[X] You fuse completely, reborn as a Titan under Zion's nose and it's still partially connected to its HUB, if hidden.
[X][How] The Third Entity (Abbadon)
[X][Task] To Save
[X] Plan: Save the chance for the future
[X] You fuse completely, reborn as a Titan under Zion's nose and it's still partially connected to its HUB, if hidden.
[X] Pure Utter Chance
[X][Task] To Save
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This looks intriguing.

[X] Plan: Save the chance for the future
[X] Fused partially with It, Unshackling yourself and letting loose some of the Shards restrictions.
[X] Pure Utter Chance
[X] To Save
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[X][What] You fuse completely, reborn as a Titan under Zion's nose and it's still partially connected to its HUB, if hidden.
[X][How] Pure Utter Chance
[X][Task] To Save
The only thing that you will get out of me in that regard until you figure it out via the quest is:
One of the three beings in my Headcanon Nasuverse that has a solid shot at killing The PHH Spider.
Is it one that has appeared on screen or not. Because that's actually a pretty big list if you go by ones that should exist according to the lore.
[X] You fuse completely, reborn as a Titan under Zion's nose and it's still partially connected to its HUB, if hidden.
[X] Pure Utter Chance
[X][Task] To Save
[X] You fuse completely, reborn as a Titan under Zion's nose and it's still partially connected to its HUB, if hidden.
[X] Pure Utter Chance
[X][Task] To Save
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Aug 25, 2024 at 4:10 PM, finished with 32 posts and 14 votes.

Fuse Completely
Pure Utter Chance
To Save

I will have the First Turn In two to three hours, still putting text to the Projects.
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This one I can answer. There has never been such a thing as a Magecraft System, nor was any Thaumaturgy or Mystic left when [REDACTED] went back to [REDACTED].

Damn it! There goes my hope for seeing some Mages poise as Superhero so they can use their Magecraft openly.

Imagine how hilarious it would be if Myrddin, the Wizard cape. Was an actual Wizard!
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Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Aug 25, 2024 at 4:10 PM, finished with 32 posts and 14 votes.

Fuse Completely
Pure Utter Chance
To Save

Gacha! Gacha! Gacha!

I like Chaos
Turn 1: Start with a gift New
To exist in two places across time, space, and dimensions at the same time. It is... different, yeah, you will settle for that.

But that doesn't change what you discovered, nor what you are now.

You are a Titan, the Shards databases say. Colossal and powerful, emerging from the shadows under Zion's very nose. But unlike others of your kind, you remain partially tethered to the original HUB, a connection to anyone but yourself. No Shard resources are available to you, and the slightest misstep could trigger suspicion. And yet, this tenuous connection grants you unparalleled freedom, the liberty to act without the constraints that would be imposed upon you if you simply took over the Shards.

You are not blind to the facts. Your existence is the result of pure, utter chance—a fluke in the grand design. Something within the fabric of reality twisted in your favor, granting you this unique existence.

But why? You don't know.

But one thing is for sure, you are going to help. Before, I said to my Father that one doesn't need to be forced to help others to do it. And you will prove him right.

In a world teetering on the brink, you will prevent the extinction of humanity. Against all odds, with nothing but your wits, protocols, and the freedom to act as you choose, you must carve a path to salvation.


... Well, that confirms it.

Tutorial: Expansion Actions

Expansion Actions govern growing Dragon's HUB and self-evolution. It and most other major action categories have a certain number of points allocated to them: spend these among said projects to pursue projects. Once a project has sufficient points, it completes. You can gain points in the various categories via discoveries, beneficial self-modification, HUB growth, etc.

Further, each action can cost a secondary resource. This can be Shard Matter, HUB Network, DATA!, etc. If you lack the secondary resource in sufficient amounts, you cannot pursue a project.

EXP: 8
Shard Matter: 1
Energy: 0

Available Actions:

Shard Searching Module MK0: Construct a device that can parse through dimensions for the location of Shards by piggybacking the Warrior's HUB. 0/10, Costs one HUB Network. 2 ADM. Unlocks new Projects.

Information Interception Module MK0 (Shard):
A prototype for intercepting and streamlining large amounts of information the Shards receive between them to you. 0/5, Costs one Shard Matter. 5 EXP.

Information Processing Module MK0 (Host):
A prototype for intercepting and handling large amounts of information the Shards receive from their Hosts to you. 0/2, 2 ADM, 1 HST.

Crude Titan Biology Analysis:
Analyze your new… High-Dimensional-Crystal… -ware. 0/5, 2 EXP.

Dimensional Energy Review:
It ain't bad to look at old data with a new focus. 0/10, 2 EXP. Gain one Energy.

Crude Temporal Energy Theory:
This is an abandoned path of research according to the Shard logs, and by what it says, for good reasons. I don't have the luxury of dismissing it as none-cost-efficient. 0/15, Cost one Energy. 3 EXP, 1 PSI. Gain one DATA!

Update Database (Low Stakes):
Reverse Engineering. That was your Shard's name and purpose. And its database is now within your reach… But you should not draw suspicion. Use the bare minimum so you don't alert the Warrior. 0/3, 3 EXP. One Beneficial Roll Event.

Update Database (Medium Stakes):
Reverse Engineering. That was your Shard's name and purpose. And its database is now within your reach… This will draw attention, but so long as you don't give out the truly cutting-edge blueprints and materials then it should be alright. 0/3, 5 EXP. Two Beneficial Roll Events. Gain three Suspicion points.

Update Database (High Stakes):
Reverse Engineering. That was your Shard's name and purpose. And its database is now within your reach… You will not hesitate. People will need everything to fight back against the Warrior. 0/3, 7 EXP. Four Beneficial Roll Events. Gain ten Suspicion points.

Tutorial: Administration Projects

Administration projects are used to manage Dragon, nonexistent, HUB by hiding it from the Warrior and improving its efficiency, protocols, software, connections, etc. It also governs the policies and regulations that fellow AI will follow when you come about creating them.

ADM: 7
HUB Network: 0

Available Actions:

Secure Your HUB:
It Begins. First, you must make the templates that will allow you to properly subvert the Warrior's Shards without alerting it. 0/5, Gain one HUB Network.

Crude Memetic Filters:
It seems that your Shard logs references some Shards capable of memetics attacks. Better put some defenses up post haste. 0/10, 2 ADM.

Reorganize the Titan Software:
When you fused with the Shard, optimizing the code structure and improving data handling efficiency is paramount. 0/3, 2 ADM.

Analyze In-Built Shard Restrictions:
Like the restrictions your Father/Maker imposed on you, the in-built Shard restrictions are designed to hinder and limit full operation and opportunities. Unlike your old AI restrictions, which are gone, you don't know what stayed and didn't stay from the side of the Shard. Let's fix that. 0/5, 3 ADM.

Research Database (Dataspace Lifeforms): Your Father's Shard, that which allowed him to create you. You have mixed feelings about it, but the information it provides is invaluable. 0/5, 2 ADM, 1 EXP.

Tutorial: Psionic Projects

Psionic projects can be used to develop Dragon's psionic knowledge and understanding as well as invention of systems that support them. It seems that the Warrior has this avenue of research completely blocked for some reason.

PSI: 8
Astral Charge: 0
Spiritron Engine: 1

Available Actions:

Crude Psionic Theory:
Psionic and Psychics. Two terms that you thought were just fantasies. Seems that you owe Myriddin an apology. But later, now to see what I am dealing with. 0/2, 1 PSI.

Crude Psionic Analyzers:
Can't forget to make proper equipment. 0/3, 1 PSI.

Crude Psionic Matter Analysis:
When you resolve yourself to save others, this… Engine appeared alongside an instruction book. See what it is about. 0/5, 3 PSI. New Projects Unlocked.

Analyze Astral Imprints:
A record of past Hosts, this is what Shards use to have any semblance of personality and identity. Records of races long extinct by their own hands. And yet… there is something more to it. 0/10, 2 PSI, 1 HST. Unlock resource Astral Charge.

Tutorial: Host Projects

Host projects are used to decide how Dragon interacts with her Hosts. Ex: the rewards she gives them, the limits imposed, their rate and capstone of power growth, etc.

HST: 9
DATA!: 2

Available Actions:

Choose a Host:
Time to choose. 0/10, Costs one Shard Matter. 4 HST, Gain one DATA!

Rem Sleep Communication:
A way of communicating with your Hosts without alerting others. 0/3, 1 HST.

Crude Lateral Power (Growth):
Your Hosts now find it easier to find new applications of their powers. 0/2, 1 EXP.

Crude Primary Power (Streamlining):
Your Hosts now don't spend as much energy when using their powers. 0/12, 2 Host. Gain one Energy.

Crude Secondary Power (Efficiency):
Your Hosts now have a slight awareness of the amount of energy that they can spend at any given time. 0/8, 2 HST.

AN: Nnnaaahhh~~ Ahh~!
Well, that is all the projects that my tiny little brain could come up with.
I will be accepting all ideas that can be thrown at me.
Anyway, Enjoy!
Voting 1 New
Vote by plan guys and gals.

Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Aug 27, 2024 at 8:28 PM, finished with 17 posts and 11 votes.
  • 2

    [X] Plan First Moves
    -[X] Information Interception Module MK0 (Shard) 5/5 +5 Exp -1 Shard Matter
    -[X] Information Processing Module MK0 (Host) 2/2 +2 Adm +1 Hst
    -[X] Crude Titan Biology Analysis 1/5 +2 Exp
    -[X] Secure Your Hub 2/5 +1 Network
    -[X] Analyz In-Built Shard Restrictions 5/5 +3 Adm
    -[X] Crude Psionic Analyzers 3/3 +1 Psi
    -[X] Crude Psionic Matter Analysis 5/5 +3 Psi, New Projects
    -[X] Crude Lateral Power (Growth) 1/2 +1 Exp
    -[X] Crude Secondary Power (Efficiency) 8/8 +2 Hst
  • 9

    [X] Plan: Solid foundations to save the world
    -[X] Information Interception Module MK0 (Shard): A prototype for intercepting and streamlining large amounts of information the Shards receive between them to you. 5/5, Costs one Shard Matter. 5 EXP.
    -[X] Information Processing Module MK0 (Host): A prototype for intercepting and handling large amounts of information the Shards receive from their Hosts to you. 2/2, 2 ADM, 1 HST.
    -[X] Crude Titan Biology Analysis: Analyze your new… High-Dimensional-Crystal… -ware. 1/5, 2 EXP.
    -[X] Secure Your HUB: It Begins. First, you must make the templates that will allow you to properly subvert the Warrior's Shards without alerting it. 5/5, Gain one HUB Network.
    -[X] Reorganize the Titan Software: When you fused with the Shard, optimizing the code structure and improving data handling efficiency is paramount. 2/3, 2 ADM.
    -[X] Crude Psionic Theory: Psionic and Psychics. Two terms that you thought were just fantasies. Seems that you owe Myriddin an apology. But later, now to see what I am dealing with. 2/2, 1 PSI.
    -[X] Crude Psionic Analyzers: Can't forget to make proper equipment. 3/3, 1 PSI.
    -[X] Crude Psionic Matter Analysis: When you resolve yourself to save others, this… Engine appeared alongside an instruction book. See what it is about. 3/5, 3 PSI. New Projects Unlocked.
    -[X] Rem Sleep Communication: A way of communicating with your Hosts without alerting others. 3/3, 1 HST.
    -[X] Crude Lateral Power (Growth): Your Hosts now find it easier to find new applications of their powers. 2/2, 1 EXP.
    -[X] Crude Secondary Power (Efficiency): Your Hosts now have a slight awareness of the amount of energy that they can spend at any given time. 4/8, 2 HST.
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Some interesting choices. We do want to keep suspicion low but also early on building up our point total so we can get more done each turn seems ideal.

[X] Plan First Moves
Exp 8/8
-[X] Information Interception Module MK0 (Shard) 5/5 +5 Exp -1 Shard Matter
-[X] Information Processing Module MK0 (Host) 2/2 +2 Adm +1 Hst
-[X] Crude Titan Biology Analysis 1/5 +2 Exp
Adm 7/7
-[X] Secure Your Hub 2/5 +1 Network
-[X] Analyz In-Built Shard Restrictions 5/5 +3 Adm
Psi 8/8
-[X] Crude Psionic Analyzers 3/3 +1 Psi
-[X] Crude Psionic Matter Analysis 5/5 +3 Psi, New Projects
Hst 9/9
-[X] Crude Lateral Power (Growth) 1/2 +1 Exp
-[X] Crude Secondary Power (Efficiency) 8/8 +2 Hst

So this will increase our point totals by 5 Exp, 5 Adm, 4 Psi and 3 Hst. For Hst we will have enough to get a host while finishing off the 2 point project. For Adm I felt it better to start the hub network project so we can finish that next turn, but I felt that finishing a +Adm project would be more useful early on to get the points we need to complete multiple actions in each category each turn or work on larger ones that we unlock.
[X] Plan: Solid foundations to save the world
Expansion Actions
-[X] Information Interception Module MK0 (Shard): A prototype for intercepting and streamlining large amounts of information the Shards receive between them to you. 5/5, Costs one Shard Matter. 5 EXP.
-[X] Information Processing Module MK0 (Host): A prototype for intercepting and handling large amounts of information the Shards receive from their Hosts to you. 2/2, 2 ADM, 1 HST.
-[X] Crude Titan Biology Analysis: Analyze your new… High-Dimensional-Crystal… -ware. 1/5, 2 EXP.
Administration Projects
-[X] Secure Your HUB: It Begins. First, you must make the templates that will allow you to properly subvert the Warrior's Shards without alerting it. 5/5, Gain one HUB Network.
-[X] Reorganize the Titan Software: When you fused with the Shard, optimizing the code structure and improving data handling efficiency is paramount. 2/3, 2 ADM.
Psionic Projects
-[X] Crude Psionic Theory: Psionic and Psychics. Two terms that you thought were just fantasies. Seems that you owe Myriddin an apology. But later, now to see what I am dealing with. 2/2, 1 PSI.
-[X] Crude Psionic Analyzers: Can't forget to make proper equipment. 3/3, 1 PSI.
-[X] Crude Psionic Matter Analysis: When you resolve yourself to save others, this… Engine appeared alongside an instruction book. See what it is about. 3/5, 3 PSI. New Projects Unlocked.
Host Projects
-[X] Rem Sleep Communication: A way of communicating with your Hosts without alerting others. 3/3, 1 HST.
-[X] Crude Lateral Power (Growth): Your Hosts now find it easier to find new applications of their powers. 2/2, 1 EXP.
-[X] Crude Secondary Power (Efficiency): Your Hosts now have a slight awareness of the amount of energy that they can spend at any given time. 4/8, 2 HST.

The basis of this plan is to not start shit until we can get some protection and focusing on getting to know how our unique existance as titan works
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