"Who Wants To Be The Demon King"

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You are a young member of one of the Demon clans, and nine hundred and ninety nine years has passed since the last Demon King fell. Now you must compete with representatives from the other Demon clans, to earn the right to become the new Demon King by the 1000th anniversary.
Character Creation 1
The ballroom was lavishly furnished despite the decay, the obsidian stone walls accented with deep purples contrasting the dark greenery that had grown all around it - the Demon King's castle now overgrown with flourish plantlife, that none bothered to remove before today. All of the furniture was newly made - or at least appeared so, but the decor was... outdated, to say the least. That which remained. Because you stood, ultimately, in a tomb that had been thoroughly robbed, time and time again, to the point where few willingly would come here. A symbol of how far your people had fallen over the last thousand years, a ruin that they now celebrated your people's defeat in.

"You are likely asking 'why were were gathered here', 'what is the purpose of this meeting', 'where can I get another drink', or 'Why did you specify to bring our children'/ But before I answer those questions, we need to tell a story!" Magic wove through the air, as the ancient crone witch Agatha spoke Power into the wind itself, "Long before any of you would remember, our people ruled this world. It was not the soft and placid races of Man who walked with heads held high, but the varied and colorful clans of Demon."

It was a story you had heard over and over again since you were a child - you were born to the heads of one of the Demon Clans, after all. Clinging to lost glory sometimes seemed like all those fallen nobles could do. Still, you had nothing to do but to listen. Your parents had confiscated all of your magical entertainment items before this began.

"We had united this world under one banner, the banner of the Demon King - a true existence of Greatness. Now look at the world - fractured, fragmented, a dozen petty kingdoms, each warring over whose God is true, whose greatness is greater. The true Hero lies dead, and unity is gone." The power in the air took another turn, as Agatha seemed to grow younger by the moment - the ancient crone who had survived since the last Demon King's rein losing her hunched back first, "They've forgotten the portents, they've forgotten their fear. They view us as nuisances, creatures to go bump in the night, things that any so called 'hero' can destroy." Her wrinkles receded as her gray skin regained the obsidian-black luster it held ages before.

"On his death, the Demon King gave a warning to the Hero. A thousand years past his death, his power would return. The power of the King who united all of Man against him will come again soon." The energy that filled the hall was enough to fill your royal-heart with dread. Everyone seemed frozen in place as Agatha, the last True Demonic Dragon stood tall in front of them. The beast that stood by the Demon King's side was strong enough to make everyone kneel instinctively - even your body moved without your say so. "That time..."

And then suddenly, she reverted back, the old crone back in front of you again, the Demon King level energy dissipating, "Is not yet. Next year, children. Next year." A laugh came from the crone-witch's lips, as she watched the reactions - annoyance, confusion, anger, fear, and defiance amongst them, "But that return is why we are here. The Demon King's power will return - not the man himself. And so we must conduct a test." You and eightother children are pulled into the air as the crone-dragon lifted you high into the air above, "One of your children shall be the Heir to the title of Demon King. But first, we must choose who it shall be - who is most worthy!"

The lord of the Maou clan was the first to speak up in response to this, "We descend directly from the last Demon King! Surely it should be our right by blood!" He looked enraged with the mockery that was to even imply any other clan could become Demon King, "My son and daughter, pure blooded and rightful as they are, are the only two candidates who need to be even considered, you old crone!" Any fear he felt from her brief return to her peak was... forgotten, clearly.

Agatha didn't even need to speak for herself though, as the Lady of the Oni clan rose in response to that provocation, "You sound like humans, proclaiming bloodlines and 'purity'! It was not bloodlines that we swore to follow the Demon King for, it was his strength! And as the Strongest Clan, we shall only grow stronger when my daughter/son sits upon that throne, and shows what an Oni Demon King is capable of!"

The din of the party - once just barely withholding the tension of the many races in the room, now erupted into chaos as every member of Demon Clan Royalty proclaimed why their children should be the one to take the power of the Demon King. The Orcs countering the idea of the Oni being the strongest, the Goblins proclaiming their numbers as key, the Fairies their natural magic, the Gnolls their mastery of demonic-beasts, the Dragon-kin their loyalty, and more. Every clan had a reason why they should be considered the strongest, the greatest. And they seemed ready to come to blows over it.

Until Agatha clapped her hand, and a spike of the previous energy sent everyone back down to their knees, collapased to the floor.

"Tearing each other apart is unbefitting of Demon-kind, I hope you will all agree." A crone's laugh echoed through the halls, "We will decide who the Demon King will be in the most fair way possible - through a contest. Your children will be sent into the world of Man. They will kill, they will steal, they will deface, they will manipulate, and they will bring ruin to our hated foes. And I shall watch as this happens, and I shall judge them. In one year's time, I shall proclaim a winner to this contest from amongst the survivors." She put emphasis on that word. "You are not to harm each other directly or indirectly in any way during this contest. Do you hear me?"

You didn't have much choice it seemed. Because whether you desired it or not, your parent(s) gaze was firm. And you knew that for the Clan, you had to accept this challenge.

But just... who are you?

These options are ordered based on the typical Demon hierarchy, higher up means you're a more 'respected' race.

[x] A. Daughter of the Maou Clan
[x] B. Son of the Maou Clan

Maou Clan

Descended from the Last Demon King, the Maou clan are renowned for being what most Men think of when they think of a true Demon. With naturally deep magic cores - rivaling or exceeding even those of High Elves - and a natural talent for shadow magic that all of them share, Maou are amongst the most magically inclined demons - however, they are also one of the more physically frail Demons. Luckily for Man, they are the rarest of the Demon Clan's remaining families, the need for blood purity ensuring they are born only of rare and scarce magical rituals, summoned from the magical echos of the Demon King himself.

You were born in a life of luxury - while many Demons lived in fear of their every day, hunted by adventurers, the lordly homes of the Maou were deep in demonic territories that most Men were not willing to walk into. Many other races of Demons leave the homes of their own Clans to work for such places, and as such, you have a deep understanding of all other forms of Demons - both their strengths, and their weaknesses. You are also more socially apt than many, with an education in proper ettiquette. However, you are unused to a life of 'roughing it', and being sent into the world with nothing but the clothes on your back and your magical talents is likely to be difficult.

Unlike many Demons, you can blend in with Elves with ease, your long ears and slender form quite reminiscent of that race of Man.

Starting Talents: Mana Core +, Darkness Magic +, High Society Ettiquette + Demonic Knowledge,
Starting Banes: Frail Body, Pampered Upbringing, Superiority Complex

[x] C. Son of the Dragonkin Clan
[x] D. Daughter of the Dragonkin Clan

Dragonkin Clan

Descended from Agatha and her former family, the Dragonkin are the remnants of the True Dragons. With blood mixed with that of Man, their draconic powers and appearance have greatly lessened over the years, and each generation thins the blood further. Unlike many of the Demon Clans, the Dragonkin Clan have only one goal in life; to further Demon Kind. Directed by Agatha their Matriarch, each Dragonkin grows up learning of the greatness of Unity, and is instilled with a bond of loyalty to their people. For this reason, Dragonkin can often be found even in regions under different Demon Clans, without suspicion - utilizing their resistance to magics in their job of keeping peace for Demonkind.

You lived a rigid life, though it was one where you Wanted for nothing. You were drilled on all of the information of Demon history, you were taught all the secrets of the last War, you were born to protect Demons from Man and from Each Other - though much of your knowledge of Man is... outdated, to say the least. However, your role as separate from the rest of Demon Society due to your people's nature as the watchmen of Demonkind meant you had little time to interact with others. Instead, you simply learned of your people's superior loyalties, of how the idea of Demons being united came almost purely from Agatha's work as your progenitor, and your ancestor's work since. Due to this, you have trouble treating others as equals.

You appear similar to a human at a distance - but your body has black scales dotting all around it, as well as features such as horns, fangs, or even tails.

Starting Talents: Magic Resistance +, Demonic Knowledge +, Tough Scales, Knowledge of Man
Starting Banes: Superiority Complex, Magic Resistance.

[x] E. Daughter of the Vampire Clan
[x] F. Son of the Vampire Clan

Vampire Clan

One of the two Demon Clans originated from the Races of Men, the Vampire Clan are perhaps the race most closely associated to that of Man - in many cases living amongst them, being invited to their dinners, to their parties, working alongside them in governing policy, manipulating them into looking the other way as people go missing. No one is quite sure where the Vampire 'Curse' originated from, but it is well known that it is a curse that can be spread to any race of Man - and yet, many believe them to be a myth. An act purpetrated by the Vampire Clan themselves, a legacy of works fictionalizing their own existence, so that they may hide within the populace - and so that many think they were weak to objects so foolish as cloves of garlic. In reality, Vampires are a varied Clan - with their curse enhancing much about them, allowing them to expand into a variety of talents.

You were once a normal mortal, though you scarcely remember that life now. Your memories begin on the night of your Siring, by the current Lord and Lady of Vampires. Your new parents were viewed as eclectic but well respected members of the higher ranks for their People, and you spent many years attending formal parties, great galas, and the like, as their charming child. Those few who questioned how they had hid your existence for so long did not question it for long - either disappearing or being distracted from the situation. Unfortunately, you had little time to develop any specialty skills - instead, much of your time was spent on learning how to hide your nature, and to use your natural vampiric talents, as they intersected with those of your original People.

Besides your palid features, you look the same as any member of your original Race of Man.

Starting Talents: Beautiful, Charming, Strong, Fast, Tough, Blood Magic, Necromancy
Starting Banes: Sunlight Weakness, Holy Weakness, Blood Reliance

Unlike other Clans, the Vampire Clan will choose only their original Race of Man after this choice, without the ability to choose a 'class' specialization.

[x] G. Daughter of the Fairy Clan
[x] H. Son of the Fairy Clan

Fairy Clan

Technically, not all Fairy belong to the domain of Demon - some, calling themselves Summer Fairies, believe that mankind can be curbed from their excesses through the acts of trickery, wise words, gifts, and other stupidities. The Winter Court, however, bears no such belief - they believe firmly in the act of subversion or death. Kidnapping children, embedding changelings, or even just murdering those who need it. Fairies are the smallest demonic race, and the most physically fragile; even more so than the Maou - however, they have the strongest connection to what the Races of Man would refer to as Life magic.

You were raised with a deep hatred of specific races of man; Humans, Gnomes, and Dwarves were all prone to destroying the natural world in the pursuit of expansion, advancement, or simple greed. Time and time again your parents took you to see places that were once of great natural splendor, now torn apart by quarries that corrupted the land itself, twisting and killing the natural energies. Due to this upbringing, you find it nigh impossible to work for long periods amongst these people, even in acts of subterfuge - the only race you can stand for long periods being Elves.

You are extremely small, at only two feet tall with your wings. While your wings are a deep dark color, contrasting those of a Summer Fairy, few Men actually know the difference between different Fairy types. Your shapeshifting ability allows you to blend in with Man, though your shapes are far from perfect.

Starting Talents: Life Magic +, Flight +, Animal Kinship, Shapeshifting
Starting Banes: Incredibly Weak Physique, Hatred of (Most) Men

[x] I. Daughter of the Oni Clan
[x] J. Son of the Oni Clan

Oni Clan

The largest and most physically impossing of demons, many Oni claim to be the 'original' Demons. Their red skin and horns are still, to this day, used as representation for all of Demonkind, after all. Regardless of their claims - the fact that they have existed for many eons, before the concept of Demon and the unity of the Demon King is something that cannot be contested to. Often referred to as brutes by other clans, Oni society thrives on survival of the fittest, might making right. A society of twisted honor, where if you lose in a fight, you must accept that you were Wrong, no matter the reasoning behind it. However, there is no concept of trickery in battle; once a fight has started it can be strength of arm, of magic, of curses, of poisons, or any other route to secure a victory - and all are treated as equal. Amongst humans, Oni are known as cannibalistic, many claiming they eat infants! But in truth, the Oni consume only those they deem 'worthy', a twisted form of honoring the dead, as they encorporate those they viewed as worthy into their body via consumption of flesh. This act can, in fact, strengthen an Oni.

You were not the only child of your parents - and yet you rose to the top of them, you beat children older than you, you defended yourself from children younger than you, and you rose up to your place. You know what it means to be given nothing by those who birthed you, and to earn your way in the world. You are far from the pampered brats of many of these households, coddled and protected from the world. However, your roughness means you fail to understand others - and the only social options open to you are the art of intimidation. Oni also have notably small mana cores- the smallest of all Demon Kind, in fact. Most Oni Mages take to the art of charm making, writing their mana into consumable paper charms in advance, that can then be used later - a long and tedious process.

You are extremely obviously an Oni, standing between nine and ten feet tall, with red skin and large horns. It would take great magical skill to hide this nature.

Starting Talents: Strength +, Toughness +, Oni Physique, Weapon Training
Starting Banes: Tiny Mana Core, Intimidating Brute

[x] K. Daughter of the Succubus Clan
[x] L. Son of the Succubus Clan

Succubus Clan

Despite the stories about them, Succubi are about far more than seduction or carnal pleasure - they are about enchantment, manipulation, and corruption. More than any other Demon Clan race, a Succubus will avoid a fight with any race of Man - for their skill at direct violence is next to none. Instead they take the forms of Man, and they inspire them to darker thoughts - they encourage them to greater risks. They are the voice in the ear of the husband before he cheats, they are the petitioner who drives the priestess to darkness as they weep, they are the dark presence that turns that which is Good into that which is... not. Few, if any, engage in acts of direct seduction - though they adore the act of getting innocent men and women burned as succubi in their place. However, they have had to war for every bit of respect they sought to gain amongst Demonkind, who view soft strength with disregard.

Every word you have ever heard is a lie, every claim a falsehood. Every lesson you were ever taught had a lesson beneath the surface level. You know that nothing is as it seems, and that everything has a weakness, has something to be gained from it. There is no such thing as true love, there is no such thing as eternal loyalty, there is always a price that can twist a heart, and Good is a falsehood that the weak use to shield themselves from the world. These are the truths you know to be fact. And you can prove it as well. You, like all of your kind, struggle with magics outside of your people's natural talents - your nature rejecting the more simple, less manipulative powers.

In your natural form, you are obviously not human - red scales, wings, and a tail amongst other facets. But your mastery of shapeshifting is bar none, and only Great Mages would be able to detect the changes in your form.

Starting Talents: Shapeshifting +, Charisma +, Enchantment Magic +
Starting Banes: Physical Weakness, Magical Weakness

[x] M. Daughter of the Orc Clan
[x] N. Son of the Orc Clan

Orc Clan

The second most numerous clan, the Orc Clan is widely regarded as the grunts of the Demon Clans - they are soldier born, true and hardy, but they lack the decisive power that the champions of the Oni Clan does. However, they have the most Man-like society of the Demon Clan - every Orc is free to pursue their passion in life, so long as they also pursue the art of war during it. This means that while every Orc you meet is a soldier of some level, they are also the most varied of demons - an orc soldiers may in fact be a blacksmith creating weapons of war that rival that of great dwarves, or an architect creating great fortifications for the Orc Clan to utilize, or a songstress singing of great battles and orcish ancestors - even orc artists exist, though the races of Man would claim nothing orc-made could be art, so lacking in refinement and charisma are they.

You, like most orcs, grew up in a rigid and disciplined environment. What Man would never understand of Orcs is that they are not Warriors, they are soldiers. Drilled with brutal discipline from birth, to work with one another, to commune with one another without a word. A single Orc is no scarier a combatant on average than a single Dwarf. But a squad of Orcs, working in drilled concert with one another is a weapon multiplied by the strength of its members. You have a drilled in understanding of the flow of battles, of openings, of when to support others on your side, and when to push what they have given you. Unfortunately, you are but one Orc.

You are unmistakenably an orc - seven feet tall on average, of green skin ranging from deep forest to pale celery.

Starting Talents: Peerless Drill +, Battlefield Awareness +, Weapon Training, Teamwork
Starting Banes: Uncharismatic, Alone

[x] O. Daughter of the Gnoll Clan
[x] P. Son of the Gnoll Clan

Gnoll Clan

A clan of hyena-like monsters and the youngest of Demon Clans, they rose to prominence only after the last Demon King had been killed. It is well known to creatures both Demonic and of Man that spots of great Demonic Power, or Corruption, interfere with and warp the surrounding wildlife. The first Gnolls were an extremely rare example of such - as normal Hyenas began to twist, and warp, becoming intelligent - and their children only becoming more so. These beast-demons have taken to living in close proximity to some of the Fairy Clan, as they learn what it is to be a Demon - their nature making them even more understanding and capable of utilizing the animals and monsters of the world than the Fairy Clan. From this relationship the Gnoll Clan has achieved some minor mastery over Nature magic, though not the full power of Life.

Despite their recent birth as a Demon Clan, the Gnoll Clan is the only Clan to be gaining land against the races of Man, rather than losing it. At the center of it is one fact; every Gnoll is an army unto themselves. The most loyal of dogs turn on their masters as they face the King of Beasts, the most trained of horses buck their riders from their back, and the most dangerous of wild creatures rush to their aid. Even twisted, demon-tainted monsters do not attack members of the Gnoll clan, and some have learned to master the art of taming even those Monsters. More than that though; every animal is an informant for the Gnolls. Few farmers realize how well their cattle know their routine.

However, Gnolls have little in the form of formal teaching - their society too young to find value in such. As such, most Gnolls are... dull, to say the least, and know little of the world around them.

You appear similar to a Beastman - to those not from the Beastmen at least. Where Beastmen are more Man than Beast, you are a twisted form of a Beast turned bipedal, a hyena who stood on two legs, limbs stretching to accomodate.

Starting Talents: Animal Kinship +, Bestial Combatant, Life Magic
Starting Banes: Limited Knowledge

[x] Q. Daughter of the Goblin Clan
[x] R. Son of the Goblin Clan

Goblin Clan

The most numerous of the Demon Clans, most commonly referred to as 'pests' by the races of Man, and 'servants' by the other Demon Clans. Your people outnumber every other Demon Clan combined by at least 10:1, and yet you get no respect - you have eternally been the weakest of the Demons, the lowest, the ones given the least respect. Even the Gnolls, born within the last hundred years get more respect than you do. If not for the fact that Agatha had kept her promise to the Demon Lord to keep the Clans united, your people likely would have been enslaved by the other Demon Clans ages ago. Goblins are good at one thing besides repopulating, however; eating. Goblins come in various shades, hues, skin densities, bone growths, and more, based on their diet. And the same applies to non-standard diets; such as heroes.

You are one of fifty members of royal kin, but you were the one chosen to come to this party when the invitation said 'bring your greatest child'. Perhaps your parents just didn't want to think too hard about it, choosing the child who just happened to be closest at the time. But now you were being thrown into a battle for succession, a battle that could bring glory to the Goblin Clan, that could raise you from the bottom to the top. If you can survive it.

You are as small as the Half-Folk, standing at three feet tall, with skin ranging any color - and changing, based on your diet.

Starting Talents: Goblin Dietary Evolutions
Starting Banes: Weak, Stupid, Uncharismatic, Uncoordinated, No Equipment

You gain no 'class' talents as a Goblin Clan. This is your starting loadout. This is the hardest start.


Hi everyone! Welcome to a new, hopefully shorter term Quest, to ease me back into writing. This is a slightly comedic but definitely Evil quest, where you'll be encouraged to do hammy evil things and make peoples lives miserable, to win the fabulous prize of power! Yay!

For this vote, feel free to vote for whatever options you approve of.
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Character Sheet
(Redacted) Hardhoof
Species: Vampire
Race of Man: Sheepfolk

Social Traits:
Beautiful - You have no flaws to your appearance, though makeup can still enhance your looks.
Charming - Your voice draws eyes to you, soft and persuasive.

Physical Traits:
Strong - You are as strong as a peak mortal, without any blessings or magical enhancements.
Fast - You are as fast and agile as a peak mortal, without any blessings or magical enhancements.
Tough - You are as tough and resilient as a peak mortal, without any blessings or magical enhancements.
Prey's Sense - You can instinctively feel when someone nearby is a potential threat to you - though you cannot pinpoint why or who.

Magical Traits:
Necromancy - You can create basic zombies and skeletons, as well as manipulate (dead) bones to create basic weaponry.
Blood Magic - You can utilize blood in place of Mana for any form of magic, and can amplify the effects of your magics using blood sacrifice, as well as heal your own wounds.
Wool Magic - You can create, enhance, and manipulate wool - though you are currently only capable of doing so around your own body. You can make your wool as hard as leather armor at this level.

Misc Trait:
Bold - When you take action openly, without hesitation to show your Strength, Beauty, or Wit to others, your demonic energy reinforces your body.

Demonic Power: 0

Infamous Deeds:


Sunlight Weakness: When you are in direct sunlight, you take constant damage, your body burning as if on fire. More than a minute or two of exposure is certain death.

Holy Weakness: Just being near sanctified ground is uncomfortable to you. Proximity to holy blessings or powerful blessed beings makes you physically ill. Divine spells cast upon you cause internal injuries.

Blood Reliance: Your body does not regenerate or function without blood - if you go without blood for longer than a few hours, your body will begin to rot like a corpse. You can function for up to a week on a single human drained to death, if you take no injuries and utilize no blood elsewise during that period.
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Other Competitors
Other Competitors:

Lord Lucente Vilenight (Maou) (Male) - A young Maou who forsake his people's intense focus on purely magical power to learn the arts of assassination and daggerwork. An overconfident and self-superior asshole, but also one more likely to put a knife in your back, than try to fight you openly. Went to the ???

Jolathara (Dragonkin) (Female) - A Dragonkin Conduit, rather than her body ignoring or resisting magic, it absorbs it - allowing her to utilize magic like skills with other's mana. Disciplined to a severe fault, learning to harness this skill without killing herself by destroying her Mana Core required she cut off all forms of emotion, for even the slightest hesitation would mean death. This has made her a cold and calculating person. Went to the ???

Nightshade (Fairy) (Male) - A Trickster Fairy, Nightshade specializes in illusion magics, poisons and traps, over the more overt powers of controlling flora and fauna around it. Picking his own name, he colored his wings by sleeping in the poison of Nightshade over seven weeks, turning his own blood into a potent poison. Went to the Gnomelands

Tanue (Oni) (Female) - An Oni Iron-Skin, Tanue eschewed the use of the traditional tetsubo and armor of the Oni clan, and instead turned her body into a weapon. With skin and bone as hard as iron, she revels in the personal nature of inflicting violence. Despite being uncouth and without respect, her sense of superiority is purely directed against those she sees as week. Went to the Elf-Homes.

Lilanu (Succubus) (NB) - A Succubus Deep-Reader, Lilanu possesses a mastery of mind magic beyond most of their kin. They can actively see into the thoughts of their victims - not just read their most powerful desires in the moment. Lilanu doesn't seem to believe anything is Really True, and always looks at things as being said from an angle - making them distrustful of any Bonds. Went to the Grand Forest.

Mol (Orc) (Male) - An Orc Commander, Mol is the epitome of Orcish command and tactical skill. What he lacks in personal force, he makes up for in preparation and study; a true savant at leading battles. Careful to a fault, Mol can at times be called paranoid, but those who have seen him work understand why he thinks as such - for it sees him through to victory. Went to the Princedoms of Roedane

Luu-rii-saa (Gnoll) (Female) - A Monster-Bonded Gnoll, Luu-rii-saa does not specialize in the command of many beasts as her kin do. Instead her World-Devouring-Snake, Saa-Rii-Luu, was born a twin of her soul, creating a telepathic resonance between Gnoll and Beast. Perhaps due to her beast's cold blooded nature, she is much calmer than many of her clan. Went to the Grand Forest

Glik (Goblin) - A very typical, stupid, goblin. Green. Tiny. Almost certainly going to die. Went to a Dwarf Home
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[x] I. Daughter of the Oni Clan
[x] J. Son of the Oni Clan
[x] A. Daughter of the Maou Clan
[x] B. Son of the Maou Clan
[x] E. Daughter of the Vampire Clan
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Tentatively voting. But will read through these better tomorrow. Always liked Gnolls and I like the vibe they have going for them. Hmm. Though it depends on how far we can diverge from the basic skillet.

[x] O. Daughter of the Gnoll Clan
[x] A. Daughter of the Maou Clan
[x] B. Son of the Maou Clan
[x] C. Son of the Dragonkin Clan
[x] D. Daughter of the Dragonkin Clan
[x] O. Daughter of the Gnoll Clan
[x] P. Son of the Gnoll Clan

Glad to see you back!
[x] D. Daughter of the Dragonkin Clan

gotta love dragons

Approval voting:
[x] O. Daughter of the Gnoll Clan
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[x] H. Son of the Fairy Clan
[x] L. Son of the Succubus Clan
[x] E. Daughter of the Vampire Clan
[x] F. Son of the Vampire Clan
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[x] A. Daughter of the Maou Clan
[x] B. Son of the Maou Clan
[x] E. Daughter of the Vampire Clan
[x] F. Son of the Vampire Clan
[x] K. Daughter of the Succubus Clan
[x] D. Daughter of the Dragonkin Clan
[x] E. Daughter of the Vampire Clan
[x] I. Daughter of the Oni Clan
[x] O. Daughter of the Gnoll Clan
[x] K. Daughter of the Succubus Clan
[x] L. Son of the Succubus Clan

Destroy people with half-truths, hints, lies? Funny.
[x] C. Son of the Dragonkin Clan
[x] J. Son of the Oni Clan
[x] N. Son of the Orc Clan
[x] R. Son of the Goblin Clan
[x] B. Son of the Maou Clan
[x] D. Daughter of the Dragonkin Clan
[x] E. Daughter of the Vampire Clan

Soldier Style
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[x] J. Son of the Oni Clan
[x] B. Son of the Maou Clan
[x] C. Son of the Dragonkin Clan
[x] F. Son of the Vampire Clan

Question; when you say "evil protagonist" what kind of evil are we talking about here? Sauron evil, Joker evil, Frieren-Demon evil...?

I'll watch for now, but there are some types of evil I'm not interested in playing because I dealt with them for decades and I've never yet met a writer who can match those fucks.
[x] O. Daughter of the Gnoll Clan
A young people, but surprisingly mighty.

[x] E. Daughter of the Vampire Clan
A changed people.

[x] I. Daughter of the Oni Clan

Ancient and mighty, but perhaps not the subtlest.
[x] B. Son of the Maou Clan

I think that the 'standard'/noble/high society character being the one winning is actually pretty rare these days. It's usually the plucky downtrodden character archetype that gets chosen.