Little Polish Eagle: A Springtime of Nations Quest

[X] Plan: A Modern Caesar
-[X] Decisively settle the position of the bishops by legislating that they aren't nobles but that the church will receive a guaranteed number of seats in the upper house to distribute as it sees fit, try to get the Pope's blessing for this plan.
-[X] Roll out a generous program of university scholarships but make it contingent on the recipients enrolling as officers in the National Militia after they finish their education.
-[X] Work with the church to improve public literacy by setting aside funds for clergymen to organize Sunday schools for those interested in bettering their lot.
-[X] Use the new liquidity granted to the national government to embark on a sustained campaign of infrastructure spending to provide work for the common man.
-[X] Establish a series of royalist government funded newspapers that serve as a mouthpiece for the government and the king.
-[X] Negotiate with local elites and the church to split with them costs of constructing poor houses that will care for the sick and the elderly.
-[X] Reach out to the Austrian government to negotiate a comprehensive trade settlement that will make it easier for Austrian investments to flow in but also establishes some protections for fledgling Polish industries.
[] Plan: Seizing the Mandate of Heaven (DRAFT)
-[] Expand the central bureaucracy, new candidates must be able to prove a basic level of competency in an examination. (existing members assumed competent/not required to be tested)
-[] Using the expanded bureaucracy, launch a census to better understand who is in our country and what taxes they owe us
-[] Reorganise the Voivodeships along the Military District lines.
-[] Use the money from the national bank to invest in and improve the domestic steel industry
-[] Build modern water and sewage networks in the major cities to improve sanitation.
-[] Invest in a railway between Krakow, Lodz, and Warsaw. Try to get international investment for this if possible.
-[] Invite the Pope to come visit Poland and bless the reign of King Napoleon.
-[] Build small arms factories in Krakow to better equip the army and militia

Ok so this is full of things that I am not sure if they are good ideas or not, but increasing state capacity is obviously needed, and some guarantee of competence would be nice to go with that. Also I have no idea what I am cooking with the Pope thing but I figure it might make the bishops like us or something???

Reorganising the voivodeships to the mil district lines because the voivodeships are the newbies and so pissing them off by reorganising them matters less than pissing off one of the established groups. I chose the mil district because I (barely) trust the nobility more than the bishops. I haven't reorganised the parish boundaries because I don't particularly want to argue with the bishops more than necessary, but I can quite easily be talked into doing it if people want.
[] Plan 1841, a fine year to right some wrongs (DRAFT)
-[] Reorganize the districts, instead of three different system (voivodeships, military departments and diocesis) there shall only be one (the one that makes most sense for a centralized government, so I guess closest to the military departments; work with the Church to make sure that the number of bishops is not reduced).
-[] Reach out to the Austrian government to negotiate a comprehensive trade settlement that will make it easier for Austrian investments to flow in but also establishes some protections for fledgling Polish industries.
-[] Order a new census based on the newly created districts.
-[] Order modern surveys based on the newly created districts.
-[] Embark on infrastructure works, primarily focused on Utilities - keeping our public safe and healthy is critically important.
-[] Making use of the modern surveys, create plans for a modern system of traffic - which roads need to be improved and how much, where should new one be built, where should railways go etc.
-[] Expand on public schooling with the creation of schools for future members of the bureaucracy.
-[] Increase the pensions of veterans minimally (from "very insufficient" to "insufficient") and implement pensions on the former level of veteran's pensions for those who have served in the bureaucracy for at least 40 years.

Trying to fix that issue with the different organizational districts.
I stole that trade agreement line from @Anchises, hope that's alright.

Then it's all about doing some work to make our future live easier.

And lastly something to hopefully give some impulse towards better education etc.

You'd probably be as well investing in the private schools rather than the public schools if you want to improve the education of the bureaucracy. The bureaucrats are all nobles from families influential enough to get appointed roles, so they will probably also be rich enough to send their kids to private school.
You'd probably be as well investing in the private schools rather than the public schools if you want to improve the education of the bureaucracy. The bureaucrats are all nobles from families influential enough to get appointed roles, so they will probably also be rich enough to send their kids to private school.
It's not just about improving the level of education, it's also about future proving, since at some point there wont be enough nobles to staff all the positions in the bureaucracy - and there'll also be positions nobles wont want to take on, I guess.
[X] Plan: Cadastre par masse et nature de cultures
-[X] Emulate Napoleon I in a land registry, to administer taxation by distribution of land accounting for crop mass and type.*
-[X] Use the first year's collection of the tax to finance public improvements, both building roads and canals and providing employment as laborers and surveyors to the uneducated and educated classes respectively.
-[X] Assign state resources to the voivodes, and thus the provinces, based on size of this tax base - with more productive provinces gaining more state investment.**

( do not repost when voting: )
*Landlords are thus incentivized to register their tenants accurately and formalize their relationship with paper contracts, otherwise the rentier is paying the tax for the tenant's plot. It's conservative land reform but it's still land reform.
**Meaning governors and local leaders aren't incentivized to underreport land productivity, unless they are quite confident in their existing semi-formal means of local taxation to fund their own operations.
Planks are ranked in descending order of importance for coalition building purposes.
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[X] Plan Get Legibility To The State, Idiot
-[X] [1] Reorganize the reorganization of the Voivodeships as primarily constituencies associated with the seats of the Senat, fitting to cultural-historical borders when unable to fit to dioceses of the Church, and with Voivodes as correspondingly governing internal and cultural affairs.
-[X] [2] Set those Voivodeships atop a relatively more rationalized federal structure, with Prowincje/Provinces as parallel, oft smaller, circles encompassing the regional Sejmik assemblies and the electoral colleges of the lower assembly of the Sejm, and thus operating with some minor legislative power of the purse in collecting taxes.
-[X] [3] And then place the real power in the French style military and administrative Departments and Department-level councils of state faithfully executiong the will of the national Sejm via its Council of Ministers and adhering to cross-sectional districting based on population.
-[X] [4] Formulate all this on a renewed anniversary census and cadastre, structures as in prior plans, tying registration to greater civic participation in the patriotic fervor of officially crowning Napoleon as Franciszek Kazimierz I, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania and etc..., Duchy of Warsaw no longer the Commonwealth's legal name
-[X] [5] Immediately back down on any saber-rattling and send diplomatic missions reassuring Russia, Austria, and Prussia that this is all in ceremonial pretense and not a new claim on their lands (for now).
-[X] [6] Do spend some significant portion of the state's funding into expanding the plans for trade and technical institutes and agricultural colleges and firming up a broad base for the university system, doling out the grants of royal societies and the honors of royal knighthoods towards both academia and mechanical sciences
-[X] [7] Integrate the political-territorial census and surveying efforts and the promotion of the sciences together in a project to raise up a new class of officers adequately trained in topography, combat engineering, artillery trigonometry, and such, as the most critical long term weakness in the kingdom's officer corps as veteran line officers age and retire.
-[X] [8] Unleash these officers on the modernization of the forts and on the modernization and improvements to the land in general that may be applied to crown estates and such as a model, and in so doing firm up the finances of the royal household if nothing else, offering cash prizes and meritorious awards for successful marsh-draining solutions and the like.
Plan Get Legibility To The State, Idiot
I like parts of this, I hope it's all right if I steal those?

[] Plan 1841, a fine year to right some wrongs (2nd DRAFT)
-[] [1] Reorganize the reorganization of the Voivodeships as primarily constituencies associated with the seats of the Senat, fitting to cultural-historical borders when unable to fit to dioceses of the Church, and with Voivodes as correspondingly governing internal and cultural affairs.
-[] [2] Set those Voivodeships atop a relatively more rationalized federal structure, with Prowincje/Provinces as parallel, oft smaller, circles encompassing the regional Sejmik assemblies and the electoral colleges of the lower assembly of the Sejm, and thus operating with some minor legislative power of the purse in collecting taxes.
-[] [3] And then place the real power in the French style military and administrative Departments and Department-level councils of state faithfully executing the will of the national Sejm via its Council of Ministers and adhering to cross-sectional districting based on population.
-[] [4] Formulate all this on a renewed anniversary census and cadastre; use this first turn of surveying to also do general modern surveys of the land.
-[] [5] Reach out to the Austrian government to negotiate a comprehensive trade settlement that will make it easier for Austrian investments to flow in but also establishes some protections for fledgling Polish industries.
-[] [6] Embark on infrastructure works, primarily focused on Utilities - keeping our public safe and healthy is critically important.
-[] [7] Expand on public schooling with the creation of schools for future members of the bureaucracy.
-[] [8] Increase the pensions of veterans minimally (from "very insufficient" to "insufficient") and implement pensions on the former level of veteran's pensions for those who have served in the bureaucracy for at least 40 years.
go for it, neoliberalism-brain/bourgeois state-building lives in the dark heart of everyone :V
[X] Plan 1841, a fine year to right some wrongs (3nd version)
-[X] [1] Reorganize the reorganization of the Voivodeships as primarily constituencies associated with the seats of the Senat, fitting to cultural-historical borders when unable to fit to dioceses of the Church, and with Voivodes as correspondingly governing internal and cultural affairs.
-[X] [2] Set those Voivodeships atop a relatively more rationalized federal structure, with Prowincje/Provinces as parallel, oft smaller, circles encompassing the regional Sejmik assemblies and the electoral colleges of the lower assembly of the Sejm, and thus operating with some minor legislative power of the purse in collecting taxes.
-[X] [3] And then place the real power in the French style military and administrative Departments and Department-level councils of state faithfully executing the will of the national Sejm via its Council of Ministers and adhering to cross-sectional districting based on population.
-[X] [4] Formulate all this on a renewed anniversary census and cadastre; use this first turn of surveying to also do general modern surveys of the land.
-[X] [5] Reach out to the Austrian government to negotiate a comprehensive trade settlement that will make it easier for Austrian investments to flow in but also establishes some protections for fledgling Polish industries.
-[X] [6] Making use of the modern surveys, create plans for a modern system of traffic - which roads need to be improved and how much, where should new ones be built, where should railways go etc.
-[X] [7] Embark on infrastructure works, primarily focused on Utilities - keeping our public safe and healthy is critically important.
-[X] [8] Expand on public schooling with the creation of schools for future members of the bureaucracy.
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-[X] [2] Set those Voivodeships atop a relatively more rationalized federal structure, with Prowincje/Provinces as parallel, oft smaller, circles encompassing the regional Sejmik assemblies and the electoral colleges of the lower assembly of the Sejm, and thus operating with some minor legislative power of the purse in collecting taxes.
Federal? Why? At the moment we're small and relatively homegenous, all the parts that could benefit from federalization are outside our borders.
-[X] [4] Formulate all this on a renewed anniversary census and cadastre, structures as in prior plans, tying registration to greater civic participation in the patriotic fervor of officially crowning Napoleon as Franciszek Kazimierz I, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania and etc..., Duchy of Warsaw no longer the Commonwealth's legal name
Claiming not just the crown of Poland, but also Lithuania? Russia is going to be a bit ticked off at that. Contradicts point [5].

Even so:

[X] Plan Get Legibility To The State, Idiot
Federal? Why? At the moment we're small and relatively homegenous, all the parts that could benefit from federalization are outside our borders.

But seriously, all the great and storied crowned heads of Europe have plenty of titles in pretense and ceremony, like beyond Prussia, Austria, and Russia, I'll bet that even like Sweden still has titular claim over bits of Poland buuuuut, when backed by new and expansive nationalist construction of state identities and demolition of previous multiethnic mosaics of empire, well, Intermarium might be a meme, bu its a meme some of our intelligentsia and lower officers are deadly serious about. So, all the better to channel it productively into strengthening the royal state, and surely we won't end up bound to any disastrous foriegn policy adventures later on, right?