Immediate observation post. More specific ideas in progress.

"You won't believe how many research projects were willfully abandoned by these bastards, Jie. We'll have to prioritize the ones that are most viable in the short term. Even then, I'm not sure that will be enough. The idle masses are growing restless, and the General Secretary is breathing down my neck about the Alaska deal, which is somehow still on the table. I'm going to play for time, Jie, but if we don't have a way out of this mess by the time of the party congress in October, they'll go with what the generals are advising."
So we're tightly still on the clock, unfortunately.

SPC Department of Energy (30%): Complete Three [Energy] Projects in 2067 (20% partnership progress estimated)
This is manageable enough. InnerMoon clarified some stuff in the Discord: "Plus, you're only helping the other ministries out, they'll be doing things alongside you. Zhang just wants you to pull your weight.

Energized: 25% discount on [Energy] projects (bonus not included in base price)
This will continue to help make things easier.

You left out the 15R that got carried over.

Auxiliary Robotics Applications: As part of backing us on the State Council Commission, Minister Zhang Lifeng wants us to work on his pet robotics project. Although Minister Ren hates the idea, the deployment of android assistants could lessen the burden on our personnel, to say nothing of the economy as a whole. Let's start by iterating on the established designs, and see how they might be specialized. 800, 120 ongoing, eighteen months)
We put 400 in, so it should be down to 400. Glad to see this is delayed.

Siberian Oil Exploration [Energy] [Fraternal]: While the Party would never admit it, our recent intervention in the Soviet succession crisis was at least partly motivated by the USSR's abundant petrochemical resources. However, despite the ensconcement of our legitimist allies in oil-rich Siberia, the subsequent increase in fossil fuel supply has still proven insufficient to our needs. We must therefore sponsor an aggressive program of oil and gas exploration in the region, including a focus on more unconventional or marginal deposits. The only alternative is a further deepening of our energy crisis. (400, 50 ongoing, one year)
It was at 450 last turn and we put in 100, so it should be 350.
Immediate observation post. More specific ideas in progress.
Fixed everything you mentioned. The reason I knocked an additional 50 off the Siberian Oil project was as another Zhang-sponsored discount. Also, to be clear, you should try to meet that Energy mandate in the next two turns using your own resources. All I was saying is that other authorities will also be doing their best to manage the crisis, so it's not all up to you. But your contribution will make a difference in narrative terms.
Fixed everything you mentioned. The reason I knocked an additional 50 off the Siberian Oil project was as another Zhang-sponsored discount. Also, to be clear, you should try to meet that Energy mandate in the next two turns using your own resources. All I was saying is that other authorities will also be doing their best to manage the crisis, so it's not all up to you. But your contribution will make a difference in narrative terms.
Oh certainly, that's what I was trying to convey as well.

We have to complete Ministry University, and that's 450R committed. We want to do at least one Energy project here. Hydroelectric Hardening is after discounts 750, while Nuclear Intensification is 800. So if we were to do both (not sure about it but discussing), 350 and 300 respectively seems about right.

Edit: Bad math. Nuclear is 900. The allocation still works though.

We need at least 3 Energy projects. Note that the costs are explicitly pre-discount. Modified totals are:

- Cuban Biofuels (300)
- Crude Fusion (525)
- Fengshui Innovation Offensive (450)
- Siberian Oil Exploration (225)

I'm thinking that we do Siberian Oil - since it eases the transition and should complete within the year - and Cuban Biofuels, which completes this turn. That'll give us 2/3 projects, and leave 90R in store that we could save (in part to buffer the ongoing costs).

Ideological Aptitude Tests is mandatory due to the partnership. If we want to guarantee sufficient quality, then that means 560 resources. That would leave 140 over, which would also provide an equally high bonus for some Shock Labor. The Shock Labor could cut down a Hydroelectric Hardening or Nuclear Intensification down to one year. To do both... well, we could cut IAT back to 500, which is still +25, and use a pair of basic unaugmented Shock Labors. The proletariat will just have to struggle for the good of the People's Republic.

Edit: DoctorElsewhere reminded me that the discount means it's base 90 for Shock Labor, so we'd still get +10s there.

I'd like to put the Labor Standard front and center, but instead I'm forced to go with Educate the Cadres. We have to get our line set among the mass party ranks first!
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What is the stealth tech looking like? According to the wiki stealth suits was out of prototype stage at winter of '66 and macro scale was in use '75. Is it possible to speed up macro scale and use it for our buildings?
[] Plan: A Shock To The System
Construction (1000+100)
-[] Ministry University (300/750) (six months left) (funding incomplete) 450, Hunan
-[] Nuclear Intensification [Energy]: (900, one year) 350, Sichuan
-[] Hydroelectric Hardening [Energy]: (750, one year) 300, Henan
Research (600)
-[] Cuban Biofuels [Energy] [Fraternal]: (300, 60 ongoing, six months)
-[] Siberian Oil Exploration [Energy] [Fraternal]: (225, 50 ongoing, one year)
Mobilization (500+200)
-[] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: (100, Nuclear Intensification, discount construction time by half)
-[] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: (100, Hydroelectric Hardening, discount construction time by half)
-[] Ideological Aptitude Tests: (500)
Politics (3)
-[] Albanian Expedition [Fraternal]: (DC 60) 3 dice

We need to show the rest of the party that the alternatives to the Alaskan oil seizure exist. Shock labor will be necessary for getting it done in time for the congress next year, but if no major obstacles appear it is possible. Which is why I think doing both nuclear and hydroelectric will be key, showcasing two major avenues to pursue, even as we study Cuban biofuels and expand the Siberian oil fields to ease us through the process. Luckily that leaves us with enough spare mobilization resources to do the IAT for the Red Guards (which should hopefully ease the concerns of the rest of the party/PLA as well). Additionally, while I agree that we need to educate the cadres on the dangers of nuclear war, it would be best if we had hard evidence to back up our claims. Evidence we can find in Albania, who actually went through a nuclear exchange.

I'll fill in the voter boxes with Xs tomorrow, as I want to sleep on it to see if anything major sticks out to me that I may have missed atm.
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[X] Plan: We're (Not) the Ministers Who Don't Do Anything
-[X] Construction or The Third Phase of the Project to Ensure Continuance of the Revolutionary Struggle Post-Annihilation
--[X] Hydroelectric Hardening [Energy]: Henan (0->350/750)
--[X] Nuclear Intensification [Energy]: Sichuan (0->300/900)
--[X] Ministry University: Hunan (300->750/750)
-[X] Research or The Project to Renewably Strengthen the People's Republic from Black Gold Gang Wrecking
--[X] Cuban Biofuels [Energy] [Fraternal] (0->300/300)
--[X] Siberian Oil Exploration [Energy] [Fraternal] (0->225/225)
--[X] 90R leftover
-[X] Mobilization or The Campaign Leading the Masses in Communally Conscious Activity
--[X] Ideological Aptitude Tests (0->500/400)
--[X] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Hydroelectric Hardening Time Reduction (0->100/90)
--[X] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Nuclear Intensification Time Reduction (0->100/90)
-[X] Politics
--[X] Educate the Cadres 3d

So yeah, here's the plan based on my thoughts. Hydroelectric to Hunan since it's known for hosting the Yellow River (as well as others), Nuclear to Hunan to support the industry. And all Politics dice to Educate the Cadres because we need to hammer the pro-war idiots hard.
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This is my plan, feel free to air any doubt since this is the first time coming up with plans on this format.

[] Too Little, Too Late
-[] Construction
--[] Nuclear Intensification [Energy]: Hunan (0-->900/900)
--[] Ministry University: Hunan (300-->500/750)
-[] Research
--[] Cuban Biofuels [Energy] [Fraternal]: (60-->300/300)
--[] Siberian Oil Exploration [Energy] [Fraternal]: (50-->225/225)
--[] Fengshui Innovation Offensive [Energy]: (120-->320/450)
--[] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Nuclear Intensification (0-->90/90)
--[] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor: Ministry University (0-->90/90)
--[] Move Industry to the Interior [Labor]: Chongqing (0-->120/270)
--[] Ideological Aptitude Tests: (0-->400/400)
-[] Politics
--[] Set a Ministerial Labor Standard: 3D

I want to put funny titles between each category but my imagination is not that good.

Either way. I would put to requisitioned labs but since the QM it would be better idea to use the resources available to meet the Energy Mandate instead of transfer them from the other ministries so I decide to put all dices to improve the quality dice rolls because these things are killing us. Specially since we are going to go heavy on nuclear energy to compensate the dwindling oil reserves and having a low quality nuclear plant is going to be very bad for all parties involved this things are meant to be expensive for a reason and definitively should not be cut corners.

Since we have a discount on energy may as well try to finish Nuclear Intensification this turn somewhere since we have until October so we have to this things this turn and trow the remaining research in the Innovation Offensive so we can finish very cheap next turn, also we have to finish the Red Guard mandate for Aptitude test (that probably going to backfire horrible) this turn as well and Cuban biofuels while exploring oil on Siberia should also be finish this turn.

2 Shock battalions on Nuclear Intensification and start to move the Chongqing industry on the interior and give the remnants of the PLA there a descent industry to start.

Edit: further consideration decide to put Shock Labor movement as well on Ministry University. The title of the plan is to reflect Jie opinion that this reforms will only slow down China's downfall than save it.

Also one more reason to put all dices in quality bonus is that we need to finish Aptitude Test equal or above 40+ quality roll, less we fail. The higher the number rolled, higher the bonus in quality rolls from all our projects. Since we are going to try to come up with a solution for a alternative to oil or at least diminish the demand, it's our interest to strength the Quality dices as higher we can.

Hydroelectric to Hunan since it's known for hosting the Yellow River (as well as others)

Hydroelectric Hardening will only going to harden the dam already in place on the region of choice not build one from scratch so the energy output will probably still be on the same boat.
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What is the stealth tech looking like? According to the wiki stealth suits was out of prototype stage at winter of '66 and macro scale was in use '75. Is it possible to speed up macro scale and use it for our buildings?
Incoming nuclear warheads will visible and invisible buildings equally. All the targets for incoming storm of ICBMs are already known.
The war was supposed to have started winter of 2066, last turn to be precise, so we manage to stave off the war at least for a few months.

And all Politics dice to Educate the Cadres because we need to hammer the pro-war idiots hard.

Unfortunate this will only affect the low echelons of the government, there's a lot of people in high places, including the General Secretary Cheng (maybe he know informally as Chairman Cheng is a propaganda move to make people relate him with Chairman Mao in this trying times), that want to invade Alaska even with the Oil Gang gone, also the US possible also want to push China into war as well.

Edit: if possible next turn can we pick Auxiliary robots and Korean electronics?

This two projects synergy very well and maybe both can create a reliable and cheap robots. However once Cuban Biofuel and Siberian Oil all the priority should gone to Crude Fusion.

War is going to happen not matter what we will do and best we finish more time expensive projects now before the Party start to relocate resources from our ministry in order to feed the war machine.

Hermetic Metro Systems: The superiority of socialist urbanism is proven by our robust public transport systems, which facilitate the movement of the masses without the wasteful, polluting methods of the car-addled Americans. How great it would be if these systems could also prove our salvation in times of nuclear crisis! This is exactly the case with our urban metro network, which are already sufficiently buried to make for good shelters. And if we can seal them against the poisonous post-nuclear environment, they would be even better. (900, eighteen months)

You know I am half tempt to pick this option when we have time and put in Beijing since we can recreate very similar situation that happens in Moscow from Metro 2033 game and novels. It's a Russian novel about the survivors of a nuclear war that took shelter in Moscow metro systems and develop they own society bellow the surface.

Also @TheInnerMoon this project should be cheaper since the ministry would only retrofit the metro systems of a designated region as fallout shelter, the excavation is all ready been done all that it need is to seal from nuclear radiation and making some space for quarters.

The idea it actually take eighteen months and 900 resources seems a bit too expensive much in my opinion.
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-[] Construction
--[] Nuclear Intensification [Energy]: Hunan (0-->900/900)
--[] Ministry University: Hunan (300-->500/750)
These are Construction projects. Putting in the full amount for Nuclear Intensification right away won't boost the quality roll or make any mechanical difference, while you underfunded the University, ensuring it will have a hefty penalty on the quality.

Hydroelectric Hardening will only going to harden the dam already in place on the region of choice not build one from scratch so the energy output will probably still be on the same boat.
It's explicitly more than that.

TheInnerMoon said:
Hydroelectric Hardening [Energy]: China's geography is uniquely suited to the development of hydroelectric power, and the state has made good use of this fact for the past century. Unfortunately, these massive constructions also tend to be a potent target for the enemy's nuclear arsenal. To mitigate such a catastrophe, we should reinforce our existing dams, and set some exacting construction standards for the next generation of hydroelectric infrastructure. This would also be a good opportunity to refurbish their turbines, which would deliver greater amounts of power at a lower cost in upkeep. (1000, two years)

-[] Research
--[] Cuban Biofuels [Energy] [Fraternal]: (60-->300/300)
--[] Siberian Oil Exploration [Energy] [Fraternal]: (50-->225/225)
--[] Fengshui Innovation Offensive [Energy]: (120-->320/450)
...Those numbers are ongoing costs, not starting amounts.

--[] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Nuclear Intensification (0-->90/90)
--[] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor: Ministry University (0-->90/90)
--[] Move Industry to the Interior [Labor]: Chongqing (0-->120/270)
--[] Ideological Aptitude Tests: (0-->400/400)
I find it hilarious (in a black comedy way) that you're harping on quality bonuses when you have literally done NO SUCH THING. Quality bonuses in mobilization come from overfunding projects, and you've done that for zero projects. Hell, you even underfunded Move Industry, which penalizes it.

War is going to happen not matter what we will do and best we finish more time expensive projects now before the Party start to relocate resources from our ministry in order to feed the war machine.
Okay dude, stop doomsaying. There is no reason to think we're automatically going to fail. The people at the top explicitly said if we can improve things enough by October, And besides, even if we were, it doesn't change the fact that Zhang Lifeng, our patron, wants us to help with things now - so not fulfilling his requests here will immensely screw us over politically anyway.

Stop making assumptions that seem to run on 'because canon said so,' and actually pay attention to the rules and what's been stated.
Also @TheInnerMoon this project should be cheaper since the ministry would only retrofit the metro systems of a designated region as fallout shelter, the excavation is all ready been done all that it need is to seal from nuclear radiation and making some space for quarters.
I'll consider lowering the price; my reasoning was that they'd have to be extensively refit to provide decent ventilation/filtration systems, and perhaps the local authorities would use the project to expand the local tunnels too. But I see your point.
My update plan.

[X] Too Little, Too Late
-[X] Construction
-[X] Nuclear Intensification [Energy]: Sichuan (0-->350/900)
-[X] Hydroelectric Hardening [Energy]: Henan (0-->300/750)
--[X] Ministry University: Hunan (300-->750/750)
-[X] Research
--[X] Cuban Biofuels [Energy] [Fraternal]: (0-->300/300)
--[X] Siberian Oil Exploration [Energy] [Fraternal]: (0-->225/225)
--[X] Fengshui Innovation Offensive [Energy]: (0-->90/450)
-[X] Mobilization
--[X] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Nuclear Intensification Time Reduction (0-->100/90)
--[X] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Hydroeletric Hardening Time Reduction (0-->100/90)
--[X] Ideological Aptitude Tests: (0-->500/400)
-[X] Politics
--[X] Set a Ministerial Labor Standard: 3D

Put the remaining resources from research into Innovation Offensive since that needs to be researched at some point to get new energy projects.

Edit: the difference in my plan is decided to get the Labor Standard for stronger quality dices, something that was supposed to happen last turn but don't happen because of Zhang's coup. So may as well finish now, specially since the mandate of the Red Guard involve complete aptitude test with a equal or above 40+ quality attached, so we can botch there.

[X] Plan: A Shock To The System
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[X] Plan: We're (Not) the Ministers Who Don't Do Anything
Went ahead and put the X in the boxes. Also made a slight change, Nuclear goes to Sichuan, like in DoctorElsewhere's plan.
[X] Plan: A Shock To The System
-[X] Construction or The Third Phase of the Project to Ensure Continuance of the Revolutionary Struggle Post-Annihilation
--[X] Hydroelectric Hardening [Energy]: Henan (0->300/750)
--[X] Nuclear Intensification [Energy]: Sichuan (0->350/900)
--[X] Ministry University: Hunan (300->750/750)
-[X] Research or The Project to Renewably Strengthen the People's Republic from Black Gold Gang Wrecking
--[X] Cuban Biofuels [Energy] [Fraternal] (0->300/300)
--[X] Siberian Oil Exploration [Energy] [Fraternal] (0->225/225)
--[X] 90R leftover
-[X] Mobilization or The Campaign Leading the Masses in Communally Conscious Activity
--[X] Ideological Aptitude Tests (0->500/400)
--[X] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Hydroelectric Hardening Time Reduction (0->100/90)
--[X] Shock Labor Battalions [Labor]: Nuclear Intensification Time Reduction (0->100/90)
-[X] Politics
--[X] Albanian Expedition [Fraternal] 3 dice

Given that the only real difference now between the plan I made and the one @MrRageQuit made is whether to educate the cadres or undertake an expedition to Albania, I decided to take advantage of the much nicer formatting used by MrRageQuit for reposting my plan.

I will approval vote for We're (Not) the Ministers Who Don't Do Anything if it looks like no one will vote for my plan/it will lose to Too Little, Too Late, but I think that getting hard evidence of what a nuclear exchange entails for the survivors will be essential in convincing both the lower and upper ranks of the party the dangers of nuclear war. If my plan wins I intend to Educate the Cadres next turn with this evidence in hand, so don't worry about it getting left aside if you vote for me.
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