These are really good options damn it, I actually don't know what to vote for.

...Fine, sure.
[X] [Target] A person
[X] [Motivation] Family

Hunting for lost family is one of my favourite storylines for some reason, so I'm going to completely ignore what everyone else is voting and vote for that vibe instead.
[X] [Target] A person
[X] [Target] A secret

[X] [Motivation] Curiosity
[X] [Motivation] Promises
[X] [Motivation] For someone else's sake

I don't have an explanation for any of these, just seem narratively interesting.

Oh, and I suppose Curiosity is pretty on-brand for someone following the Path of Trailblaze.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notthepenguins on Apr 23, 2024 at 5:11 PM, finished with 26 posts and 22 votes.
Maybe we could be trying to find Frebass? (Character in Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters set) She was a Nameless who went into a black hole, and she fits the QMs criteria of "mentioned but not yet appearing".
We should seek a place not yet visited by Akivili simply out of spite to prove that we are the best traveler and navigator.

This would also put interesting twist to our relation with our past Aeon and Akivili having antagonistic Emanator that's their self-proclamed rival seems so fitting.
Personally when I imagined this I always sort of pictured some place were we are forbidden to go by some lingering enemies of our Aeon, though there is no reason it can't be both that and an incomplete competition with Akivili
Introduction and Character Generation, pt. 2.1
What is it you are seeking?

[ ] Ranger Station Polaris-β
Once the closest thing the Galaxy Rangers had to a headquarters, its location has been lost, with all hands presumed dead. The perpetrator of the destruction is believed to be Dr. Primitive, due to their opposition and timing, though as with most activities associated with the villainous Genius, this is difficult to verify.

You have discovered for certain that he was responsible for eradicating maps and records that would allow someone to find it. You spoke with Dr. Primitive once, a couple centuries ago, and... fuck that guy. As far as you're concerned, doing something he would hate is always a morally correct choice.

[ ] The Iron Crypt
In the age when the Imperator Insectorum( Tayzzyronth) threatened to consume the cosmos whole, countless horrors were born. Desperation makes monsters out of many, and in those days, before the Swarm Disaster was halted by the Five-and-One, desperation was only natural.

One horror out of many was the Iron Cavalry of Glamoth. The Republic of Glamoth created a bespoke legion of soldiers, controlled by the being known as the Empress and trapped in a dream of her making, and pitted them against the Swarm. They succeeded in protecting Glamoth from the swarm's direct predation, but the ruin of the conflict ended Glamoth as a power nonetheless. The truth of what occurred to create them, and the fate of the being known as the Empress, and related mysteries were lost to history.

But the crimes of the past must be remembered, that their perpetrators be remembered in infamy and so they may be avoided in the future. For that you must find the place where they were created: the Iron Crypt.

[ ] The Nesting Worlds of Torisal
The Nesting Worlds are an old, old legend, of a solar system nestled within itself. A massive matroyshka doll, with each layer its own distinct world.

This is, obviously, impossible. So when, a thousand years and more ago, Akivili( The Trailblaze) made a bet with you, he was surprised when you took him up on it. If the Nesting Worlds actually existed, he'd take cleaning duty on the Express for a whole decade. If you gave up in the search, you'd have to do the same.

It was a stupid bet. You were... very drunk at the time.

But just because he's gone doesn't mean you can't prove him wrong.

[ ] Ichasil, the Hidden Tree
The Wingweavers, servants of the Abundance( Yaoshi) , once presided over a vast tree called Muldrasil, a wondrous existence called a Dyson Tree, that fed on the stars themselves.

The Wingweavers were badly damaged by their conflict with the Xianzhou Alliance, and when the Antimatter Legion arrived at Muldrasil it obliterated the tree utterly. But you spoke with a very drunk Combat Arborist, once, and he told you of a legend among his guild: Ichasil, the Hidden Tree.

Another Dyson Tree, the one from which Muldrasil sprang, and one jealously guarded from all comers by its inhabitants. They deny all access, and their wrath is terrible to behold.

But you've never been very good at listening to instructions.
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[X] The Nesting Worlds of Torisal

Drunken bet with a dead friend is such a great premise.
We must win it, no matter what.
[X] The Nesting Worlds of Torisal

Both because the idea of a... Matryoshka Sphere(?) is bucking fonkers and because winning a bet with a dead god after all these years is both epic, sweet, and a little sad.