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You are an intruder in the greatest ritual this misbegotten land has to offer.

The Fuyuki Holy Grail War has failed four times already. This fifth attempt will be the last.
Prologue 1 - Intro New

January, 2004 -- Fuyuki, Japan

A monster stirs, slowly reemerging from its years-long hibernation. Its last feast interrupted, tendrils of corruption reach to consume the innocent far ahead of schedule. The wise converge not to slay the beast or oppose its thirst, but to slake it with their own blood. Already Fuyuki suffers the prelude to Hell's symphony.

Of this you are ignorant.

For you the only thing that matters is getting to

[] (age) work
[X] (age) school

on time, something you've always

[X] (personality) struggled
[] (personality) managed

to do in the past.

Fate/First Nights is, obviously enough, a quest taking place before, during, and possibly after the Fifth Fuyuki Grail War of Fate/Stay Night. You take the role of an original character drawn into things for one reason or other and will try to survive or interfere with the ritual however you're inclined.

First, we should generate the character you'll be playing.

Following will be two lists of Traits: one of Boons and one of Banes. Each Trait will have a value next to it. The total value of Boons you take must be six or fewer, and must be equal or lesser than the total value of Banes you take. If you want none of either, choose only the "Nothing" trait.

Strong abilities supersede weak ones unless suppressed -- they do not stack under any circumstances.
You cannot take more than one -1-point bane.
All 6-point Traits will make you a subject of interest for Magi -- among other forces.

For the Boons "Expertise" and "Sublime Talent" please include the desired field of talent, formatted as:
[] Sublime Talent (Cooking) (3)

Please vote by plan for this section specifically. An example vote follows:

[x] (age) work
[x] (personality) struggled
[x] Plan Example
-[x] Humanity (1)
-[x] Sublime Talent (Cooking) (3)
-[x] Credulous (-1)
-[x] Killer Headache (-3)

Nothing (0) - Only take if you want no Boons or Banes. You are perfectly average, to an uncanny degree.

Humanity (1) - The ability to relate to others and express oneself intuitively, which mankind takes for granted. Without this you will find it far harder to communicate with most people or maintain your psychosocial health. An inhuman mindset is in certain circumstances at least as beneficial and there are some things more clearly seen without the prejudice of man.
Expertise (1) - A natural talent for some mundane field of ability or study. Not especially remarkable, but at least you won't be universally mediocre. Can be taken for martial topics, such as swordplay or stealth, in addition to more conventional options.
Insider (1) - You are wealthy and connected. In particular, you are the scion of a yakuza family currently in detente with the Fujimura. Leveraged properly, this can be an invaluable asset. Handled poorly, you might wind up igniting a turf war alongside the magical one.
Athleticism (2) - Mundane physical strength. You are mighty and tireless... within reasonable limits.
Sublime Talent (3) - You are supernaturally talented in one field of ability or study.
Magical Stream (3) - You are the first in your family to be born with magic circuits. Their output is around average for a new bloodline, and you do not yet know how to use them for anything beyond a few basic tricks. Your elements are determined at random, with a maximum of three absent the "Average One" boon.
Mystic Eyes (3) - You possess a pair of inborn mystic eyes. Their effect will be rolled for and can grow with practice, but won't start out as anything special -- at least among their kin.
Average One (3) - Like Rin, you have equal talent for wielding each of the Five Great Elements of Magecraft. Useless without a source of magical energy. If you take "Magical Stream" and this, your knowledge of magic is somewhat greater, enabling the use of a basic spell of each element.
Master (3) - You replace one of the Masters who would otherwise be participating in the upcoming war, selected at random. Your Servant will be randomly chosen from a pool based on your other Traits and qualities. This does not provide you with a means of paying its upkeep. The Master you replace will still exist and likely play a role in the war. Bazett, not Kotomine, is among the possible Masters.
Psychic (4) - You are a Psychic, having an innate supernatural ability or interrelated set of abilities chosen at random. These are weak, but can be developed with time.
Simplicity Itself (5) - The affairs of supernatural societies and forces are, at a fundamental level, nothing noteworthy. Magus pageantry aside, people remain people no matter how much they strain against themselves. All the minutia that drive them are laid bare before your dissecting eyes, but it might be tricky to take advantage if someone's gunning for your head. Mutually exclusive with "Humanity". Mundane.
Magical Well (5) - You are the first in your family to be born with magic circuits. Their output is excellent for a new bloodline, but you do not yet know how to use them for anything beyond a few basic tricks, with one exception -- a spell derived from your element(s). Your elements are determined at random, with a maximum of three.
Magical Font (6) - You are an anomaly, naturally producing vast amounts of magical energy despite your lack of lineage. You have at least one deleterious mutation -- likely two -- in addition to your banes. Your magical energy is currently sealed and you are unaware that it exists, but this will soon change. Your mutations and elements are determined at random.
Phantastic Beast (6) - Somewhere in your ancestry a venturous mage or oddly compatible creature lurks. While its presence would normally be so obscured by mundane blood as to provide no benefit, you won the throwback lottery and will soon manifest powerful supernatural traits this distant forbear shared -- or designed, as the case may be. Particulars determined at random.

Credulous (-1) - A mundane character flaw representing your gullibility. Others find you easy to string along or manipulate.
Clumsy (-1) - A mundane character flaw representing your lack of coordination. You fumble physical tasks frequently, tripping and dropping carried objects.
Impulsive (-1) - A mundane character flaw representing your lack of self-control. You struggle with patience and inaction, often leading to conflict.
Unmistakable (-1) - A mundane character flaw representing your remarkable appearance. It is hard for you to go unnoticed or unremembered.
Frailty (-2) - Mundane physical weakness. While not bedridden, you struggle to perform even basic physical tasks and tire quickly.
Forced Perspective (-2) - Even if you possess "Humanity", you are fundamentally incapable of viewing the world in the manner others do, instead having your perception corrupted by a particular framework unique to yourself. This framework is substantially divergent from the reality you inhabit, effectively forcing you to behave in ways which are irrational or self-destructive. Particulars will be determined by your other choices. Somewhat simplifies the development of a reality marble, though it doesn't guarantee you will ever achieve one.
Monster Headache (-3) - All supernatural abilities you possess put severe strain on your nervous system to use. While this can be reduced with time and experience, the limited ability to practice means that your growth in other regards is hampered. Combat use can kill or cripple you if you aren't careful. Must have at least one supernatural Boon to take.
Vulnerable (-4) - You attract danger both mundane and supernatural. The process by which this takes effect is not perceivable or suppressible by any means, only its results are. Weak when you are narratively irrelevant, strengthens as you become more prominent.
Masque (-4) - You are something like a Dead Apostle, being a parasitic blood-drinker without the capacity to produce magical energy on your own. You are subject to a degenerative disease which can only be staved off through vampirism lest you collapse into dust. The only upsides are agelessness, the ability to gather more magical energy at a time than you otherwise could, and the absence of an actual vampire's typical vulnerabilities.
Chaos (-5) - Whatever boons you have, only the mundane are truly your own. The others are of a thing slumbering within you, having its own will and objectives unknown. You cannot control or develop them, only appeal to the alien intelligence housed within you once it awakens. It will protect itself when threatened. Must have at least one supernatural Boon to take.
Legend (-6) - From the depths of history you hail and the present has no place for you. Everything you do and everything you are stands opposed by the World. Just surviving will be a trial. This can only be taken alongside a 6-point boon and will come into effect as it does.
Container (-6) - You are extremely receptive to magical energy. Effectively, anything supernatural gets a conceptual advantage against you. This can be useful when you or an ally take advantage of it, but is a severe liability otherwise.
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Character Sheet New
This section is still being assembled.

Age: 17

Phantastic Beast - Somewhere in your ancestry a venturous mage or oddly compatible creature lurks. While its presence would normally be so obscured by mundane blood as to provide no benefit, you will soon manifest powerful supernatural traits this distant forbear shared -- or designed, as the case may be.

Forced Perspective - You are fundamentally incapable of viewing the world as others do. Instead, your perspective is corrupted by a particular framework unique to yourself. This framework is substantially divergent from the reality you inhabit, causing irrational or self-destructive behaviour.

Vulnerable - You attract danger both mundane and supernatural. The process by which this occurs is neither perceivable nor suppressible by any means, only its results are. This effect's strength correlates with your metaphysical weight.
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[x] (age) school
[x] (personality) struggled
[x] Plan humans are lame
-[x] Phantastic Beast (6)
-[x] Vulnerable (-4)
-[x] Forced Perspective (-2)
Because We don't have enough inhuman protagonist in nasu quest.
[X] (age) work
[X] (personality) struggled
[X] Plan: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
-[X] Expertise (1) (Cooking)
-[X] Athleticism (2)
-[X] Sublime Talent (3) (Swordsmanship)
-[X] Forced Perspective (-2)
-[X] Vulnerable (-4)

Guy who should've been one of the greatest swordsmen of all time-talked about in the same breath as
Miyamoto Musashi, is instead forced to work at 9-to-5 with super autism.

[x] Plan humans are lame
[x] (age) School
[x] (personality) struggled
[x] Plan: The Transfer Student
-[x] Humanity (1)
-[x] Psychic (4)
-[x] Unmistakable (-1)
-[x] Vulnerable (-4)
[X] (age) work
[X] (personality) managed
[X] Plan: Bloodsucker Roulette
-[X]Mystic Eyes (3)
-[X]Master (3)
-[X]Frailty (-2)
-[X]Masque (-4)

I can dig an inhuman protagonist—especially with the horror tag—but I honestly want to spin the master wheel just to shake up things as much as possible. It rarely hurts to keep things fresh. Beyond that frailty somewhat ties in with the degenerating body, while the increased amount of magical energy and the mystic eyes should still give us some support functionality for our Servant.
[x] (age) school
[x] (personality) struggled
[X] Plan: Trouble Magnet Delinquent.
-[X]Master (3)
-[X]Insider (1)
-[X]Impulsive (-1)
-[X]Vulnerable (-4)
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Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by TimelessThing on Sep 15, 2024 at 12:22 AM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.
School-aged, disorganized protag wins alongside plan "Humans are Lame". "Forced Perspective" is going to be informed by the more violent life caused by "Vulnerable" since "Phantastic Beast" isn't yet active. I'll have the next section finished by Friday.
School-aged, disorganized protag wins alongside plan "Humans are Lame". "Forced Perspective" is going to be informed by the more violent life caused by "Vulnerable" since "Phantastic Beast" isn't yet active. I'll have the next section finished by Friday.
I just hope that considering the horror tag, our protagonist gets to play the role of the horror monster eventually, once they become strong enough.

Also do we get to do appearances, gender and name vote next or are those predetermine by QM.
I just hope that considering the horror tag, our protagonist gets to play the role of the horror monster eventually, once they become strong enough.

Also do we get to do appearances, gender and name vote next or are those predetermine by QM.
Gender will be voted on next time, name later. Not sure how I want to handle appearance yet.

I'd rather not say anything specific about becoming the monster. It's definitely planned to be an option in one sense or another, though.
Prologue 2 - Dawn of the First Day New
Winning Traits with updated descriptions:

Phantastic Beast - Somewhere in your ancestry a venturous mage or oddly compatible creature lurks. While its presence would normally be so obscured by mundane blood as to provide no benefit, you will soon manifest powerful supernatural traits this distant forbear shared -- or designed, as the case may be.

Forced Perspective - You are fundamentally incapable of viewing the world as others do. Instead, your perspective is corrupted by a particular framework unique to yourself. This framework is substantially divergent from the reality you inhabit, causing irrational or self-destructive behaviour.

Vulnerable - You attract danger both mundane and supernatural. The process by which this occurs is neither perceivable nor suppressible by any means, only its results are. This effect's strength correlates with your metaphysical weight.

You stir from dreamless slumber feeling that something is deeply, terribly wrong. Nothing greets your waking but dust dancing in the wan light of dawn. Your body is leaden, your mind sluggish, you struggle to process just what is so unnerving.

Then it hits you.

Your alarm having failed to go off yet again, you hurl your lethargic form from its repose and rush through your morning ablutions, pulling on one of Homurahara's winter uniforms and charging for the door.

Just as you've nearly reached it, your

[] (uniform) skirt
[] (uniform) right pantleg

catches on something, sending you tumbling painfully to the floor.

Jolting from its caress, you fervently check for tears in your outfit -- the school's staff is pointlessly uptight about appearances -- and are relieved to find none. You calmly draw yourself up and exit the apartment, making your way out to the street without further mishaps.

The paths and roadways of Fuyuki lie abandoned by your kin, not a blouse or ugly brown jacket in sight. At this your brain finally completes its juddering trip towards lucidity.

There are still another five days to Winter Break -- including Coming of Age Day on the 12th, but given that you're only

[] (age) 15
[] (age) 16
[] (age) 17

you won't be allowed to attend this year's ceremonies regardless. Your stepbrother is going to, but he's back in Tokyo, making your involvement a logistical impossibility. At least he didn't seem upset about it at your departure yesterday, unlike your shared mother.

You return to your apartment, yawning languidly, and a volley of slush pours off the roof to drench where you had stood.

[] (outing) Despite everything, your mom did give you some spending money as a gift -- or maybe a bribe to keep you out of her affairs. Either way, today's a good chance to spend it. Time to go shopping.
[] (outing) You've been out of contact with your peers since Break began. Maybe it's time to be social, no matter how disastrously it tends to go.
[] (outing) The school might frown on it officially, but as long as your grades don't slip they turn a blind eye to part-time work. It's a good way to occupy yourself and assert a degree of financial independence.

Uniform choice determines how people gender you. Choosing 15 as your age means you're a first-year student and 17 is second-year. 16 can be either, so school year would be chosen later if that wins. You're not going to start out especially close with FSN's main cast regardless, but there'll be some familiarity with year- or class-mates.

Whichever "outing" you pick causes you to miss out on the benefits of the other two. Effectively, you can start out with some cash, a friend, or a job.
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[X] (uniform) skirt
[X] (age) 17
[X] (outing) The school might frown on it officially, but as long as your grades don't slip they turn a blind eye to part-time work. It's a good way to occupy yourself and assert a degree of financial independence.

The job should give us both money and future connections so it seems the best of both worlds, though it will take some time to reap those benefits compared to the other 2.
[X] (uniform) skirt
[X] (age) 17
[X] (outing) The school might frown on it officially, but as long as your grades don't slip they turn a blind eye to part-time work. It's a good way to occupy yourself and assert a degree of financial independence.
[X] (uniform) skirt
[X] (age) 17
[X] (outing) The school might frown on it officially, but as long as your grades don't slip they turn a blind eye to part-time work. It's a good way to occupy yourself and assert a degree of financial independence.
[X] (uniform) skirt
[X] (age) 17
[X] (outing) The school might frown on it officially, but as long as your grades don't slip they turn a blind eye to part-time work. It's a good way to occupy yourself and assert a degree of financial independence.
[X] (uniform) skirt
[X] (age) 17
[X] (outing) The school might frown on it officially, but as long as your grades don't slip they turn a blind eye to part-time work. It's a good way to occupy yourself and assert a degree of financial independence.
[X] (uniform) skirt
[X] (age) 15
[X] (outing) Despite everything, your mom did give you some spending money as a gift -- or maybe a bribe to keep you out of her affairs. Either way, today's a good chance to spend it. Time to go shopping.
[X] (uniform) skirt
[X] (age) 17
[X] (outing) The school might frown on it officially, but as long as your grades don't slip they turn a blind eye to part-time work. It's a good way to occupy yourself and assert a degree of financial independence.