THE KETHERIC-HIVE AFFAIR (Balder's Gate 3 in Space! Quest)

NAME: Karlach Cliffgate
RACE: Tiefling
XP: 0 | LEVEL: 2

16 (+3)​
16 (+3)​
13 (+1)​
8 (-1)​
10 (+0)​
12 (+1)​
Save: +5​
Save: +5​
Save: +3​
Save: +1​
Save: +2​
Save: +3​

Darkvision: Can see 100 feet in darkness without colors. Born this way, ma called it 20/Evil vision.
Light Sleeper: Only needs four hours of sleep for a long rest. Learned this in CapFor - nap when you got it.
Energy Resistance [Fire]: Take 1/2 damage from fire. This is why we got the cheap apartments, near the radiators.
Speed Malus: -1 meter of movement per round. Gorby Jr. is a pain in the ass.
Hider: Can hide when even only lightly obscure. Learned to duck pretty fast in the military.
Action Surge (1/rest): Can take an extra action, refreshes on a short rest.
Reckless attack: Can gain advantage on Str based attacks while giving enemies advantage to hit you.
Rage (2/day): can go into a rage for 1 minute, gaining advantage on str checks and saves, +2 to str damage, reistance to B, P and S damage. Can't cast spells while raging.
Fighting Styles: Defensive (+1 to AC while wearing armor), Ranged (+2 to hit with ranged weapons), Blind Fighting (gain blindsight to 10 ft)
Second Wind (1/rest): Can use a bonus action to get 1d10+Level HP.
Natural Explorer: Ensure that the group has enough vac-suits and full tanks unless enemies take specific actions to negate it. When trapped with limited resources, double what the GM says you have. Create 3 shifts as a crew, rather than 2. Can patch suit as a free action. once per session, you can declare one thing to be true about a space station, habitat or spaceship - if the GM refuses, you're given a Luck Point.
Favored Enemy (Fascists): Get advantage on Wisdom (Survival) to track them and Intelligence rolls to know about their tactics.
Broad Proficiency: Martial Weapons, Heavy Weapons
Single Proficiency: Vac-Suits, Light, Medium, Heavy
Tool Proficiency: Repair, Shuttles, Armored Fighting Vehicle
Fighter's Luck: Get x3 LP per level.
Skills [8]: Skilled in Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, Persuasion, Performance, Intimidation, Insight
Expertise [2]: Expertise in Athletics and Stealth (double proff bonus.)​


Armored Vac Suit (AC 19, 7 Bulletproof)
Bulletproof: AC applies to gunfire. If an enemy rolls 8-17, remove 1 bulletproof.)​
M-Gloves: Can create two mage hands as a free action, controlled by focused

Collapsable Knife: +5 to hit, 1d12+3 damage
Concealable: Advantage to hiding, -1 intimidation
Sharp: Deals 3 damage on a miss.​

MP-5: The Solar System's sexiest SMG
Effective Range: 0-25 Meters | 25-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3| Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 4 | ROF: 8 | Magazine: 30+1 | Intimidation: +3
Special: Tacti-Cool (comes with a built in, infinite use wand of Ray of Frost, which can be fired from the weapon whenever you want.)
Underslung DC8-ROFW: 60 foot range, 1d8 frost damage, reduces enemy movement speed by 10 feet on a hit.​

Arachne 9mm
Effective Range: 0-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3 | Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 7 | ROF: 3 | Magazine: 15+1 | Intimidation: +2
Special: Frangible - you can buy Small Caliber rounds for this to reduce the recoil to 4.​

23 magazines fully stocked of 9mm rounds

Standard patch kit
Effect: It can patch any hole of about palm size or smaller. Unfortunately, since they're designed to be 'slap and forget' patches, they can't really patch bigger holes effectively. Fortunately, you can apply them as a free action.

Computer Tool Kit
Effect: The computer tool kit is the collection of various lengths of wire, soldering gun, screwdriver (magnetized) and other nibbly little bits you need to do repair work on a computer, physically speaking. This won't do anything to debug it, unless you're being really literal about debugging here.

Effect: A plastic set of restraints. Good for dissidents, bounties and, until the Supreme Court's decision re Staton V Solarium Primary School, unruly children.


Q-Card: +0
Specie: 1 Gold

Current Hab Legality: Not in Hab
Intimidation: Not in Hab
Total Criminality: Not in hab

STARSHIP - USAF-SGF Short Sword (Drizzit Class)
Acceleration Max: 3Gs | Handling: +4
Sensors: 5 Locks, 2 Jams

Thrusters (10): 25 [10 Armor]
Externalities (9-4): 85 [0 Armor]​
Weapons: 72​
2 Fore, 2 Starboard, 2 Port, 2 Aft, 2 Dorsal, 2 Ventral S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 40mm PDCs
1 Dorsal Multipurpose 32cm Launch Tube​
EW/COM: 5​
D98 Panopticon Installation​
Cargo: 6 Tons​
Life Support (3): 39 [10 Armor]​
Radiators: 10
Water Recycling & Air Filtering: 15
Cabins: 10 (6 Bunk Rooms, 3 Cabins, 1 Officer's Cabin)
Sickbay: 5
Mess Hall: 5​
Command, Control & Communication (2): 5 [10 Armor]
Engines (1): 90 [10 Armor]
S&R Draconic Limited PDCs
Range: 0 | Damage: 1 Damage
ROF: 4d10 | Special: +5 to hit Torpedoes

32cm Launch Tube
Range: N/A | Damage: Per torpedo
ROF: 3 per round | Capacity: 17 Torpedoes

MD-82b Armor Piercing Chemical Torpedoes (12)
Special Note: These use high density hydrogen fuel bricks and have an extremely short duration
Acceleration: 20G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 1 [Armor 1]​
Weapon: 1​
High Yield Armor Piercing Warhead: 30 damage​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​

T2-9 Tactical Nuclear Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles (5) [INOPERABLE]
Special Note: These use Zevar drives and have infinite range.
Acceleration: 10G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 2​
Weapon: 2​
Tactical Nuclear Warhead: 300 Damage (5km radius)​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​
Description: A 300 ton warship, the Short Sword comes armed with 12 point defense cannons capable of covering every angle of attack and a 3 tube dorsal mounted torpedo bay, with 20 torpedoes, currently stocked with 15 MD82b antiarmor torpedoes that burn high density hydrogen fuel (making them high speed, short range), and 5 IPBMs with 30 kiloton tactical nuclear warheads. These have Zevar drives. They do not have "range" limitations.
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[ ] Trust our asshole vampire (or best actor) to be able to lie through his teeth by sneaking off and feeding false information to one of Ethel's Redcaps at the door under the presumption of staying in the Matriarch's good graces, and we setup an ambush for both of them (Feed the Addies that the Nuke Boys are coming, and clean up the aftermath). ("You see, they have 2 ships *here.* Cleaned them out from Adventurers guarding them, got the keys to'em, now have some refugees from the Zone playing guard dog. Currently got the rest of them holed up somewhere in an Imtal Lab, it's why she wanted mercs but wasn't letting you in on the deal. Would be easy as pie to roll the fools playing soldier at the ship and ambush her as she returns licking her wounds from raiding the rest of the Addies. Get the ships, guns, and Imtal all in one swoop, with your revenge. Don't trust me- she sold the excess guns to this shop. Should tell you everything you need to know, but don't take too long.")

Maybe that's an Option 1 with different rolls or more detail, but It's my vote. Ethel would no doubt never believe that a goodie goodie like Karlach would be playing something that illicit- until she finds that the Tiefling really did just run guns into Nuke for hard cash. She might believe herself the fool then, and play the fool instead.
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The redcaps are still a separate type of sapient being right? Just that they've upgraded from knives and clubs to rifles.
[X] Wait for the redcaps to follow you, then head out and run them right into the Adventurers. Hilarity ensues.
[X] Buy a ticket out of this city on the first transport that will take us
[X] Wait for the redcaps to follow you, then head out and run them right into the Adventurers. Hilarity ensues.
[X] Wait for the redcaps to follow you, then head out and run them right into the Adventurers. Hilarity ensues.
Don't trust me- she sold the excess guns to this shop. Should tell you everything you need to know, but don't take too long.

(Did she sell the guns to the shop, or to some random person she met at the shop?) This is a super cool plan, but it also feels like pointing Auntie Ethel towards pretty much every nice person we've met on Mardok.

[X] Wait for the redcaps to follow you, then head out and run them right into the Adventurers. Hilarity ensues.
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[X] Wait for the redcaps to follow you, then head out and run them right into the Adventurers. Hilarity ensues.
(Did she sell the guns to the shop, or to some random person she met at the shop?) This is a super cool plan, but it also feels like pointing Auntie Ethel towards pretty much every nice person we've met on Mardok.

[X] Wait for the redcaps to follow you, then head out and run them right into the Adventurers. Hilarity ensues.
Pretty sure we sold them to the shop owner, who was having fun in his gun range
[X] Wait for the redcaps to follow you, then head out and run them right into the Adventurers. Hilarity ensues.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on May 10, 2024 at 11:45 PM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.

Time for the TTRPG version of barrel stacking: Using Bluff skills in unreasonable ways!

Roll bluff, DC16 and perception, DC18!

Also, since Ethel is now mad at you, that's a big enough set back that your Luck has refreshed
All right, that's a successful bluff at 5/6 luck!

Now, someone else roll perception. I need to lay down and strap a gas mask to my face, then go to sleep
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Oh, i misread!

your plan works with a failed perception, Karlach is just more nervous. but either way, I still need to sleep! goodnight!


Now, almost forgot, time to roll your Q-card!

total result: -9!
DragonCobolt threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: -13 Total: 4
4 4
DragonCobolt threw 1 4-faced dice. Reason: Debt!? Total: 2
2 2
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Bear Baiting Part One (3.0)
You rubbed your palm along your face, idea hit you.

"Have you ever heard of bear baiting?" you asked.

"No," Wyll said.

"No," Shadowheart said.

"No," Lae'zel said, frowning.

"Yes," Astarion said. "Bears are extinct, though."

"No, there are tons of bears," you said. "You know, big gay guys?"

Astarion sighed and put his hands over his face, rubbing his palm slowly up and down.

You grinned, leaned forward, and started to explain your plans.

You weren't sure if the Redcaps were following you as you drove the buggy from the internal garages to the external airlock. Getting out of Nuke was going to take a hell of a lot longer than getting into it - but at least you could be entertained by the somewhat flabberghasted look on Raphael as he sat in the back, peering around at everything, while Gale excitedly sat beside him. "I see that you know something of the magician's art as well, Mr. Raphael, so, I know that I too have spotted the same thing that very now astounds you!" Gale held up his hands. "It's true! This entire conveyance works without tapping into the Weave at all - save for a few minor irregularities in the manufacturing process, I believe leftovers from the use of prestidigitation and mage hand during the construction process, which I was reading about-"

Raphael bonked his head against his headrest.

You grinned at the customs agent who was standing at the booth out of Nuke. She was a cute little orc, whose long ears were drooping with boredom. "All right, just running your credit lines," she said, then frowned. "Looks like you guys went on quite a shopping spree?"

"Just the essentials," you said, grinning at her.

"All right, well, your accounts in the red," she said, looking at you. "You owe, uh..." She clicked a few buttons and a dot matrix printer whirred and clattered. She tore the strip free, then put it into the slot, which offered it to your buggy's port hatch - built for this kind of exchange. You worked the airlock, popped the inner side, picked up the receipt.

Your eyes bugged.

"What the fuck did we spend six hundred dollars on!?" you asked. "...the drinks at Auntie Ethels?"

"Oh that place is murderous," the orc said, sympathetically. "But your account, uh..."

"Shit," you whispered, doing conversion in your head. You actually could offload that onto future Karlach's head, you know...

[ ] Pay now - lose 2 specie​
[ ] Pay later! - start your next Q-card check with an automatic -2d6 to your Q-card​
"Just pay the woman!" Lae'zel snapped.

"Right, right," you said, then paid, smiled at the orcess, and then drove out of the airlock and onto the highway.

In the rear view mirror, there were countless other buggies.

Which one of them had Auntie Ethel's goons?

You hoped at least one of them!

You drove across the rust red sands of Mardok, the buggy's wheels bouncing periodically over dirt and rocks. In the back, Raphael had gone to sleep. Astarion and Wyll were playing a game with some cards - you weren't sure which kind of poker it was, but they were pretty into it. Shadowheart was focusing on her internal Medtech bullshit. Lae'zel was sharpening her sword. And Gale had taken a seat up next to you and was fucking with the radio.

"Just, I wanna listen to the radio, man," you said.

"There are news stations," Gale said. "You have not been out of the loop for six centuries, I want to hear what is going on throughout the solar system."

"Just the same old bullshit," you said as he dialed in on a Stateside public news station that was being re-broadcast on Mardok - and you had no idea if that was even legal. The voice of the Kith sounding man over the radio was dry as vacuum, droning out of the speakers as you groaned and slouched in your chair.

"-the Entmoot put their vote forward, counterbalancing the overwhelming majority of the Conservative Democratic party's vote on the bill for the appropriation of a defense platform to be located at the Mardok Tashas. Nicknamed Star Wars this bill would have appropriated approximately two billion dollars for the construction of high powered energy weapons to target and intercept interplanetary ballistic missiles fired in the event of a solar system wide general war. However, the Entmoot and the Progressive Republics have both spoken out against the bill, citing the treaty of Mardok as-"

"Come onnnn, they've been fighting over that shit for years," you said, looking at Gale desperately. He was looking fascinated.

"Star Wars," he said, slowly. "I've heard that name before."

"Yeah, it's a movie," you said. "There's this galactic empire and there's this human kid living on a desert planet and, he like, runs off and becomes a knight in space, and he flies a space fighter and blows up this big evil spaceship called the Death Star, it's a great movie."

"...wait, a desert planet?" Gale asked. "Is it based on some world you've discovered?"

"Nah," you said. "It's fiction, like, made up. Anyway, the sequel came out."

"Oh, they make sequels to films?" Gale asked. "Seems a bit impertinent."

"Yeah, it fucking sucked," you said, shaking your head. "They just made up new shit about how the space knights get, like, I dunno, bullshit magic like mage hand, and like, the pacing's fucking whack. Like, the dude goes to train on a jungle planet with this little goblin fucker, and like, they don't even hire a goblin to play him."

"Oh," Gale said. "Who played him?"

"A fucking puppet!" you said.

Shadowheart lifted her head, and in the most aggrieved tone you've ever heard her say, she said: "You don't like Yoda?"

"He talks like Miss Piggy!" you said.

"Yeah, that's why he's great, you're not supposed to think that he's a Jedi master!" Shadowheart said.

"And then they have this scene where these bombers drop bombs in microgravity. I've fought on asteroids like that, and they don't fucking..."

You were just barely in sight of the parked rockets - and saw both of them were still there. They hadn't launched while you were away. You pulled the buggy over behind a slight rise, then parked.

"Okay," you said. You still had no sign of the redcaps. But you wanted them to run right into the Adventurers, so that meant you had to go to the Adventurers. So...

How do you play this? Don't forget the vote up there too.

[ ] Approach on foot (sneaky)
[ ] Approach on foot (openly)
[ ] Drive the buggy up (openly)
[ ] Write In
Hey! Where are the big gay guys we were promised!?

Also, complaining about Star Wars? Stay off Reddit, Karlach.
[X] Plan Blood From Stone
-[X] Pay now - lose 2 specie
-[X] Approach on foot (sneaky)

Now that I am not sleep posting after work, some logic.

Sneaking is always good, and we are gonna get a whole ass ship out of this. Two if we play our cards right. A single specie or two isn't gonna matter in a few hours.

(We could also be altruistic and use the 2nd ship to save the refugees so they can be on their way instead of leaving them to be preyed upon by Ethel in Nuke.)
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