6-4 Great Trip
[X] Some of the training you've gone through with magic envisions the mindscape as a landscape, a vista of memory with markers like tree-signs and regions of thought one could traverse as if walking along a forest path. With the hallucinogens to make this mindscape all the more vivid, fluid and real you might hope to bring yourself into it, lucidly sorting through your memories to figure out which were yours and which were not. Then with mental moulding perhaps you can section or partition the foreign thoughts, keeping them yet ensuring they cannot effect your waking self.

You began to meditate, focusing on nothing but your own breathing as you tried to envision your forest. Where you returned when you needed to introspect. The mushrooms made it significantly easier to envision every detail, rather than just what you were focusing on at the moment. It was like a dream. You continued to focus, the drugs warping your perception of time and leading you to have no idea how long it was taking for them to kick in. Eventually, you decided it was clear enough around you. Bright green trees on the warmest summer in the Kingdoms. Perfectly silent as you loved it.

You stood up from the grassy clearing you always started in. No dizziness, disorientation, or motor issues followed. Alright, good sign. You looked around for a moment, finding the river you used as a guide to look at your own memories. You willed yourself to the shore of the river and placed both bare feet into the water, wading along the bottom like you were just walking through air. You never made it too unrealistic, it made it harder to focus on what you were really here for. You waded upward, gazing out at the scenes on the riverside that functioned as scenes of your memories, like performances in a play.

The events of today rewound, Riya's unfortunate but understandable rejection, a tearful reunion with Gunther, and waking up in the hospital. You looked back towards the river. There were two paths leading to the same place, rather than just the one that was familiar to you. Splitting right as you were hit on the head. It wasn't a river though, it was a dark forest, wet, and covered in puddles and pools That was clearly where you needed to go. You pulled yourself out of the water and started into the darker marsh. It reminded you of the Wild just outside of Schwatzstrand. Diseased and foggy. The mud slowed movement even in your mindscape. You gazed into some of the murky pools as you passed. They were unclear and choppy, whoever's memories you had clearly never practiced meditation. Many were hard to make out. You saw a clearly early memory of eating dinner with your mother. Well, not your mother. But it was from that perspective. Playing with friends from school. Enlisting in the Fokker Air Force to drive back the Gotha menace. Fighting your first battle. Crashing, encountering a Dryad, and letting her take your love of cigarettes in exchange for leading you out of the Wild.

All this couldn't have been caused by brain damage. This had to be someone else. Another soul. Stuck to yours. Fuck, that was possible?

"Who the hell are you?" A voice from behind said. You jumped, and flipped around, seeing a young man, not much older than you, standing there in a flight suit with a purple Fokker military uniform on. He had brown hair and green eyes, and had an expression of pure fear on his face. Before you could respond, the illusion broke. You awoke with a gasp, back in your room, blinking and looking around. That couldn't be good. Whatever, later issue. Your mushrooms didn't really make you see crazy images, they just made shapes appear in the walls, multiplied small patterns, and just overall made you feel awesome. You very carefully stood up, using your hammock's support for… support, and started to walk for the ladder topside. It would probably be a good idea to check on Riya.

The stars were always so beautiful when you were like this. It was a tri moon night, and not only that, Doana was dancing tonight. Every forty five nights, the moon Doana became the closest celestial body to the earth. When it happens, a beautiful Aurora lights the sky. You'd never tripped when Doana danced. It was unimaginably beautiful, all the lights, colors, and stars blinking and swirling from the drugs. You must have stared for ten minutes, not realizing you were smiling until it started to hurt. You stepped away after a while. It wasn't polite to stare while a goddess danced.

You have Discovered Beauty! -1 Stress!

You opened the door to Riya's room to check on her, finding Edgar and Riya both there. You were in such a good mood you really didn't care though. They were back on the pillows in the corner of room, with Riya laying on them like she was asleep, while Edgar was puffing on a hooka.

"Hey, Hilda, wait." He said before you had a chance to just leave.


"I'm sorry about… walking in on you two. I'm not trying to get between the both of you. I'm sorry if it seemed that way."

"I's fine. Don't worry about it. She doesn't even want to be a thing anyway." You said, walking into the room and sitting down next to him.

"Ah, shit. That sucks." He said, grimacing in empathy. "Want some of this? Helps me through rejection." He said with a small laugh, offering the spout of the hookah to you.

[ ] Take the boof.
[ ] Reject and go to bed.
[X] Reject and go to bed.
-[jk] Offer to boof his donk sometime, when it's less tense and your feelings are less wibbly-wobbly.

Edgar seems like good people, let us be friendly to friends a- wait shit it's opium? No boofing.
I'm gonna roll to acquire new vice, Opium. Should be pretty interesting. You have advantage, which I forgot to include with messing around with Riya but whatever.
Texas Red threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Aquire Opium Vice +2 Total: 13
6 6 5 5 2 2
6-5 System Crash
"Goddesses, yeah." You said, almost immediately taking the spout and holding it up to your mouth and deeply inhaling, filling your lungs with the funny smelling smoke and immediately feeling like you had just stretched your entire body. That lovely feeling of just full body physical euphoria, plus a burst in your head like biting into a sweet pastry. Every part of you felt happy, and good, and lovely. Your headache completely disappeared. You gently laid back as you felt every muscle in your body relax. This was good. Really fucking good.

"Good, right?" Edgar asked, laughing again. You gave a weak nod, grinning like an idiot, just basking in the warmth and sunshine over your entire body. Everything was perfect. After watching Edgar take another puff you vaguely waved towards yourself. He obliged and handed you the spout again, which you took another hit of. You drifted towards oblivion from that, your system just about to crash from booze, sex, weed, shrooms, and now opium. You didn't really have any last words before drifting into a euphoric, dream filled slumber, so you just closed your eyes and let the drugs take you.

Let's get an End of Night roll! Congratulations! You maxed out the track! You hit five. Alright! Gonna need 5d20 rolled, and this will determine how much stress is reduced! If you roll 3 below 11, UH OH!! You're gonna have a silly little choice to make. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I also think now is a good time to summarize finances. Shockingly, you only need to pay 3þ for plane stuff. Riya's engine got fucked up, so that's one more Thaler on top of her usual 2þ upkeep. Hilda's plane is no longer a problem, obviously. Hilda's medical bills are 7 fucking Thaler, so you're already up to 10þ. Tacking both personal upkeeps on there, that's 12 out of the 19 you got from the job. Also, I need a scrip roll of 2. So 2d10, and I'd any come up as 1 that's another Thaler to expenses. If you decide to bring Edgar along full time you'll get some more.

On that note, I think we should vote on whether or not we want to trust Edgar or not.

[ ] Trust the fish dude
[ ] Do not.
Let's get an End of Night roll! Congratulations! You maxed out the track! You hit five. Alright! Gonna need 5d20 rolled, and this will determine how much stress is reduced! If you roll 3 below 11, UH OH!! You're gonna have a silly little choice to make. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
10ebbor10 threw 5 20-faced dice. Reason: end of night Total: 51
8 8 20 20 19 19 3 3 1 1
>Confess my love to my first lesbian crush
>She tells me she loves me and is afraid to lose me
>Rejects me
>Do shrooms and get fucked up on opium with a fish guy
>Consign my soul to the Dark Gods beneath the southern sea
>Get that fish stick
>Life is good.
[X] Trust the fish dude

He did Boof us with poppies. But then again he helped rescue us from fascist penis slavery.
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I don't see any reason to not trust Edgar...hopefully, that statement does not age badly. I'll do the scrip roll.

[X] Trust the fish dude
digital2 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Scrip roll Total: 9
4 4 5 5
One more vote since you failed 3 vice rolls!

[ ] Become addicted to (say one familiar vice) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.
[ ] Become immune to (say one familiar vice) meaning you get no benefit from doing it.
[ ] Take -1 Ongoing for 1 routine.

As a reminder, your vices are
  • Drinking
  • Hallucinogens
  • Cannabis
  • Music
[X] Become addicted to (Cannabis) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.

Weed! Weed! Weed! Weed! Weed!
[X] Trust the fish dude
[X] Become addicted to (Cannabis) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.

Trusting the fishy is always a good idea. Also, do we have an Attendant or something that might help us unfuck the End of Night roll?

EDIT: I must second the vote for addiction to the Wacky Weed; as a resident of the province of Best Cannabis I am contracturally required to do so... assuming we don't have a way to duck out on the tripple miss
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[X] Become addicted to (Music) meaning you get +2 stress per routine you don't use it.

I honestly find the idea of being addicted to music of all things to be quite amusing.