So I've been thinking about this for a bit and I think I have the Post-Founding system I'll be using mostly worked out.

The way I'll do it is, each turn will be 5 years. Instead of tracking individual buildings and their yields, you'll need to track four basic resources:

Biomass, Industry, Readiness, and Learning.

Each Pop will have a cost in Biomass.
Pops will start out as "Basic", and can be assigned to employment in those categories, where they will produce a certain amount of the Resource in question.

Instead of "paying" Minerals or taking up Factory actions you'll get to choose employment for pops and pay one of the four Resources to do something.

Biomass to keep people fed, or keep Pop Growth high.

Industry to expand facilities to support X workers in a given category. (Cities and outposts and stations, automated outposts that use Industry instead Biomass to generate other Resources, and so on.)

Readiness to keep corruption from reducing other Resources, mitigate natural disasters, search out new opportunities, fight off alien threats should any exist.

Learning to research new techs, train and sustain Basic pops into Specialists (that yield more of the Resource they specialize in, as well as maybe having extra effects), and so on.

You'll still have the six action categories, but the focus once the Founder era is over will be more at a civilization scale so this will be much less micro.

It'll be quite some time (at bare minimum turn 20) before this comes into effect so if you have concerns or suggestions by all means toss them my way.
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  • will we have personal actions?
  • what hppens when an importnt event (alien contact for example) happens in the first year of the 5 year period? (i'm supposing that you roll events for each year)
  • related to first question, will we change charcter?
  • will we have personal actions?
  • what hppens when an importnt event (alien contact for example) happens in the first year of the 5 year period? (i'm supposing that you roll events for each year)
  • related to first question, will we change charcter?
If nothing else James will eventually die of old age in probably about seventy to eighty years.

The timescale for turns might change if there's something like a war (with aliens or a civil war), and I might do mini turns for something like diplomatic contact or national decisions.

You'll still have the same six action categories, so Personal will remain one it the six.

Event rolls will remain per turn, however. Anything below 20 is a Bane, anything above 80 is a Boon, in between is banal/benign. Since the scale of the quest would be "zoomed out" at that point so would the impact of events.
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Thank you for the update. Hoping we get some cool psi techs. Maybe a memorial with actual impressions of those who have passed on? Do we have that kind of memory tech?
I mean, 70 to 80 years is a long time, and we do have ruins filled with biotech.

Biological immortality, anyone?
Thank you for the update. Hoping we get some cool psi techs. Maybe a memorial with actual impressions of those who have passed on? Do we have that kind of memory tech?

No memory tech of that nature at this time, no. Buuuut ... hey, who's to say you couldn't work something out?

I mean, there's antiagathics and there's antiagathics. Cloned organs and lifeforce transferral devices are things in this setting. Just sayin' -- where there's a will, there's a way.
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Turn 8: Southern Fried Tentacles and Playdatus Interruptus
Scheduled vote count started by Logos01 on May 10, 2024 at 11:31 PM, finished with 23 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: power underwhelming
    - [X] Industry:
    -- [X] Build Basic Autofactory (2 autofab, 5 minerals)
    -- [X] Build Syngas Reactor (1 autofab, 2 minerals) (burn -2 FoodCost from peat mine for +2 energy)
    -- [X] Build Basic Fusion Reactor (1 autofac, 2 minerals)
    - [X] Military:
    -- [X] Protect Exploration group from potentially hostile fauna. Maybe supplement colony food stores with some light hunting.
    - [X] Exploration:
    -- [X] Begin planetary biosurvey. Focus on identifying potentially hazardous flora/fauna. Maybe we can catch the next sandworm-level-problem before they're chewing on our colony.
    - [X] Research:
    -- [X] We need a design for a satellite that can detect and track spaceships entering our solar system. Ideally quiet, passive sensors only. Bonus points for tracking potential planetary impactors.
    - [X] Diplomacy:
    -- [X] If the stoners are going to try to establish an economy, let's talk about the basics. What is money; is it pure fiat, or is it based in something? How do you prevent abuses of wealth? Are we going to do taxes? Long term this can cause big issues, so let's do it right.
    -- [X] Suggest basing 'money' on productive capacity - currency can be exchanged for a specific amount of autofabber runtime. Suggest community-owned fabbers could regularly pay out "production credits" to all citizens.
    - [X] Personal:
    -- [X] Yeah, a human can easily psychically dominate a group of kobolds. But what if you didn't? Try to sink into the kobold group-mind, see what you can learn. Also, take your wife on some nice dates.
    - [X] Plan: The Next.. .5 year plan?
    -- [X] Industry: Build Fusion Power Plant. Build out mines. Build out greenhouse, since Stoner clan apparently wants to be capitalists. (Autofactory, autofabber)
    -- [X] Military: Build emergency caches, send to help with the expedition.
    -- [X] Exploration: Assist with expedition to the sandworms area.
    -- [X] Research: Work on the expedition, also continue research on psi-tech. Work on ways to move the colony ship core as a backup to the Comm Center.
    -- [X] Diplomacy: Work on setting up a routine council so clans can *tell each other* goals they have, or even just regular telepathic meetings, so we can have an agenda. Discuss potential research outposts in storm or underwater. (Well, I mean.)
    -- [X] Personal: A date with Mira. Doing some mining if we have time.

Event Roll: 51
Sandworm Attack: 75. No attack.

Year: 2078

  • Income:
    • +11 Food Units
    • +3 Minerals
    • +8 Energy
  • Expenses:
    • -4 Food Units
    • -9 Minerals
    • -7 Energy
  • Reserves:
    • 11/15 Food Units
    • 5/20 Minerals
    • 1/10 Energy

Military Assets:
-- Telekinetic Militia. (+1 Effectiveness)
-- Basic Watch Drones.
-- 1 Squadron of Improvised Tactical Ground Effect Vehicles.

== Database Techs
- Colonization Basics.
Can build Tier 0 "Basic" basic facilities with autofabber action.
- Defense Basics.
Can build basic military gear, both personal and semi-autonomous drones.
- Energy Production Tier 1
Can design specialty Tier 1 facilities for power production. Most will require a Basic Autofactory.
- Ecological Architecture.
Can perform special actions to modify buildings to better perform or integrate better with local environment. (Example: "Storm Hardening").
- Space Operations.
Spaceports, Shuttles, Sensor Grids, and bears. Oh my!
- Ground Effect Vehicles.
Amphibious colonial survey design found in database. Increases efficacy of surveys, patrols, and hunts.

== Social Development
- Production/Energy Credit Economics
Basic and specialist pops have a minimum output that will always be met, and maintenance cost.

== Kobold Techs
- Kobold Veterancy Archives.
Eliminates potential unskilled labor penalties. Grants +1 bonus to tasks requiring extreme skill (combat rolls, medical performance, etc.,)
- Squadlink Technique.
Provides +1 effectiveness in small units from superior coordination.
- Stealth Technique.
Can allow militia members to remain undetected by sentient beings.

== Psi-Crystal Techs
- Psi-Amps (Primitive)
Through the use of electrically charged Psi-Crystals, a telepath can -- very clumsily -- use telekinetic abilities. The surface has barely been scratched with this.
- Telekinetic Weapons
Can use unengraved but larger psi-crystals to create heavy recoilless slug-thrower weapons, though they require hip or backpack power supplies.
- Psionic Interfaces
Telepathic interface technology can now work reliably with human-made computer components.

Tier 0:
- Basic Autofab: -1 Energy Prod. Allows 1 Autofab Action/turn. Cost: 1 Autofab Action. 2 Minerals.
- Basic Militia Gear. Allows 1 pop to perform military actions. Cost: 1 Autofab Action. 1 Minerals.
- Basic Hab Complexes. +1 Pop Cap. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Greenhouses. +1 Food Prod. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Mines: +1 Minerals Prod. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Lumber Camp: Reduces non-pop food costs by up to 1 per turn. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Wind/Solar Farm: +1 Energy Prod. Cost: 2 Minerals. Up to 1 Autofab Action (build multiple with 1 action.) (Cannot be Storm Hardened.)
- Syngas Reactor: +1-3 Energy/-1-3 Food Prod. Cost: 2 Minerals. 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Autofactory: -2 Energy Prod. Allows 3 Autofab Actions OR 1 Autofactory Action. Cost: 2 Autofab Action. 5 Minerals.
- Gunshuttle. -2 Energy Prod. Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Cost: 2 Autofab Actions. 10 Minerals.
- Basic Kelp Farm. +1 Food, -1 Food Cost, -1 Energy Prod. Requires deposit. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 1 Minerals.
- Build Storm Peat Deposit. Adds a Storm Peat deposit to the planet. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 10 Food.
- Cultural Center. 0/0/0. Negates all Cultural Crisis penalties when complete. 1 Autofab Action, 4 Food per stage. (Core / Ring / Wings )
- Basic Vehicular Maintenance Bay. Provides 'care and feeding' for 1 squadron of storm-hardened GEV's. -1 Energy. Cost: 2 Autofab Actions, 2 Food, 2 Minerals. Includes the squadron.

Psionic Tier 0:
- Telekinetic Militia: +1 Effectiveness. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 2 Minerals.

Tier 1:
- Basic Fusion Reactor: +2 Energy Prod. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 2 Minerals.
- Storm Nullifier Satellites: +2 Energy Prod. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 5 Minerals. (Mitigates Storm Turn Penalty.)
- Standard Shuttle: Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 12 Minerals.
- Exowomb Nursery: -2 Energy Prod, -1 Food. Counts as extra pop for Pop Growth calculations. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 2 Minerals. 2 Food.
- Sensor Grid Satellites: Requires ground control. Provides sensor coverage for star system. Less effective when used passively. -2 Energy. Cost: 1 Orbital Operation, 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action.
- Spaceport (3 stage facility.) -2 Energy per stage. Provides subfacility slots for orbital-related activities. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals per stage.

Psionic Tier 1:
- Psionic Drones: +1 "psi-drones" pop. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 2 Minerals. Can support 3 Psi-Drones pops per Human Pop.

  • Kithhame
    • Population:
      • Humans: 1 Unit (~330 people)
      • Kobolds: 4 Units
      • Psi-Drones: 0 Units
    • Planetary status:
      • Marginally habitable. Indigenous wildlife obviously alien but at times oddly familiar.
      • Planetary Storms hit every 5 years. (2072,2077,2082, etc.. Causes -1 to all facilities that turn. Chance of facility loss.)
      • Hostile Fauna: Sandworms. 25% chance annually of attack on food reserves/production.
      • 3 Basic Minerals deposit found (1 Medium Exploited. 2 Unexploited).
      • 1 "Storm Peat" Deposit Found (1 Lightly Exploited). ( Build mine to produce +1 Energy/turn, -1 Food Cost/turn.)
      • 2 Kelp Forest Deposits Found (2 Unexploited). (Build Kelp Farm to produce +1 Food, -1 Food Cost.)
      • 1 Alien Ruins Found. Unlocks biotech, telepathic interface, cybernetics technology paths. Contains 1 Psi-Crystal Fabricator.
    • Colonization status:
      • One landed converted Centauri cargo hauler. No jump-engine, but the previous owner never removed the on-board grav plating.
      • Water Purification Plant ( Grants "Purified" Perk, Adding +1 to Hab Complexes and Farming Complexes, Storm Hardened)
      • 1 Basic Hab Complex: 2 Pop Cap ( 1 Pop Limit, +1 Purification, Storm Hardened)
      • 1 Basic Warehouse Complex. +10 Storage Caps. (Storm Hardened.)
      • Cultural Center (Complete) ( Negates Cultural Crisis.) (All sub facilities automatically Storm Hardened.)
        • Automated Field Hospital. -1 Energy, -1 medical emergency impact

      • 1 Vehicle Maintenance Bay. -1 Energy. (Provides 'care and feeding' for 1 squadron of GEVs.) (Storm Hardened.)
    • Economic status:
      • 3 "lightly pre-owned" Centauri-make autofabbers.
      • 2 Autofactory. -4 Energy ( Storm Hardened )
      • 2 Basic Greenhouse Farm: +6 Food, -0 Energy ( 1 Food, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Purification, Storm Hardened)
      • 1 Basic Mine Complex. +3 Minerals, -1 Energy ( 1 Minerals, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Powered Machinery, Storm Hardened. )
      • 1 Basic Peat Mine Complex. +2 Energy, -2 FoodCost ( +1 Energy, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened. )
      • 1 Storm Nullifier. +2 Energy. (Reduces Storm Turn penalty by 1 step).
      • 1 Basic Fusion Reactor. +2 Energy. (Storm Hardened.)
      • 1 Syngas Reactor. +2 Energy -2 Food. (Max of 3) (Storm Hardened.)

-- Build Basic Autofactory (2 autofab, 5 minerals)
-- Build Syngas Reactor (1 autofab, 2 minerals) (burn -2 FoodCost from peat mine for +2 energy)
-- Build Basic Fusion Reactor (1 autofac, 2 minerals)

The entire colony could breath easier today, as you activate the first locally built fusion reactor. It's an incredibly basic one -- barely suitable for a standard orbital shuttle, and small enough to fit inside a standard bedroom. But let the heavens weep, for it was made by your people. The fires of the heavens themselves were once again in your hands. Your people would never go back into the dark again.

The engines of industry were slowly picking up steam for your people, and you couldn't be prouder of them. The activation of the reactor had been timed for the Settling Day festival for the year and while your youngest colonists couldn't really understand what was so special about something so dinky, they were certainly happy to partake in the festivities. The cakes made with glazes of Earth Chocolate and local honey certainly helped their morale -- and everyone was certainly happy to watch them celebrate and play in the warm afternoon.

-- Results:
Autofactory count now 2.
Basic Fusion Reactor built.
Syngas Reactor built, operating at 2/3 max yield.

-- Protect Exploration group from potentially hostile fauna. Maybe supplement colony food stores with some light hunting.

Not to be outdone by the Runningdeers' antics with the colonial survey design they somehow got through the surplus autofactory -- and heavens alone know where they got the resources for it -- Mira had decided that just in case, the old bilpro equipment that had been set aside could be affixed with some simple mechanisms to the long-legged amphibious craft, so they could be used in the better defense of the colony if necessary. The resulting hunting expedition for larger fauna and deposits of wild edibles having a much easier time dragging around their haul made the end result far more enjoyable for everyone involved of course, but that was hardly a major surprise.

-- Results:
5 Food obtained via hunting. ( 1, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Kobold Veterancy Archives, +1 Effectiveness, +1 GEVs. ).

-- Begin planetary biosurvey. Focus on identifying potentially hazardous flora/fauna. Maybe we can catch the next sandworm-level-problem before they're chewing on our colony.

The Runningdeers had spent much of their time the previous year designing and considering the necessities of performing a fairly rapid planetary biosurvey -- with only a couple of years in which to get it done, as everyone was feeling the overall pressure -- but they still came up aces in the effort. Turns out that the eggheads back on Old Earth had published a number of designs for exactly this purpose which some sticky-fingered -- well, sticky-brained but that's awkward to say -- members of their Clan had managed to make off with from the EarthForce colony planners who were, at the time your people left, contemplating this very problem. A fairly rugged hybrid-lift amphibious ground-effect-vehicle; with graphene and boron-weave shelled wings topped with solar cells, and an air-breathing battery to provide the maximum trip capacity, the vehicle could skim over the surface of sea, prairie, and dunes alike at velocities that would make wide-ranging trips a matter of minutes where wheeled off-road vehicles would take hours; all while having a cargo capacity of a dozen tons.

Somehow they'd taken it upon themselves to scavenge the necessary materials from somewhere when they realized that the secondary autofactory would be up-and-running but idle for long enough for a proper facility to house and assemble the craft to be completed. What had been looking like it might be an effort of over a decade to properly complete would now -- thanks to the loan from the military of a contingent of the basic watch drones -- take far, far less time.

Already the effort was paying dividends: the first survey vehicle deployed went straight to what was suspected to be the native habitat of the sandworms; the dunes just bordering the subarctic tundra. Therein it was discovered, through careful seismic monitoring and rapid deployment, that the sandworms as your people knew them were in fact a nomadic "herbivorous" race, in a strange sort of pseudo-symbiosis with their own dietary source: the stonebushes in their youngest form needed the broken-up sandy soils to take root in, and the passing of the worms as they swam through what should be permafrost resulted in the soil being broken up enough for that to happen. While this was interesting, the bigger discovery was that there was more than one variety of sandworm -- the herbivore, and the carnivore.

The creatures that attacked the colony had predators. Predators that could be mimicked.

In terms of other interesting moments; there was also a species of ... you would hesitate to call it a whale-catfish, but it was certainly the size of whales, with the general body-plan of what seemed like a catfish, and semi-prehensile whiskers that liked to try to catch anything skimming along the surface of the oceans. Arming the GEVs had been a good idea -- but what hadn't had been Mira's attempt at leaning out the window of the vehicle she was in to "show these bitches who's the boss."

-- Results:
Planetary biosurvey will complete in 1 more turn.
Possible repellant method found for driving away sandworms.
The Alexanders have been "quietly" collecting large quantities of the "fixin's" for pan-fried catfish.

-- We need a design for a satellite that can detect and track spaceships entering our solar system. Ideally quiet, passive sensors only. Bonus points for tracking potential planetary impactors.

Again the Namikazes are happy enough to search through the colonial databases for any offerings of sensor satellites. What they find is a fairly standard design, overall easy enough to make in the batches required. However, there is one sticking point: they require some kind of ground control facility to actually provide the data back to. While you can use the colony ship for this purpose, it would be much better to have a "proper" CNC within the Community Center to do this task.

It is noted that a central server as had been previously thought of could also get this done, along with allocating a simple meeting room to terminals. An alternative option could be, however, building a proper spaceport. The tachyonic beacon array included in the database's spaceport designs having the capacity to not only provide navigational tracking for any hyperspace that could lock onto its timed-pulse encryption, but could also act as a sensor to detect craft approaching the system before entering.

You do find yourself wondering if the psi-crystals could possibly be used to enhance these functions; they do after all have the ability to detect thoughts. And hyperspace is known to significantly enhance the distance at which a telepath's abilities were effective...

-- Results:
Sensor Grid design unlocked. ( Passive Mode reduces effectiveness 2 steps. -2 Energy. Cost: 1 Orbital Operation, 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action.)
Spaceport design unlocked. (3 stage facility. -2 Energy per stage. Provides subfacility slots for orbital-related activities. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals per stage.)

-- If the stoners are going to try to establish an economy, let's talk about the basics. What is money; is it pure fiat, or is it based in something? How do you prevent abuses of wealth? Are we going to do taxes? Long term this can cause big issues, so let's do it right.
-- Suggest basing 'money' on productive capacity - currency can be exchanged for a specific amount of autofabber runtime. Suggest community-owned fabbers could regularly pay out "production credits" to all citizens.

The Stoners are very pleasantly surprised by this line of conversation. They enthusiastically "glomp" onto it, mentally speaking. Before you even know it, you've found yourself committed to building a new autofactory that will be provided with 2 Food and 2 Minerals in feedstocks specifically to provide for colonist's cashed-in Credits. They assure you that this will avoid burnout and disunity as the colony becomes more well-established over time, and sing your praises for months.

-- Results:
Credit system established. Next turn you are required to build a new Autofactory that will reserve 2 Food and 2 Minerals for colonist private spending. Credit-based economics prevent morale and pop performance from dropping below a minimum.

-- Yeah, a human can easily psychically dominate a group of kobolds. But what if you didn't? Try to sink into the kobold group-mind, see what you can learn. Also, take your wife on some nice dates.

It takes several tries to get the trick of floating amongst the kobold-minds without letting them latch onto you at all but rather amongst them. They just adhere too quickly. But you do eventually get there. Just feeling the weaving threads of their minds as the interacting pulses therein manage to assemble into a whole greater than the sum of its parts; it takes a month just to get the stealth technique down to the level it won't interfere with the mossy green scaled critters while still present enough to actually interact with their minds fully; and another couple of months of just observing and watching before it clicks. While it wouldn't work in any way similarly for humans as it does for the kobolds, there's nothing truly preventing the creation of this mesh-weave amongst your fellow telepaths. It would only be an emulation; a product of active cooperation, rather than a true mind unto itself as with the kobolds -- and required a great deal of trust and cohesive operation -- but for four or five people actively creating a telepathic pseudo-mind, having an "overseer" that was aware of each of them could make their cooperation immensely more effective.

Your dates with Mira consist of various fishing strategies. You very carefully do not think about or mention the fact that the puntgun was banned for a very good reason back on Old Earth. Your expeditions out beyond the perimeter of the colony are often "coincidentally" on the path of one or another of the scouts -- and they just so "happen" to have some scrounged up bit of some sweet or another. Just another way your people show their appreciation for you and Mira, really, but ... well, maybe you were old fashioned but you did want genuine privacy at least once in a while to show your wife how much you appreciated her without literally the entire colony feeling the reverberations of it. The upshot of this however is that you find your twins are very friendly with Wanda Runningdeer's own boy, as a result of you taking her aside to ask for a little more decorum.

Well, it's good for their socialization. But still. You watch little Iron like a hawk every time he's around your little girls. Mira thinks it's cute -- your reaction that is. And she isn't too old-fashioned to let anyone else know about it.

-- Results:
Squadlink psi technique obtained.
Mira is very enthusiastic about plinking. And playdates for the twins.

Votes by plan, please:
Each turn is 1 year.
1 Action in each category, only write-ins for now while the dust settles and interest is shown.

- [] Industry:
(Agricultural, economic, and residential leadership actions go here.)
- [] Military:
(Militia, naval, wartime, and such go here.)
-- []
- [] Exploration:
(Scouting, mapping, resource survey type actions go here.)
-- []
- [] Research:
(Pulling schematics for practical application out of the colony ship's AI, discovering new techniques, biotech, and so on.)
-- []
- [] Diplomacy:
(Internal or external diplomatic actions. Building community, negotiating trade deals, and so on.)
-- []
- [] Personal:
(Things you do yourself.)
-- []
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Vote opener here. Next turn on Friday.

Please account for the Diplomacy results in your plans, guys.

Also: as you didn't use the Psi-Crystal Machine this turn it just spat out standard interface crystals. So you have a turn's worth of those on-hand that I'm not representing as a resource mechanically for now.
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I have some question about logistics, can the autofactory create consumer grade chips? In the real world chip manufacture takes an insane amount of money and time in the order of tens of billion for a factory. I get that it can create things at the resolution of consumer grade electronics but maybe those don't use chips. Creating a server must take high grade chips just to run the software with enough resources so this might force us to use the crystal printer to replace those.

Concerning the psy crystal interfaces, I would imagine that it takes a psy signal from a teep and converts it into machine instructions. But those machine instructions are for alien tech that is rust at this point so I wonder if a small group of people can reverse engineer what those instructions mean without having alien processors to study. Basically you think at the rock and it spits out an electrical or optic signal but it's very hard to tell what that electrical waveform or flickering light is supposed to mean without having technical manuals or a receiver circuit to study.
I have some question about logistics, can the autofactory create consumer grade chips? In the real world chip manufacture takes an insane amount of money and time in the order of tens of billion for a factory. I get that it can create things at the resolution of consumer grade electronics but maybe those don't use chips. Creating a server must take high grade chips just to run the software with enough resources so this might force us to use the crystal printer to replace those.

Humanity now (that is, as of the time you left Earth) uses Optical Crystal computer technology the theory and design for which was purchased from the Centauri (though they themselves weren't the original inventors, which is why they'd given it away for cheap so freely.)

The synthesis technology for these crystals is included in the Autofactory, and is one of the deciding factors between whether an autofabber or factory can build something. Autofabbers can make crystals but only in small batches and in a time consuming way.

So yes, your Autofactories can make high grade servers and so on.

The Psi Crystal Machine thus far can't be used for anything but psi crystals.
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@Logos01 Could you explain to me again how the various production bonuses work?

I know there are drones/automated machinery, then kobolds, then psi-drones, but I get confused about what requirements/resources they need to be built.

And what's the deal with pops? Can these drones/automatons replace our need for a facility to have a pop?
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[X] Plan: More Energy For More Industry To Build More Energy
- Industry:
--[X] Build another Storm-Hardened Autofactory, 1 food for hardening, 2 autofabbers, reserve 2 food and 2 minerals for upkeep.
--[X] Build two more Storm-Hardened Mining Complexes on the two untapped mineral veins, 2 autofabbers, and 2 food for hardening.
--[X] Build an extra Storm-Hardened Fusion Reactor, 1 food for hardening, 1 autofactory.
- Military:
--[X] Keep protecting the survey and keep hunting, though do so conservatively as we don't want to harm the local environment.
- Exploration:
-- [X] Keep the planetary biosurvey going, look into the possible Sandworm repellent, 1 autofabber for any maintenance or repellent production.
- Research:
-- [X] Research more advanced power generation and basic facilities. (Basically larger fusion reactors to produce more energy and upgrade the Tier 0 Basics to Tier 1), 1 autofabber for prototypes or whatever is needed.
- Diplomacy:
-- [X] Keep an eye on the credit system while it's still in its infancy, watch for any abuse/exploitation, and intervene when necessary. Discuss with the Council on how to approach these issues when it comes up.
- Personal:
-- [X] Use the colony ship to do a year-long survey of the solar system, and see if you find anything in the local neighborhood.
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This plan is subject to change if I can think of a better diplomacy action, as well as when Logos tells me about the wonders of production bonuses.

As the plan says, we're kind of stuck in a constant loop of expanding our industry and needing more energy for it, so we absolutely need better fusion reactors or other forms of power generation.

Something a bit bigger than a bedroom, preferably.
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Well, I'm very happy with this update!

Will think about stuff after I wake up tomorrow; notes for self/others:
- I think that's enough food for another storm peat whatchamadinger.
- looking like we want to do computer stuff soonish?
- need psi crystal research, might be used to scare off sandworms/critters?
- worried the whalecatfish are smart, not sure I should be. Is that something we can tell with psi?
- did we get stuff out of the new autofac? Is that good rolls, or can an autofac be used the turn it's built?
- maybe spend time with the kids. They're only kids once.
- does the biosurvey complete automatically, or do we need an action?
- I like Decimus' idea of researching better fusion power
@Logos01 Could you explain to me again how the various production bonuses work?

I know there are drones/automated machinery, then kobolds, then psi-drones, but I get confused about what requirements/resources they need to be built.

And what's the deal with pops? Can these drones/automatons replace our need for a facility to have a pop?

Part of this is the confusion being on my part -- I've not entirely decided the mechanic here. A part of /that/ is that I didn't want to make pop allocation an obnoxious burden for early quest stuff.

All of this will change somewhat when the quest changes "modes" from the Founding Era. The system I'm thinking of there is what I previously mentioned but it's not quite set in stone.

/Right now/, the way it's working is that you can have a certain number of facilities operating per Human Pop, and once you exceed that you'll start having production penalties. Those penalties can be offset by the Kobold Pets perk and by allocating a Psi-Drone Pop to a facility in place of the Human component.

Alternatively you can use an Autofactory action, once you have a central server, to upgrade a Basic facility to a Robotic one which will use Energy to produce {stuff} at a 1:1 ratio up to a yield of 3. Perks like Kobold Pets would still apply because even a Robotic facility still needs supervision and human interaction. Technically your current Basic Mine is as close as you can get to this already happening since it has the Powered Machinery mod.

I'll note that one of the things I was planning on tossing at you guys around Turn 15 was the question of "teen labor laws" -- how would you go about integrating and permitting or denying your kids the ability to work for the colony and stretch the available workforce. As things stand regardless you'll get your second Human Pop at Turn 20. It /might/ be a third if you guys get the Exowomb Nurseries running and advance the maturation rate like previously discussed.

Basically to avoid penalties kicking in for facility yields you guys will either want to start building Psi-Drones or upgrade facilities to Robotic.

Psi-Drones once built can be "free floating" in where the +1 Production they offer for the -1 Energy goes, but each Pop takes the Psi-Crystal Machine for a year to manufacture. Robotic Facilities can be tuned between 0 and 3 Energy usage, but are a Facility. At 0 Energy usage they still get Perk bonuses but have no base production.

You guys currently have 7 non-automated Facilities (the auto in Autofabbers and Autofactories means they count as automated). Once you get past 10 those penalties will start kicking in; facilities above that won't have the Basic production. At 2 Human Pops that'd go to 20 Facilities and each Psi-Drones pop can extend that by 1.

@Decimus -- just noticed the production bonus thing wasn't answered. It's kinda loose there right now. But basically a +1 "step" is a conditional application that gets applied where I think it might make sense to do so.

Kobold Pets -- basically gets applied everywhere.
Kobold Veterancy Archive -- gets applied anywhere an individual's skill is a major influence. Asteroid mining and hunting yes, farming and mining no.
Teek weapons -- make militia more effective. Things the militia does get the bonus.
Water Purifier -- one step bonus to performance of facilities where pure water matters. Housing and farming basically. (People are more willing to live near each other when plentiful running water handles things like sanitation and such.)

Developing psi-crystal "hand tools" would add a -1 Energy Cost per Human pop but increase all non military labor by +1 as a further example. Mining and farming yes, asteroid mining no.

If you can make a persuasive argument as to why a bonus should apply to something I'll add it. An example for this might be tweaking the Basic Fusion Reactor design to allow it to run in what would otherwise be "dirty" conditions, increasing the Energy yield by one step by relying on the Water Purifier bonus.
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- I think that's enough food for another storm peat whatchamadinger.

A storm peat deposit is basically just an artificial pond with a self-sustaining quantity of storm peat planted in it. You'd still need to actually build the "mine" to start harvesting power and biomass from it. (The reason this nets power is because the mine is basically a syngas reactor using the peat as the material source to build it and operate it, along with cabling and Tesla towers to produce artificial/simulated continuous lightning strikes. This causes the massive growth stimulus to the peat that lets you get the Energy and FoodCost benefits from it. FoodCost is non-storable non-edible biomass, basically.)

It's expensive to set up because you're growing massive amounts of the stuff well beyond its normally sustainable levels and that takes fertilizer and nutrients. This is why it takes 10 Food along with an autofabber action to establish a new Storm Peat deposit.

(Note: if you built Kelp Farms on the two Kelp Deposits, you'd only get +2 Food and FoodCost each, since being oceanic means they wouldn't get the Purified perk, but that would let you build a Peat Bog that turn for 2 Food net, and another each turn thereafter basically for only the autofabber action cost.)

- worried the whalecatfish are smart, not sure I should be. Is that something we can tell with psi?
- did we get stuff out of the new autofac? Is that good rolls, or can an autofac be used the turn it's built?
- maybe spend time with the kids. They're only kids once.
- does the biosurvey complete automatically, or do we need an action?

Yes, you could determine sapience with telepathy. They aren't. Their minds however are alien in an unpleasant way. This is normally true of all alien life, and is even a little bit true of the kobolds, but their friendliness makes up for that.

You can use and benefit from buildings the turn they are built. If you don't use a factory/fabricator, there's a chance one of the factions might hijack it for their own use. That happened with the Runningdeers. You can't control what the faction will do with the facility in this way, but they also pay for the materials costs of their use without dipping into the colony's reserves. This can create complications like the vehicle maintenance bay being tied into the colony's power grid, however.

Biosurvey will continue to need actions keeping it in mind, but as long as whatever you write in does that, if it also does something else that overlaps I'll be generous about it.
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thanks for the chapter and for writing.hmm can you make high grade servers out of psi crystals ????
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thanks for the chapter and for writing.hmm can you make high grade servers out of psi crystals ????

Right now the only functionality the psi-crystals seems to have is absorbing telepathic energy and conducting it as electronically-decodable information to ordinary infotech systems -- this being what all instances of it were used for in the alien ruins -- and when sufficiently charged with electrical energy, dumping that electrical charge as telekinetic potential when in contact with telepathic energy.

Using them directly as computational substrate directly rather than the psionic equivalent of transceivers is .... well, you could do it, but it would be like making a computer out of ridiculously expensive radar dishes.

As to the GEV vehicle -- imagine something like the AirFish 8 but with harrier-esque thrusters instead of propellers and pontoons affixed to the wing tips. (Being amphibious due to the -- albeit limited -- VTOL capability.)
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