The Enemy Within (WHF Witch Hunter Quest)

[X] [Goetrin] Disgrace. Graf von Saponatheim will be sending a representative to the town, and you expect they will be eager to be seen 'cleaning up' the town. Goetrin will likely be stripped of command and sent home in disgrace, tarnished with this failure in the eyes of his peers.

[X] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.

[X] [Teugen] Replaced. You will speak with Graf von Saponatheim, or whoever he sends to represent him, and make it clear that the Cult views the current situation in Bögenhafen's leadership as responsible for this mess. The Graf will likely clean house, dissolving the council entirely and assuming a more direct rule over the town.

[X] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Other] Give a glowing report on Sigiwalt and recommend that he be promoted
[X] [Other] Visit the Doktor and Loremaster of the Pandemonium Carnival once more to try and work out Markus' feelings on mutation.
[X] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.

[X] [Edel] Heretic. Whether knowingly or through ignorance, Edel lent significant aid and guidance to a cult of the dark gods, and Bögenhafen nearly paid the price. You will publicly condemn and prosecute the man, and damn all warnings of his friends and patrons.

I'm not one to shy away from a chance at supporting the lumber industry of the Empire. Sigmar knows they need it with all the Beastmen and other gribblies that haunt them!
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[X] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.

[X] [Edel] Heretic. Whether knowingly or through ignorance, Edel lent significant aid and guidance to a cult of the dark gods, and Bögenhafen nearly paid the price. You will publicly condemn and prosecute the man, and damn all warnings of his friends and patrons.

[X] [Teugen] Replaced. You will speak with Graf von Saponatheim, or whoever he sends to represent him, and make it clear that the Cult views the current situation in Bögenhafen's leadership as responsible for this mess. The Graf will likely clean house, dissolving the council entirely and assuming a more direct rule over the town.
[x] [Goetrin] Disgrace. Graf von Saponatheim will be sending a representative to the town, and you expect they will be eager to be seen 'cleaning up' the town. Goetrin will likely be stripped of command and sent home in disgrace, tarnished with this failure in the eyes of his peers.
[x] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[x] [Teugen] Replaced. You will speak with Graf von Saponatheim, or whoever he sends to represent him, and make it clear that the Cult views the current situation in Bögenhafen's leadership as responsible for this mess. The Graf will likely clean house, dissolving the council entirely and assuming a more direct rule over the town.
[x] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.
[X] [Edel] Heretic. Whether knowingly or through ignorance, Edel lent significant aid and guidance to a cult of the dark gods, and Bögenhafen nearly paid the price. You will publicly condemn and prosecute the man, and damn all warnings of his friends and patrons.
[X] [Teugen] Recalled. You will not resort to the courts for this, but make it publicly known to all Bögenhafen what Teugen did and what the consequences almost were. Merchant families depend on their good reputation more than coin; likely, he will lose his job on the Council and his entire house will face very hard times until they can redeem their good name.
[X] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Other] Give a glowing report on Sigiwalt and recommend that he be promoted.
[X] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.
[X] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[X] [Teugen] Recalled. You will not resort to the courts for this, but make it publicly known to all Bögenhafen what Teugen did and what the consequences almost were. Merchant families depend on their good reputation more than coin; likely, he will lose his job on the Council and his entire house will face very hard times until they can redeem their good name.
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[X] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.

- there is a lack of witch hunter burning people in this quest. This reminds people that.

[X] [Edel] Humbled. You will speak privately to Edel and make it clear how thoroughly you can ruin him, and how closely you will be observing reports from your local sources. He will seize this chance with desperate hands and lend his weight to all of your other actions, now and in the future.

- he is our tool now, and a witch hunter needs every tool.

[X] [Teugen] Repaid. You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.

- another useful tool. Also i dont want the council to be dissolved since its a balance to the excesses of the nobility. But our PC may not see it like that though...
For things to do in Bogenhaven that haven't already been mentioned.
  • Investigate the Stevedores. Seriously. It's a bit silly that all the fools who unknowingly aided the Cult get canned for it, while these guys and their guildmaster get away when they were pretty actively involved.
  • Visit the High Temple again. Maugan mentioned that he had something up his sleeve for this, and frankly if there is any moment for a pat on the back from the big guy with the hammer then it would be now. For real though, Markus could use a moment to steady himself and squash the selfdoubt he's been having.
  • Actually enjoy the Schaffenfest. Not sure if it's already over by now. But have the gang (those who can still walk) actually enjoy the fair.

Also. Maybe send a letter to Altdorf to prep for a Jade magister to have Max's back healed.
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What's also the reason for backing the dissolution of the elected merchant council? Sure, the possiblity is just likely and not a sure thing, but these just gives the power back to the nobility and as per the updates the graf seems to be a traditional sort and would stamp down on the upward mobility of the peasant classes.
[X] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.
[X] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[X] [Teugen] Repaid You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.

This is why I think Goetrin deserves the pyre while everyone else should get off milder:
So, there are degrees of culpability here.
Edel was an incompetent nonce and that's about it, and Teugen merely didn't cooperate with the murderer of his rapist friend. Goetrin was worse.
"Listen to me, all of you," you call out in a clear and ringing voice, putting your conviction and urgency behind every word, "There is a cult of the dark gods at work in Bögenhafen, and it must be stopped. The Ordo Septenarius has summoned daemons and offered human sacrifice, and they mean to conduct a ritual this very night to secure their power. I know where and when, but without good and loyal soldiers like you I cannot hope to stop them alone."
For a moment it seems like you have them, that your words have struck a chord, but then Captain von Goetrin's voice cracks like a whip and the moment is lost.

"I see we are adding incitement to mutiny to your charges, sir!" he roars, bristling with sudden fury, "Well then, I had planned to host you as your station demands, but if you will act like a mere recidivist then that is how you shall be treated! Soldiers, disarm him and take him to the cells."
He knew what was at stake: a Chaos cult performing human sacrifice, summoning daemons, and performing an evil ritual. And he cared about absolutely none of it. All he cared about was being corrupt, which is why he didn't ask for evidence - even if we had incontrovertible proof of Chaos activities, it wouldn't have mattered to him. He helped Chaos, not out of simple ignorance, but for a love of evil as equal and as damaging as any Chaos cultist's - his actual ignorance of Chaos is frankly irrelevant.
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[X] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.
[X] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[X] [Teugen] Repaid You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.
[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.
[x] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[x] [Teugen] Repaid. You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.

[X] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Other] Arrange to pay for the murdered woman's funeral and rest in the nearest Garden of Morr.
[X] [Other] Enjoy the Schaffenfest with your companions while it still lasts.

Thinking on it some more, Goetrin and Teugen can do penance for their incompetence this way instead of stewing in their own depression. Goetrin retires with his honor semi-intact since he didn't knowingly assist a Chaos Cult, but he does still lose his job and we get to replace him with an ally of ours, preferably that Captain that Sigiwalt trusts.

Edel gets branded an incompetent and thrown somewhere far away while Sigiwalt takes his place. He'll definitely do a better job at this, and having a High Priest for a friend never hurts.

Lastly, Teugen and the other councilmembers gets cowed into submission for failing in their duty of knowing a cult was playing them for fools, and they can repent for that by actually making the people's lives better by using their resources to do more than the bare minimum while under Sigiwalt's and the Watch Captain's eyes.

This set-up gives Markus a lot of backing to conduct his job without obstruction and clears his name in the circles of the rich and powerful, achieves our goals of cleaning the town of corruption, preserves its status as a Free Town and hopefully allows it to retain some measure of economic prosperity since the Merchant houses will be incentivized to be on their best behavior and invest a lot into the public good of the town and its people.

We successfully establish Sigmarite oversight in Bogenhafen, and limit the damage done to its people, economy, and political traditions that a much-needed purge would bring. It's a win-win for everyone.
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You might have set aside all hope of undeserved intimacy in the wake of taking up your calling, but you cannot expect others to be so dedicated in their pursuits, no matter how personally inconvenient it may be.
I wonder if shutting down a Chaos cult counts as deserved.

preserves its status as a Free Town
It being effectively a free town is what caused this problem to begin with. If it weren't for Adhema, and ONLY Adhema, this adventure and the first update might be worth Prejudice (Merchants). Getting ourselves money and connections may be vital to the Empire given what that street preacher said, but keeping the merchants in power will continue being bad for Bogenhafen.
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[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.
My initial gut instinct was to disgrace him, but on reviewing the comments and re-reading, I agree that he's relatively innocent. Only concern is if he appoints his obviously corrupt sergeant as his replacement, hence the additional other vote at the bottom.

[X] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
I'm very tempted to hold Edel to a higher standard. At the end of the day though, we don't have evidence that he willingly consorted with a demon. He just absolutely sucks at his job and can't be trusted with responsibility. Also concerned about his patrons potentially obstructing us, but Templars shall be righteous and fear no evil (or politicking).

[X] [Teugen] Replaced. You will speak with Graf von Saponatheim, or whoever he sends to represent him, and make it clear that the Cult views the current situation in Bögenhafen's leadership as responsible for this mess. The Graf will likely clean house, dissolving the council entirely and assuming a more direct rule over the town.
He might not have knowingly aided a Chaos ritual, but him putting his personal motivations ahead of the greater good of the town allowed this to happen. Will the Graf taking charge make things better? I don't know, but I do know something has to change. I've got no Interest in a corrupt favor from the man, he's shown through his actions and his associates that he's not someone we can trust.

[X] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Other] Give a glowing report on Sigiwalt and recommend that he be promoted.
[X] [Other] Arrange to pay for the murdered woman's funeral and rest in the nearest Garden of Morr.
[X] [Other] Thoroughly investigate the rest of the merchant council and town watch for degrees of culpability.
Just because we burned the big fish doesn't mean their lackeys and enablers are gone. We should take the time (or delegate a trusted party) to ensure the taint is truly gone.
It being effectively a free town is what caused this problem to begin with. If it weren't for Adhema, and ONLY Adhema, this adventure and the first update might be worth Prejudice (Merchants). Getting ourselves money and connections may be vital to the Empire given what that street preacher said, but keeping the merchants in power will continue being bad for Bogenhafen.
There's nothing about Free Towns that inherently make them more prone to Chaos corruption. See the hundred other towns where nobility rules and chaos cults thrive in anyways. The problem was the lack of checks in the system which allowed the compromised merchants to corrupt both the town council and the local clergy.

We're solving that problem by cowing the merchant families and the town council, while establishing a strong and ideologically minded local clergy and town watch that will serve as oversight for the former two. With the scales tipped heavily in Sigiwalt's favor, I doubt we'll see another similar incident for quite some time, and we prevent the conditions that would make a chaos cult attractive to the population (large economic downturn, removal of rights, etc.).

We do the least harm to the town's citizens this way, and fulfill our mandate of fighting and preventing Chaos at the same time.

EDIT: Wait, I was wrong. I checked the updates again and Bogenhafen isn't quite a free town, but it's close enough to one. I still think we should avoid the unrest that comes with dissolving the town council and the political rights associated with it.
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@Maugan Ra in the write-in section, do we have time to inspect the residences of all the cultist and confiscate as necessary as well as burn their kin? How about making one of the cultists' houses a base of operations/safe house for witch hunters in this city? Can we also buy better gear? Since if i recall correctly our armor was damaged and there is probably a brace of pistols for a town this size. Also can we buy horses and hire guards since we'll be travelling back to Altdorf after this?
[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.
[X] [Edel] Heretic. Whether knowingly or through ignorance, Edel lent significant aid and guidance to a cult of the dark gods, and Bögenhafen nearly paid the price. You will publicly condemn and prosecute the man, and damn all warnings of his friends and patrons.
[X] [Teugen] Recalled. You will not resort to the courts for this, but make it publicly known to all Bögenhafen what Teugen did and what the consequences almost were. Merchant families depend on their good reputation more than coin; likely, he will lose his job on the Council and his entire house will face very hard times until they can redeem their good name.

Edel's also just not a heretic
And Markus knows he's not a heretic
If a priest puts the interests of his rich patrons over those of the Empire or the rest of his flock, is that not a sin, and going against doctrine?

Also I find the idea of writing a letter of recommendation for the advocate funny.

"Can't talk about his legal skills, but he sure can shoot demons, so that's a sign of good character"
He knew what was at stake: a Chaos cult performing human sacrifice, summoning daemons, and performing an evil ritual. And he cared about absolutely none of it. All he cared about was being corrupt, which is why he didn't ask for evidence - even if we had incontrovertible proof of Chaos activities, it wouldn't have mattered to him. He helped Chaos, not out of simple ignorance, but for a love of evil as equal and as damaging as any Chaos cultist's - his actual ignorance of Chaos is frankly irrelevant.

Goetrin certainly chose to ignore Markus's desperate attempts to alert him to the Chaos Cult, but that's because Goetrin flat out didn't want believe Markus
And part of why Goetrin didn't believe Markus is because Teugen has been telling him that Markus is a lunatic who runs around executing merchants on a whim and Edel's been telling him that this whole investigation's just some political sham from underlings trying to undermine him

Goetrin is definitely corrupt in the mundane sense of the word, his ties to the Mechant families are a conflict of interest that means he does not want to believe that they are guilty
Which is why he adamantly refused to hear out Markus fairly, but it doesn't seem reasonable to me to place all the blame on Goetrin while simultaneously exonerating Teugen as being "just uncooperative"
Teugan is one of the reasons why the Watch is in the Merchant's pockets in the first place

Ultimately though I don't see what burning him accomplishes besides making him a scapegoat for everyone else to hide behind
"Oh yes, the Captain of the Guard was secretly in league with the Chaos Cult the whole time, that is definitely why all of this was kept under the rug for so long without anyone noticing", Says Teugan and the Merchant Council as they frantically shove their connections to the Ordo into the fireplace

I don't want that to control the narrative, I want Markus to expose the genuine root of the matter that allowed this to happen

Some quick searching and rereading shows Goetrin was relatively innocent. Only acting on the recommendations and advice of his legal and social superiors and honestly motivated by grief.
It was his sergeant who was legitimately bought off.
No, Goetrin's corrupt, he's just corrupt in the boring way
People with money bribe him to not bother them
Goetrin was definitely in the pocket of the merchant families, and through the merchant families, the Ordo
I probably should have made this clearer in the update, in retrospect, but the issue here isn't that Goetrin is stubborn, it's that he's corrupt and not listening to reason. Markus specifically said "there's a cult that I am investigating and I have reason to believe they are the ones who killed Magirius" and Goetrin didn't ask him for evidence, he ordered him arrested.
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If a priest puts the interests of his rich patrons over those of the Empire or the rest of his flock, is that not a sin, and going against doctrine?
It would be, if Markus had hard proof to show that the Ordo are Chaos cultists and actively working against Sigmar's flock. He had no proof, so far as Edel could tell, this was just Sigiwalt trying to undermine him.

Of course, Edel is still incompetent since he failed in his duty of rooting Chaos out from his own flock, but that doesn't make him a heretic. A heretic would be someone that denounces the faith entirely.
[X] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.

[X] [Edel] Heretic. Whether knowingly or through ignorance, Edel lent significant aid and guidance to a cult of the dark gods, and Bögenhafen nearly paid the price. You will publicly condemn and prosecute the man, and damn all warnings of his friends and patrons.

[X] [Teugen] Recalled. You will not resort to the courts for this, but make it publicly known to all Bögenhafen what Teugen did and what the consequences almost were. Merchant families depend on their good reputation more than coin; likely, he will lose his job on the Council and his entire house will face very hard times until they can redeem their good name.

I don't get why teugen seems to be getting so many repaid votes. He was literally friends with a rapist and has as much culpability as the rest here. The guard is corrupt sure but this guy seems like a real piece of shit
[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.
[x] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[x] [Teugen] Repaid. You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.

[X] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Other] Give a glowing report on Sigiwalt and recommend that he be promoted.
[X] [Other] Arrange to pay for the murdered woman's funeral and rest in the nearest Garden of Morr.

I don't get why teugen seems to be getting so many repaid votes. He was literally friends with a rapist and has as much culpability as the rest here. The guard is corrupt sure but this guy seems like a real piece of shit
Because lacking friends in high places bit us in the behind so badly throughout the entire investigation. Edel is just a bad High Priest in general, but Teugen could actually be useful, so those of us who learned this lesson want to put him to use.

Remember, had we failed entirely, the whole town would've been doomed. On the balance, extracting help from someone who was friends with a rapist instead of just fucking up his life as much as possible is not so heavy a concession.
[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.

[X] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.

[X] [Teugen] Recalled. You will not resort to the courts for this, but make it publicly known to all Bögenhafen what Teugen did and what the consequences almost were. Merchant families depend on their good reputation more than coin; likely, he will lose his job on the Council and his entire house will face very hard times until they can redeem their good name.

[X] [Teugen] Repaid. You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.

[x] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Other] Give a glowing report on Sigiwalt and recommend that he be promoted
[X] [Other] Arrange to pay for the murdered woman's funeral and rest in the nearest Garden of Morr.
[X] [Other] Enjoy the Schaffenfest with your companions while it still lasts.

Persuaded that retirement is the correct option for Goetrin, especially since this one guarantees that we can set up Sigiwalt's ally as the new captain.
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[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.
[x] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[x] [Teugen] Repaid. You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.

[X] [Other] Arrange a fitting reward for Adhema and Ozzy.
[X] [Other] Give a glowing report on Sigiwalt and recommend that he be promoted.
[X] [Other] Arrange to pay for the murdered woman's funeral and rest in the nearest Garden of Morr.