Whoever thought of Chile Limon Kurosaki-kun was cooking :V

[♡] Get the miko


You make a mad dash for the Miko before your brain has time to process it.

She has to be okay.

You have to make sure she's okay.

You're a goddamned hero of justice. You can't just leave someone to die while you play grab-ass with a Kamen Rider, or worse, run with your tail between your legs.

It only takes a moment to get to her, your flash steps used to close distance instead of buy some for you. The first thing you do is rip the string tying her to the tree with your bare hands.

The miko slumps into your arms. Blood runs onto your gear, hot and sticky. You feel the faintest of pulses, the wispy dew of a person's last breaths. Her skin is porcelain, ash and blue.

A panicked scan shows her wrists have been slit; the weeping wounds flow over her palms in a suicidsl stigmata. Half-remembered knowledge from your old senpai floods into your forebrain; you take the torn strings and tie tight tourniquettes around each wrist.

+Fuck, fuck, fuck, Alice!+ You ping. +I need some healing over here!+

Alice dashes over to you on two legs, box still in hand.

You see Iron Beetle turn to notice Alice, then you, then the miko. They spit a ragged curse and head over to you, too.

Worry splits your lips back into a grin. You really don't want to get into a scrap here, and you don't this will score you many points in the whole "justice" thing. It's going to be a bitch and a half explaining this whole clusterfuck, especially if the box has the Raising☆Heart the bad guys wanted.

Alice gets there first, medical urgency giving her stubby strides a speed Iron Beetle lacked. She slips the box into your costume's jacket.

+I checked during the commotion, love.+ Alice pings you. +This is the Raising☆Heart.+

You're glad to be right, but now isn't the time to celebrate that W.

Iron Beetle catches up to the two of you, their boots crunching heavy on the gravelized shrine path. "Dango-head? What the hell happened here?" Iron Beetle says. "Did you do this to her?"

You flip the bird in their direction. "I'm trying to save her, fuckhead. That bitch with the bear did this to her."

Alice surveys the miko. "My word," Alice gasps. "She's lost a lot of blood. Cuts are clean, done with an enchanted knife." She licks at the wounds and analyzes the taste, a sanguine sommelier. "She's been hit with a necromantic curse as well. If she dies or gives in to despair, her soul will be warped into a Youma puppet."

"Then how do we fuckin' fix it?" you yell at Alice, the nerves getting to you.

She flinches and scampers away, putting the miko's body between you and her. "I can stabilize her, even get her back on her feet, but we would need stronger healing magic to break the curse. Without it, she could turn at any time."

Your Will flares up with a wail. "What if I pump energy into her? Supercharge your healing?"

"This is a delicate thing, love," she says. "Too much power and she'll explode. And no offense, you're not trained in, nor geared towards healing."

"Fuck that," you spit. "My wish was to help girls in shitty situations. There's nothing shittier than dying a dog's death."

"...Let me take her to a hospital," Iron Beetle says. They take a tentative step towards the miko, while reaching out to her.

"I'd need to go with," Alice says, "and involving civvies could end rather poorly if she flatlines and the curse takes her."

There's a sharp static sigh from Iron Beetle. "Fucking Youma bullshit..."

"Let me focus on stabilizing her first" Alice says, as she puts her forepaws together in prayer. A gentle wind surrounds her, bringing sweet scents from the shattered redwoods. The heart-patch on her fur glows a soothing gold, before basking the miko's wounds in healing sunlight.

Color returns to the miko's face. You feel her pulse quicken and her breaths grow stronger.

You sigh with relief, your nervous grin falling into a tired smile.

The miko stirs, struggles, then thrashes, making your relief short-lived. Angry red script erupts across her pale skin. Her strawberry blonde hair bleeds out to pure white as ghastly foxfire engulfs her. The miko screams, and a maelstrom of damned souls scream with her; their pressure smothering Alice's gentle wind. The miko levitates, her body wracked with spasms. Her eyes shoot open, black flooding her sclera as her soul is vomited out of her body.

Your nervous grin is back as a full blown death rictus. "What in the blue eyed, mountain dwelling fuck?!"

+She's fighting the curse rather violently,+ Alice pings. +She must have innate purification abilities.+

"How could you be smiling at a time like this, Dango-head?" Iron Beetle says, raspy and choked by vox-corruption. "Fucking psycho..."

You hear the telltale sizzle of a beam katana being drawn.

"Don't attack her, you daft sod!" Alice yells, taking cover under the massive roots of the tree the miko was tied to. "If she dies, the curse will complete itself!"

"She's transforming right in front of us!" Iron Beetle yells back, jagged with distortion. "I'm not taking the chance!"

You send Iron Beetle sprawling with a soul-charged right hook. "Pulling a sword on a victim? What kind of fucking hero of justice are you?"

Iron Beetle growls like a V12 and gets up, beam katana pointed at you. "I'll go through you if I have to, Dango-head. Not going 0 for 2 on Youma threats."

Your grin turns into a teeth baring scowl. "This isn't the time, you leather-club cocksucker! My familiar and I are saving this bitch whether you want to or not!"

Your soul burns with incandescent rage around you. Its ever-growing aura pushes back Iron Beetle, forcing them to block with their beam katana. Power, righteous, furious power flows through you.

The box in your jacket's pocket glows white-hot. A second heartbeat pulsates alongside your own.

The world goes red, then white.


You find yourself in a world rendered upside down. Skyscrapers jut out of a concrete sky as you stand upon the clouds. A black hole sun hangs above you, smoking.

You see the miko falling towards the sun, locked in mortal combat with a wraithlike, humanoid black fox. A chain links the two by the neck, like something out of a pro wrestling blood feud. Your instincts tell you if she falls into the sun, or if the black fox wins, her life is forfeit.

You go to grip your trusty nailbat, only for the Raising☆Heart to be in your hand instead. A crystal heart, inlaid in silver, each facet of its gem bright with kaleidoscopic light.

It feels warm, somehow.


You've never seen it before, but you know exactly how to use it. Let its light shine on the miko, and empower her Will like yours as a Magical Girl. Turn its baleful gaze on the fox and scour it from the miko's soul, freeing her from the curse.

[What do you do?]
[ ] Turn the Raising☆Heart on the miko
[ ] Burn the curse-fox away with Raising☆Heart
Well, this is an interesting turn of events. I wonder if well end up with fox girl Hollow esque miko if we keep the fox....ONLY OJE WAY TO FIND OUT!
Maybe something like this? But with more swearing.
Or this
Or maybe not at all! Lets see how far the madness can go! Also maaaan Ironbeetle is violent huh? We are totally fighting them eventually as a clash of ideals kimd of thing.

[X] Turn the Raising☆Heart on the miko
It's my impression she would be glad to deal with her problems herself just fine if she had the power to do so.
[X] Turn the Raising☆Heart on the miko
[X] Turn the Raising☆Heart on the miko

Magical girl team time!
[X] Burn the curse-fox away with Raising☆Heart

I'd rather not read about another inner-evil side conflict resolution in the future, purify it away while we have the opportunity.