Eight Last Embers (Inspired by Rain World and Caves of Qud)

[X] Plan: share the water, get a bigger flask
-[X] [Market] Water Flask (5 available)
--[X] 1
-[x] [Azentu] "Share your thoughts with me, water-friend."
--[x] What are your opinions on fungi?
-[x] [Azentu] "Let us drink together, water-friend."
-[x] [Librarians] "Share your thoughts with me, water-friend."
--[x] How do libraries feel about being given books?
--[x] Are there any books that librarians particularly desire that I should keep an eye out for?
-[x] [Librarians] "Let us drink together, water-friend."
Alright then, let's close it up.
Adhoc vote count started by jelloloaf on Apr 24, 2024 at 1:56 PM, finished with 8 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: share the water, get a bigger flask
    -[X] [Market] Water Flask (5 available)
    --[X] 1
    -[x] [Azentu] "Share your thoughts with me, water-friend."
    --[x] What are your opinions on fungi?
    -[x] [Azentu] "Let us drink together, water-friend."
    --[x] How do libraries feel about being given books?
    --[x] Are there any books that librarians particularly desire that I should keep an eye out for?

Update should be out sometime tomorrow, possibly tonight if I get into the zone really easily for whatever reason. Hope everyone is doing well.
(Forgot to tick the close voting box, and you can't edit it into an old post.)
Scheduled vote count started by jelloloaf on Apr 24, 2024 at 2:33 AM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: share the water, get a bigger flask
    -[X] [Market] Water Flask (5 available)
    --[X] 1
    -[x] [Azentu] "Share your thoughts with me, water-friend."
    --[x] What are your opinions on fungi?
    -[x] [Azentu] "Let us drink together, water-friend."
    --[x] How do libraries feel about being given books?
    --[x] Are there any books that librarians particularly desire that I should keep an eye out for?
Turn 2 Voting
-[X] [Market] Water Flask (5 available)
--[X] 1

Despite the whole trade caravan from Thunder-Bell situation, your exploration of the markets ended up being rather uneventful. Everything was either too expensive or not really useful in your current situation. You were almost about to leave empty-handed before you decided to purchase an extra water flask at the last minute. After all, they're pretty cheap, and even if you don't need it right now, it will definitely come in handy eventually, right? Right?

(Spent one aum. Gained one empty water flask.)

-[x] [Azentu] "Share your thoughts with me, water-friend."
--[x] What are your opinions on fungi?
-[x] [Azentu] "Let us drink together, water-friend."

Roll: 9

Overall, you think your first real water-ritual went quite well. You kept it small and simple, just asking for the Azentu's official position on fungi rather than any sort of big favor. It wasn't anything special, just some diplomatic fluff about valuing their contributions to the agricultural industry, but you could definitely notice Elder Vision's personal distaste for them; an unfortunately common belief in the Zigent. Something about mind control, maybe? You're not exactly well-versed in racism.

You also tried your hand at what some might think of as bribery, so long as some don't actually know anything about how water-rituals work. It's a universal diplomatic custom where the two parties symbolically drink together in order to represent the shared truth that binds all living beings together, something that anyone who actually ever researched history would know.

Elder Vision seemed very receptive, but how much of it was genuine approval of your interpersonal skills and how much was just her humoring you is something that you're still unsure of. Still, a success is a success.

(Spent one aum, gained 9 Relationship with the Azentu.)

-[x] [Librarians] "Share your thoughts with me, water-friend."
--[x] How do libraries feel about being given books?
--[x] Are there any books that librarians particularly desire that I should keep an eye out for?
-[x] [Librarians] "Let us drink together, water-friend."

Roll: 10

As is fitting for a house of knowledge, you had a lot of questions for the Librarian's Union, which Nothr did xyr best to answer impartially, although you could feel a bit of pride leaking past the mask when you angled towards the topic of working with the library. As you suspected, the answer was that the Monument Valley library, the same as any library in the Zigent, would be more than happy to purchase any artifact or secret of the Tenju at a reasonable price.

Unfortunately, you also learned that more mundane historical discoveries should be at least a hundred cycles old and have several strong primary sources to be considered worthy of addition to the sum of all knowledge, as general recordkeeping was an internal matter that the Librarians already had under control with their teams of archivists. On the plus side, Nothr offered you an apprentice position as one of those archivists, but that's something to consider after you finish your pilgrimage.

Afterwards, your definitely-not-bribery went even better than it had with Elder Vision, unfortunately adding another data point to the theory of xem going easy on you because they've known you for pretty much your entire life. You can understand why xe would do it; you're practically still a child even now, but it doesn't make it sting any less.
(Spent one aum. Gained 10 relationship with the Librarian's Union.)

Rolls: 1, 10

The meteorologists predict that the next rain cycle will come in 20 days and that it will last for 10 days before stopping. You are currently in region 8: Monument Valley.

-[ ] Explore the settlement
You've already spent some time looking around, but there's always the chance that you missed something. You'll double check to make sure that you've found everything of interest.
Encounter something useful. (3 days, DC 9)

-[ ] Search for an expedition site
Passed around in bars, tucked inside ancient tomes, there are a lot of places where secrets might be hiding.
Find an expedition site in a current or adjacent region. Can be performed once per rain cycle. (3 days, DC 5)

-[ ] Look through the markets
While theoretically not that difficult, the markets are a tangled maze of merchants and deal-seekers on the best of days.
See what's for sale this cycle. (1 day, DC 1)

-[ ] Sell some of your possessions
Good haggling takes time. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar or a fool.
--[ ] Water flask with two aums Cannot sell non-empty water flasks
--[ ] Empty water flask
(1 day per item sold, DC 0)

-[ ] Stash something in the wilderness
You honestly just don't feel like carrying it around anymore.
--[ ] Mysterious black ring
--[ ] Water flask with two aums
--[ ] Empty water flask
(Items stored in the wilderness have a chance to be lost each rain cycle. 2 days per item stored, DC 0)

-[ ] Engage in diplomacy
Dialogue is the foundation of society, and you're proud to take part in it.
--[ ] Elder Vision, on behalf of the Azentu (1 day, DC 0)
--[ ] Nothr, on behalf of the Librarians' Union (1 day, DC 0)
--[ ] Brasa, child of Olea, on behalf of the Monument Farmer's Consortium (1 day, DC 0)
--[ ] Ambassador Sweet-Fur, on behalf of Sky-Deed (1 day, DC 0)

-[ ] Establish diplomatic relations
It's never a bad day to make new friends, or at least new acquaintances.
--[ ] Fungal Enclave
You've managed to find a rare fungal enclave hidden underneath Monument Valley, but they don't seem particularly interested in further contact, based on the way you got kicked out. (2 days, DC 12)

-[ ] Ask Nothr about the ring
It's been a little while since Nothr secretly gave you a strange ring, and you're getting quite curious about what it is and why it needs to be a secret in the first place. Talk to xem about it.
Learn a secret. (1 day, DC 6)

-[ ] Consolidate water
Something about the weight distribution is a bit off. (Write in the new organization of your water between your flasks. You currently have 2 aums of water and 2 flasks.)
--[ ] Write in
(Free action)

-[ ] Survey the region (Write in number of days to devote to this expedition)
The rains always change the landscape, and people will always need updated maps. It's a very reliable source of funds.
--[ ] Write in
Length 10, difficulty 2. Reward: 2 aums of water. Can be performed once per rain cycle, but progress does not carry over between cycles.

-[ ] Explore the Forgotten Tower (Write in number of days to devote to this expedition)
--[ ] Write in
This section of uninhabited ruins was marked as a very promising site several years ago, but the notice never arrived to whoever it was supposed to get to, and it has languished unexplored since then.
Length 25, difficulty 4. Reward: unknown.

-[ ] Travel somewhere else (Write which route to travel and the route taken.)
--[ ] Write in
It's time to move on. (Ends the current turn, but not the current cycle.)

First of all, sorry for the long chapter delay, I spent all of my scheduled writing time distracted with theming and the overarching narrative instead of working on what really matters; numbers. Also, speaking of numbers, you folks are getting some insane rolls. Whoever you have messing with the air currents when I roll the dice to make them always land well, they're doing a great job :V. As usual, point out any typos, and I hope you're all doing well.
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Really enjoying this so far! Have no experience with either of settings so loving to learn about them, and think you do that world building/delivery very well. Also just a fantastic sense of the characters, and the voice really comes through in the narration. Quite curious as well where these mechanics take us.

Edit: Mechanics Q, are there ways we know of to get boosts on rolls for actions or is that something we'll find out as we progress? Wondering how we might ever make diplo contact with the fungi, for example.

Also, anyone know the odds for succeeding in the Forgotten Tower exploration if we devote all/almost all time to it? Otherwise, I think we should ask about the ring and then get pilgriming.
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Really enjoying this so far! Have no experience with either of settings so loving to learn about them, and think you do that world building/delivery very well. Also just a fantastic sense of the characters, and the voice really comes through in the narration. Quite curious as well where these mechanics take us.
I'm glad you're enjoying it, and thank you very much for your kind words!

Edit: Mechanics Q, are there ways we know of to get boosts on rolls for actions or is that something we'll find out as we progress? Wondering how we might ever make diplo contact with the fungi, for example.
There are two current ways that you've seen examples of; either have some sort of item that will increase specific rolls when held, or some sort of event that will reduce the DC. An example of the first would be that lantern we saw earlier that increases expedition rolls, and an example of the second would be how asking Nothr about the ring has a lower DC than last turn because of xem being more willing to talk about it after some time has passed.
Nice update! No worries about taking some time. Looking forward to seeing the results of that worldbuilding!

you could definitely notice Elder Vision's personal distaste for them; an unfortunately common belief in the Zigent.
Hmmm. Probably best not to share the secret about the fungi with Vision specifically then?

Unfortunately, you also learned that more mundane historical discoveries should be at least a hundred cycles old and have several strong primary sources to be considered worthy of addition to the sum of all knowledge
I suppose that this pertains to our main quest? If we want to prove that our eventual conclusion about the sky is correct we will need several pieces of proof to be taken seriously?

Or does it mean that we'll be able to get more out of selling 'themed' artifacts that support a conclusion about the past?

Anyhow, I think we oughtta do that expedition this turn, seeing as we spent the time to find it last time. 20 days of clear weather is a lot! I am struggling to find how much time we should allocate to it though…

I ran 5 test rolls, up to 17 days, assuming that negatives didn't subtract from the total (I think it said the expedition would specify if they did). I got one failure, and then four successes, after 9, 10, 12, and 15 days.

If we really want to talk to Nothr about the ring and travel to another location then we could spend 17 days on the expedition and have a day for asking a about the ring and two days to travel to an adjacent location, using the full allotment of 20 days and being reasonably certain that we'll complete the expedition.

I'm not a huge fan of asking about the ring though? I feel like we should just figure it out for ourselves, feels like that's sorta the point. We want to discover what's wrong with the sky, if we can't figure out what the deal with the ring is on our own how can we expect to do that? Also, at 60% odds of success it feels like it could just be a day down the drain.

Alternatively, would it be possible to pre-plan to sell some of what we find on the expedition? Say, something like this:
[] plan: tower scavenger
-[x] Explore the forgotten tower (15 days)
-[x] Sell some of your possessions (2 days)
—[x] Tower discovery a
—[x] Tower discovery b
-[x] Look through the markets (1 day)
-[x] Travel to the Wire Dunes (8-7, 2 days)

The idea there being, assuming that we succeed at the expedition, we could sell one or two things that we find and pick up something like the lantern, or alternatively some trade goods to take to the next region. We do still have two aums so we could make a little bit of profit buying some goods and selling them next turn in the dunes.
Nice update! No worries about taking some time. Looking forward to seeing the results of that worldbuilding!
Looking forward to showing it off!

I suppose that this pertains to our main quest? If we want to prove that our eventual conclusion about the sky is correct we will need several pieces of proof to be taken seriously?

Or does it mean that we'll be able to get more out of selling 'themed' artifacts that support a conclusion about the past?
No comment.

I ran 5 test rolls, up to 17 days, assuming that negatives didn't subtract from the total (I think it said the expedition would specify if they did). I got one failure, and then four successes, after 9, 10, 12, and 15 days.
Unfortunately, that assumption is wrong; negative adjusted roll results will always subtract from the total progress. However, progress for unique (non-survey) expeditions is carried over between cycles, so it doesn't need to be all done in one turn. (Although there is a minus one progress per day of rain since last explored penalty to avoid making it too easy.)

I'm not a huge fan of asking about the ring though? I feel like we should just figure it out for ourselves, feels like that's sorta the point. We want to discover what's wrong with the sky, if we can't figure out what the deal with the ring is on our own how can we expect to do that?
I will always try to avoid offering you actions that are not in character for what Empathy is willing to do, but in the end, the decision is yours. The world exists, and you can learn about it however you see fit.

Alternatively, would it be possible to pre-plan to sell some of what we find on the expedition?
While I'm not inherently opposed to the idea, I think that it would make voting even more complicated than it already is. I'd also recommend not trying to sell anything that you haven't even seen yet, let alone gotten your hands on. Verdict: Signs Point To No.
[X] Explore the Forgotten Tower

I think I'd prefer to just explore the tower first and see what we get before we commit to actually selling anything.
Unfortunately, that assumption is wrong; negative adjusted roll results will always subtract from the total progress
Darn, okay. I was thrown off by the mechanic description I think.
which may result in a low roll giving negative progress if the difficulty is high enough
The may specifically, as any difficulty greater than 1 can result in negative progress if all negatives reduce process. It seemed odd to specify that negative progress only happened at a high enough difficulty when there's only one difficulty level that can't give negative progress. Unless there are zero or negative difficulty levels?

Anyhow, this changes things quite a bit! And also makes the math a lot simpler. If we devote all 20 days to the tower expedition that's a 66% chance of success? I agree with CedeTheBees, that's worth spending the whole turn on. Especially since we lose 9 progress if we don't clear it!

[X] Explore the Forgotten Tower

[X] Plan: We need money and stuff (I'm stuff)
-[X] Survey the region (4 days)
-[X] Explore the Forgotten Tower (15 days)
For this plan, surveying the region with 4 days looks like 75% completion odds, which is good imo, especially as progress doesn't carry over for surveys. I will note that it doesn't use all 20 days we have available though!

Verdict: Signs Point To No
That makes total sense, and it's not even worthwhile since it's a lot harder than I thought to complete expeditions!
Darn, okay. I was thrown off by the mechanic description I think.

The may specifically, as any difficulty greater than 1 can result in negative progress if all negatives reduce process. It seemed odd to specify that negative progress only happened at a high enough difficulty when there's only one difficulty level that can't give negative progress. Unless there are zero or negative difficulty levels?
What I was intending to convey was the general sense that rolls below the difficulty are bad because they reduce the progress and that this is much more likely to happen at high difficulty levels, not that only high difficulties have this problem. You could theoretically have a difficulty two expedition and only ever roll ones for overall negative progress. I appreciate the feedback, I'll go back and reword that at some point.
What I was intending to convey was the general sense that rolls below the difficulty are bad because they reduce the progress and that this is much more likely to happen at high difficulty levels, not that only high difficulties have this problem. You could theoretically have a difficulty two expedition and only ever roll ones for overall negative progress. I appreciate the feedback, I'll go back and reword that at some point.
No worries! That makes complete sense, I was just overthinking things!
For this plan, surveying the region with 4 days looks like 75% completion odds, which is good imo, especially as progress doesn't carry over for surveys. I will note that it doesn't use all 20 days we have available though!
Thanks, my idea was that the last day could be devoted to the survey if we failed to complete it in the first four, else we could spend it on the expedition (which I don't expect to finish in this cleartime) or some task in town.
Okay, looks like we've got ourselves a winning vote. Just to clarify, it is meant to be devoting all twenty days towards the expedition?
Scheduled vote count started by jelloloaf on Apr 26, 2024 at 12:55 AM, finished with 11 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Explore the Forgotten Tower
    [X] Plan: We need money and stuff (I'm stuff)
    -[X] Survey the region (4 days)
    -[x] Explore the forgotten tower (15 days)
That's what I took it to mean, yes. Sorry for not being clear about the formatting!
Turn 2 Results
-[X]Explore the Forgotten Tower
While the low centralization of the Azentu is much less prone to bureaucratic hang-ups than other nations, they do still sometimes occur. This section of uninhabited ruins was marked as a very promising site several years ago, but the notice never arrived to whoever it was supposed to get to, and it has languished unexplored since then.
(Length 25, difficulty 4)

Base Rolls: 9, 9, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 4, 6, 4, 10, 5, 9, 3, 3, 8, 8, 6, 9, 2
Adjusted Rolls: 5, 5, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 0, 2, 0, 6, 1, 5, -1, -1, 4, 4, 2, 5, -2
Adjusted Total: 61/25, success

Empathy With Stone's Official Pilgrimage Travelogue
(Do not read without permission)

This was it, the beginning of my true journey of discovery, of myself, of the world, and of why it is that such a promising Tenju ruin site was completely forgotten about. The conditions were perfect: the cycle was an especially long one, with a whole twenty days of clear weather ahead; the site was described in the report as only moderate difficulty with no notable dangers; and nobody would show up to be condescending towards my ability. An ideal scenario.

The first day was primarily travel, and passed largely without note. The roads only lasted partway to the site, and as I drew closer, the terrain became more and more hostile. I found myself agreeing with the writer of the report; sending in a large team would face a significant challenge merely in arriving. However, as a sole, daring explorer, I could traverse the ruins without significant difficulties.

The second day was only slightly more eventful. After establishing a camp within the tower, I surveyed the site for myself, finding that the original report writer had overlooked an easy entrance to the tunnels beneath the surface; although this was perhaps simply not their job. Although the urge to explore called to me, I resisted, as I knew that I would need to be exceedingly careful, lacking the safety net of a large group supporting me. The remainder of the day consisted of double and triple checking the equipment, familiarizing myself with my knowledge of first aid, and ensuring that I would not get lost within the depths.

The next two days went smoothly, if not ideally. Paths were charted, hazards were marked, and overall the expedition proceeded apace, although I often found myself lost, if not locationally, then emotionally, amazed by the wonders of Tenju construction. Even in this out-of-the-way tower, most likely unimportant in all regards back when it was still inhabited, the walls were adorned with precise geometric figures and stellar imagery, more precise than the finest of tapestries. If not for the knowledge of the upcoming rains, I felt as though I could have wandered those halls for days.

However, not all of the tunnels beneath the tower were pristine works of art; many had been badly damaged, with the walls alternatingly defaced by scorch marks and incomprehensible scrawling in the language of the Tenju. However, one section of engraving was repeated many times throughout, a copy of which I have recorded in this log.

But I was not here just to explore, I was here to find ancient relics of the Tenju and make a name for myself. It was on the fifth day that I almost achieved a breakthrough. Progress was swift and I could feel myself approaching my goal. As the end of the day drew near, I knew that I was close enough to almost touch it, but my treacherous body, submitting to such base desires as not dying of sleep deprivation, refused to take another step forward. It was with a heavy heart and heavier eyelids that I returned to my camp, vowing to return the next day. And return I did; triumphant in my discovery. An untouched cache of Tenju artifacts, having been safely stored here for untold cycles, until I came to recover them.

To my great sorrow, many of the relics were rendered inaccessible by a barriers of glass-like substance which I could but hardly scratch with my tools, but there were some few left out in the open: a strange assemblage of gears and tubes, with no recognizable purpose; what I assume was an art piece consisting of a series of perpetually spinning rings; and strangest of all, a small slip of metal that always felt pleasantly warm to the touch, no matter how long it was held nor the environment it was placed into. I brought them with me of course, why just leave them here to slowly decay when they could instead be safely housed inside a library vault – completely by coincidence, also enriching me?

This, however, is where I fell prey to the insidious grasp of overconfidence. I believed that, having already so quickly made such a find, that it must have been merely the most accessible tip of what was surely a greater trove hidden further beneath the surface. After all, if less than a third of my time had already yielded such results, what else could I accomplish with the remainder?

It was thus that I spent the remaining fourteen days fruitlessly searching behind every flake of rust for even a hint of further treasures. But alas, there was nothing but a lesson to be learned; sometimes, what something appears to be is exactly what it is. At the very least, it shall serve as a fine anecdote about how it's better to be over-prepared than under, should I ever find myself needing one.

Yes, you have a journal. It's a perfectly normal hobby, and you're tired of hearing about it. Writing about your experiences is fun and also good record-keeping for when you probably become a famous explorer. Which you definitely will.

You have obtained the following items:
Tenju Contraption
You've got no idea what it does, but it certainly looks very impressive mechanically.

Tenju Sculpture
A set of nested rings that spin at different rates, creating a mesmerizing visual pattern.

Tenju Card
A palm-sized rectangle of metal that always feels warm to the touch.

You have learned the following secrets:
Monument Valley Tenju Inscription
An untranslated inscription in the Tenju language.

Once again, my apologies for the delay. The two main suspects are, as usual, wrestling with mechanics and a lack of time to write. I think I've learned why you don't start a new project right before finals season :V.

Updates will be much more sporadic for two or three weeks, but I will still keep working on the quest whenever I can, and after my finals end we can get back into our regular pacing as I will have a lot more time to write. Voting for the next turn and updates to the information sheets should be up tonight or tomorrow if everything goes according to plan.

(Also, those rolls. What are you folks doing to the dice and how can I replicate it elsewhere?)

As always, please point out any typos, and I hope you are all doing well.
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Oooh I love that you wrote this like an official report. Is that inscription based on anything pre-existing or is this a whole ass conlang you made for the quest?
Oooh I love that you wrote this like an official report. Is that inscription based on anything pre-existing or is this a whole ass conlang you made for the quest?
Thank you! I wish I could take credit for it, but this is a preexisting conlang that I am just using because I think I like it and think it fits the themes of the story.
Wow those are some incredible rolls. Really wasn't sure if it was worth exploring, because I'm not sure our odds were great, but sure worked out. And made for a very enjoyable update to boot :)
I think I've learned why you don't start a new project right before finals season :V.
Oh! Don't apologize for focusing on your studies. Good luck on your finals!

I also love the travelogue format, it was very fun! Gives a nice bit more characterization as well.

this is a preexisting conlang that I am just using because I think I like it and think it fits the themes of the story
I didn't know that things like that existed! It's real neat.
So we wasted time by assigning too many days to this expedition... would it not be best to make all future votes one day at a time?