[X] River King's Envy
Don't see much benefit in advancing liminal carver at this point in time this seems more useful when we have time to do something with it, not when we have to leave in 6 weeks for however long the wedding takes and then leave again for the war.
River God will likely help us way more in the coming war arc.
And an exploration for the cathedral of winds might also allow us to make it a group exercise ? Been a long time since LQ GG Lady Ren have fought together, so a bit of training before going off to war might be good (should it come to a fight with what ever lurks in the still waters there).
They cycle units in and out of active warfronts, mate. War's going to continue the conflict for a long while but after a certain point they'll let active participants go back to friendly territories to recover.
Best to try to prevent problems from popping up on the homefront while we go off to the battlefronts.
I like the geomancy project and would have chosen it in a vacuum.
This said, Cathedral of Winds is a potential source of trouble, up to involving the Ith if we are particularly unlucky.
I would really like to clear it before we leave, less we return to an unpleasant surprise.
I would like to get geomancy and runic work (for personal education/use) up and running, but this project covers a security issue. Need to shore up any weaknesses that we can any time we can.