Little Polish Eagle: A Springtime of Nations Quest

[X] Plan Emancipation of the Nation
-[x] Emancipation of the serfs.
-[x] Extend the state's protection over the serfs (established in 1791) to the newly emancipated tenants through the offices of the "useless nobility" and sinecure officials.*
-[x] Engage in public improvements such as highway and canal construction, putting the military in charge.**
-[x] Outside of forts, universities, and the public works program allocate all other state funding to the provinces based on proportion of national tax base.***
-[x] Use our improved credit to ask for loans from Britain and/or France to dramatically increase funding existing spending (pensions, public works, the army, universities, etc).
-[x] Invite, through consensus not proclamation, the sejmiks and Sejm to sit for a period of two or three months instead of weeks, and to produce their candidate lists for voivodes/senat/etc. at these times.****
-[x] Request his majesty patronize a new (or expand a pre-existing) knightly order to channel the irredentist sentiment of the nobility into a domestic organization rather than external rebels.
-[x] Send nationalist and conspiratorial noble officers abroad, as expeditionaries for the Anglo-intervention in Egypt or to observe the French or American armies in modern weaponry, to keep them away from uprisings.

All points in order of coalitionbuilding priority from greatest to least.

*Without increasing the resources available to these offices, the hope is a desire to control the local peasants in their own petty schemes will lead to productive competition between these justices of the peace and no-show-job local headman types.
**A source of employment for emancipated serfs, poor peasants and rural vagabonds, with military supervision to prevent the sinecures from embezzling the cash and to make the military forget for a year that we aren't expanding their funding.
***As per the original cadastre plan, giving voivodes and landowners a reason to report their property accurately and not dodge taxation.
****Thus encouraging the bureaucracy and useless nobility to centralize their loci of power into the Sejms, as the flow of appointments will come from there.

Those are my suggestions for some of the current problems facing the nation.
-[x] Extend the state's protection over the serfs (established in 1791) to the newly emancipated tenants through the offices of the "useless nobility" and sinecure officials.*
What's their motivation to do that? It's a bit too early to count on there being enough positivists to do those things out of pure sense of obligation.
[X] Plan Emancipation of the Nation
-[x] Emancipation of the serfs.
-[x] Extend the state's protection over the serfs (established in 1791) to the newly emancipated tenants through the offices of the "useless nobility" and sinecure officials.*
-[x] Engage in public improvements such as highway and canal construction, putting the military in charge.**
-[x] Outside of forts, universities, and the public works program allocate all other state funding to the provinces based on proportion of national tax base.***
-[x] Use our improved credit to ask for loans from Britain and/or France to dramatically increase funding existing spending (pensions, public works, the army, universities, etc).
-[x] Invite, through consensus not proclamation, the sejmiks and Sejm to sit for a period of two or three months instead of weeks, and to produce their candidate lists for voivodes/senat/etc. at these times.****
-[x] Request his majesty patronize a new (or expand a pre-existing) knightly order to channel the irredentist sentiment of the nobility into a domestic organization rather than external rebels.
-[x] Send nationalist and conspiratorial noble officers abroad, as expeditionaries for the Anglo-intervention in Egypt or to observe the French or American armies in modern weaponry, to keep them away from uprisings.
Honestly, I'd be happy to vote for this next turn, after the start of the great train-mageddon this turn
I really like how the king just vetoed the problematic things in the plan:rofl: That's like a REVERSE Rzeczpospolita Veto Moment
Still, we're not just a Duchy, correct? We have multiple historical capitals under control and enough land for a respectable Kingdom of Poland.
Another interesting point in my opinion:
Well, not foreign. Polish and Lithuanian. The matter was a thorny one, in which the government's policy was to do as little as possible (to keep the Great Powers happy) and as much as possible (to keep the people happy).
Austria have accepted the Krakow Republic's union with our nation, so that means the 1846 Galician Slaughter likely doesn't happen as it did OTL, if at all. I expect that with an established separate nation of Poland, the Austrians will work closer on creating a Galician nation.
And I say let them. It might be a pipe dream at the moment, but supporting an Austrian upheaval in Germany may be our only shorter-term chance of getting back a Baltic port from Prussia. The only other way into the Baltic Sea would be via taking Lithuania and Samogitia from Russia.

Scheduled vote count started by DanBaque on Jul 16, 2024 at 7:06 PM, finished with 22 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan 1842, start of a better time (2nd version)
    -[X] [1] Create and empower an anti-corruption department, whose members should be beyond reproach (and for whom, if found to be corrupt, the punishments should be much harsher), tasked with ensuring that no officials waste state money or sleep on their posts.
    -[X] [2] Create a comprehensive survey of the land, its current uses and future potential.
    -[X] [3] Making use of the surveys, create plans for a modern system of traffic - which roads need to be improved and how much, where should new ones be built, where should railways go etc.
    -[X] [4] Use Census, Cadastre and survey data as well as the plans made under [3] to embark on a major project of building up the interior lines of communication of Poland and linking up the roads and canals of the nation, focusing especially on a rail lines connecting Krakow to Warsaw and Warsaw to Lublin, though the majority Crown- and National Bank- owned joint-stock enterprise of the Royal Polish Rail Company.
    -[X] [5] Reach out to other nations about sending a few officers as observers, primarily focused on understanding the uses and hurdles of state-of-the-art weapons.
    -[X] [6] Have a committee, making use of reports from the observers from [5], create a plan for the future procurement of equipment of our armed forces (what do we have, what do we need, what would be nice to have, what should be avoided...).
    -[X] [5] Standardize and broaden the connections of Voivoidships and the Senat, through the convening of new and revived orders of knighthood and heraldic courts of honor, granting some of the prestige of their ancestral peerages and of helping bring tithes to and distribute alms with the Catholic, Lutheran, etc... Church, in exchange for their jurisdictions supporting the various land trusts acquiring the rail right-of-way
    -[X] [6] Also regularize the convening of Provincial Sejmiks in conjunction with relevant assemblymen of the national Sejm and various others, to help locally distribute the post and national and provincial gazettes and oversee the establishment of chambers of commerce and agricultural societies and such, processing local towns into railway stops as they feed into the great work.
    [X] Plan Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Trai-
    -[X] [1] Use Census and Cadastre data to embark on a major project of building up the interior lines of communication of Poland and linking up the roads and canals of the nation, focusing especially on a rail lines connecting Krakow to Warsaw and Warsaw to Lublin, though the majority Crown- and National Bank- owned joint-stock enterprise of the Royal Polish Rail Company
    -[X] [2] Have the military work hand-in-hand with the Royal Polish Rail Company directing service alongside hired French and German contractors as part of the general plans to grow the ranks of military engineers and to build of cadres of inspectors able to beat the militia into shape.
    -[X] [3] Tie into the flagship infrastructure initiatives expansions of a national postal service, and offices of the census, land deeds, patents, and the like, in order to perpetuate the success of this census going forward as well as provide Department level input into sufficient make work Provincial and Voivoidate contributions
    -[X] [4]Use the economic bubble of land speculation and heavy construction to push forward and indeed expand the programs of using distressed and marginal estates as new campuses, laterally moving spare lots from the railway's reasonably hefty tracts of land into new vocational schoolhouses and gymnesia feeding into the planned colleges and renewed universities, with the financial chicanery beefing up their endowments to match.
    -[X] [5] Standardize and broaden the connections of Voivoidships and the Senat, through the convening of new and revived orders of knighthood and heraldic courts of honor, granting some of the prestige of their ancestral peerages and of helping bring tithes to and distribute alms with the Catholic, Lutheran, etc... Church, in exchange for their jurisdictions supporting the various land trusts acquiring the rail right-of-way
    -[X] [6] Also regularize the convening of Provincial Sejmiks in conjunction with relevant assemblymen of the national Sejm and various others, to help locally distribute the post and national and provincial gazettes and oversee the establishment of chambers of commerce and agricultural societies and such, processing local towns into railway stops as they feed into the great work.
    -[X] [7] Use the pragmatic sideways refocusing of patriotism through the forms of domestic chivalry and grandeur to also double-up o properly Napoleonic orders of merit for excellence on the battlefield, in arts or sciences, and in general making significant contributions to the country, acting as something of a redistribution of the social capital of honor back to (some of) the masses and buttressing the position of naturalized foreigners and Jews and the like within high society.
    -[X] [8] Oh yeah, modernize the forts in the eastern border
    [X] Plan Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Sewage?
    -[X] [1] Use Census and Cadastre data to embark on a major project of building up the interior lines of communication of Poland and linking up the roads and canals of the nation, focusing especially on a rail lines connecting Krakow to Warsaw and Warsaw to Lublin, though the majority Crown- and National Bank- owned joint-stock enterprise of the Royal Polish Rail Company
    -[X] [2] Have the military work hand-in-hand with the Royal Polish Rail Company directing service alongside hired French and German contractors as part of the general plans to grow the ranks of military engineers and to build of cadres of inspectors able to beat the militia into shape.
    -[X] [3] Tie into the flagship infrastructure initiatives expansions of a national postal service, and offices of the census, land deeds, patents, and the like, in order to perpetuate the success of this census going forward as well as provide Department level input into sufficient make work Provincial and Voivoidate contributions
    -[X] [4]Use the economic bubble of land speculation and heavy construction to push forward and indeed expand the programs of using distressed and marginal estates as new campuses, laterally moving spare lots from the railway's reasonably hefty tracts of land into new vocational schoolhouses and gymnesia feeding into the planned colleges and renewed universities, with the financial chicanery beefing up their endowments to match.
    -[X] [5] Standardize and broaden the connections of Voivoidships and the Senat, through the convening of new and revived orders of knighthood and heraldic courts of honor, granting some of the prestige of their ancestral peerages and of helping bring tithes to and distribute alms with the Catholic, Lutheran, etc... Church, in exchange for their jurisdictions supporting the various land trusts acquiring the rail right-of-way
    -[X] [6] Also regularize the convening of Provincial Sejmiks in conjunction with relevant assemblymen of the national Sejm and various others, to help locally distribute the post and national and provincial gazettes and oversee the establishment of chambers of commerce and agricultural societies and such, processing local towns into railway stops as they feed into the great work.
    -[X] [7] Use the pragmatic sideways refocusing of patriotism through the forms of domestic chivalry and grandeur to also double-up o properly Napoleonic orders of merit for excellence on the battlefield, in arts or sciences, and in general making significant contributions to the country, acting as something of a redistribution of the social capital of honor back to (some of) the masses and buttressing the position of naturalized foreigners and Jews and the like within high society.
    -[X] [8] Modernise the sewage networks in the major cities, leaving room for future expansion
    [X] Plan Emancipation of the Nation
    -[x] Emancipation of the serfs.
    -[x] Extend the state's protection over the serfs (established in 1791) to the newly emancipated tenants through the offices of the "useless nobility" and sinecure officials.*
    -[x] Engage in public improvements such as highway and canal construction, putting the military in charge.**
    -[x] Outside of forts, universities, and the public works program allocate all other state funding to the provinces based on proportion of national tax base.***
    -[x] Use our improved credit to ask for loans from Britain and/or France to dramatically increase funding existing spending (pensions, public works, the army, universities, etc).
    -[x] Invite, through consensus not proclamation, the sejmiks and Sejm to sit for a period of two or three months instead of weeks, and to produce their candidate lists for voivodes/senat/etc. at these times.****
    -[x] Request his majesty patronize a new (or expand a pre-existing) knightly order to channel the irredentist sentiment of the nobility into a domestic organization rather than external rebels.
    -[x] Send nationalist and conspiratorial noble officers abroad, as expeditionaries for the Anglo-intervention in Egypt or to observe the French or American armies in modern weaponry, to keep them away from uprisings.
Scheduled vote count started by DanBaque on Jul 16, 2024 at 7:06 PM, finished with 22 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan 1842, start of a better time (2nd version)
    -[X] [1] Create and empower an anti-corruption department, whose members should be beyond reproach (and for whom, if found to be corrupt, the punishments should be much harsher), tasked with ensuring that no officials waste state money or sleep on their posts.
    -[X] [2] Create a comprehensive survey of the land, its current uses and future potential.
    -[X] [3] Making use of the surveys, create plans for a modern system of traffic - which roads need to be improved and how much, where should new ones be built, where should railways go etc.
    -[X] [4] Use Census, Cadastre and survey data as well as the plans made under [3] to embark on a major project of building up the interior lines of communication of Poland and linking up the roads and canals of the nation, focusing especially on a rail lines connecting Krakow to Warsaw and Warsaw to Lublin, though the majority Crown- and National Bank- owned joint-stock enterprise of the Royal Polish Rail Company.
    -[X] [5] Reach out to other nations about sending a few officers as observers, primarily focused on understanding the uses and hurdles of state-of-the-art weapons.
    -[X] [6] Have a committee, making use of reports from the observers from [5], create a plan for the future procurement of equipment of our armed forces (what do we have, what do we need, what would be nice to have, what should be avoided...).
    -[X] [5] Standardize and broaden the connections of Voivoidships and the Senat, through the convening of new and revived orders of knighthood and heraldic courts of honor, granting some of the prestige of their ancestral peerages and of helping bring tithes to and distribute alms with the Catholic, Lutheran, etc... Church, in exchange for their jurisdictions supporting the various land trusts acquiring the rail right-of-way
    -[X] [6] Also regularize the convening of Provincial Sejmiks in conjunction with relevant assemblymen of the national Sejm and various others, to help locally distribute the post and national and provincial gazettes and oversee the establishment of chambers of commerce and agricultural societies and such, processing local towns into railway stops as they feed into the great work.
    [X] Plan Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Trai-
    -[X] [1] Use Census and Cadastre data to embark on a major project of building up the interior lines of communication of Poland and linking up the roads and canals of the nation, focusing especially on a rail lines connecting Krakow to Warsaw and Warsaw to Lublin, though the majority Crown- and National Bank- owned joint-stock enterprise of the Royal Polish Rail Company
    -[X] [2] Have the military work hand-in-hand with the Royal Polish Rail Company directing service alongside hired French and German contractors as part of the general plans to grow the ranks of military engineers and to build of cadres of inspectors able to beat the militia into shape.
    -[X] [3] Tie into the flagship infrastructure initiatives expansions of a national postal service, and offices of the census, land deeds, patents, and the like, in order to perpetuate the success of this census going forward as well as provide Department level input into sufficient make work Provincial and Voivoidate contributions
    -[X] [4]Use the economic bubble of land speculation and heavy construction to push forward and indeed expand the programs of using distressed and marginal estates as new campuses, laterally moving spare lots from the railway's reasonably hefty tracts of land into new vocational schoolhouses and gymnesia feeding into the planned colleges and renewed universities, with the financial chicanery beefing up their endowments to match.
    -[X] [5] Standardize and broaden the connections of Voivoidships and the Senat, through the convening of new and revived orders of knighthood and heraldic courts of honor, granting some of the prestige of their ancestral peerages and of helping bring tithes to and distribute alms with the Catholic, Lutheran, etc... Church, in exchange for their jurisdictions supporting the various land trusts acquiring the rail right-of-way
    -[X] [6] Also regularize the convening of Provincial Sejmiks in conjunction with relevant assemblymen of the national Sejm and various others, to help locally distribute the post and national and provincial gazettes and oversee the establishment of chambers of commerce and agricultural societies and such, processing local towns into railway stops as they feed into the great work.
    -[X] [7] Use the pragmatic sideways refocusing of patriotism through the forms of domestic chivalry and grandeur to also double-up o properly Napoleonic orders of merit for excellence on the battlefield, in arts or sciences, and in general making significant contributions to the country, acting as something of a redistribution of the social capital of honor back to (some of) the masses and buttressing the position of naturalized foreigners and Jews and the like within high society.
    -[X] [8] Oh yeah, modernize the forts in the eastern border
    [X] Plan Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Trains, Sewage?
    -[X] [1] Use Census and Cadastre data to embark on a major project of building up the interior lines of communication of Poland and linking up the roads and canals of the nation, focusing especially on a rail lines connecting Krakow to Warsaw and Warsaw to Lublin, though the majority Crown- and National Bank- owned joint-stock enterprise of the Royal Polish Rail Company
    -[X] [2] Have the military work hand-in-hand with the Royal Polish Rail Company directing service alongside hired French and German contractors as part of the general plans to grow the ranks of military engineers and to build of cadres of inspectors able to beat the militia into shape.
    -[X] [3] Tie into the flagship infrastructure initiatives expansions of a national postal service, and offices of the census, land deeds, patents, and the like, in order to perpetuate the success of this census going forward as well as provide Department level input into sufficient make work Provincial and Voivoidate contributions
    -[X] [4]Use the economic bubble of land speculation and heavy construction to push forward and indeed expand the programs of using distressed and marginal estates as new campuses, laterally moving spare lots from the railway's reasonably hefty tracts of land into new vocational schoolhouses and gymnesia feeding into the planned colleges and renewed universities, with the financial chicanery beefing up their endowments to match.
    -[X] [5] Standardize and broaden the connections of Voivoidships and the Senat, through the convening of new and revived orders of knighthood and heraldic courts of honor, granting some of the prestige of their ancestral peerages and of helping bring tithes to and distribute alms with the Catholic, Lutheran, etc... Church, in exchange for their jurisdictions supporting the various land trusts acquiring the rail right-of-way
    -[X] [6] Also regularize the convening of Provincial Sejmiks in conjunction with relevant assemblymen of the national Sejm and various others, to help locally distribute the post and national and provincial gazettes and oversee the establishment of chambers of commerce and agricultural societies and such, processing local towns into railway stops as they feed into the great work.
    -[X] [7] Use the pragmatic sideways refocusing of patriotism through the forms of domestic chivalry and grandeur to also double-up o properly Napoleonic orders of merit for excellence on the battlefield, in arts or sciences, and in general making significant contributions to the country, acting as something of a redistribution of the social capital of honor back to (some of) the masses and buttressing the position of naturalized foreigners and Jews and the like within high society.
    -[X] [8] Modernise the sewage networks in the major cities, leaving room for future expansion
    [X] Plan Emancipation of the Nation
    -[x] Emancipation of the serfs.
    -[x] Extend the state's protection over the serfs (established in 1791) to the newly emancipated tenants through the offices of the "useless nobility" and sinecure officials.*
    -[x] Engage in public improvements such as highway and canal construction, putting the military in charge.**
    -[x] Outside of forts, universities, and the public works program allocate all other state funding to the provinces based on proportion of national tax base.***
    -[x] Use our improved credit to ask for loans from Britain and/or France to dramatically increase funding existing spending (pensions, public works, the army, universities, etc).
    -[x] Invite, through consensus not proclamation, the sejmiks and Sejm to sit for a period of two or three months instead of weeks, and to produce their candidate lists for voivodes/senat/etc. at these times.****
    -[x] Request his majesty patronize a new (or expand a pre-existing) knightly order to channel the irredentist sentiment of the nobility into a domestic organization rather than external rebels.
    -[x] Send nationalist and conspiratorial noble officers abroad, as expeditionaries for the Anglo-intervention in Egypt or to observe the French or American armies in modern weaponry, to keep them away from uprisings.
Hey, not to pressure you, but how's the update coming? Do you have an ETA? :)

Also, looking at the wiki page for the 1840s for things to keep an eye out for:
- England is allowing for textile industry machines to be sold outside of the country now
- Ether and chloroform are introduced as anesthetics for operations
- In the middle of the decade there were famines caused by bad harvests, most famously the Irish famine
- From around 1848 there were several revolutions all over the place (in like 51 countries), with bourgeois-liberal ideals (they failed, nearly completely)
- Playing a role in the above point, Marx and Engels meet for the first time and start writing things together, publishing The Communist Manifesto in 1848