QM said that we can asteroid mine as a personal action (i'm trying to delegte it to the explorers We are royalty :p) without energy cost, the only thing is that we would not be increasing the amount we have.

So we can grab a lot of resources to use in the next turn
[] Plan: Year 4, Still Setting Up.
- Industry:
--[] Build mine in Storm Peat, Build Greenhouse. (2 autofabbers) *If* we get to 10 minerals, build a secured autofactory. If not, build vehicles and intensify production in existing mine. (last autofabber)
- Military:
--[] Hunt, gather more experience with guns
-- [] Work with the military, but really, maybe see what fish are in nearby oceans? See if they're edible?
- Research:
-- [] Kinda let them look aimlessly, but make sure to look up alternate launch systems and iron wombs.
- Diplomacy:
-- [] Establish festivals. Discuss with other families about how best to set up how to use the wombs/if we should later and make sure they're still treated as equal to everyone else.
- Personal:
-- [] Asteroid mining. Go on a date with Mira.

This is my plan in barebones. I'm focusing on infrastructure mostly, with the random blue sky research.
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I've fixed the autofabber count (it turns out I just can't math). I'm OK with health issues there, tbh. I just didn't edit that in since I think I'll do that when we suggest plans tonight.
The Storm Mine would give us +2 Energy (which is why it's there) and the problem with wind and solar is that it's pretty mineral heavy for something we have at present 50% chance of being destroyed every 5 years
they don't have to be permanent, just have to last for a few years while we get our infrastructure up and running.

edit: also, are we close to the planets equator?
they don't have to be permanent, just have to last for a few years while we get our infrastructure up and running.

edit: also, are we close to the planets equator?
Yes. That's why the storms only hit you guys once every five years rather than more frequently -- the planet has polar /storm/ caps and they expand cyclically. Hence also the tropics.

The coniferous trees are a local flora adaptation to the storms also -- conifers are measurably better at surviving hail storms than deciduous trees and the planetary storms carry polar cap ice when they come down.

Above 50° Latitude north or south the storms come every other year and above 70° it's every year, getting more frequent the closer you get to the pole until 85°+ it's basically 24/7.

And as an aside: the biggest win for solar/wind power would be how much you can make at once. It's +1 Energy Prod per 2 Minerals, but it scales well and with a Storm Nullifier you're only going to lose 25% of the farms every 5 turns.

They are very basic tech to the B5 setting however. Fusion technology resoundingly beats it out. That's just a quirk of the setting.

Hence Basic Fusion plants being +2E/t at 2 Minerals. A Basic Fusion Reactor is more or less a shuttle's reactor. I should mention that a Basic Fusion Reactor /CAN/ be Storm Hardened, but this comes at the usual modifier cost and penalty. (I.e.; 1 Minerals or Food to apply, and -1 performance penalty.)
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was asking because the closer we are to the equator of the planet, the easier it is to make an orbital elevator nearby.

we could even design a arcology to live in that could also serve as the elevators base.
was asking because the closer we are to the equator of the planet, the easier it is to make an orbital elevator nearby.

we could even design a arcology to live in that could also serve as the elevators base.
Weirdly, space elevators don't seem to be a thing in B5. I can't find any hint of them -- not even for Mars or Luna Colony.

That being said, they'd be at least a Tier 2 tech to unlock, as that's touching on megastructure territory which requires large scale industry.
Weirdly, space elevators don't seem to be a thing in B5. I can't find any hint of them -- not even for Mars or Luna Colony.

That being said, they'd be at least a Tier 2 tech to unlock, as that's touching on megastructure territory which requires large scale industry.
oh i know that we aren't going to be building them any time soon, just want to make sure it would be possible to do when we get to that level
oh i know that we aren't going to be building them any time soon, just want to make sure it would be possible to do when we get to that level
It's just super weird to me because B5 was literally the fifth O'Neill Cylinder the Earth Force built in the same place just to make a diplomatic venue. But they don't have space elevators. Weirdness.

There's also the population requirements just to support such an edifice. It'll be a while is what I'm saying.
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It's just super weird to me because B5 was literally the fifth O'Neill Cylinder the Earth Force built in the same place just to make a diplomatic venue. But they don't have space elevators. Weirdness.
agree, you can build 5 mega structures in the same place, with one being just a diplomatic venue, but you can't build an space elevator?
well, we can be the first to build it in universe.

also, would building a McKendree cylinder be possible eventually?
agree, you can build 5 mega structures in the same place, with one being just a diplomatic venue, but you can't build an space elevator?
well, we can be the first to build it in universe.

also, would building a McKendree cylinder be possible eventually?

Point of correction: They only built one. (B5) in orbit of Epsilon Eridani. The rest weren't there. As for mega structures, it's kinda heavily implied only the First Ones could build stuff like the McKendree cylinder.
What about geostationary orbital solar power array's beaming power down?
They've actually done tests to prove it viable to transmit power from orbit in RL.

Later on you could build them on the moon/etc "do we have a moon? I can't remember if the first post said".
And use relays to ensure 24/7 power. Otherwise either further out station keeping occasionally or another array on the other side of the planet relaying to us across orbit.
we should look at getting aircraft built for the colony to use.
things like helicopters and planes should be simple to build and won't need fusion engines to work.
would help greatly in scouting the planet
Point of correction: They only built one. (B5) in orbit of Epsilon Eridani. The rest weren't there. As for mega structures, it's kinda heavily implied only the First Ones could build stuff like the McKendree cylinder.

I mean in the extended canon the Vorlon Homeworld is an artificial planet. And Epsilon Eridani has the Great Machine. And the Shadow Planet Killer is a larger than lunar orbit diameter structure.

That being said -- Earth Alliance built all five stations in Epsilon Eridani orbit. The first three were destroyed just before going online, the fourth was time kidnapped, and the fifth one /DIDN'T/ sink into the swamp.

Remember the story of Jinxo, who was a construction worker on all five stations?

What about geostationary orbital solar power array's beaming power down?
They've actually done tests to prove it viable to transmit power from orbit in RL.

Later on you could build them on the moon/etc "do we have a moon? I can't remember if the first post said".
And use relays to ensure 24/7 power. Otherwise either further out station keeping occasionally or another array on the other side of the planet relaying to us across orbit.
Storm Nullifiers are orbital solar power satellites plus extra reflectors to target storm fronts instead of power stations like they normally do. That's why the Nullifiers generate +2 Energy. They require an Autofactory and an Orbital Operation action to build. The Minerals cost is because it's not just a satellite, it's a solar farm in space plus orbital station-keeping plus a receiver array on the surface. The upshot is that you don't need to Storm Harden them. You could also later on develop a Tier 2 build option which basically allows building Solar Farms directly in space as long as you have at least one Storm Nullifier to relay power down to the surface.

There are three moons but only one is spheroid.
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I mean in the extended canon the Vorlon Homeworld is an artificial planet. And Epsilon Eridani has the Great Machine. And the Shadow Planet Killer is a larger than lunar orbit diameter structure.

That being said -- Earth Alliance built all five stations in Epsilon Eridani orbit. The first three were destroyed just before going online, the fourth was time kidnapped, and the fifth one /DIDN'T/ sink into the swamp.

Remember the story of Jinxo, who was a construction worker on all five stations?

That's.. weird. B4 was in Sector 14, remember? Not in Ep. Er 3.

Looking it up, it sounds like they were all *around* Ep. Eridani but not all in the same location.
Alright, plan vote time:

This focuses on ramping up production for the autofactory which we'll need for anything, really. Our autofabbers can't last forever..

[X] Plan: Year 4, Still Setting Up.
- Industry:
--[X] Build mine in Storm Peat, Build Greenhouse. (2 autofabbers) *If* we get to 10 minerals, build a secured autofactory. If not, build vehicles and intensify production in existing mine. (last autofabber)
- Military:
--[X] Hunt, gather more experience with guns
-- [X] Work with the military, but really, maybe see what fish are in nearby oceans? See if they're edible?
- Research:
-- [X] Look up iron wombs, alternate launch systems and health care infrastructure we can do now and how to grow. Let them research what they want after that. Who knows what they'll find?
- Diplomacy:
-- [X] We're a new colony. What about our festivals? Should we make new ones? Discuss a charter/list of rights we guarantee, discuss iron wombs for consensual use by families.
- Personal:
-- [X] Asteroid mining. Go on a date with Mira.

I feel the diplomacy is kinda.. too much, but I also think we should start as we mean to go on.