XVI - The Rich and Powerful
The law is the law, and no matter your doubts that single fact remains true. You hesitate for a moment as the thought settles home, and then you nod but once. High Priest Edel smiles thinly, pleased that at least one other man here is willing to accept his authority, while Sigiwalt simply grinds his teeth together until you can hear the sound from where you stand.
"On your own heads be it, then," he spits, shaking his head, "I can but pray that Sigmar see fit to have the consequences fall on your heads alone, should you be wrong."
Without further ado the priest turns on his heel and storms out of the room, ignoring Ludo's upraised hand and open mouth. The high priest watches him go for a moment, then sighs and shakes his head.
"Too long tending to the poor and wretched, that one," he murmurs, half to himself, "He has forgotten that learned and righteous men yet exist. Well, I can deal with his insubordination later. For now, I think it is best that we begin with Councillor Teugen. If you'd care to accompany me, Herr Bruner?"
"Of course," you say politely, stepping aside and then falling in behind the high priest as he bustles out of the room, "If I may ask… from the manner of your conversation, it seems Father Sigiwalt's defiance is not uncommon?"
"Sigmar places obstacles in every man's path, and burdens upon every man's shoulder, yet so too does he give us the strength and conviction to rise above them," Edel says loftily as you walk, sweeping past the pews and the altar without a sideways glance. "My appointment to this position was made on merit, instead of length of service, and because I as a native of the town knew its character better than many other candidates. Alas, some among the existing clergy refuse to see that. They will be brought in line with time."
"Of course," you murmur, hiding a frown. A wise patron would have found this man somewhere safe and insignificant to establish his credibility, and only after a period of years pushed to favour his promotion. To place a relative novice in charge of the spiritual faith of all Bögenhafen is dangerously over-confident, and likely to ruin his career before too much longer. "A moment, if you would. I need to give my agent proper direction."
Max is still hanging around outside the temple, looking vaguely shifty and out of place and trading glares with passing watchmen, and though he only grunts at your reappearance you think he might be relieved. "Oh, hey boss. You missed a bit of fun, you know - some madman was out here ranting about the end times coming. Anyway, you get what you needed?"
"I did," you say simply, seeing no point in discussing the internal affairs of the cult with an outsider, "Now, listen carefully. The High Priest and I are going to see some of the local authorities. I want you to watch and see if anyone sends a messenger running while we're in there."
"Oh, I get it," Max grins, a thoroughly unpleasant expression, "Shake the trees and see what falls out, huh? You got it."
For a moment you consider speaking some words of caution, advising Max not to cause trouble he cannot solve in pursuit of this motive, but what would be the point? He's a thug, and you hired him for just this kind of work; at some point, you simply have to trust that he can handle it. So in the end you nod, and without further word you rejoin Father Edel outside the temple.
"That is your agent?" the priest says with a frown, staring at Max as if he might suddenly become something other than what he so evidently is, "I would not have thought his kind suited to your holy work."
"He has his uses," you say mildly, gesturing onward with your arm, "Now, shall we be about this?"
The town hall has not grown any less ostentatious since your last visit, nor the clerks any more helpful, but when the High Priest asks for a meeting with the head of the Town Council, there is little that even the most obstreperous of bureaucrats can do to deny it. So it is that within a matter of minutes you are being escorted along a wood-panelled corridor towards a sturdy oak door emblazoned with a brass placard that announces this as the office of one 'Johannes Teugen'. A polite knock at the door elicits a mumbled invitation, and then you are through, the clerk disappearing back into the corridors at your back.
The interior of the office is almost entirely pitch black, the richly appointed room lit only by a thin sliver of light that sneaks in through the curtained windows, and for a moment you almost think it entirely deserted. Then a narrow silhouette shifts in the darkness and a raspy voice calls out to you.
"Please, come in and shut the door," it says, filled with pain and regret, "I beg your forgiveness for the darkness, but I have the most
dreadful headache."
"A tad too much enthusiasm for the Schaffenfest, I see," Ludo Edel says with wry amusement, closing the door as bidden and plunging you all deeper into shadow, "My apologies for disturbing you, then, but I am afraid this cannot wait. My companion is Markus von Bruner, of the Holy Orders of Sigmarite Templars."
"A pleasure, I am sure," Councillor Teugen says in his raspy voice, a pale and boney hand emerging into the light for a moment to grasp at a crystalline glass filled with rich red liquid. "Johannes Teugen, head of the Bögenhafen town council. Please, sit, and tell me what brings you here. In a quiet voice, if you'd be so kind."
"Of course," you murmur, awkwardly feeling your way across the room until you locate a chair next to the councillor's desk. You draw it out, wincing at the sharp scraping noise it makes on the floor, and settle yourself down. As your eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, you see that Teugen is dressed in a richly embroidered outfit of crushed velvet, red and black with the seams picked out in golden thread. It is the kind of outfit that a prominent nobleman might wear, which speaks to the man's wealth and access. "I likewise apologise for the interruption, but the matter is serious. It began when I arrived in Bögenhafen, just before noon yesterday…"
Speaking quickly and clearly, you lay out the scope of your investigation and the evidence you have uncovered thus far - the murders, the daemon, the connection to the Steinhäger offices. Teugen listens to your report in silence, sipping slowly at the glass full of wine, while the air in the darkened office seems to grow warmer and heavier with each passing moment. You wonder if it might be possible to open one of the windows.
"I see. You said your name was Markus von Bruner, correct?" Teugen asks when at last you finish your report. "And you are… quite certain that you saw a
daemon, of all things, in the sewers beneath my town? I find this hard to credit."
"I did, and I am," you say frostily, allowing your annoyance to seep into your tone, "I assure you, Councillor, that I am not some landless wanderer babbling about strange sightings on the evening road. I am a Templar of the Holy Orders, on official business in Bögenhafen."
"You are also a murderer," Teugen replies flatly, "Who gunned down Alexei Bueller, a respected merchant and personal acquaintance of mine, before the eyes of an entire village on charges of… well, none at all, as I recall. No charges, no trial, just your own judgement. Now you come to me pressing for the death of another merchant on the strength of that same judgement."
You grit your teeth and ball your hands into fists, struggling to control the sudden spike of rage and contempt before it spills out from your lips. You are painfully aware of just how difficult your work will become if you say half the things you are currently thinking, which is why you are grateful when Ludo Edel clears his throat and speaks up.
"Regardless of your opinion on his previous work, Councillor, Master von Bruner
is still a Templar on official business," he says in a hard voice, "To that end, I insist that a proper investigation be conducted, and that you cooperate with it accordingly."
"Oh, very well," Teugen sighs, massaging his brow with one pale and slender hand, "I will arrange for a formal inquiry to be held at the courthouse in… let's say five days. That ought to give everyone involved time to prepare accordingly, and for the Schaffenfest crowds to disperse. I'll have the necessary documents drawn up and delivered to all parties by tonight."
"It would be better if the matter was handled discreetly," you say stiffly, already knowing what Teugen is likely to say.
"Herr Steinhäger is a respectable citizen entitled to the full protection of the law," Teugen growls, confirming your suspicions, "Including the necessary time to muster his resources and secure adequate legal representation. Understand that I indulge your spurious accusations solely out of respect for High Priest Edel, and get out."
There is little to be gained from protesting by this point, so after a few remaining formalities you rise and retreat from the room, the High Priest at your side. Neither of you say anything as you leave the town hall behind, only stopping when you stand in the shadow of the great statue in the plaza beyond.
"I assume he was correct, about this 'Bueller'?" Edel asks, tone more curious than annoyed.
"The man gave false testimony before Sigmar and sought to have a woman burned as a witch for refusing his advances," you say tersely, "I had every right to act as I did."
"Mm. Well, be that as it may, I am glad to see you have learned at least some discretion in the time since," Edel sighs, shaking his head, "Bögenhafen needs a diligent servant of the public good, not some frenzied attack dog straining at its chain."
"...if I were such a beast, it would be a fool indeed who said such things" you growl, one hand flexing at your side, "I am a noble and templar both, and my patience for such disrespect is limited."
"Yes, yes, of course," Edel scoffs, clearly entirely unimpressed by your mounting ire, "You have my support in this regardless, for the Cult must be seen to stand as one, but I do hope you have more success in our meeting with Guildmaster Magirius. Come, it is almost the first bell of the afternoon - he will have retired to the Golden Trout for lunch by now."
It has been some time since last you visited an establishment as fine as the Golden Trout, but the interior matches your hazy recollections almost exactly. This is a means to flaunt one's wealth more than anything else, where meals are eaten off fine china plates with silver cutlery beneath the light of a dozen candelabras and uniformed staff await to attend to your every whim. The assembled worthies who flock to such a place are too self-conscious to stare, but you can still feel their eyes on your back as High Priest Edel leads you across the floor to one particular table and the man eating there alone.
Friedrich Magirius, Merchant Guildmaster, is a slightly built man with neat grey hair and a forked beard, and when he looks up from his meal there is not a trace of hostility in those pale blue eyes.
"Ah, Ludo my good man," he says cheerfully, rising to his feet and offering the high priest a hand to shake, "Good to see you. I wasn't aware you were dining with us today."
"I'm afraid it is something of a last minute arrangement," Edel says with an apologetic shrug, "Friedrich, may I introduce Markus von Bruner, of the Holy Orders. I'm afraid certain rumours of your organisation have reached Altdorf of late, and Markus here has been sent to investigate them. I felt it would be sensible to give you a chance to clear up any confusion."
"Of course, of course," Magirius says with an easy smile, offering you his hand in turn. You take it, and are mildly surprised to find his handshake firm and steady, without a trace of hesitation or fear in it. "Please, sit, the both of you. Gertrude, my dear, two more plates for my friends here, thank you. Oh, and a pair of glasses for the brandy."
"My thanks, Herr Magirius," you say, mildly surprised as you take a seat at the table, "And, just for the sake of clarity - I have been called upon to investigate the Ordo Septenarius. Are you a member of this organisation?"
"Indeed, I hold a position on the Ordo's inner council, along with six others," Magirius replies, taking his seat and picking up his cutlery once more. He seems to be eating a side of lightly roasted beef, the meat appealing pink and soft as he cuts into it. "I cannot claim to have expected a visit from one of your Order, master Templar, but neither am I terribly surprised. Given the confidential nature of our business and the foibles of human nature, I suppose it was inevitable that certain rumours would start. Please, ask your questions, and I will answer as best I may."
You have to admit, you were not expecting someone to outright admit to membership in the Ordo at the slightest questioning, but just because Magirius is being cooperative it does not mean you can afford to become lax. "Thank you. To begin with, I understand the Ordo is a small group, contained largely within the upper ranks of the Merchant's Guild?"
"Yes, we're something of an elite club, so to speak," Magirius nods, his voice slightly muffled as he chews on the meat while he speaks, "There are fifty of us in total; forty two regular members, the seven members of the inner council, and of course the Magister, our leader. He sets our objectives, the inner council coordinates and distributes resources, and the rank and file carry them out. A few of us have special roles, of course - mine, for example, is to provide explanations like this one to those outside the Ordo who need to know."
The staff arrive then, appearing from seemingly nowhere to set out plates of spiced beef and rich greens before you and Edel. The High Priest murmurs his thanks and immediately sets about eating, and after a moment's hesitation you do as well. The beef is truly exquisite, all but bursting with flavour as you take a bite.
"And what sort of objectives is it that this magister sets for you?" you ask, though unlike Magirius you have the good manners to wait until your mouth is empty before you try to speak. "I assume that your Ordo has a guiding principle behind its operations."
"Our guiding principle? Why, the pursuit of profit, of course," Magirius chuckles, as if amused at his own joke, "A tad stereotypical for a collection of merchants, I admit, but sometimes those stereotypes are founded on at least a fragment of truth. There are the obvious joint ventures and shared investments, of course, along with the odd bit of price fixing and favoured treatment, but what really sets the Ordo apart is our interest in the good of Bögenhafen as a whole. We make investments into the town's resources and infrastructure, fund orphanages and soup kitchens in the poorer quarters, and donate to the cults whenever they seek to improve the public good. It sounds like simple charity, but we believe that a healthy, flourishing Bögenhafen is one that leads to better outcomes for all, our private ledgers included."
"Is that not the role of the Town Council?" you ask, taking a sip of the brandy that the staff have set out next to you. A Bretonnian variety, you think, though your palate is not refined enough to guess where from. "As Guildmaster, you have a seat upon that body as well, do you not?"
"I do, and in better times you would be right," Magirius allows, grimacing slightly at the reminder, "Alas, Bögenhafen's situation is rather unusual. We are not a free town, but neither are we entirely under the control of the nobility. Consequently, every significant decision the council commits to is the result of some considerable degree of politicking, and must be taken with a careful thought towards appearances."
"A regrettable state of affairs, but accurate," Edel confirms, dabbing at his lips with a napkin to clear away the juices from his meal, "As High Priest I have a seat on the council, and am expected to bring the concerns of all religious organisations within Bögenhafen to light. Yet I must also watch my words carefully, to avoid any implications of authority over my fellows. It can be a tiring dance, and a slow one."
"Working through the Ordo permits us to avoid such issues," Magirius picks up the thread of the conversation again, offering you a winning smile, "After all, I'm sure you would agree that it would be a great shame if the poor and needy were to be denied succour for such a petty reason."
You have to say you are a little dubious, for such rhetoric matches all too easily to that espoused by other criminals and malcontents who regard the law as nothing but a burden, but it would hardly be polite to say so. "I see. Is this the purpose of your anonymity and ritual, then?"
"In a sense, yes. There are many who would wish to know the Ordo's membership and its objectives, in order to profit at our expense, and so we choose to work covertly," Magirius nods vigorously, "As for the rest, a little pomp and circumstance help to keep the mind focused and the rank and file impressed. The ritual of our meetings brings a certain gravitas to the proceedings… though I assure you, it is entirely secular and mundane! No magic of any kind is employed, nor prayers offered to any god, though we are of course all pious souls."
Markus tests Intuition, skill is 47, roll is 05, success with +4SL
Oddly enough, Magirius seems entirely sincere. There is a touch of evasiveness when he mentions the ritual elements, but he clearly believes his own words about the Ordo's benevolent intent and law-abiding nature. If you had to guess, they're probably cribbing notes off foreign religious practices or the arcane rituals of the Colleges in order to add a touch of the exotic to their dealings. It wouldn't be the first or even the hundredth time groups of rich idiots have done something of the kind, and it is almost always more embarrassingly tacky than dangerous. Were it not for the daemon in the hidden shrine, you might have been inclined to take this one at face value and shrug it off as just another case of idiots with more money than good taste.
"I suspect I know the answer," you offer with a slight smile, "but if I were to enquire about the identities of your membership, or the locations where your meetings took place…"
"I'm afraid I'd need some rather compelling reasons to admit to either," Magirius chuckles, shaking his head, and by your side you can feel Edel giving you a sharp look, "And perhaps to consult a legal professional, if this were to escalate beyond a friendly conversation."
"I don't think that will be necessary," you say mildly, noting the way both men relax slightly at your concession, "Thank you for your candour, Herr Magirius. Your cooperation is appreciated."
From there the conversation turns to far less significant matters, with Magirius trading anecdotes about the wine and wool trade and Ludo holding forth on the finer points of theological discourse as applied to Bögenhafen's future. You do your best to participate civilly, and when at last the meal is over and the brandy all drunk (mostly by the other two) you bid a cordial farewell to the guildmaster and high priest both. It is the early afternoon by now, and both men have other business to attend to, leaving you with polite smiles and best wishes for your investigation.
You take a few minutes to stretch your legs as you amble back towards the town square, and when Max slips out of a nearby alleyway and falls into step behind you offer a grunt of welcome. "Any trouble?"
"None. A runner took off for Steinhäger's place about a minute or two after you came out of the town hall," Max says in a low voice, "Five minutes after he got there, about half a dozen more took off to all corners of town. I caught one en route, persuaded him to give me this."
He hands over a small slip of paper, on which is written a brief message in hastily scrawled ink -
Meeting tonight at my house, one hour after sundown. Inner Council to attend. F.S
"Good work," you say with a grim smile. You suppose it is possible that Steinhäger is referring to an entirely separate 'Inner Council' to Magirius, and that he has entirely innocent reasons to call a meeting immediately after being informed of your suspicions, but somehow you doubt it. "Yet you sound more grim than I would expect. You were not spotted, were you?"
"No, and the runner agreed to say it was a verbal message," Max says, shaking his head, "But on my way here I heard some people talking. Davrich Sweisser, that guildmaster you were talking to this morning? Seems he met with an accident less than an hour ago. That fancy griffon statue they have outside the offices fell on him. He's dead. Could be a coincidence, of course, but…"
You think of dead bodies, filleted like an animal, and of the daemon's final words.
Sheru'tar Gee'taru will tear out your heart.
"Looks like someone's cleaning house," you murmur, your neck prickling with hidden suspicion, "And this one isn't locked inside a circle."
It is just past two in the afternoon. There is a meeting of the suspected cultists tonight, which Markus will attempt to investigate when the time comes. This leaves you about six hours to further your investigation beforehand. Choose FOUR of the following options:
[ ] Visit the Shallyans
You wish to check in on your injured companions who also saw the daemon, and to consult with the priestesses regarding the good work the Ordo Septenarius supposedly does at the same time.
[ ] Visit the Verenans
The Temple of Verena will hold a great many records about the town, and the priests there will be able to provide you with valuable advice concerning the legalities and protocol of the upcoming trial.
[ ] Pray for Guidance
Return to the High Temple of Sigmar and spend some time praying for your god's guidance. It will help to clear and focus your mind, and if the agents of the arch-enemy truly are at work here, you will be well served to fortify your soul to face them.
[ ] Visit the Mourner's Guild
The bodies of Kuftsos and Gottri both bore similar wounds. Speak with the local Morrites and see if there have been others who died in similar fashion, and what pattern or information can be discerned if so.
[ ] Track down your other comrades
Spätin and Friedrich proved themselves capable enough in the sewers, and they may also be in danger. Seek them out and see if they are willing to assist you again, with testimony or direct action.
[ ] Find alternate accommodation
If someone is going after your allies, you do not wish to expose Josef to any further danger by remaining aboard his barge. Find a room at an inn or other accommodation, and warn him of the potential risks of remaining in town.
[ ] Contact the Smugglers
You know they exist due to Adhema's insight, and Max is a rough sort able to make contact with such disreputable elements. See what they can tell you about hidden movements in the town and beyond, and the location of the hidden temple you encountered.
[ ] Visit Father Sigiwalt
You know that the bellicose priest works at the Chapel of Blessed Sigmar in the northern districts. Track him down and see if you can get his side of the story.
[ ] Contact the Watch
Find the local commander of the city watch and bring him up to speed on your investigation. Any further witnesses may need protection, to say nothing of your own agents.
[ ] Write In