The Chaos Colony: A riot-quest about carving out your own place in the cosmos

Actions 2 New
Britzy is square dancing in a barn with some worm-water barrels set up as the perimeter for a fight, the reason for this jovial mood is her latest winning bet on the Ranchville fight club, and a crowd boos at the losing rancher, as the Gunslingers and the more responsible members of Ranchville discussed their next moves

Choose a single action each

[] Go try to form diplomatic relations with the Siblinghood and The Shelleys

[] Try to set up some Bulbmrutt farms

[] Send some Gunslingers to check out the crashed Damnation Warship and loot it

[] Write-In
[X] Send in some Gunslingers (preferably the more tinkery ones that fiddle with their equipment and aspire to be gunsmiths) to the crashed Damnation Warship and investigate the hardware within. And of course loot anything that looks particularly interesting.
[X] Send in some Gunslingers (preferably the more tinkery ones that fiddle with their equipment and aspire to be gunsmiths) to the crashed Damnation Warship and investigate the hardware within. And of course loot anything that looks particularly interesting.
By the way, you can submit your own random events as long as you use the examples on the Event Types list, no guarantee I'll use it, but I'll try to see which ones are most interesting
Just write it down and pm it to me if you're ever feeling like adding your own little bit of chaos to the quest

Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Sep 3, 2024 at 2:40 PM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Send in some Gunslingers (preferably the more tinkery ones that fiddle with their equipment and aspire to be gunsmiths) to the crashed Damnation Warship and investigate the hardware within. And of course loot anything that looks particularly interesting.
    [X] Build up Ranchville more by making more farms, homes, shops, & other miscellaneous buildings that a settlement would have.
    [X] Go try to form diplomatic relations with the Siblinghood and The Shelleys
Results 2 New
Send in some Gunslingers (preferably the more tinkery ones that fiddle with their equipment and aspire to be gunsmiths) to the crashed Damnation Warship and investigate the hardware within. And of course loot anything that looks particularly interesting. + 1
Rolled a 48 + 15 + 5 = 68

The Gunslingers chosen for the expedition were the ones that maintained their guns and fiddled with their equipment the most, so they were the most likely to notice good loot and weapons in the wreckage, they entered the ship through a hole in the side with burning green edges, most likely the result of enemy fire
Inside it was claustrophobic in some places and grand open spaces in others, it was entirely synthetic materials, but the vein-like design of some of the orange pipes running through the vessel alongside the lumpy organic look made it quite easy to assume it as biotech

When the starship was taken down, a majority of the crew and equipment probably got sucked out into the abyss due to the hole in the side, since there was less bodies on board then needed to properly operate such a vessel, the ship with a lack of a proper crew probably drifted in a wrong direction along the Starway and ended up on Costrus by accident, a potential threat in the Spaceway is derelict starships with still active Starway Engines potentially crashing into you, not likely, but never 0
The ship had some systems functional though, a couple turrets popped out of hatches in the ceiling and managed to get a couple shots at your Gunslingers

Some unfortunately got hit by Damnation brand bullets, after the unharmed Gunslingers quickly filled those automatic defenses with holes till they could no longer operte, they attended to their wounded friends, 3 folks were on the ground screaming as loudly as possible, ugly crying, and clawing at their bullet holes
Damnation also specializes in technologies aligned with the Sphere of Pain-Application, making every strike as horrible as possible, the favoured tactic of Damnation members is to force their opponents to take their own lives instead, if not possible, they go for good old ultra violence

2 had to have the bullets carved out and the wounds cauterized with the burning core of a energy blaster battery, 1 had to be put down because the bullet managed to squirm deeper into the body then it was possible to safely remove
There was still a ton of Gunslingers left in the expedition group but it was still depressing, one then had the idea to dig through the corpses of some damnation members, since if the turrets activated in the presence of living creatures, then there must be a method for the Damnation Imp Troopers (What a Damnation grunt is called) to walk around the placing without getting shot

So the Gunslingers reluctantly started searching the corpses, when theh found nothing, a smaller group checked the bodies, tearing out some fancy looking chips with made-up demonic symbols written on them, they tied a Hzznit to a chip with some string, sent it and a untied Hzznit down a hallway, and the one without a chip attached got turned to red mist by a couple bullets

With some Imp Trooper identification chips in hand the Gunslingers had a easier time exploring the vessel, and they managed to collect some interesting stuff from the armoury and the back, well, whatever didn't get sucked out into space

Damnation-Made Sphere Of Pain-Application Aligned Mutagens
- 3 syringe packets made to look like a little demonic insect with a stinger, the with the butt of it containing the liquid itself
- If injected by a biological creature, will subject the organic tissue to a mutation made for applying pain to others in some shape or form, how Damnation members get their freaky looks

Tormenter Assault Rifles
- Some energy blasters that have aim assisting low-rating AI that goes for the most painful spot to hit, or at least what will cause the most mental anguish if the target feels no physical pain

Blade Of Thorns
- A flower from ancient earth, filled with Damnation mutagens and carefully cultivated so the stem would become a long and tangled mass of thorny vines that can be wielded like a blade if you're a sadomasochist like the Arch-Daemon Commander that commissioned this monstrosity
- When used on a enemy, the thorns tend to like digging into their flesh, the blade is alive afterall

- Pretty okay computer hardware used for the systems of Damnation computers, technology aligned with the Spheres of Intimidation and Pain Application are used as anti-viruses to securely guard the tech from outside influences
- Intimidation to trick the systems of other devices and or viruses into registering the Daemon-Hardware as more difficult to hack then it is
- Pain-Application to cause as much anguish to the system of the invading device and or virus as possible, look up Software Gore, that is what a tortured electronic device looks like

Build up Ranchville more by making more farms, homes, shops, & other miscellaneous buildings that a settlement would have.
Rolled a 94 = 94

With some good ol elbow grease, a couple days had passed with a ton of hardwork (A funeral), and some planning, but eventually with surprising ease, they greatly expanded the town into more then just some houses, some of the Worm-Ranchers even to get the little businesses they dreamed of started, and a memorial park was made for those who perished before leaving Makeesh and the Gunslinger who perished in the Damnation Warship
Morbid reminders aside, the shacks have actual windows now!

- A expansive well-made town made from local Tanzerwood tree logs and scraps of Makeesh barns, couple family homes, farms, shops, a proper landing bay for ships, and a town hall

Go try to form diplomatic relations with the Siblinghood and The Shelleys
Rolled a 52 - 5 = 47

Fuck nuggets, okay, 2 problems had occured, it isn't too bad, but it could be better

Britzy came along for a diplomatic visit with the Siblinghood cause she was known to be quite a charming personality, bit too charming though, the daughter of the Siblinghood's leader saw the short haired tan well-built farmer girl with a big smile and a rogueish charm, had a lesbian awakening, locked herself in a hole and has not stopped mining for a hours while internally freaking out about her feelings
Sorta outta Britzy's control, but still, goddamit Britzy!
This made them sorta dislike you, not for the causing a gay awakening thing, the leader already knew about that and had a talk planned out for later this week, but the schedule got ruined because the talk is now gonna have to be earlier, so they're kinda pissed about that

Siblinghood Of Toil
- Sorta irritated by you, not hostile

Similar situation happened with the Shelleys, not with Britzy giving someone a lesbian awakening, just irritating a faction, when flying over to the moon the ship's landing caused the Shell Temple to shake a little bit, knocking over some sensitive tablets designed to hold some pretty good information on the combat capabilites of multiple primates on Costrus
The tablets held only spare copies of the original data, but a loss is still a loss so the diplomatic team were told to vacate the temple the moment they stepped in

The Shelleys
- Sorta irritated by you, not hostile
Was not expecting myself to write a gay panic that made someone yearn for the mines
But, to be honest Siblinghood members almost always yearn for the mines
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2 - Business
After entering the Damnation Vessel, one of the gunslingers has grown mildly obsessed with Damnation technology and their affinity with producing pain... Or maybe she just really liked demonic designs and how they executed it. Starting up a business featuring custom gear based off of what has been recovered, in function, but especially form (to her best ability).
6 - Civilization
With things being more established here, people have begun to discuss the possibility of having a straight up worm-race around town. No bets. Though with some considering the prospect of giving their worms special clothes to help make them more aerodynamic and geodynamic, assist with heat regulation, and maybe with caffeine to speed them up.
5 - Crime
The first bandit has made their appearance. As a Gunslinger has gone a bit rogue, in secret ambushing and killing various Shelleys to scavenge their parts to sell later.
9 - Higher-Spheres
Various Gunslingers intrigued by Resonants and the Higher-Spheres, with Britzy's help, had begun to work on cataloguing the known Spheres and the ones they've encountered. The Sphere of Pain, the Sphere of Intimidation... And have listed down various hypothetical Spheres. Namely, the idea that there is a Sphere of Justice.
Random Events 2 New
Amount of events
1D6 rolled a 3

Event Types
1 - Politics
2 - Business
3 - Combat
4 - Religion
5 - Crime
6 - Civilization
7 - Nature
8 - Science
9 - Higher-Spheres
10 - Other (Roll twice, mix results)

(Other categories I may have missed can be suggested for the list)
1D10 rolled a 9/8/9

First (Credits to @2if7)
Some Gunslingers became curious of the Higher-Spheres, thanks to their barebones education on Makeesh they only knew the basics of it
- They're kinda like chaotic alternative physics or something
- Using the Higher-Spheres is how mankind has made all their advanced technology
- The Higher-Spheres sometimes cause Anomalies to happen
- A common form of Anomaly is Resonants, individuals who can wield a piece of alternative physics from the Higher-Spheres

Their teacher was too drunk on alchohol laced worm-water most of the time to explain the more complicated stuff back when they were young, but where they failed to teach kids basic super-science they succeeded in inspiring Britzy at a young age to become a alcoholic just like her role model
Speaking of Britzy, the curious Gunslingers came to her to discuss how her connection to the Spheres felt

Which she replied with "Like I can taste, smell, hear, and feel gravity, which I haven't felt before, but what I currently have is maybe sorta similar, also feels as if I have like... another limb? I guess? Like a limb that isn't there as a physical thing, but it certainly exists, just don't know where on my body it would attached to"
After some more questions, it turned out that one didn't get too much intimate knowledge about the Spheres just cause one gets connected to them, which sorta made sense they guessed

After some discussion on things they knew about the Higher-Spheres they started listing all the ones they heard about and theorized about a potential Sphere
The Sphere of Justice

Which really didn't match normal Sphere conventions for their Expression type, but the poor education on the subject alleviates most of the Gunslingers fault in that mistake, but as a certain old Gunslinger thought on the subject, she felt something tingle in her head
She began whispering words in her own made up language as glowing scripture crackling with electricity carved itself on the back of her right hand

She looked at her hand and said "Okay, I sorta get what you're saying now Britzy, by the way, whatever I'm channeling does NOT feel like justice"
The scripture on her hand crackled as she knew what it was for, since it was kinda based off her own morality

Josie "Thunder Under Clear Skies" Merks
- A old woman, and a senior member of The Gunslingers Of Makeesh
- Incredibly good aim, some desert survival skills, and pretty good with a bowie knife
- Cares deeply about the colony, and her only surviving relatives her grandchildren
- Resonant with glowing Higher-Sphere aligned scripture on her hand in a made-up language that Josie innately understands, at the cost of her stamina it can send out commands that take the form of crackling golden power that can travel along conductive materials and energy, these commands enforce themselves on any sentient life that they hit until they fizzle out, the commands types are Not Steal: If a victim of the command tries to take something they know they weren't allowed to take, the command electrocutes them, Not Hoard: If a victim of the Command refuses to offer something that Josie or the Colony genuinely needs, the command electrocutes them, Not Harm: If a victim of the command harms Josie or anyone she considers a ally, the command electrocutes them

Some Worm-Ranchers noticed in the outskirts that some Shelleys were seen following around Wubbles in the darker parts of the Tanzerwood...
Which has been making some Wubbles act more aggressive lately, one even threw a rock at the head of one of your colonists

Another notable thing, the Wubbles currently have fewer numbers, I don't blame them, who knows what could be happening to their friends

The Wubble Tribe
- Comprised of weird cepholopod people called Wubbles
- Small in number
- Kinda pissed at everyone at the moment, especially the Shelleys

Forces grander and more ancient then the stars poke through the firmament
Something spoken of in old children's stories, the subject of many tales of terror told on delivery trips through the Starway, a creature more alien then anything else in the cosmos, something that wields the Spheres as easily as your gunslingers can aim, called one simple thing


Consciousness' born within the Spheres themselves, naturally occuring AI that travel through the metaphysical hardware of reality, the closest thing this universe has to godlike beings and spirits
The one currently arriving on your planet is partially fading in and out of existence, slices of it disappearing and reappearing as it slithered through the void of space
The portions of it's body you did see were made up of countless rotating sharp edges of a strange purple metal

It began construction of a giant metal spire on Costrus' north pole, segmented with pieces of it unsupported and simply hovering in place
Let's hope it ain't planning to do something bad

- A gigantic Othermind taking the form of a serpent made of purple blades roating across it's body, partially phased with other dimensions

Shattered Blade
- Large metal blade located on the Northern Pole of Costrus, segmented into various floating pieces
- Constructed by Wandering-Serpent-Ate-The-Sword
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I have a feeling immediately that this Othermind's origin may be related to Britzy's own Sphere.

And the Spheres are how mankind made advanced technologies. Noted down.
Actions 3 New
"Praise be the knife worm in the sky!" Says a Worm-Rancher preaching in the Memorial Park, defaulting to starting a cult to deal with the horror of a Othermind coming to the planet they recently settled on
Josie walked up, offered some calming worm-water mixed with some berry juice and said "Calm down Cletus, no need for you to start another cult, its just a space snake"
"How are you sure it isn't a worm?" Cletus takes a sip of the worm-water anyway, he wasn't sounding confrontational, just curious
Josie paused for a moment, pondering that question "I honestly don't know, hell for all we know, it has limbs and we can't see em!"

Josie and Cletus both just chatted about how the hell the physiology of the Othermind in their system works for the rest of that evening

Choose a single course of action each

[] Tell the Shelleys to return the missing Wubbles to their friends, you're pretty sure they kidnapped them

[] Send some Gunslingers on a offworld trip to buy some books about Higher-Spheres

[] Josie practices with the banjo

[] Write-In
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[X] Try to locate and start up a mine or two for various materials. Alongside a forge to turn that ore into useful materials. And a more proper workshop too.
Omakes/Art New
Any omakes that are decent and don't contradict canon or art of stuff in the quest you worked hard to make will give you a Omake Point
You'll know you've got a point if it is threadmarked

If you have a Omake Point you can attach it to a action you voted for to give it a extra + 5 bonus if there is a roll (I'll tell you if you applied a point to actions that don't need a roll)
You can save up as many Omake Points as you want, but you can only use up to 3 on a single action

Folks With Points:
None yet
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[X] Try to locate and start up a mine or two for various materials. Alongside a forge to turn that ore into useful materials. And a more proper workshop too.