THE KETHERIC-HIVE AFFAIR (Balder's Gate 3 in Space! Quest)

NAME: Karlach Cliffgate
RACE: Tiefling
XP: 0 | LEVEL: 2

16 (+3)​
16 (+3)​
13 (+1)​
8 (-1)​
10 (+0)​
12 (+1)​
Save: +5​
Save: +5​
Save: +3​
Save: +1​
Save: +2​
Save: +3​

Darkvision: Can see 100 feet in darkness without colors. Born this way, ma called it 20/Evil vision.
Light Sleeper: Only needs four hours of sleep for a long rest. Learned this in CapFor - nap when you got it.
Energy Resistance [Fire]: Take 1/2 damage from fire. This is why we got the cheap apartments, near the radiators.
Speed Malus: -1 meter of movement per round. Gorby Jr. is a pain in the ass.
Hider: Can hide when even only lightly obscure. Learned to duck pretty fast in the military.
Action Surge (1/rest): Can take an extra action, refreshes on a short rest.
Reckless attack: Can gain advantage on Str based attacks while giving enemies advantage to hit you.
Rage (2/day): can go into a rage for 1 minute, gaining advantage on str checks and saves, +2 to str damage, reistance to B, P and S damage. Can't cast spells while raging.
Fighting Styles: Defensive (+1 to AC while wearing armor), Ranged (+2 to hit with ranged weapons), Blind Fighting (gain blindsight to 10 ft)
Second Wind (1/rest): Can use a bonus action to get 1d10+Level HP.
Natural Explorer: Ensure that the group has enough vac-suits and full tanks unless enemies take specific actions to negate it. When trapped with limited resources, double what the GM says you have. Create 3 shifts as a crew, rather than 2. Can patch suit as a free action. once per session, you can declare one thing to be true about a space station, habitat or spaceship - if the GM refuses, you're given a Luck Point.
Favored Enemy (Fascists): Get advantage on Wisdom (Survival) to track them and Intelligence rolls to know about their tactics.
Broad Proficiency: Martial Weapons, Heavy Weapons
Single Proficiency: Vac-Suits, Light, Medium, Heavy
Tool Proficiency: Repair, Shuttles, Armored Fighting Vehicle
Fighter's Luck: Get x3 LP per level.
Skills [8]: Skilled in Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, Persuasion, Performance, Intimidation, Insight
Expertise [2]: Expertise in Athletics and Stealth (double proff bonus.)​


Armored Vac Suit (AC 19, 7 Bulletproof)
Bulletproof: AC applies to gunfire. If an enemy rolls 8-17, remove 1 bulletproof.)​
M-Gloves: Can create two mage hands as a free action, controlled by focused

Collapsable Knife: +5 to hit, 1d12+3 damage
Concealable: Advantage to hiding, -1 intimidation
Sharp: Deals 3 damage on a miss.​

MP-5: The Solar System's sexiest SMG
Effective Range: 0-25 Meters | 25-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3| Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 4 | ROF: 8 | Magazine: 30+1 | Intimidation: +3
Special: Tacti-Cool (comes with a built in, infinite use wand of Ray of Frost, which can be fired from the weapon whenever you want.)
Underslung DC8-ROFW: 60 foot range, 1d8 frost damage, reduces enemy movement speed by 10 feet on a hit.​

Arachne 9mm
Effective Range: 0-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3 | Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 7 | ROF: 3 | Magazine: 15+1 | Intimidation: +2
Special: Frangible - you can buy Small Caliber rounds for this to reduce the recoil to 4.​

23 magazines fully stocked of 9mm rounds

Standard patch kit
Effect: It can patch any hole of about palm size or smaller. Unfortunately, since they're designed to be 'slap and forget' patches, they can't really patch bigger holes effectively. Fortunately, you can apply them as a free action.

Computer Tool Kit
Effect: The computer tool kit is the collection of various lengths of wire, soldering gun, screwdriver (magnetized) and other nibbly little bits you need to do repair work on a computer, physically speaking. This won't do anything to debug it, unless you're being really literal about debugging here.

Effect: A plastic set of restraints. Good for dissidents, bounties and, until the Supreme Court's decision re Staton V Solarium Primary School, unruly children.


Q-Card: +0
Specie: 1 Gold

Current Hab Legality: Not in Hab
Intimidation: Not in Hab
Total Criminality: Not in hab

STARSHIP - USAF-SGF Short Sword (Drizzit Class)
Acceleration Max: 3Gs | Handling: +4
Sensors: 5 Locks, 2 Jams

Thrusters (10): 25 [10 Armor]
Externalities (9-4): 85 [0 Armor]​
Weapons: 72​
2 Fore, 2 Starboard, 2 Port, 2 Aft, 2 Dorsal, 2 Ventral S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 40mm PDCs
1 Dorsal Multipurpose 32cm Launch Tube​
EW/COM: 5​
D98 Panopticon Installation​
Cargo: 6 Tons​
Life Support (3): 39 [10 Armor]​
Radiators: 10
Water Recycling & Air Filtering: 15
Cabins: 10 (6 Bunk Rooms, 3 Cabins, 1 Officer's Cabin)
Sickbay: 5
Mess Hall: 5​
Command, Control & Communication (2): 5 [10 Armor]
Engines (1): 90 [10 Armor]
S&R Draconic Limited PDCs
Range: 0 | Damage: 1 Damage
ROF: 4d10 | Special: +5 to hit Torpedoes

32cm Launch Tube
Range: N/A | Damage: Per torpedo
ROF: 3 per round | Capacity: 17 Torpedoes

MD-82b Armor Piercing Chemical Torpedoes (12)
Special Note: These use high density hydrogen fuel bricks and have an extremely short duration
Acceleration: 20G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 1 [Armor 1]​
Weapon: 1​
High Yield Armor Piercing Warhead: 30 damage​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​

T2-9 Tactical Nuclear Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles (5) [INOPERABLE]
Special Note: These use Zevar drives and have infinite range.
Acceleration: 10G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 2​
Weapon: 2​
Tactical Nuclear Warhead: 300 Damage (5km radius)​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​
Description: A 300 ton warship, the Short Sword comes armed with 12 point defense cannons capable of covering every angle of attack and a 3 tube dorsal mounted torpedo bay, with 20 torpedoes, currently stocked with 15 MD82b antiarmor torpedoes that burn high density hydrogen fuel (making them high speed, short range), and 5 IPBMs with 30 kiloton tactical nuclear warheads. These have Zevar drives. They do not have "range" limitations.
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[x] Give her a pat on the shoulder, tell her you did good job and...
- [x] ...try and find some hirelings, then go to the Adventurers
Technically it can obscure in the same way that Fog Cloud can, providing disadvantage and cover effect for determining if bullets deal HP or Luck damage.

Dropping prone can do the same iirc
I suppose so, but I do think that the idea of creating cover in the middle of combat using magic is cool.

Also, I imagine cover is much easier to find if your a goblin or a halfling.
That's 14+ 3 or 17, so close!

Do you want to spend a LP? You're currently at 3/6 (you haven't had a long rest yet to refresh.)
It's a DC20, which means hitting at least a 17 on a 2d10, so I'm personally against it.

But that's just me, and the others in the thread might disagree.
Striking Out (2.3)
Gods her ears are cute, you thought as Lae'zel put round after round after round downrange, growing more and more confident with her new tool. You leaned in, and without quite thinking this through, kissed the tip of her ear. Lae'zel let out a sharp gasp and then a soft moan, her gun twitching in her hands. Her ears perked up and she froze.

"'re shooting really-"

"What did you do!?" She snarled, turning around to face you, her glower intense and furious, her cheeks blazing red with such intense embarrassment that she was nearly a tiefling.

"W-Well, uh, just,'s...uh...I was trying to...earplugs. I was trying to get the earplugs back in. With my lips!" you said.

You had to admit.

Lae'zel was a good student.

She didn't point the gun at you the whole time she reamed you out in her language.

" kissed her ears?" Wyll whispred as the party stomped through the torrential downpour. Your current defacto state of leadership had been a bit...marred by Lae'zel, who had returned to the shuttle port and immediately demand that the party take action - and the action that had been decided on had been trying to find hirelings to take on the Adventurers.

"Just one!" you whispered.

"That doesn't make it better, my big red dumbass," Wyll said, clicking his tongue. " you think they're like elf ears, though?"

"...she did moan a little," you whispered.


"You know I can hear you, right?" Shadowheart said, turning around to walk backwards as she shot you both an arched eyebrow that could wither most people into ash.

"Ahem, well, so, anyway...the rain does seem quite pleasent, don't you agree, Miss Cliffgate?" Wyll asked, sounding as normal as he could, standing up and scratching at his jaw. "A merry change from tunnels and tin cans, yes!"

"Verily!" you said, so loudly a few passing orcs glanced your way.

Shadowheart's face collapsed into giggles and she turned to hide her amusement.

"Verily?" Wyll whispered.

"I-It's what the Blade of Frontiers would say," you whispered back.

"Not in a hundred and twelve filmed episodes to date has the Blade of Frontiers ever said verily," Wyll whispered, holding up his hand, making a knife-like jab with it through the air. His tone was so serious that it got you giggling, and his grin was wry - while the lot of you arrived at a lowdown spacer's bar called the KATHAK CORAL XNIA

"Creative name," Gale said, dryly.

"What does it mean?" you asked. "I'm guessing it's...draconic, right? Since, this is orc land."

"Yeah," Gale said. "It means Lowdown Spacer's Bar."

"Oh," you said. "Draconic had a word for spacer?"

"Yes, actually, though, I believe it means spacers, as in...devices that separate two areas, but, translated literally into Nah, it says spacer. A homophone, you know?" Gale asked.

"I got beat up by those in high school," you said, frowning. "They thought I was a big fat dyke."

"That's awful," Gale whispered, looking at her.

"I mean, I am," you said, then grinned and flexed your arm at him. "Though, now it's all muscle, baby."

Lae'zel kicked the door, scowling. "Open!" she said, glaring at the door. Then she paused, then pulled the door outwards, then stomped in out of the rain. You followed in after her, and the rest of the group headed in - with Astarion going in last, grumbling under his breath.

A few short minutes later, you all walked out again.

"So, to Auntie Ethels?" you asked.

"In retrospect," Gale said, in his best wizard voice as he held up his hand to adjust his broad brimmed wizard hat - which he had pulled across the centuries and now was seeming quite smug about having. "It makes a lot of sense most hirelings and mercs would frequent the most criminal establishment."

"I hate feeling funneled towards an encounter," Shadowheart muttered. "It feels like the Gods have something against us."

"I mean, we have-" you started.


Every window in the city block reverberated and nearly every single pressure sensor across the city started to scream depressurization alerts. Shutters slammed down, sirens blared, and people started to scream and run for the buildings - which had seals and locks that would keep everyone safe. You, personally, were still blinking the wall of water that had smashed into your face and were trying to work your jaw to pop your ears. "Auh..." you said, then realized you could barely hear anything. You looked left and saw Gale trying to pick up his hat, while Lae'zel had drawn her sword and was glaring around herself. Shadowheart had her hands clapped over her ears. Wyll looked torn between sprinting and staying where he was.

Astarion had handled the strange explosion best, as he was kneeling next

A tiefling had just...appeared out of thin air before you.

He looked like a tiefling at least, except he had wings. So, he was like...a half dragon, then? Tail too. He was dressed to the nines in some kind of fancy getup, but it looked like it had been blown half off him by a near burst from artillery. His face was half hamburger and he was burned all over, smoke rising from his body. Steam hissed and crackled off hiss kin.

Astarion prodded him with a finger.

"What the fuck!?" You exclaimed, blinking. "What the fuck!? What the fucking fuck!? What the absolute fuck!"

"Huh! He's alive!" Astarion said, poking him again. The man groaned, rolling half onto his back. His eyes opened to thin slits, and his cracked, bleeding lips formed words.

" the...Abyss was...that?" he whispered.

THen he passed out.

Sirens were starting to shut down, while Gale worked his jaw a bit and then exclaimed. "Good gods...that was a botched dimensional teleport."

"Oh shit!" you whispered. "Think he's a Republican?"

"...he's..." Shadowheart cocked her head slowly. "I swear to the gods, he looks almost like a Cambion."

"...a what?" you asked.

"A devil," Shadowheart said.

"A what?" you asked.

"An extraplanar being of lawful evil!" Shadowheart sounded exasperated.

"Uh...uh..." You started to look around. The sirens were off - but they'd be able to work backwards from when the pressure alarms had been tripped and figure out the rough area of the blast. People would be out. They'd find this guy...and, like, he was a tiefling. Right?

What do you do?

[ ] Grab him and run to Ethels.
[ ] Grab him and run to...
[ ] Write in where you go​
[ ] This ain't our problem, leave him and run to Ethels.
[ ] This ain't our problem, but we have a med-tech, Shadowheart, stabilize him. Then we run, to Ethels
[ ] Write In
[X] Grab him and run to...
-[X] The vehicle we arrived in.

A genuine cambion is a very valuable thing to find. We should find a way to exploit it to our advantage.
So Karlach thinks this demon will be mistreated if they're just left here?

If so, then I think we should grab them, but then I'm not sure if it's a good idea to take them to Ethel's, seeing as we might be having a fight there cos the survivor bug guy from earlier accused Ethel of slavery.

Whatever, Karlach might not think of that, and most folks seem to recover quick with magic healing.

I don't really want us to leave before we've been to Ethel's because DC has dropped plot pointers to there a few times, so there's probably something fun, and it's where we wanted to pick up mercs, which would be useful for getting our ship.

[X] Grab him and run to Ethels.