Time, stopped,
Life, stopped,
Sun and wards, banished,
It is our time.
As before, in a Winter Turn you do not play the settlement but the force of Winter trying to destroy Union.
So you will have to choose your project carefully, hoping Union's people can handle what is coming...
POV: An Old, Cruel Watcher
Ever-juicer, ever-stronger, ever-brighter, a mote of light in the dark…
One that Winter would crush, if it was not otherwise distracted, by spears in the West, by a foe of eld stalking the wilds, by others wars and others conflicts.
But Winter has many toys and many puppets, and those who take them are slowly learning of the new foe that await them.
It is not funny, that those who betrayed all they were out of fear of a cruel future are facing those that, despite all their betrayal, could bring the terrifying visions those that were once wise saw at the height of a Winter past ?
Truly, there are many new joys to be found in this pleasantly tumultuous time…
Ah, but let's see if the morsels in their little town can handle a time of daggers and lies.
Importance: Minor
Attention: Divided
Attention represents how much the local forces of Winter are focused on Union, and will vary depending on local events and the settlement's actions.
Winter Dices (need to be all attributed):
4 Hunger Dice: Hunger is the unfillable pit, ever reaching for more to devour. Its corruption enslaves to needs and desires, until a man is ready to murder those he loves for a better meal. Hunger's thralls are ravenous and direct, reaching tirelessly for more flesh and more soul.
3 Cold Dice: Cold is the emptiness beyond, slowly eroding away all things good. Its corruption drains its victims, until they are but empty puppets. Cold's servants are fragile, subtle things, striking with ambushes and traps, and preferring to act on the longer term.
2 Tribute-Takers Dice : The Tribute-Takers, those who sold their souls for powers and exchanged curses for life, have grown to see the Union as a threat. They are not yet ready to assault the town in force, but they will not let good people go unharmed.
Red actions are Hunger exclusive, blue Cold exclusive, and all dice can be used on White actions. The dice used will change the result of the actions, due to the differences between Hunger and Cold.
Tribute-Takers Dice can only be used on Tribute-Takers actions.
Harshness Dices: 5
Harshness Dices represent how much of the harshness of the season is handled by the settlement, Union. Every Harshness Dice unused this turn will be rolled on actions that strengthen Winter or attack a far-away faction.
During Winter, Preparations and morale shall be tested. Each preparation has specific assets, representing what has been done to ready the people. Try not to roll over them. You will know of the pool of last year, and of the changes done to them during the year. But you shall not know their specific value this year until they are tested.
Last Winter Food: 100 (Full Harvest) + 25 (The Four Sisters)+10 (The Wilds)+40(Lord's Meat)+40(Fish)+25(Gathering) -25(Feeding the Escapee)=215
Changes : - Newcomers, - Increased population, - No more Lord's Meat
+ Poultry, +Deers Herd, +Massive Harvest, +Better food preservation, +hunting and gathering
Last Winter Heat = 75 (Abundant Fuel) + 35 (Basics Homes) + 15 (Fireberries)+ 40 (Furs+Lord's Furs) + 15 (Winter Clothing) – 25 (Warming the Escapee) = 155
Changes : - Newcomers, - Increased population
+ Winter Clothing, + Baby Blankets, + True Houses, + Poultry, +Rites of Burning, + Charcoal
Last Winter Knowledge: 25 (Learned ones) +40 (Abundant Herbs)+5 (Fireberries) + 10 (Razorweed infusions) + 10 (Lord's Trophies) + 10 (Curse Lore) + 10 (Ashes reserves) + 10 (Tribute-Takers Lore) + 15 (Failure's Wisdom)-25 (Escapee to Heal)= 110
Changes : - Newcomers, - Increased population, - No more Lord's Trophies, - The Wounded
+ Curse Breaking, + Patterns of Protection, + Apothecary, + Hospital, + Tobacco, + Silver Razorweed, +Rites of Burning, +Ashes coating and paint, + Murderer's Roots, + Roteater Worms, +Flesh Traps, +Rite of Peaceful Rest and Rite of Awakening
Last Year Defense: 125 (Trained Militia) + 25 (Steel and Gunpowder) + 25 (Cannon) + 60 (Stockades and ditch) + 15 (Escapee Warriors) + 30 (Steel-armed Skirmishers) + 10 (Razorweed) = 290
Changes : - Newcomers, - The Wounded, -Herd and Poultry, + Enhanced Training, + Some steel weapons, + True Houses, + First Hedge, + Silver Razorweed, +Ashes coating and paint, + Animals shelters, + Champions
Morale: 70/100, Ready and Willing (reduce chance of negatives event, +3 to all Union dice, +1 Generic Workforce Die)
Increased Unity in Union, syncretic cult spread, presence of unincorporated group (Newcomers)
Counters :
Counters are special assets that will trigger roll-off against Winter's assault when special events are triggered or the polls are rolled over.
Sara Smith: Morale leader, spirit-sensitive, great affinity with the dead. Death Singer. She has grown in power, and has servants bound to her.
The Mourners: Affinity with the dead. Without fear. Death Singer. They have grown more numerous.
Freed's help : Defense against incorporeal threats, early warnings for those that can hear them.
Warrior's Son : Skilled warrior and commander, trained for raid and monster-hunting. The Father's Help, and a new talent for Death Singing.
Andreyas Sarsas : Skilled warrior and commander, trained for direct combat and war against men. Blood of Solomon.
Failure : Weak, but experienced sorcerer and wise man.
Alexandre de Montfaucon : Learned noble, faithfull raised by the Lazarites, cursed watcher of the occult.
Malcolm Stewart : Wild, beastlike hunter of monsters
Winter's Actions
Whispers on the winds, strings seeking new puppets. So many bright light to extinguish, so many vessels to take…
[Automatic, no dice needed]
The Hunger
Hunger gift to all for the season. All shall grow ever more mindful of their stomach. One meal missed, and they shall grow jittery, quick to anger and envious of their fellows. One day without food, and they shall look at those around them, wondering, what taste is their flesh? I hope there is enough in the larder for all!
-[] Endless Pit : Hunger shall take from every morsel, folks needing more food to feed themselves and satisfy their appetites. Will full larder be enough, I wonder?
-[] Seed of Greed : A seed, planted for a later harvest. Of greed and ravenous desire, to root and feed on unity and selflessness. It merely needs appropriate minds to blossom…
-[] Revolt of the Primal Flesh : There is an hunger in every parts of the body, latent, to return to their primal, formless state, to stop acting as organs, and to spread like a devouring plague.
With encouragement, the flesh of the things in the little town could more easily return to this base, devouring state.
[Automatic, no dice needed]
The Cold
Cold gift to all for the season. A ceaseless gift of cold and snow, enough to kill a man grow in half of an hour. Woes to the unprotected.
-[] Boundless Generosity : Truly, this Winter is generous, with more snow than one can handle! Enough snow to cover the land, to bury the walls, maybe enough to break the roof, and spread for the enjoyment of all!
-[] Seed of Selfishness : A seed, planted for a later harvest. Of fear and uncaringness, to root and to feed on unity and trust. It merely needs appropriate minds to blossom.
-[] Extinguish Hope : The things of the town burn bright, hearts filled with resolve, with hope, with a belief they could triumph. Those lights shall be extinguished.
[Automatic, no dice needed]
Sunless Days
The gift of Winter, shade until the season is over. In this long night, no plant shall grow, no rays shall guide men's way. Enough time without the sun, and people shall weaken in body and mind, until illness can feast easily upon them.
-[] Wither away: The weakness of the sunless time shall attract worms and rots, until the very walls of men's homes crumble away under the feast of the crawling mass.
-[] A Rider upon a Pale Horse: At home in the darkness, illness shall spread in drove amongst the weak. Humans shall bleed, and cough, and empty themselves, fever will devour them whole, and minds shall be haunted by madness.
-[] A gift from the Old World : Greedily taken by Winter where the ills off a far away land. Delightful illness, ready to spread on people unprepared for them….
This action shall one Winter be taken automatically. Smallpox shall spread.
Promises and half-truths.
Winter like servants under chains almost as much as fearful prey. It is maybe time to offer some morsels to the sufferings and see how long they resist before they bow before new masters.
Pray tell, who shall endure Winter's advances?
-[] Sara Smith: Beloved by the dead and living, so young and already filled with power. A tasty treat, to be given much and offered more, until she breaks and bow. Even more now that she grows ever stronger.
-[] The Warrior's Son : A brave warrior, one who could one day walk the wilds alone and slay many beasts. One who is hungry for strength and respect. What bargain would he accept to obtain what he wants, I wonder ?
-[] The Prince : Exterior pride, inner weakness, strength of body, flaws of the soul. What would the Prince do to see the land of his birth ?
-[] Failure : Weak, scared, wise and filled with knowledge. One who mastered crafts that we never tasted. Lies and promises will do nothing to this one, but would he be able to resist the temptations of knowledge and mysteries ?
-[] The Leeper : Outsider amongst outsiders, wounded among the scarred, faithfull among those who follow another path. We shall offer him his lord, and take what he knows and what he is.
-[] A Hunter : Instincts and strength, most of what we could use already ripped away. It will not hear our offers, or listen to our words, but perhaps we could inflame his fear and anger, until it become our unwilling instrument.
-[] The Council: The old, the wise, the respected. Tormented by the pain of age and old wounds. Will they turn their wisdom against the many, to lessen their own pain?
-[] The Weak: Those with broken will and weakened souls. First you find them, then you twist them, and then you have puppets a plenty.
-[X] The Newcomers : Weak, untouched, barely prepared, ripe for the taking… 1 die must be attributed to this project.
-[] : The Yongs : Is there something more vulnerable, more beautiful, more delicious than a fresh, untouched child ?
Now, we shall send the unseen and unfelt, our hidden blades, to strike and kill were the mighty and the many failled.
[] Of Cold and Shadows
The lesser shades of the cold land, as fragile as silk's weave, but as silent and discreet as a shadow. They will come, hidden, and drop themselves as a cloak on wary shoulders, luring one to a long sleep as they draw all warm from their bodies.
[] Darkest Mists
Clouds of utter nothingness, spreading like mists, those trapped in them facing the cruel cold and emptiness of the void. Slow and repulsed by fire and light, yes, but stealthy, silent and deadly.
[] Fleshless, Remorseless
Now fresh souls for this Season? Well, old shall do the tricks. A few, trusted and desperate ghostly servants, having long lost remnants, names, and memories. Those formless ones shall be sent, and they shall try their best to find a face, a body, and a name anew, be it from the living or from the dead.
[] The Falses
Fragments of nightmares brought into the world, terrifying monsters that can appear out of nothing and kill with sheer terror…but nothing else. Beyond the fear they cause and how they may distract, the Falses are nothing but illusions, mere unexpected results of this season's terrors.
[] The Drinkers
Small, so small that the eye can easily miss them, are the subtle servants of Hunger. Floating motes of parasitic flesh moving on the winds, seeking to penetrate flesh and to gorge on fresh blood, spreading poisons that weaken mind and body.With enough time, they will breed…
[] Changing Flesh
Hunger and consumption in a lump of moving flesh, able to devour all blooded things, to absorb them and imitate their forms. So are the Changing Flesh, and Hunger as more than a few.
The Tribute Takers (Can only be taken with Harshness or Tribute-Takers dices)
The favorite toys are still distracted, but they can feel a threat when they see one.
[] Lone Hunter
A lone one, seeking something precious and portable to bring back to its master. He shall slip into the homes of the unaware and take what will bring him fame. Some learned mind? Gunpowder? A precious slave? Who knows?
[] Shadow's Gaze
One of those that has grown powerful and fat on trade and pillage. Hidden in their dark lodge, they no longer expose their shadowy flesh to untainted light and air. And always they hunger.
Let a dreadful gaze fall on the pitiful, and let a shadow invade minds, seeking secrets and might ripe for the taking.
[] Omens and preparation
Scouts in the dark, faceless sorcerers gazing through dark waters, a priest bound with thorns. The Tribute-Takers prepare, seeking flaws to use, assets to take, paths of powers to walk.
[] To spoil and to take
Things made for labor guided by shrewd overseers, ready to take from the lands and the fields around the little town, to ensure their harvests will be lessers, and their prey poisoned.
[] A Duel
A thing made sharp and cruel, a soul turned into spearpoint, hosted in decaying flesh. One of the warriors of the mind and spirit, sent to find worthy prize to defy and bring back to their maker, ready to drag out screaming soul from still warm flesh.
[] Remnant of Kinship
All that were bound by the Federation were, in some ways, kin. Such a bound does not easily disappear, even if the Takers are loath to weaken again their hidden trump card. After all, this is how the Takers could crush and enslave so many.
How wonderfull, more toys for Winter to take and break...
With how the little town is gathering, soon their little alliances will attract more than a fragment of Winter's attention...
As you earn allies and friends, and bind them with Union, The burden of Winter (and the dices of the Winter turn) may be shared with them.
Beware ! Overburdening an ally may have drastic consequences for them.
[] Siege Deadtown
A town for the fallen, when they may waste their existence in a simulacrum of their pasts, but one with defense and new protectors.
The forces of Winter desire still to chain the deaths, and so they may send their minions to enslave them again.
[] Assault the Green
In the Wilds lie the trees, lovers of sunlight. A quite boring kin, but their thwarting of Winter's efforts had angered it, especially now that they besieged some of Winter's toys. So the legions may come to strike the green wood when they are their weakest.
[] Finish of the Sheperds
Beasts should stay in their place, as prey or instruments. Let us remind the Shepherds of this, and ensure those that retain their minds also remember pain.
[] A Witch's Visit (maximum 1 Die)
The pitiful have survived, and grown stronger. They now hold souls strong and mind wises. Perhaps it is time to pay them a visit ?
The Witch will not stay put forever, not when an ever-shiner new thing attract her gaze.
The Witch will come to Union, and proclaim a Challenge, to prove Union's worth. Succeed, and the Witch's home and bargains will be open to you. Do not fail.
[] A favor from the Eyeless (Consume favor of the Eyeless Lord)
A mere word from the Girl, and the mad thing in the tower will thwart Winter's plan for the season. This things could easily deal with four or five of Winter's tokens.
12 Hours Moratorium
After the many, after the strong, it is time for the subtle !
Witch make me things, after the results post and before the Spring Turn, it will be times to update the Bestarium with all the beautiful things Union has met this year.