minerals
    • 50/50 Energy
      • Hydro-Store: 9
      • Syngas-Store: 12/24

Military Assets:
-- Telekinetic Militia. (+1 Effectiveness, +1 Psi-Amps, +1 Well-Equipped )
-- Clan Irregulars. 1 Squad. ( Can be applied in offworld operations and spec/recon activities, including spacewalk operations.)
-- Networked Watch Drones ( +1 Effectiveness )
-- 2 Squadrons of Telekinetic Militia Ground Effect Vehicles.

== Database Techs
- Colonization Basics.
Can build Tier 0 "Basic" basic facilities with autofabber action.
- Defense Basics.
Can build basic military gear, both personal and semi-autonomous drones.
- Energy Production Tier 1
Can design specialty Tier 1 facilities for power production. Most will require a Basic Autofactory.
- Ecological Architecture.
Can perform special actions to modify buildings to better perform or integrate better with local environment. (Example: "Storm Hardening").
- Space Operations.
Spaceports, Shuttles, Sensor Grids, and bears. Oh my!
- Ground Effect Vehicles.
Amphibious colonial survey design found in database. Increases efficacy of surveys, patrols, and hunts.

== Social Development
- Production/Energy Credit Economics
Basic and specialist pops have a minimum output that will always be met, and maintenance cost.
- Sporting Event Telepathic Training
Psi-amps have allowed teep training to be viewed as a form of athleticism rather than something to be endured. Long term impacts yet to be revealed.
- Clan Secrets
The Council of Matriarchs is planning to have each Clan develop their own unique spin on the skills one acquires as a teep and how to obtain them. While this can't affect Psi-ratings, the techniques one focuses on can have an impact on the jobs one is good at.
- Apprenticeships
The teens of the colony have persuaded the original generation to allow them to take on more responsibility and provide practical aid to the workers of the colony, easing the burden on the workforce.
- Telekinetic Dueling Culture.
The people of the colony are growing more invested in the personal prowess capabilities offered by the psi-amps.
- Civilian Economy Morale
The Civilian Economy has expanded to the state that it now provides a +1 Morale bonus to any facility with a malus that turn.
- Disaster Preparedness.
Militia Effectiveness now applies to disaster events.
- Storm Festivals.
Shocking culinary practices will now be a long-term part of the colony's social identity, representing endurance and togetherness. The Storm Month will be seen as a time when social status is secondary to reconciliation.

== Kithhame Techs
- Anti-Sandworm Thumpers
Sonic generators designed to mimic pestilent sandworms' predators.
- Vigor
Non-farmable trees quite similar to cinnamon trees on Old Earth, with some careful fermenting their bark can be made into a powder that when consumed with moderation significantly reduces the worst aspects of human senescence. This does not grant immunity to aging, but it does ensure that growing older does not mean loss of "youthful vigor" -- hence the material's name.

== Kobold Techs
- Kobold Veterancy Archives.
Eliminates potential unskilled labor penalties. Grants +1 bonus to tasks requiring extreme skill (combat rolls, medical performance, etc.,)
- Squadlink Technique.
Provides +1 effectiveness in small units from superior coordination.
- Stealth Technique.
Can allow militia members to remain undetected by sentient beings.
- Hive Repeaters.
Psi-crystal receiver/broadcasters that digitize Kobold hivemind mental broadcasts so they can be relayed via tightbeam tachyon broadcast. Allows Kobold Pets perk to apply in more situations, especially orbital operations.

== Psi-Crystal Techs
- Psi-Amps (Basic)
Through the use of electrically charged Psi-Crystals, and significantly more efficiently with a number of inscribed diagrams that allow specific energy conversions, telepaths can perform a broad number of "-kinetic" operations by reaching out telepathically to said crystals, or draw on the charge to enhance the brute strength of their telepathic presence. Psi-Amps can now also enhance telepathic operations and mind-machine interactions. +2 benefit (+20 to Research rolls).
- Telekinetic Weapons
Can use unengraved but larger psi-crystals to create heavy recoilless slug-thrower weapons, though they require hip or backpack power supplies.
- Telekinetic Thrusters
Use of psi-amp telekinesis to recoillessly compress springs in conjunction with "mental echo" training to provide impulse in a given direction. (Needs further research to advance above human-scale.)
- Psionic Interfaces
Telepathic interface technology can now work reliably with human-made computer components.
- Telekinetic Auras
By imbueing telekinetic energy into one's own bioelectric field, the field can draw on the person's metabolic energy and provide a basic 'reinforcement' of the bioelectric field into a sort of aura.
- Psi-Amp Multitasking.
Stronger telepaths can split their attention to perform telepathic and telekinetic actions simultaneously by 'shoring up' the strength of the 'psychic echo' in the psi-amps.
- Psi-Missiles.
Psi-drones equipped with telekinetic thrusters, sensor-dampening casings, and high explosive shaped charge munitions. Ideally effective at great ranges.
- Laser-kinetic Weapons
Vehicle-scale weapons based on mining lasers using telekinetic "bubbles" as supplemental focusing media, imparting kinetic energy by imbuing telekinetic "stickiness" to the photons, increasing beam coherence and magnifying momentum transfer capacity, creating lasers with kinetic impact. Improved psi-amps and biomechanoid casings for lasing chambers have increased effective range and potential charge to practical levels for point defense solutions at vehicular and spacecraft scales (ranges of single-digit kilometers rather than double-digit meters), with varying models of utility.

== Clan Psi-techs
> Alexander
-- Telescopic Clairsentience: Alexanders learn to use psi-amp interactions with light and sound to amplify signals coming from a given direction. Improves Psi-Amp bonus to some military actions.
-- Hostility Awareness: Alexanders (and those trained by them) can detect "killing intent" directed towards them in advance of the action actually being carried out. This can allow pre-emptive dodging or deflecting in almost prescient senses
> Gray
-- Empathic Telemetry: Grays learn to use their telepathic senses to detect the emotional resonance a person experiences with objects, thus determining in a sense the nature and degree of any importance personal possession, greatly easing disputes over personal possessions and theft complaints.
> Runningdeer
-- Kobold Memory Art: Runningdeers learn to use the Kobold Veterancy Archive in an abstract way, allowing the 'encryption' of personal secrets within the group by pairing symbolic references within the Archive with imagery that's shared as 'decryption keys' with fellow teeps.
> Ironheart
-- Circle Amplification: Ironhearts learn to include psi-amps in their cooperative choirs. While traditionally choirs cannot actually increase their effective P-rating, including a trained Ironheart into a choir can make psi-amps more energy-efficient when multiple teeps are involved. Adds +1 to the effect of psi-amps on any telepathic action that requires a choir.
> Stoner
-- Psychic Contracts: Stoners learn to use their telepathic capabilities and the informed consent of those involved to create a 'resonance' with a certain list of terms between those individuals. This creates a sort of mutual awareness of compliance with the agreement and, with psi-amp assistance, an aversion to breaking the terms as understood by both parties. Improves Civilian Economy yields with +1.
> Namikawa
-- Psi-Hand Technique: Namikawas have learned methods to partner the telekinetic 'bubble' psi-amps can maintain with the tactile response of their hands, drastically improving the resolution of sensory feedback from psi-amps when analyzing or appreciating the shapes and flows within the field. Adds +10 to Psi-Amp bonus to Research Rolls.

== Military Techs
- Clan Irregulars. 1 Job per Squad. Specialist Operatives trained to perform hostile ship boarding, hostage rescue, and sabotage operations.

== Biomechanoid Techs
- Biomechanical Material Farms. Grows ancient alien's biomechanoid structural material from raw biomass.
-- High Tensile: Biomechanoid Materials usage reduces total Minerals/Biomass cost by 10%.
-- Stone-shell Skin: Biomech Materials can be used for armoring purposes. Highly effective against kinetic, thermal, and electric impactors. The rock-looking "nacreous shell" the skin extrudes is not itself a living material, but is regenerative by triggering another growth/extrusion cycle by the "skin". Despite appearing to be igneous or metamorphic rock, the material is also highly lightweight.

Tier 0:
- Basic Autofab: -1 Energy Prod. Allows 1 Autofab Action/turn. Cost: 1 Autofab Action. 2 Minerals.
- Basic Militia Gear. Allows 1 pop to perform military actions. Cost: 1 Autofab Action. 1 Minerals.
- Basic Hab Complexes. +1 Pop Cap. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Greenhouses. +1 Food Prod. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Mines: +1 Minerals Prod. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Lumber Camp: +1 Biomass. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Wind/Solar Farm: +1 Energy Prod. Cost: 2 Minerals. Up to 1 Autofab Action (build up to 12 with 1 action.) (Cannot be Storm Hardened.)
- Syngas Reactor: +1-3 Energy/-1-3 Biomass. Cost: 2 Minerals. 1 Autofab Action.
- Hydroelectric Reservoir: Can store Energy for later use. 2 Energy to bank 1. No cap on storage. Can output up to 12E/t. Cost: 2 Minerals, 1 Autofab.
- Basic Autofactory: -2 Energy Prod. Allows 3 Autofab Actions OR 1 Autofactory Action. Cost: 2 Autofab Action. 5 Minerals.
- Gunshuttle. -1 Energy Prod. Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Cost: 2 Autofab Actions. 5 Minerals, 4 Biomass (Biomechanoid). (High-Tensile: -1 Biomass)
- Basic Kelp Farm. +1 Food, +1 Biomass, -1 Energy Prod. Requires deposit. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 1 Minerals.
- Cultural Center. 0/0/0. Negates all Cultural Crisis penalties when complete. 1 Autofab Action, 4 Food per stage. (Core / Ring / Wings )
- Basic Vehicular Maintenance Bay. Provides 'care and feeding' for 1 squadron of storm-hardened GEV's. -1 Energy. Cost: 2 Autofab Actions, 2 Biomass, 2 Minerals. Includes the squadron.

- Build Storm Peat Deposit. Adds a Storm Peat deposit to the planet. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 10 Food.
- Build Ironwood Plantation. Takes 4 years. Requires at least one Dredging Station to be operational the entire term. Cost: 3 Biomass, 1 Minerals per turn. 1 Autofabricator action per turn.
- Seed Ironwoods Into Mine Tailings. Adds +1 Minerals and +1 Biomass to a Mine. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 2 Biomass.

Psionic Tier 0:
- Telekinetic Militia: +1 Effectiveness. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 2 Minerals.

Tier 1:
- Basic Dredging Stations. +2 Minerals, -1 Energy. Costs 1 Minerals to build. 1 Autofactory Action.
- Basic Fusion Reactor: +3 Energy Prod. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 3 Minerals. (-1 Without Purifier.)
- Grass Farm: +2 Food/t, +2 Biomass/t, -2 Energy/t. Automated (No Jobs). Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, -2 Minerals, -2 Food, -2 Biomass.

- Standard Shuttle: Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 12 Minerals.
- Militarized Shuttle: Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Can perform Orbital Combats. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 7 Minerals, 6 Biomass. (High-Tensile: -1 Biomass)

- Exowomb Nursery: -2 Energy Prod, -1 Food. Counts as extra pop for Pop Growth calculations. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 2 Minerals. 2 Food.
- Spaceport (3 stage facility.) -2 Energy per stage. Provides subfacility slots for orbital-related activities. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals per stage.

- Deep Core Mine. +1d4 Minerals/t, -1 Energy/t. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals.
- Deep Syngas Rig. +1d4 Syngas/t, -1 Energy/t. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals.

- Solar Rectenna Station: Provides ground link to Orbital Solar Satellites. Supports up to 5 Satellites. Cost: 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action.
- Food Synthesizer: Converts Biomass into Food. Not very palatable, requires -1 Energy/t when in operation. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals, 3 Biomass.
- Biomechanical Material Farm: Permits production of Biomechanoid Materials to substitute Minerals with Biomass. -1 Energy/t when in operation. Cost: 2 Autofactory Actions, 5 Minerals, 5 Biomass.
- Training Facility: Provides ongoing Training experience to Colonial Military units. Requires: -2E/t, -2M/t, -2B/t. Cost: 1 Autofactory, 5 Minerals.

Psionic Tier 1:
- Psionic Drones: +1 "psi-drones" pop. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 2 Minerals. Can support 3 Psi-Drones pops per Human Pop. Psi-Drones may work 1 Job per pop, producing +1 to that Job, and cost -1 E/t.
- Psi-Crystal Machines: +1 Psi-Crystal Build Operation, -1 Energy/t. Cost: 5 Minerals, 2 Biomass, 1 Psi-Crystal Build, 1 Autofactory Action

Orbital Infrastructure Tier 1:
- Storm Nullifier Satellites: +2 Energy Prod. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 5 Minerals. (Mitigates Storm Turn Penalty.)
- Sensor Grid Satellites: Requires ground control. Provides sensor coverage for star system. Less effective when used passively. -2 Energy. Cost: 1 Orbital Operation, 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action.
- Solar Satellite: Provides control to up to 12 Solar Farms in Orbit. +2 Energy/t (base). Cost: 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action, 1 Orbital Operation.
- Orbital Station Modules: Provides Job-related infrastructure or habitation. Costs: 10 Minerals, 4 Autofabber Actions, 2 Orbital Operations, 1 Basic Fusion Reactor.
-- Orbital Station Core: Allows other Modules, provides habitation for Jobs. Requires 1 Orbital Operation per Job sustained aboard station.
-- Astro-Mining Bay: Supports 1 Job, allowing up to 4 Asteroid Mining Operations per Job. Each Asteroid Mining Operation gets "best-of-2" on yield roll.
-- Neuro-Throne Module: Supports 1 Job, allowing 3 Psi-Drones Jobs to be assigned to Orbital Operations.

Tier 2:
- Shipscale Fusion Reactor. +18 Energy/t. Cost: 15 Minerals, 4 Autofactories. (Can also be a component for ships.)
- Transport Ship Hull. Component/base for transport ships. Cost: 80 Minerals. 4 Orbital Autofactories.

Psionic Tier 2:
- Neuro-Throne Room: 2 Autofactory Actions, 1 Psi-Machine Action, 5 Minerals. Requires 1 Human Job, allows 3 Psi-Drone Jobs. -1 Energy/t. Limit 3 Throne-Rooms per Human Pop.

- Asteroid Mining. Harvest Asteroids that approach near Kithhame orbit. Provides 1d12 Minerals.
- Launch Assets. Allows deploying manufactured goods into orbit. (Max capacity, 12 Solar Farms / 1 Satellite.)
- Send Probe. Allows exploring anomalies or other planetary bodies.
- Capture Asteroid. Capture Organic asteroid and seed with biomech materials, that can then grow with solar energy and planetary dust emissions, allowing +2 Biomass/t from Harvest Orbital Biomass Operations.
- Harvest Orbital Biomass. Collect all Captured Asteroid Biomass that turn.

  • Trinary Star System.
    • Kith Prime A. Yellow Giant (50x larger than Sol). 2 hadean planets, 2 hot dead worlds, 1 possibly terrestrial, 2 gas giants. 2 dwarf planets. No asteroid belt.
    • Kith Prime B. Brown Dwarf. 2 frozen worlds. 1 gas giant. 2 asteroid belts. 1 dwarf planet.
    • Kith Prime C. Blue Dwarf. 2 Hadean Worlds. 1 Hot dead world. Kithhame. 1 frozen world. 1 asteroid belt. 2 gas giants. 3 dwarf planets.
    • 2 Energetic Anomalies.
      • "Lighting Hole". Building "Rift Observation Station" will grant permanent +20 to Hyperspace Theory rolls.
      • "Radrock". Building "Radrock Observation Station" will grant permanent +10 to Nuclear Physics rolls.
    • Charted (+1 to asteroid mining operations).

  • Kithhame
    • [*]Population:
      • Humans: 5 Units (~1140 people) ( -5 Food/t )
      • Kobolds: 9 Units (Self-sustaining)
    • [*]Planetary status:
      • Marginally habitable. Indigenous wildlife obviously alien but at times oddly familiar.
      • Planetary Storms hit every 5 years. (2072,2077,2082, etc.. Causes -1 to all facilities that turn. Chance of facility loss.)
      • Hostile Fauna: Sandworms. 25% 10% chance annually of attack on food reserves/production.
      • Notable Fauna: Stormrider Anemone. Catxlotls.
      • 3 Basic Minerals deposit found (3 Medium Exploited).
      • 5 "Storm Peat" Deposits Found (5 Lightly Exploited). ( Build mine to produce +1 Energy/turn, +1 Biomass.)
      • 3 Kelp Forest Deposits Found ( 3 Lightly Exploited). (Build Kelp Farm to produce +1 Food, +1 Biomass, -1 Energy.)
      • 3 Ironwood Deposits Found (3 Lightly Exploited). (Build Logging Camp to produce +1 Minerals, +1 Biomass.)
      • 0 Ironwood Deposit Growing: 0/4t. ( When growing: -1 Minerals/t, -3 Biomass/t, 1 Autofabber/t.)
      • 3 High-mineral silt deposits found. (1 Lightly Exploited) (2 Unexploited). (Build Dredging Station to produce +2 Minerals, -1 Energy.)
      • 2 Deep Mineral Deposits Found. (2 Unexploited). (Build Deep Core Mine to produce 1d4 Minerals, -1 Energy.)
      • 2 Deep Petrochemical Deposit Found. (2 Unexploited). (Build Deep Syngas Rig to produce 1d4 Syngas, -1 Energy.)
      • 1 Alien Ruins Found. Unlocks biotech, telepathic interface, cybernetics technology paths.
      • Ancient Blight: 20% chance of total crop failure in Farms annually.
      • 8 Captured Biomass Asteroids.
    • [*]Colonization status:
      • One permanently landed converted Centauri cargo hauler. No jump-engine, but the previous owner never removed the on-board grav plating. Colony Ship Museum: The Old Ship can no longer function, but its systems are available for study and for 'edutainment' trips by colony children.
      • One ruined/derelict transport ship from 2260
      • Water Purification Plant ( Grants "Purified" Perk, Adding +1 to Hab Complexes and Farming Complexes, Storm Hardened)
      • 4 Basic Hab Complex: 8 Pop Cap ( 4 Pop Limit, +4 Purification, Storm Hardened)
      • 4 Basic Warehouse Complex. +80 Storage Caps. (Storm Hardened.)
      • 1 Hydroelectric Reservoir. No Storage Cap. Costs 2 Power to store 1. Can output 12 E/t.
      • 24 Syngas Tanks. (24 Syngas cap. Costs 1 Biomass to store 1. Stored Syngas can be burned at 12/t per Syngas Reactor.)
      • Cultural Center (Complete) ( Negates Cultural Crisis.) (All sub facilities automatically Storm Hardened.)
        • Automated Field Hospital. -1 Energy, -1 medical emergency impact
        • Central Computer Core. -2 Energy. (Telepathic interfaces. Colony-wide network.)
        • Archives. -1 Energy. (Retains memories of history, culture, social theory, improves educational outcomes)
      • 3 Vehicle Maintenance Bays. -3 Energy. (Provides 'care and feeding' for 2 squadrons of GEVs.) (Storm Hardened.)
      • Starport (Complete) -6 Energy. (Allows synthesis of fusion torch fuel. Protects Shuttles. Has subfacilities.) (Storm Hardened.) (Phase 2: Magnetic Launchers -- +1 to all Orbital Actions.) ( Phase 3: Tachyon Beacon )
        • Drydock. (Permits study, repair, and construction of larger ship classes.)

      • 3 Standard Shuttle. ( +3 Orbital Operations. )
      • 4 Gunshuttle ( +4 Orbital Operations. -4 Energy/t )
      • 4 Militarized Shuttle ( +4 Orbital Operations. Can perform Orbital Military Ops.)
      • Clan Exowomb Nursery ( +10 Births/t, -3 Energy/t, -1 Food/t, Special: Does not count against cap, Storm Hardened, Blight-Hardened).
      • 5 Exowomb Nursery ( +50 Births/t, -15 Energy/t, -5 Food/t. Max 1 Facility per Human Pop. Storm Hardened. Blight-Hardened.)
      • 5 Research Facilities -5 Energy/t ( Grants "Labs" perk, granting +10 to research rolls. Can sustain 1 research project per turn each. Storm Hardened. 1 Facility Blight-Hardened.)
      • Private Research Facility -1 Energy/t ( Allows 1 research project per turn not under Questor control. Storm Hardened.)
      • Biomechanical Material Farm, -1 Energy/t ( Can spend 1 Biomass for 1 Minerals, for up to 50% of Minerals costs. -1 Energy when in use. Blight-Hardened.)
      • Orbital Station:
        • Core: Allows other Modules, provides habitation for Jobs. Requires 1 Orbital Operation per Human Job sustained aboard station.
        • Astro-Mining Bay: Supports 1 Job, allowing up to 4 Asteroid Mining Operations per Job. Each Asteroid Mining Operation gets "best-of-2" on yield roll.
        • Neuro-Throne Module: Supports 1 Human Job. Grants 3 Psi-Drone Jobs per module.
      • Honeypede Ranching. -1 Biomass/t, Improves Morale Bonus 1 step. (Bonus now applies to terrestrial random rolls.)
      • Food Synthesizer (Can convert Biomass into Food. Requires -1 Energy/t when active.).
      • Planetary Sensor Grid. (Provides early warning of spaceborn events, or planetary ecological disasters. Can improve survey and exploration actions.)
      • Training Facility. Provides Training Experience to Colonial military assets. -2 Energy/t, -2 Minerals/t, -2 Biomass/t.
      • 4 Neuro-Throne Rooms. -4 Energy/t, 4 Human Jobs. Provides 12 Psi-Drone Jobs. ( 12 to Labs )
    • [*]Economic status:
      • 3 "lightly pre-owned" Centauri-make autofabbers.
      • 12 Autofactory. -24 Energy ( Storm Hardened )
      • 5 Psi-Crystal Manufacturing Devices. -5 Energy/t
      • 2 "Civilian" Autofactory. -4 Energy, -4 Food, -4 Biomass, -4 Minerals. (Storm Hardened, Reserved for 'private'/'civilian' economy. Costs 1 Job per Autofactory.)
      • 1 "Military" Autofactory. -2 Energy, -2 Biomass, -2 Minerals (Storm Hardened, Reserved for "Military" infrastructure.)
      • 1 Civilian Psi-Crystal Manufacturing Device. -1 Energy/t (Colonists will have access to personal psi-amps.)
      • 3 Basic Greenhouse Farms: +9 Food, -3 Energy ( 3 Food, +3 Kobold Pets, +3 Purification, -3 Energy [Blight], Storm Hardened, Blight-Hardened)
      • 3 Basic Kelp Farms: +6 Food, +6 Biomass, -3 Energy ( 2 Food/Biomass, +2 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)
      • 3 Basic Lumbercamps: +6 Biomass ( 3 Biomass, +3 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened )
      • 1 Fishing GEV Fleet: 1d4->3+2 Food ( 1d4 Food, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Morale )
      • 1 Grass Farm: +3 Food, +3 Biomass, -2 Energy ( 2 Food, 2 Biomass, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)
      • 3 Basic Mine Complex. +12 Minerals, +3 Biomass, -3 Energy ( 3 Minerals, +3 Kobold Pets, +3 Powered Machinery, Ironwood Tailings [ +3 Minerals, +3 Biomass], Storm Hardened. )
      • 3 Basic Ironwood Logging Camps. +6 Minerals, +6 Biomass (2 Minerals, 2 Biomass, +2 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)
      • 1 Dredging Station +3 Minerals, -1 Energy ( 2 Minerals, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened.)
      • 5 Basic Peat Mine Complex. +10 Energy, +10 Biomass ( +1 Energy, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened. )
      • 1 Storm Nullifier. +2 Energy. (Reduces Storm Turn penalty by 1 step).
      • 10 Basic Fusion Reactor. +30 Energy. (Storm Hardened. Purified. )
      • 2 Ship-Scale Fusion Reactor. +36 Energy/t. (Storm Hardened).
      • 2 Syngas Reactor. +0 Energy -0 Biomass. (Max of 6) (Storm Hardened.)
      • Solar Rectenna Station: 3/5 Satellites. (Storm Hardened).
        • 3 Solar Satellite(s). +6 E/t, ( Supports 12 Orbital Solar Farms. )
        • 36 Orbital Solar Farms. +36 E/t.

Clan Activity:

Civilian Economy:

Spaceport Beacon Transcripts:

-- 1 Autofactory (1/12) will serve as 3 Autofabbers. -- ( 1/11 Autofac -> 0/6 Fabber)
-- 1 Storm hardened Autofactory. Cost: -6 Minerals, 2 Autofabber Actions (2/6) -- ( -6M, 2/6 Fabber, -2 E/t)
-- 1 Storm hardened Warehouse. Cost: -1 Minerals, 1 Autofabber Action (3/6) -- ( -7M, 3/6 Fabber, -2 E/t)
-- 1 Storm Hardened Blight hardened Basic Hab Complex. Cost: -1 Biomass, 1 Autofabber Action (4/6) -- ( -7M, -1B, 4/6 Fabber, -2 E/t)
-- 1 Storm Hardened Ironwood Logging Camp. Cost: -1 Biomass, 1 Autofabber Action (5/6) -- ( -7M, -2B, 5/6 Fabber, -2 E/t, +2M/t, +2 B/t)
-- 1 Telekinetic Militia Equipment. Cost: 1 Autofabber Action (6/6), 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action (1/5), -2 Minerals. -- ( -9M, -2B, 6/6 Fabber, -2 E/t, +2M/t, +2 B/t)
-- 1 Storm Hardened Blight hardened Exowomb Nursery: Cost: 1 Autofactory Action (2/13). -3 Minerals. -2 Food -- ( -12M, -2B, -2F, 2/12 Autofac, -5 E/t, +2M/t, +2B/t )
-- 1 Storm Hardened Research Lab. Cost -5 Minerals, -1 Biomass, 1 Autofactory Action (3/14) -- ( -17M, -3B, -2F, 3/12 Autofac, -6 E/t, +2M/t, +2 B/t )
-- 1 Storm Hardened Shipscale Fusion Reactor. +18 Energy/t. Cost: -16 Minerals, 4 Autofactory Actions (7/13) -- ( -33M, -3B, -2F, 7/12 Autofac, -6 E/t, +18 E/t, +2 M/t, +2 B/t )
-- 2 Storm Hardened Neuro-Throne Rooms. Cost: 4 Autofactory Actions (11/13), 2 Psi-Machine Actions (3/5), -6 Minerals, -6 Biomass. -- ( -39M, -9B, -2F, 11/12 Autofac, 3/5 Psi-Mach, -8 E/t, +18 E/t, +2 M/t, +2 B/t )
-- 6 Psi Drones will be assigned as follows: 1 each to Labs 1, 2, and 3 bringing each to +20. 2 to lab 4 bringing it to +20, 1 to the newly constructed lab 5, bringing it to +10.
-- 2 Autofactories and 2 Psi Crystal Machines kept in reserve to help other actions. ( Only 1 Autofac available)
-- Continue Syngas storage rate at (6/6)

~~ Orbital
-- 1 Supply Operation ( 1/11)
-- 4 Asteroid Mining Operations. ( 5/11 )
-- Deploy Asset: 1 Basic Fusion Reactor ( 6/11 )
-- Deploy Asset: Neuro-Throne Module ( 7/11 )
-- 3 Capture Asteroid Operations. ( 10/11 )
-- 1 Harvest Biomass Operation. ( 11/11 )

-- Results:
--( 2d12->(10,3)->10 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +14 Minerals Acquired.
--( 2d12->(9,2)->9 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +13 Minerals Acquired.
--( 2d12->(8,1)->8 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +12 Minerals Acquired.
--( 2d12->(4,1)->4 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +8 Minerals Acquired.
-- +16 Biomass

-- Build Costs:
-> -39M, -9B, -2F, 11/12 Autofac, 3/5 Psi-Mach, -8 E/t, +18 E/t, +2 M/t, +2 B/t
-> 1 Autofactory, 2 Psi-Crystal Machine, reserved for ops below.

-- Create a list of possible sites for a hidden supply cache within a few hundred miles of the colony. Location must be safe from worms and ideally close to features that would aid in concealment. A mountain valley far from any aquifer would be perfect, but islands closer to the settlement may also be considered as well as boring right into a mountain, though that would be more complicated. The purpose of the site would be to conceal essential equipment and materiel in case of an attack. Preventing visual or thermal detection from orbit is therefore a priority, along with still being reachable if our capacities were diminished, and being worm proof.

The completion of the psi-crystal weapons technology couldn't have come soon enough for this project's survey. The GEVs aren't exactly the best cargo carriers, not for large volumes; and while suborbital transits of shuttles can carry large masses, establishing a proper outpost just requires far more than even that.

The list of sites recommended for an outpost were originally going to be written up in terms of what cargo could be carried by the colony's available vehicles -- and frankly, none of them were all that appealing to either the militia or to yourself. But when the improved weapons techs, and the earthworking potential resulting from them, were completed -- a new option, far more ideal at that, availed itself to your colony.

Mt. Salcedo -- named for Juan de Salcedo, whose historical fame included one of the earliest known psyops in military history -- was ideal in that it was a defunct volcano surrounded by a caldera lake, thus ensuring both that it could be isolated from potential worm attacks and that it would have copious ready space should it but be accessible. The only challenge was that digging into the volcano to establish a fortress would have been nearly impossible with the equipment your people had access to previously -- the caldera itself was surrounded by badlands that are functionally unnavigable, and the caldera made landing a shuttle near enough to get work done an impossibility.

But with the new devices, camouflaged tunnel networks and paved roadways not visible from orbit were now something that the new tools could actually manufacture in a feasibly small enough time to be worth the effort.

-- Results:
- Mt. Salcedo Fortress/Vault location found. Will require establishment of a concealed transport road covering a range of over 200 kilometers from the main colony.

-- Map the magma tunnels beneath the colony. Evaluate areas for structural strength and the possibility of constructing a deep shelter to protect people from an attack, or just temporary shelter from really bad storms.

The initial dig to access the old magma tunnels well beyond the in-fill done decades ago goes fairly smoothly, as does the deployment of the basic sensor-equipped drones meant to explore the tunnels. They are found to be quite extensive, in fact; it would seem that the Salcedo Caldera is far from alone in being a remnant of ancient volcanic activity in the vicinity of the colony. Careful samplings are taken to estimate the age of the tunnels, and more effort is made to determine, if any, the presence of other such signs of volcanism. The tunnels themselves are found to lead to a "chute" -- long since solidified or filled with rubble -- that leads to an extinct magma chamber some twenty kilometers away from the colony, and well under the sea. The chamber itself has long since flooded from microfractures, but could with some preparation and a not so small investment in energy to pump the flooded area out, be established as a quick-transit accessible deep vault, or even extra hardened location for high priority facilities. The tunnel network extends far and is complex enough that your people realize it would be a multi-year effort to properly map out; but every age sample taken shows the last the signs of any activity is from tens of millions of years ago.

-- Results:
- Deep Vault potential location found kilometers beneath the colony. Would take extensive digging and energy investment to make viable, but is large enough to house a small town unto itself once completed.

-- Lab I will study Blight Cure II
-- Lab II will study Storm Anemone Shells
-- Lab III will study Deep Vault Bunkers
-- Lab IV will study Psi-Crystal Weaponry (vehicle/fighter scale)
-- Lab V will study Piezoelectric Aquifer Studies I

The careful tests during intermittent "ordinary" rainstorms using the Storm Nullifier as a test system have long since paid out. Inducing the right frequences to cause a metabolic storm in the blight-infected cells of various flora and fauna but at a low enough rate to be survivable has been worked out, and the test samples exposed to the prototype storms have all shown a complete cure to be viable albeit at a 5% fatality rate for such a remote rate of operation. This could have long-term ecological impacts for the planet, but given the sheer robustness at which most life repopulates itself after a given Storm Year, it seems the planet would be dramatically less effected than if you had attempted to implement this on a well-settled world like Old Earth where ecosystems are far more fragile due to millennia of human activity. The only real problem is that the process would require actually selectively stimulating the storms rather than suppressing them, meaning the colony would need to prepare for the roughest Storm Year yet experienced. ( Storm-Hardened facilities will have a 25% chance of being destroyed, unless extra protections are put in place. Vault Facilities will be safe.)

There is some hope for a solution to that problem already in the colony's hands, however, thanks to other active research. The storm anemone shells are found to have pretty much all the properties one might hope for in an armoring solution; they actively distribute impact energies along their molecular bonds and significantly increase in maximum yield strength under compression shock, and respond to thermo-electric force in largely directional manner -- the material can radiate thermal energy from the concave side of the shell's curvature but the convex side are extremely thermally and ionically "reflective". While the nacreous rock-like material is too complex for the autofactories to produce, it seems that by injecting anemone skin into a biomechanoid material farm as a "seed", the biomech material can extrude significant amounts of the rock-armor. With some careful pruning/shaping, this means an interior layer of the biomech material can be induced to extrude an armor layer of this new stone-shell. It isn't long before the original biomech material of the militarized shuttles is swapped out for the new stone-shell skins, dramatically improving their potential survivability in combat.

The psi-crystal-backed weapons program finally comes out of its testing phase. Two major designs are mastered as a result of this program: the telekinetic missile and laser-kinetic weapons. Telekinetic missiles are a combination of a standard psi-drone, operated by a neuro-throne, married to an upscaled telekinetic thruster, cased with sensor-ablating materials, and given a shaped-charge high explosive warhead. The hope of such weapons is that they are hard enough to detect that they could penetrate enemy point defense systems to a close enough range to be highly effective at delivering explosive power. The main drawback to such weapons, however, is that they require psi-crystals to be used in expendable munitions. To be feasible, a psi-crystal machine and an autofactory would need to be dedicated to their manufacture -- as even in years when there is no combat, the operators would need to practice using the things for them to have any accuracy due to the lack of active sensors on the missiles themselves and all feedback/guidance happening by Neuro-throne operator.

The other major weapons systems are the evolution of the mining laser designs from the colony database. By utilizing stone-skin mech material for the lasing chamber (thus drastically increasing the maximum energy that the chamber can hold), and the improved psi-crystal circuitry, a rotary laser design can time the buildup of electrical energy in the weapon's dedicated psi-amp to the maximization of charge in the lasing chamber, thus not only "overclocking" the lasers in terms of maximum energy per shot, but also imbuing the telekinetic "stickiness" to the photons of the coherent beam. This will give your militarized shuttles a laser weapons range of roughly 2 kilometers, which is believed to be "short" rather than "point-blank" range for fighter-scale combat in space, when operating in "rotary" model. This theoretically improves the survivability of the shuttles in combat because the lasers can interdict incoming fire thanks to their photons being telekinetically "glued" to each other enough to interact like a solid object despite still being photons. The rotary laser cannons also have a "burst" fire mode, where the amp is applied to all the barrels at once -- this would make the weapons effective to a further 3 kilometers total, and deliver far more energy per shot -- at the cost of being less than 1/6th the rate of fire.

A significant part of why this is so feasible, however, is that the research project was only viable when the researchers actually attempted to implement optical crystal computer circuitry into the psi-crystals as had been previously theorized. This involved a significant amount of random guesswork into what circuitry patterns would effect what results, but with the years' worth of output of multiple crystals a fairly large number of effective patterns (which some wisecracker decided to call "runes", only to find that the name stuck much to everyone involved's chagrin), each of which when touched upon by the mind of the operator were found to be significantly more energy-efficient than an unattuned psi-crystal. This general application thus far applies to electrical, kinetic, thermal, optical, and cognitive functions. That energy efficiency is quite valuable, no less, as it means the same effects require channeling less energy through the mind of the telepath, thus increasing the output psi-amps can achieve without risking frying the mind of the operators. Should a psi-crystal machine be applied to enhancing a given facility, it could now be granted a permanent +2 Yield for -1 Energy/t (supplanting the Powered Tools perk, just to be clear).

The piezolectric aquifers, in other news, are found to be functionally "wellsprings" of a naturally occurring ionic fluid that reacts to compression shocks by emitting electrical currents. These patterns along with the general tectonic shifting of the planet in response to subtle planetary orbital mechanical effects, seem to result in the planet's atmospheric turbulence. The total energy at any given wellspring of said fluid isn't high enough to be greatly impactful, but it does occur to your researchers that adding common wind turbines to agitate reservoirs of the ionic fluid to the colony's Peat Bogs could increase their Yields by a not trivial amount. The turbines would have to be "Battened down" during storms, but those self-same storms would provide sufficient agitation for the piezoelectric effect to continue to draw down extensive lightning to the bogs. (Ionic Fluids perk available for Peat Bogs. 1 Autofab action increases Yield by +2.). With the planetary sensor grids, it is soon discovered that the ionic fluids "aquifers" form a vast near-fractal but not discernably meaningful 'webwork' throughout the planet's surface. The end result of this is that with this information in hand, the most turbulent locations where storms would appear during the "off-season" is now readily predicted by your people -- which should empower expansion and deployment of outposts in the future. (Higher/lower latitude locations now more viable for colonial expansion in the future.)

The last bit of developmental news for the colony comes from the 'private sector'. It turns out a pair of the Uptimers had gotten very much into improvising the necessary parts for maintaining their personal PPGs while on the run as "blips", and with the aid of the colony's research equipment and fabrication time, managed to take those lessons and understanding of how phased plasma guns -- or at least pistol-scale ones -- and re-implement them. While the resulting designs are all barely qualified as being viable for personal use, the most important parts are the principles. Should future researchers follow up on the technology, these weapons have significant potential for a multitude of uses by the colony. To say nothing of what energy caps could do if married to psi-amps in terms of reducing the bulk of the batteries now used.

-- Results:
- (186 + 1d100->55 + 30 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs +10 Sampling + 10 Hardened +20 Psi-Drones )=321 out of 200 to study Blight Cure II. (Lab1) -2 Food, -2 Biomass.
- ( 36 + 1d100->47 + 30 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs +20 Psi-Drones )=146 out of 100 to study Storm Anemone Shells (Lab2)
- ( 0 + 1d100->24 + 30 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs +20 Psi-Drones )=84 out of 100 to study Deep Vault Bunkers (Lab3)
- ( 160 + 1d100->86 +20 Psi-Amps +10 Labs +10 Psi-Drones )=296 out of 200 to study Psi-Crystal Weaponry (Lab4) (Psi-Crystal Machine, Autofactory, -5 Minerals, -2 Biomass)
- ( 0 + 1d100->41 +30 Psi-Amps +10 Labs, + 20 Psi-Drones )=101 out of 100 to study Piezoelectric Aquifer Studies I (Lab5)
- (45 + 1d100->29 + 30 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs + 30 Psi-Drones )=144 out of 100 to unlock Personal PPGs. (Private Lab)
(Costs: -2 F, -5M, -6 B )
- Civilian-grade PPG Pistol tech unlocked.
- Primitive Psi-Amps upgraded to Basic Psi-Amps. Now applicable in a much broader range of scenarios.
- -- Psi-Amp Tools perk unlocked for facilities, requiring 1 Psi-Machine action and replacing Powered Tools, but granting +2 Yield for -1 Energy/t per Facility this is applied to.
- Stone-Shell Skin Biomech material tech unlocked.
- Civilian Economy now has access to personal PPG pistol designs. (Not equal in effectiveness to telekinetic gunnery)

-- With the probability that the next Storm cycle will be complicated by our efforts to end the Blight propose a temporary interruption of service at the Exowomb Nurseries to protect the lives of staff and their charges during and before that Storm cycle. Since it would be impossible to evacuate incubators if a building were endangered by the storm we should ensure that the schedule has been cleared so that 9 months gestation of all patients completes before the storms and the buildings are safely empty when the storms hit. Full service will return as soon as damage from the storm is repaired.

The proposal goes over pretty well, all things considered. You barely have to make any recommendations on the matter -- it's a very sensible practice, and everyone's thoughts on the matter are clearly in alignment on the matter of the Blight cure is important enough for the risk. This is exactly the kind of call that a colony's leader ought to be making.

-- Results:
- There will be no objections to temporarily mothballing the Exo-Wombs during the next Storm Year.

-- Have some sit-down meetings with the Matriarchs. Get a sense of any concerns they have and discuss future steps.

Overall the Matriarchs are quite pleased with where the colony has been going. There is one request made, by the Ironhearts of all people, however -- it turns out that a certain tree's bark, when 'stewed' in vinegar for a year, can be made into a kind of cinnamon. The Ironhearts want the trees to be declared a colonial resource. This confused you until Mawmaw shared her -- encrypted -- medical data. The "Vigor", as her family had taken to calling it, had a mild antiagathic effect for those consuming it. It didn't make you younger, per-se, nor did it prevent overall aging... but it did restore metabolic and immunological activity levels to those of one with far less senescent buildup. It is anticipated that the Vigor, if carefully managed, could result in lifespans for the colonists enduring to the upper bounds of naturally feasible human lifespans. The only problem being that Vigorbark trees require very specific briney conditions to grow in and none of the Ironhearts' attempts at surreptitiously cultivating new copses of the trees have had any success. This means that the spice must be harvested "in the wild", and that would keep the material extremely rare.

-- Results:
- "Vigor" spice now available to the colony in general. Vigor allows senior citizens to be as spry and full of "youthful vigor" in general as the middle-aged, and the middle-aged to have the energy and metabolic health of a college student. It does not prevent other aspects of aging, however.

Votes by plan, please:
Each turn is 1 year.
1 Action in each category, only write-ins for now while the dust settles and interest is shown.

- [] Industry:
(Agricultural, economic, and residential leadership actions go here.)
-- []
- [] Military:
(Militia, naval, wartime, and such go here.)
-- []
- [] Exploration:
(Scouting, mapping, resource survey type actions go here.)
-- []
- [] Research:
(Pulling schematics for practical application out of the colony ship's AI, discovering new techniques, biotech, and so on.)
-- []
- [] Diplomacy:
(Internal or external diplomatic actions. Building community, negotiating trade deals, and so on.)
-- []
- [] Personal:
(Things you do yourself.)
-- []
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At long last! The secret to Mawmaw's longevity is revea... wait, no, that's not actually what's keeping her alive? She's just that cantankerous that not even Death himself wants to risk her ire? Well I'll just see myself out then shall I?

You guys accomplished a /LOT/ this turn. Geez.

Also: enjoy the stoneage-primitive chic your guys' new armor material will give you. Now you, too, can emulate being absurdly advanced yet making everything out of literal stone just like Stargate's Ancients! (<_<)
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Well for the next research I have two ideas with what we got here.
1) keep working on the psycrystals & runes for more improvements there
2) More in-depth study of vigor and follow up of that for potential synthetic version of it.

Both have some value if we can find the time for that.
Well for the next research I have two ideas with what we got here.
1) keep working on the psycrystals & runes for more improvements there
2) More in-depth study of vigor and follow up of that for potential synthetic version of it.

Both have some value if we can find the time for that.
I'll mention now that the Ironhearts have known about Vigor for a while now and there's something about the stuff that requires a certain amount of irregularity in the compound's makeup that only occurs in nature; their attempts at analyzing it found that despite seeming to be wholly random, the irregularity does matter and that's thwarted their attempts to make a synthetic version.

(That would be an incredibly difficult path to go down; it'll be easier to figure out how artificially farm the vigorbark trees.)
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Cultivating the Vigor bark trees is something we will definitely want to go down, after the Blight.

Research wise:
1) We could try to continue to refine the Blight Cure to get the fatality rate lower
2) There is another research project we could run for the Blight: trying to understand how the mechanism for assembling the pathogen in a host's body, through instructions that only reach the host electromagnetically, works and if it can be replicated without the Blight.
3) Start working on the the gravity plating, but I expect this to be a big one.
4) Find broader applications of the runes/enhance our psi-amps further
5) Continue weaponry research and try to create an enhanced plasma weapon based on the PPG research the civilian lab did.
6) Back to working on the Future Transport
7) Design the Rapid Response bay, without waiting for other techs first.
8) Anti-agathic research based on the Vigor trees

This is not a ranked list, just pointing out we have a lot of different projects we could attempt.
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Cultivating the Vigor bark trees is something we will definitely want to go down, after the Blight.
We could cultivate it in the wild, at least at our current scale.

Just find a "meme" that we can throw into the Kobold hivemind so that they tell us whenever any of the wild tribes stumble onto a Vigor bark tree.
1) We could try to continue to refine the Blight Cure to get the fatality rate lower
2) There is another research project we could run for the Blight: trying to understand how the mechanism for assembling the pathogen in a host's body, through instructions that only reach the host electromagnetically, works and if it can be replicated without the Blight.

We are starting to lean pretty damn hard into biotech.
So jumping off the blight to work on our overall understanding might be pretty good way to use the research we have done there.
We are starting to lean pretty damn hard into biotech.
So jumping off the blight to work on our overall understanding might be pretty good way to use the research we have done there.
I may try to make a 2nd lab a Blight research lab, focus it on the side project, then just assign other biotech related projects to those 2 labs once the Blight is ended. With 5% fatality still there I really want to see if we can push the Blight cure research further.