"Something has just entered the system," Chapter Master Ambros growls, turning from his chapter serf to face you. "We just lost contact with some of our outer system early-warning stations. Something tore through them before they could give warning."
Way the vote is going this bit is retroactively very worrying. Orks are not known for blitzkrieg tactics. Or for trying to conceal their approach or identity.
If they overran the warning stations that quickly it is because there were an awful lot of them and they are all very eager for a fight.
Way the vote is going this bit is retroactively very worrying. Orks are not known for blitzkrieg tactics. Or for trying to conceal their approach or identity.
If they overran the warning stations that quickly it is because there were an awful lot of them and they are all very eager for a fight.
Lots of Ork Warbosses who ran under Ghazzy split off after the second time he got bored/psyched himself out, such as the canonical Warboss of our area Nazdreg, to do their own thing because it got them a fight quicker. Those bosses took with them kit and veterans unseen by the Imperium until two years before Cadia fell.

Not to mention the fringes of Ultima Segmentum have quite a few Mek Worlds in them.
Killkrusha wants to killkrush
Of course it's be the Orks who wound up with the last copy of StarCraft: Brood Wars. :V
So just so it's clear, we're Imperium Nihilus side right? Where exactly in the galaxy map are we because isn't Lion kicking around on that side?
Can Revy just claim the territory for the UEF? the Imperium isnt doing to good right now and she would be able to dominate. I don't really like the idea of her converting to the Imperial faith and becoming like an imperial figure for the sororitas, but that's just me. I think her combing UEF and Imperial technology for her benefit is the way to go.
[X] Retrieve a Semi-Complete Knight STC from Absalom's Memories and Begin Mass Production
Luna, your QAI, after learning of the echoes living in the Throne Mechanicum of the Knight Engines, wishes to make contact to see if she can recover any useful information. Under the guise of being your ACU's machine spirit, facilitate this interaction and manage to recover a mostly complete STC for a Knight Engine, cooperate with Magos Clad and put it back into production.
[X] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
The true power of quantum gates only reveals itself once it actually forms a network. Use your contacts in the Ecclesiarchy to approach planetary governments willing to have a gate in their system and have Admiral Forhof deliver gates from Epstost Major via Warp travel.
[X] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry
Protofabricators can produce almost anything in vast quantities, much faster and cheaper than conventional manufacturing. Develop the proper templates and work with allies to sort out political and economic interests, enabling the mass production of advanced equipment like Carapace Armor, hell-, plasma-, melta-guns, and Astartes equipment.

Revy should just make her own Imperium now that they are cut off from the rest of the enpire.

Can Revy just claim the territory for the UEF? the Imperium isnt doing to good right now and she would be able to dominate. I don't really like the idea of her converting to the Imperial faith and becoming like an imperial figure for the sororitas, but that's just me. I think her combing UEF and Imperial technology for her benefit is the way to go.
First, Argentave, we just had a warning about double-posting. You've been here about six months.

To be more direct, do you know what it takes to run a government? A government that has just been cut off from the light of the Astronomicon? Yes, there have been planets, Subsectors, and Sectors that in the darkness or the larger loss of contact throughout Imperium Nihilus went Renegade or Heretic. But those places were already under pressure by Chaos. They threw their lot in with the Dark Gods to keep their people fed and their economic needs met. Here? The military is still strong. The fires of industry burn bright. Sure, office politics sometimes turns into gunfire, lynch mobs, and pyres, but a bit of naked force to grease diplomacy is how the Imperium functions. They don't know any better anymore.

And Shepard has none of the actual political backing of anybody.

Shepard's sole claim to power is a Living Saint and a Cardinal doing alot of rules-lawyering. The Sisters already exist under a loophole of Ecclesiarchal Law, adding this loophole a power not seen since the Dark Age of Technology? Bad, bad idea. That's a coup. That's a Warmaster. We already have one Imperium-scale institution that sees us as the cause of their imminent genocide. An institution that puts its members right next to the Space Warships we have only improvised defenses against. The AdMech is already getting jumpy over someone not from Mars running around with war machines that don't have a human brain shoved into their core processor. The Guard and PDF really don't have any connection to Revy as all they see, if any, is a giant tide of walkers crashing into a sea of insect monsters. Nobody in the Sector is loyal to Revy, and those who are would not put up with an Operation Valkyrie.

Lastly and most importantly: Revy has orders. She's to play along with the Imperials. Subvert them from within if she can. Declaring herself Supreme Grand Poobah from a sudden onrush of ego would not only piss off a bunch of armed locals she can't fight off and offend the on-call God, but also go directly against the orders she has been given by her commanding officer and head of state. Revy is too loyal to disobey those orders, too much a good little Starship Trooper-fashy soldier to put her moral qualms above The Authority on the other end of the phone line. The UEF stands to gains too much technology that will let them hold an advantage over the Aeon and Cybrans. Shepard's utter revulsion with actual skulls being used as mugs and flying dead babies hooked up to wings is meaningless compared to the gains of The State. She'll just quash, repress, and obey like a good little soldier until she breaks.

In short, that idea isn't just absolutely nonsensical to both sides of the crossover, it's out of character. Shep works for the bad guys, the Imperium isn't that far a step down.
Becoming Warlord Revy and ruling her own little slice of the galaxy would do wonders for her relationship with the Sororitas and the Astartes.
If anything g being in imperium nihilistic means the navy and other players- heck may e an inqisisitor or two might override the navigator houses to use quantum gates. Bei g able to reliably move your fleets and assets around is to critical in war. If anything the eclisiarcy could start saying this is a sign of the emporers foresight.. another reason for Revys presence.

Edit also: greatly approve the chapter sixe increase it make far more sense realistically for flthat number of genetic enhanced super soldiers to be used to take entire plants
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What's the first thing you do when the area is cut off from communication, navigation, and under attack? According to some, you should attempt a coup of a galaxy spanning empire whose Emperor is literally worshiped as a god!
Oh yeah, don't forget all your forces excepting yourself and Luna have great loyalty to said Emperor!
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Very exciting! I remember enjoying the previous iteration. Looking forward to Eliza and Sena as sACUs!

My thoughts here are that we need to assist the Imperium in space - strong Imperial space forces mean fewer problems reach the ground and require our attention. That means both Magos Chad and the voidship yards.

Then we also need a human-scale force to actually fight in cities. That means either Sisters or mass-produce imperial weaponry. The things is, the Sisters are more directly under our command.

[X] Assist Magos Clad to Become the New Archmagos of the Sector Forgeworld
[X] Use UEF Antigrav Spacelift to Construct Voidship Maintenance Yards and Space Infrastructure
[X] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
As an idle thought in case people are interested in synergies, here's the options grouped by keyword/theme. In order of assumed importantce/synergy.

Magos Clad, manufacturing.
[] Assist Magos Clad to Become the New Archmagos of the Sector Forgeworld
Atraxis is leaderless, and you have a high-ranking Magos who desires the job. You can probably help them get ahead in the competition and gain valuable influence and resources from the new Archmagos.

[] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry
Protofabricators can produce almost anything in vast quantities, much faster and cheaper than conventional manufacturing. Develop the proper templates and work with allies to sort out political and economic interests, enabling the mass production of advanced equipment like Carapace Armor, hell-, plasma-, melta-guns, and Astartes equipment.

[] Retrieve a Semi-Complete Knight STC from Absalom's Memories and Begin Mass Production
Luna, your QAI, after learning of the echoes living in the Throne Mechanicum of the Knight Engines, wishes to make contact to see if she can recover any useful information. Under the guise of being your ACU's machine spirit, facilitate this interaction and manage to recover a mostly complete STC for a Knight Engine, cooperate with Magos Clad and put it back into production.

[] Use UEF Antigrav Spacelift to Construct Voidship Maintenance Yards and Space Infrastructure
Mechanicus techpriests can provide blueprints for structural components, and Laurent's tech support can send you templates. Use protofabricators to create the basic structural components, and lift them into space with UEF cargo haulers for assembly. Your Imperial allies handle the rest with UEF provided space suits.


[] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
Just using UEF power armor is a small fraction of what's possible to augment the Order of the Stoic Heart's capacities. UEF tactics, command structure, support vehicles, doctrine, and much more can truly turn them into a force of zealous battle nuns a million strong, ready for a new age of warfare.

[] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
The true power of quantum gates only reveals itself once it actually forms a network. Use your contacts in the Ecclesiarchy to approach planetary governments willing to have a gate in their system and have Admiral Forhof deliver gates from Epstost Major via Warp travel.

[] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry
Protofabricators can produce almost anything in vast quantities, much faster and cheaper than conventional manufacturing. Develop the proper templates and work with allies to sort out political and economic interests, enabling the mass production of advanced equipment like Carapace Armor, hell-, plasma-, melta-guns, and Astartes equipment.


Logistics, transportation
[] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
The true power of quantum gates only reveals itself once it actually forms a network. Use your contacts in the Ecclesiarchy to approach planetary governments willing to have a gate in their system and have Admiral Forhof deliver gates from Epstost Major via Warp travel.

[] Use UEF Antigrav Spacelift to Construct Voidship Maintenance Yards and Space Infrastructure
Mechanicus techpriests can provide blueprints for structural components, and Laurent's tech support can send you templates. Use protofabricators to create the basic structural components, and lift them into space with UEF cargo haulers for assembly. Your Imperial allies handle the rest with UEF provided space suits.

[] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
Just using UEF power armor is a small fraction of what's possible to augment the Order of the Stoic Heart's capacities. UEF tactics, command structure, support vehicles, doctrine, and much more can truly turn them into a force of zealous battle nuns a million strong, ready for a new age of warfare.

These are the groupings that I think will play well with each other.
gain valuable influence and resources
Influence is one thing, an ArchMagos can throw any priest who doesn't play ball onto a ship and ship them off to the nearest tomb world, or throw them into a Guard regiment to play liason and get murked.

Resources, are both much harder and more limited. We're in a different universe. Adamantium has two different atomic structures based on the local physics. In SupCom, it's worthless. Here? It's Wolverine Shit. There's other stuff we can crack like Ceramite given enough time and materials, but learning what avenues of science exist that SupCom humanity's never had the opportunity to explore is the big buy-in of the Ad-Mech.

Still prefer making an army of Sisters and Marines now, we can influence the Ad-Mech later.
Also I am very glad the people desire Orks. I will do my best to frustrate our serious heroine with their football hooligan goofyness.
Killkrushin'? Killkrushin' is dead easy! Ya just grab a git's head wiv yer 'and an' squeeze till it goes pop! Some propa tough gitz might need both me 'ands, which is a bit pants 'cause I gotta drop me choppa to krump 'em.

Ghazghkull? Bah, Ghazghkull's nuffin but a grot-hearted coward, always prancin' around in dat fancy mega armour o' his. Makes 'im look bigger an' meaner, gives 'im a claw dat can krump good an' lotsa dakka, but lemme tell ya, wivout dat flashy armour, 'e's just a runt. 'E thinks 'e's da biggest an' da baddest, but 'e's just hidin' behind all dat scrap. Killkrusha don't need none o' dat zoggin' junk.

I show off me size an' strength right out in da open, no gimmicks, no tricks. When I krump a git, dey know it's me, not some fancy mek gubbinz. An' speakin' o' Meks, I don't trust dem sneaky gitz too much, not after dey took me favorite grot an' stuffed 'im in a killa kan!

Ghazghkull can 'ave 'is shiny armour an' his big fancy claw. Killkrusha don't need nuffin' but 'is own two hands wiv da killkrush gloves an' a propa choppa. So when I say I'm da biggest an' da baddest, ya better believe it. Ghazghkull's just a flash git playin' at bein' a boss. I'll show 'im what a real boss looks like!

Da secret ta gettin' so big? Easy peasy. Get up early after a good nap, eat lotsa tasty bug meat, it's got all da good stuff ta make an Ork grow big an' strong, den head out lookin' for a fight. Once ya krumped a few gits, find yerself a snack, a big one, 'cause ya need da energy. Den keep krumpin' till da evenin'.
Killkrushin'? Killkrushin' is dead easy! Ya just grab a git's head wiv yer 'and an' squeeze till it goes pop! Some propa tough gitz might need both me 'ands, which is a bit pants 'cause I gotta drop me choppa to krump 'em.
Choppa? Why're you still using a Choppa when you can have a Power Klaw? Or two? Or two Klaws with Twin Big Shootas on each?
Ghazghkull? Bah, Ghazghkull's nuffin but a grot-hearted coward, always prancin' around in dat fancy mega armour o' his. Makes 'im look bigger an' meaner, gives 'im a claw dat can krump good an' lotsa dakka, but lemme tell ya, wivout dat flashy armour, 'e's just a runt. 'E thinks 'e's da biggest an' da baddest, but 'e's just hidin' behind all dat scrap. Killkrusha don't need none o' dat zoggin' junk.
... On the one hand, that's ironic considering what's going to happen to Ghazzy in a couple years over at Krongar. On the other hand?

What he's going to look like after, Killkrusha's gonna really eat his words.
I show off me size an' strength right out in da open, no gimmicks, no tricks. When I krump a git, dey know it's me, not some fancy mek gubbinz. An' speakin' o' Meks, I don't trust dem sneaky gitz too much, not after dey took me favorite grot an' stuffed 'im in a killa kan!
Uh, question. What was stopping you from ripping the Grot out of the Kan? Then you can grab your best Dok and tell him that if your favorite Grot don't work like new, he's getting stuffed in a Kan.
Ghazghkull can 'ave 'is shiny armour an' his big fancy claw. Killkrusha don't need nuffin' but 'is own two hands wiv da killkrush gloves an' a propa choppa. So when I say I'm da biggest an' da baddest, ya better believe it. Ghazghkull's just a flash git playin' at bein' a boss. I'll show 'im what a real boss looks like!
So much for your motor pool and walkers. Guess it's gonna be an arty par-
Da secret ta gettin' so big? Easy peasy. Get up early after a good nap, eat lotsa tasty bug meat, it's got all da good stuff ta make an Ork grow big an' strong, den head out lookin' for a fight. Once ya krumped a few gits, find yerself a snack, a big one, 'cause ya need da energy. Den keep krumpin' till da evenin'.
Oh god. That all makes sense now. He's not a Goff, a Bad Moon, or a Blood Axe. He's a Snakebite. He's a Beast Snagga! We're gonna have to kill alot of Squig-ified dinosaurs toted out with more guns and cannons than a technical.
What he's going to look like after, Killkrusha's gonna really eat his words.
Kudos to Undead Spaceman:
I 'ear Ghazghkull's not even natty. Chopped der own 'ead off and had that mad dok o' ders stitch it onto the body of an even bigga ork, dat's cheating dat is. Ol Killkrusha got big fair and square like Gork and Mork intended.
Uh, question. What was stopping you from ripping the Grot out of the Kan?
Da Killakan holds da pikture box an' da radio so I can trash talk an' taunt da Scrap Queen while I'm krumpin' from da front.
Oh god. That all makes sense now. He's not a Goff, a Bad Moon, or a Blood Axe. He's a Snakebite. He's a Beast Snagga! We're gonna have to kill alot of Squig-ified dinosaurs toted out with more guns and cannons than a technical.
Always Late, are ya stupid? Squigs are fer snacks, not ridin'! Real Orks ride on top of Gargantz or Megafortressez. Dey got loads more dakka. I don't trust da Meks ta bolt a buncha scrap ta me, but dey build some propa good tankz an' stuff, which is loud an' fast. Da killkrush gloves are good, tho, make me killkrush twice as strong!
[X] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
[X] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
[X] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry
How much like battletech power armor is UEF power armor? I'm interested in the equipment for aesthetic purposes.

Does it follow BT in having excessively large weapons meant for killing tanks (tanks in this case ofc being house size) or is it just mildly faster and more powerful than starcraft power armor?

[X] Orks

(worst option IMO bc they might build bootleg ACUs but they're really really fun so I'm picking them)
How much like battletech power armor is UEF power armor? I'm interested in the equipment for aesthetic purposes.

Does it follow BT in having excessively large weapons meant for killing tanks (tanks in this case ofc being house size) or is it just mildly faster and more powerful than starcraft power armor?
Better than Btech technology apparently, but still no jet packs. Just the vibe of 'blocky square bipeds'.
[X] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
[X] Retrieve a Semi-Complete Knight STC from Absalom's Memories and Begin Mass Production
[X] Use UEF Antigrav Spacelift to Construct Voidship Maintenance Yards and Space Infrastructure
As an idle thought in case people are interested in synergies, here's the options grouped by keyword/theme. In order of assumed importantce/synergy.

Magos Clad, manufacturing.
[] Assist Magos Clad to Become the New Archmagos of the Sector Forgeworld
Atraxis is leaderless, and you have a high-ranking Magos who desires the job. You can probably help them get ahead in the competition and gain valuable influence and resources from the new Archmagos.

[] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry
Protofabricators can produce almost anything in vast quantities, much faster and cheaper than conventional manufacturing. Develop the proper templates and work with allies to sort out political and economic interests, enabling the mass production of advanced equipment like Carapace Armor, hell-, plasma-, melta-guns, and Astartes equipment.

[] Retrieve a Semi-Complete Knight STC from Absalom's Memories and Begin Mass Production
Luna, your QAI, after learning of the echoes living in the Throne Mechanicum of the Knight Engines, wishes to make contact to see if she can recover any useful information. Under the guise of being your ACU's machine spirit, facilitate this interaction and manage to recover a mostly complete STC for a Knight Engine, cooperate with Magos Clad and put it back into production.

[] Use UEF Antigrav Spacelift to Construct Voidship Maintenance Yards and Space Infrastructure
Mechanicus techpriests can provide blueprints for structural components, and Laurent's tech support can send you templates. Use protofabricators to create the basic structural components, and lift them into space with UEF cargo haulers for assembly. Your Imperial allies handle the rest with UEF provided space suits.


[] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
Just using UEF power armor is a small fraction of what's possible to augment the Order of the Stoic Heart's capacities. UEF tactics, command structure, support vehicles, doctrine, and much more can truly turn them into a force of zealous battle nuns a million strong, ready for a new age of warfare.

[] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
The true power of quantum gates only reveals itself once it actually forms a network. Use your contacts in the Ecclesiarchy to approach planetary governments willing to have a gate in their system and have Admiral Forhof deliver gates from Epstost Major via Warp travel.

[] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry
Protofabricators can produce almost anything in vast quantities, much faster and cheaper than conventional manufacturing. Develop the proper templates and work with allies to sort out political and economic interests, enabling the mass production of advanced equipment like Carapace Armor, hell-, plasma-, melta-guns, and Astartes equipment.


Logistics, transportation
[] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
The true power of quantum gates only reveals itself once it actually forms a network. Use your contacts in the Ecclesiarchy to approach planetary governments willing to have a gate in their system and have Admiral Forhof deliver gates from Epstost Major via Warp travel.

[] Use UEF Antigrav Spacelift to Construct Voidship Maintenance Yards and Space Infrastructure
Mechanicus techpriests can provide blueprints for structural components, and Laurent's tech support can send you templates. Use protofabricators to create the basic structural components, and lift them into space with UEF cargo haulers for assembly. Your Imperial allies handle the rest with UEF provided space suits.

[] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
Just using UEF power armor is a small fraction of what's possible to augment the Order of the Stoic Heart's capacities. UEF tactics, command structure, support vehicles, doctrine, and much more can truly turn them into a force of zealous battle nuns a million strong, ready for a new age of warfare.

These are the groupings that I think will play well with each other.

Good points. Building up imperial space forces is also important, but that will take a lot of time. Mobility and strong ground forces let us hold ground better.

[X] Train and Build Up the Order of the Stoic Heart as a Proper UEF-Compatible Force
[X] Expand the Gate Network to More Planets in the Pandora Sector
[X] Cooperate with Partners to Mass-Produce Advanced Imperial-Tech Weaponry