Fire On The Mountain (A Skyrim Quest)

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Do'azda's Character Sheet
Name: Do'azda Khrimnin
Race: Khajiit (Suthay-Raht)
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Profession: Shaman
Appearance/Description: She stands at a normal height for a Suthay-raht, that is to say, shorter than most men or mer, but not by too much. Her fur is a warm, rich orange, paler around her muzzle and down her neck, and her eyes are startlingly yellow. Her hair is braided, with rings that jangle faintly when she turns her head too fast. Her robes are basic, and worn from age, but have been fastidiously cleaned.
Level: 7
XP: 0/120

Alchemy: 25
Alteration: 5
Archery: 5
Block: 6
Conjuration: 40
Destruction: 5
Enchanting: 5
Heavy Armor: 5
Illusion: 35
Light Armor: 20
Lock Picking: 1
One-Handed: 21
Pickpocket: 5
Restoration: 15
Smithing: 1
Sneak: 20
Speech: 27
Survival: 13
Two-Handed: 5

They say it kills cats - Do'azda has few restraints on her inquisitive nature, asking whatever questions occur to her, paying little attention to whether this may be considered rude. Whatever else, at least Do'azda never finds herself regretting her failure to ask about something.

Dancing the night away - Do'azda is a fine dancer in the Elsweyr style, where dances are not the slow, ritualised partnering of the Altmer, but instead are a whirling piece of performance art, with the dancer's emotions informing the dance more than any practiced steps. Do'azda can feel the music in her bones, and can dance to only a drumbeat.

In the shadow of the moon - Do'azda was blessed even as she began her journey to become a shaman. A priestess of Azurah, the Mistress of Dusk and Dawn, favoured daughter of Fadomai, received a vision. Azurah's light shines favourable upon her.

Tangled Tails--Do'azda has had flings before, "Tangled Tails" as the euphemism goes, and she's willing to engage in casual relationships or 'one-night marriages' if the opportunity arises.

Racial Perks--

Claws--She has very wicked claws indeed.
Darksight--She can see incredibly well in the dark.

Skill Perks--

Conjuring Efficiency (10): Do'zada knows how to be careful with her Magicka without losing any power when she's Conjuring, and can use such magic more freely and easier when fighting or in other circumstances. (Cojuration)

Mystic Binding (20): Do'azda gains skill at creating bound weapons of magic, so that she is never without her arms no matter what. She also becomes more skilled at creating bound objects of all types, and begins to study that which might allow one to bind a soul into a gem. (Conjuration)

Haggling 1 (0): Everything in Skyrim is far more expensive, and so Do'azda should probably try to figure out how to make do with what little gold she has. (Speech)

Insight (20): One of the key elements of persuasion is knowing what would convince someone. Do'azda now knows how to evaluate what kinds of arguments and reasoning would convince different people if she spends enough time to get a feeling for how they think. (Speech)

Agile Defender (10): Armor is often hard to get used to, so figuring out how to move with light armor so as to reduce how bad a hit is is something you can only learn by doing… and Do'azda has begun to 'do.' (Light Armour)

Rahjin Perks

Laughter-Silvered Wings (Level 5): A flying companion does not simply owe its speed to its physical form, but the strength of its spirit, and so it tends to be faster and more manuverable than its terrestrial version, harder to hit, and a greater predator of the sky.

(Next at Level 8)

Blur - Do'azda knows a spell to obscure her features at a distance, to render her indistinguishable from another Khajiit. Up close, it is almost pathetically ineffective, however.
Clairvoyance - Do'azda is granted flashes of insight into the path to her goal by Azurah - the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk sees much of the land.
Conjure Animal - Do'azda reaches onto Hircine's hunting ground and recalls the imprint of an animal which perished nearby to fight by her side
Conjure Axe - Do'azda can create a hatchet from pure magic. It is too cumbersome for effective use in combat, but for cutting wood, it is more than adequate
Bound Dagger--As she has learned how to better summon such things, she has figured out how to use a Bound Dagger.
Courage - Do'azda uses magic to inspire in another the will to fight, though currently only to instill confidence in victory, not to cause conflict where none exists.
Summon Familiar - Do'azda reaches into her own soul to bring forth her familiar, the falcon Rajhin. No mere shade, Rajhin remains with her until slain and can do far more than just fight, but cannot be summoned for a day and a night thereafter if killed.
Fear - This spell pulls from the mind a fear that the target has, and creates from this the feeling of fear.
Distraction - Creates sounds and sights on the edge of perception. Sights and sounds determined by the caster.
Healing Wounds - The caster uses their magicka to seal the wounds of the target. All healing occurs in a single burst.
Conjure Flame Atronach - Do'azda can call forth a spirit of Infernace, a being of fire, constrained in a form of iron.
Flames - Do'azda can release a gout of fire from her palm, directly setting alight her foe, though only for so long as she feeds magicka to the fire.
Lesser Ward - Do'azda can use her magic to create a shield of magical energy, blocking low level magical attacks, reducing high level magical attacks and mitigating the damage of physical attacks.

Do'azda can make...

Potion of Minor Healing - Bruises fade, cuts close, aching muscles relax, this potion provides a little relief from injuries. The first potion a young shaman will learn to brew.
Potion of Suppress Disease - A potion which will suppress the symptoms of a disease for several days; oftentimes long enough for the body to get the cold or flu from its system. More serious or outright magical diseases will return with a vengeance once the potion's effects wear out, but it is a useful potion to know how to craft.

FUS - Force
WULD - Whirlwind

FUS DAH--Force Push

Gold Septim (365)
Trail Rations (x4)
Fine Rations
A very nice dress for casual-formal occasions.
A lovely dress in the gothic style, with an enchantment of illusory power woven into it.
Iron Axe--An iron axe of low quality.
Steel Axe - A steel axe of decent quality
Iron Dagger--An iron dagger of mediocre quality.
Mage Robes--Increase magical regeneration, but provides little protection, discouraging getting up close and personal.
Leather Armor--Comfortable, lightweight armor, it counteracts the discouragement from getting up close, though as an extra layer it means it can get extra hot.
Lunar Steel War Axe--An Axe which can, in the light of the moon, drink in the life-force of its victims and use it to restore that of its weilder.
Steel Dagger (x2)--A well-worn but very useful steel dagger.
Alchemical Kit--A very fine kit for the creation of potions. One careful owner.
Stormcloak Token--A token from Ulfric Stormcloak himself...
Underclothes--You know.
One Powerful Enchanted Sword (Rusted)--A sword of unknown value, it has a rather potent and interesting enchantment attached to it.

Spell Tome: Illumination--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This allows Do'azda to create a light in the darkness... less useful for a Khajiit, but still a spell of value.
Spell Tome: Thieves Vision--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This simple spell gives one slightly better night vision… but is also notable for being able to see writing hidden by weak illusions, and thus is commonly used by thieves trying to read the secret messages of other thieves.
Spell Tome: Turn Undead--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. A spell of moderate difficulty, it will take several nights of reading to learn it. A spell technically of the "Restoration" school, which puts fear into nearby undead. When cast powerfully, burns them most terribly.
Spell Tome: Sparks--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. Allows a mage to fire sparks of arcane lightning, sapping the magicka reserves of the target whilst also burning through their flesh.
3 Doses of Frostbite Venom in Magicka bottles--Toxic and acidic to living flesh, it has little effect on the glass bottle.
Healing Potion

Troll Fat, other ingredients
100 Septims
3 gems of good quality.
Troll Hide
Troll Skull
Troll Eyes x3
Troll Claws

A Handy Guide to Lockpicks: A book that should teach Do'azda all she wants to know about Lockpicks, and more. Each read will give +1 to Lockpicking, and it can be read thrice to wring out all possible knowledge from it. (2/3 reads remaining)
Journal of a Potema Loyalist: A journal of some historical merit, belonging to one of Potema's most loyal supporters in her early years.
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[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] Illusion: 35+5=40
[X] Speech: 27+5=32
[X] Survival: 13+5=18
[X] Quiet Does It (10): With Catlike Tread, Do'azda is a little subtler and a little better at not being noticed. (Sneak)
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] Illusion: 35+5=40
[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15+5=20
[X] Healer's Heart (10): Restoration is a sort of magic that takes real focus and the right mindset for the spells to work well: while Do'azda only knows how to make a healing potion, perhaps she can work into that mindset a little bit. (Restoration)
I know her, and she knows me by my devotion.

This sold me on teaching the guy our spell. If he's confident in the relationship, then I trust him to respect it

[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] Illusion: 35+5=40
[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15+5=20
[X] Healer's Heart (10): Restoration is a sort of magic that takes real focus and the right mindset for the spells to work well: while Do'azda only knows how to make a healing potion, perhaps she can work into that mindset a little bit. (Restoration)

Like healing for a shaman more than weapon skill.
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes

Don't think I'm going to vote on the mechanical stuff right now, brain too full. Very much enjoyed the chapter though, and I can't imagine why we wouldn't teach him the spirit binding spell, and the Khenarthi/Kyne bit was cute. Ingne is something of a harder decision, because we'll have to get along with her for some time, and we also want to do right by her. Still, I think it's a good idea. As for the greybeards: yeah, fuck'em, racist bastards.

It's not quite forbidden knowledge, but it is the kind of trick that the Shamans of Elsweyr pride themselves on knowing, and nobody else. So there actually would be a few Shaman being a bit awkward about things if they heard about it. It wouldn't be a huge scandal, at least not on its own, but it's enough that it's at least something we have to ask you, even if the answer seems obvious. Due diligence and so on.
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] Conjuration: 39
[X] Speech: 27
[X] Survival: 13
[X] Colored Market Gambit (20): Do'azda knows a little about the differences between black, grey, and up-front markets and knows how to pitch her sales and buying pitches for very different audiences. This can also be used to 'code switch' if need be. (Speech)

Seems like a good next step for Riften, maybe we can work on our diplomacy there!
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes

[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20
[X] Survival: 13 + 5 = 18
[X] Colored Market Gambit (20): Do'azda knows a little about the differences between black, grey, and up-front markets and knows how to pitch her sales and buying pitches for very different audiences. This can also be used to 'code switch' if need be. (Speech)

While being a jack-of-all-trades and master-of-none is a poor way to make a build, I think having a decent level of skill in talking to people, surviving in the wilds, and healing oneself/others after a battle is an important foundation for any specialization. Especially since unlike the game, we aren't drowning in gold after a few quests and dungeon raids. Speaking of money, considering that we're about to go to Riften (crime capital city) and are likely to stick around there for awhile, it'd be prudent for us to brush up on our skills at code switching.

I could also be convinced to swap out either the speech level up or the perk for a one-handed equivalent to keep our combat skills up.
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes

[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20

if she Does teach him the summoning ritual, i hope she stresses that its a spell to summon a soulbound ally, not a servant or slave.
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes

[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20
[X] Survival: 13 + 5 = 18
[X] Colored Market Gambit (20): Do'azda knows a little about the differences between black, grey, and up-front markets and knows how to pitch her sales and buying pitches for very different audiences. This can also be used to 'code switch' if need be. (Speech)

Another day another great update for the Skyrim quest.
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] Conjuration: 39
[X] Speech: 27
[X] Survival: 13
[X] Colored Market Gambit (20): Do'azda knows a little about the differences between black, grey, and up-front markets and knows how to pitch her sales and buying pitches for very different audiences. This can also be used to 'code switch' if need be. (Speech)

This set is thematic for what Khajit has gone through but still sets Khajit up for the long term
[X] Conjuration: 39
[X] Speech: 27
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20
[X] Healer's Heart (10): Restoration is a sort of magic that takes real focus and the right mindset for the spells to work well: while Do'azda only knows how to make a healing potion, perhaps she can work into that mindset a little bit. (Restoration)
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20
[X] One-Handed: 21 + 5 = 26
[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Colored Market Gambit (20): Do'azda knows a little about the differences between black, grey, and up-front markets and knows how to pitch her sales and buying pitches for very different audiences. This can also be used to 'code switch' if need be. (Speech)
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes

[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20
[X] Survival: 13 + 5 = 18
[X] Colored Market Gambit (20): Do'azda knows a little about the differences between black, grey, and up-front markets and knows how to pitch her sales and buying pitches for very different audiences. This can also be used to 'code switch' if need be. (Speech)

Changed vote
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes
[X] Illusion: 35+5=40
[X] One-Handed: 21+5=26
[X] Survival: 13 + 5 = 18
[X] Armstrong (10): Do'azda's experiences with one-handed weapons have helped her to gain just a little bit of stamina, enough to be able to swing a sword, or axe, or indeed a shovel more regularly without exhausting herself… which means fighting better in general. (One Handed)
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes

[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20
[X] Survival: 13 + 5 = 18

[X] Healer's Heart (10): Restoration is a sort of magic that takes real focus and the right mindset for the spells to work well: while Do'azda only knows how to make a healing potion, perhaps she can work into that mindset a little bit. (Restoration)
Restoration, Speech, Illusion and the Black/Grey Market Speech Perk are winning atm. Would've preferred if Do'azda was beefed up a bit more, in the physical sense, but none of those are bad choices so I can't complain.
[X] [Survival] Yes
[X] [INGNE] Yes

[X] Speech: 27 + 5 = 32
[X] Restoration: 15 + 5 = 20
[X] Survival: 13 + 5 = 18

[X] Colored Market Gambit (20): Do'azda knows a little about the differences between black, grey, and up-front markets and knows how to pitch her sales and buying pitches for very different audiences. This can also be used to 'code switch' if need be. (Speech)
Adhoc vote count started by The Laurent on Mar 31, 2024 at 5:07 PM, finished with 30 posts and 20 votes.

Vote closed!
That's what I get for sleeping on the update for a little over a week. At least most of the things I was going to vote for won, so that's nice.

And hey, we're headed off the mountain! Onto the next big adventure. I'm happy she made some friends and learned some things. The survival instructor was a good guy, hopefully they can hang when she rolls up for the treaty negotiation and learning the deeper secrets of High Hrothgar.

"The Greybeards would like to speak to you," he whispers. He himself is starting to go grey, and looks to be somewhere in his thirties or forties, whispering so quietly that she has to strain her ears to hear.
I get that they don't want to Shout, but they could certainly speak up. At least a little bit.

the door shuts, and she turns to look at these men who are here to talk at her. Perhaps they are even going to talk to her, though except for one of them she does not know if they're truly capable of it.
Definitely a sort of conversation I've been in before. Not a lotta fun.

"Do'azda wonders, if you've ever actually met a dragon, that you could imagine her as anything but disruptive, if that is truly what you see her as?"
Nobody tell her. But also, that suspiciously specific dodge of 'I haven't met a dragonborn' did make me chuckle. It doesn't seem like she picked up on that, but I guess that's one of the perks of being a reader, getting that tasty dramatic irony.

She doesn't want to leave Skyrim, not yet. Even if she could, even if she does not have a duty, it is a place that she wants to…

(Even in her own head she flinches at this pun.)

A place she wants to wyrm her way into.
Oh no! I thought she was gonna be catty about Skyrim forever, but it sounds like she's... getting hooked.

She knows that in a week she has twice exhausted the patience of many Nords, and that this happening twice probably says something about her own style of acting, and way of being. But she also still thinks it is more Skyrim's fault tahn hers.
Did she at least get two nickels out of it? It isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

Also, 'tahn' oughta be 'than?'

"Of course," Wulfgar says, sounding frustrated. "We do not wish to rush you out the door."

This is clearly a lie, but Do'azda smiles and says all the right words.
"We do not wish to rush you out the door... but it's just you're so great, and there's so much you've gotta go do. Far away from us. For a long time."

"The 7000 steps," The instructor says, kneeling to tie some strange contraption of leather and wood to the soles of his boots, "Were hacked out of the mountainside by men who knew enough about Shouting that they didn't think they needed to know anything else.
Plenty of people in real life seem to think it works that way, and they don't even have magical yelling powers.

The first pass they come across is, in Do'azda's considered expert opinion, scarcely worthy to be called a pass.
More like a fail, amirite?

Only one other student stays with them as they continue, a young nord with a grim look of determination, who mutters "I can do anything that damnable cat can" so quietly Do'azda is sure she wasn't meant to hear it.
This guy thinks he's the protagonist in an anime or something. Sucker.

"Every few weeks," The instructor continues, "I'll find something like this. This'n is more problematic - poor beastie belonged to a giant's clan, they'll be spitting furious. Beats me how whatever's hunting them gets them so high up. Never seen it take a human, and the Greybeards ain't interested, so I let it be. Shouldn't like to tangle with a beastie that kin kill a mammoth in a giant's camp, neither."
Paarthurnax gotta eat, gang.

She doesn't doubt that she'd eventually have to settle, and take ties and bind them together over a longer period of time than a week.

To be clear, you can have more than one Companion with you at a time.
I was about to ask, but I guess one of the perks of snoozing and losing is that there's answers to these questions. I'd have voted to bring her along, too, knowing this. If we were limited to one, than it would be a hard pass. Bathes is the best!
Gimme Shelter
Gimme Shelter

To Bathes-In-Steel's credit, she restrains herself until they have left Ivarstead behind them, heading down the south road, across a bridge and into the woods.

"So," Bathes-In-Steel begins, "What can you do?"

"I'm sorry?" Ingne asks.

"We're crossing the Rift," Bathes-In-Steel says, "The Blackbriars rule the Hold, and under them… Banditry abounds. It's important to know what you can do if we're attacked."

Ingne cocks her head. "Surely if we are set upon by bandits, we'll just give them what they ask? We don't want to fight them, surely?"

Do'azda and Bathes-In-Steel exchange a long, loaded glance.

"Often," Do'azda begins, "It is not possible to do so. And on occasion, we have need of something bandits have, and they rarely are willing to give it. This one had to battle some bandits who had stolen a merchant's prized possession once. Then she had to fight undead crypt guardians. These things happen."

"I… see," Ingne says uncertainly, "I suppose, when one accompanies the dragonborn… I am of course able to Shout, and I'm rather a fine shot with a bow?"

"Oh!" Do'azda says, "This one has a bow, if you would like it? Our survival instructor gave it to her for sharing with him the ability to bind a familiar, along with an iron dagger that starts fires. It's been enchanted to strike harder when your foe is unaware of your presence, so he said."

"That would be tremendously generous," Ingne replies, "Are you sure?"

Do'azda shrugs. "Do'azda cannot use it nearly as effectively, this one is sure."

Ingne worries at her lip with her teeth for a moment, then accepts the gift, slinging the bow onto her back.

"If you want it back any time, please just ask."

The South Road from Ivarstead to Riften runs through deep forest, and within a half hour walk, they're picking their way through roots and broken cobbles. Ingne scoffs under her breath at the first place where the road is completely overrun, then tuts at the second. By the third, she stops, glowering.

"It's a disgrace," She says, "It's truly a disgrace. In the Reach, there is an outright insurrection in the Hinterlands, Forsworn in every cave and crevice, and yet the roads are better than this. What are they doing in Riften?"

"Feasting and partying, the last my people knew of it," Bathes-In-Steel says, "The Blackbriars run that city, and by their writ, the Jarl's rule extends to the walls of her palace and no further."

"Your people?" Ingne asks, cautious confusion in her words, "You mean-"

"Her gang," Do'azda says quickly. "Bathes-In-Steel used to run the illicit operations of the Argonian Quarter in Whiterun."

"We tried to expand to Riften some time ago," Bathes-In-Steel continues, "Several tails were sent back, without their owner. The Blackbriars know how to send a message." She says it easily, though distaste does color it, almost impossible to make out. "Later that month, they sent terms that amounted to a demand that we make ourselves vassals to them in exchange for any trade at all. We accepted, of course. They have an almost Saxhleel cold bloodedness."

"I… see," Ingne says, and it seems as if she does see, and perhaps too much. "Well, I hope we don't have a run in with them, then."

Bathes-In-Steel snorts, which Do'azda doesn't think Ingne appreciates.

"Perhaps we shall be fortunate." Is all Bathes says, however.

By midday, the weather is beginning to turn. Through the canopy, Do'azda can see that clouds have covered the sun, and at every clearing, they expect to find it has begun to drizzle. They eat as they walk, passing out half of Do'azda's trail rations. The rations do their job, and that is all they can say to do. There is a chill in the air, and the road's poor condition prevents them from ever falling into the easy rhythm needed to really eat the miles they have to travel; whenever it seems they might, the road falls away completely, and they need to use their newfound skills to find their way back to a trail. But in this, they're at least successful and it certainly makes it clear that if she is to continue her strange career as an adventuress, Do'azda would do well to continue honing her skills at wilderness navigation.

It is certainly a land to navigate, though.

Of everywhere Do'azda has been in Skyrim, the Rift is the most like it has been described - there is perhaps less snow and ice than expected, but where Eastmarch was a sulphurous landscape of hot springs and mudflats, and Whiterun was a river's floodplain, the Rift was the forested, mountainous land that "Skyrim" brings to mind.

It is enough to almost make her appreciate it; there is beauty in the moments of trekking, in the quiet of these forests, not at all silent but the sort of 'noise' that is a marker of healthy animal life, and no more than that. It would be a truly desperate wolf that would fall upon three well-armed adventurers in broad daylight, and despite the dangerous promise of rain looming overhead, she finds plenty that is worth remembering.

This mood does seem to spread. Despite the awkward beginning, Ingne turns out to be a suitable companion, knowing when to leave silence be, or when to make practical conversation, and she hums a few tunes that Do'azda decides she might well wish to learn sometime. Bathes-In-Steel is in a merry mood as well, stopping every so often to look about the landscape with bald fascination.

In all, it is a surprise when they finally stumble across other people along the road, enough of a surprise that at the glimpse of a tent Do'azda almost reacts unwisely. Her tail stiffens, and if there was even a single sign of attack, she would have been Shouting about it, her Voice raised in assault.

As it is, a man dressed in servant's livery pauses. "Oh! I… hope you are not bandits."

The initial moment of stumbling across a set of tents gives way to greater detail. There are four canvas tents, looking weather beaten and worn, stretched out before her, just around a bend in the trail. There's a campfire, and whoever else might be there is absent. One of the tents is far larger than the others, but none of them are small, one-man tents. Just by the size of tents there might be as many as a dozen men here, if that largest tent is a sign of status and not stuffed full, or as few as five or six.

"No, Do'azda is no bandit," she says, though she knows that there would be less sure of that. "She's headed down to Riften, and this is just in the way."

"Ah, so you should introduce yourself to my lord, Lord Stalleo of Treva's Watch," the servant said, looking around. "He was up ahead taking a look to see if there were any weaknesses to the defenses of the fort."

"What fort?" Ingne asks, stepping forward.

"Treva's Watch," the servant says, with a nod. "It has been stolen from him while he was away serving Skyrim, and when he has returned during a lull in the fighting to see to his lands, what does he find but chaos and waste, and Riften unwilling to take action?" The servant is surprisingly affronted, and this probably marks him as one of the head servants, someone who has deep loyalty to the family and a great deal to lose if his master falls from his status because of the chaos of wartime. "He should be back in just a minute, at which point he will likely wish to talk to you."

"Oh! Why all this chaos down south, shouldn't the Jarl…"

"The Jarl is a puppet," Bathes-In-Steel corrects, with a sort of simple naked factual bluntness. Then she adds further, "The Blackbriars run the city, and do you think they care about crime and banditry as long as they get their cut?"

"This one does not think it is her job to do the Jarls' jobs for them, but she thinks she'll remember to avoid this area if it is so haunted by bandits," Do'azda says. It would probably be possible to kill any of them that attack her, because it is not as if they will likely be elite soldiers. But even the weak can be dangerous at the right moment. She knows it well enough from the other end, and she's quite aware that she can still die… but it's hard to be that threatened by bandits when the forces and powers that Nords tremble to use are hers freely and fairly, by right of violence and mastery alike.

None of this is something for servants or random Nords she meets on the road to know. Perhaps she'll get away from this without even revealing that she is the Dragonborn.

"W-well, Master should be… ah, there he is!" The servant turns and points, putting his whole body into the act of gesturing grandly as a party of five rounds a corner, stopping near a clump of trees when they see that the servant has company.

In the center is the man who has to be Lord Stalleo, with the younger men all around him clearly retainers, soldiers, something of the like, three men who look as if they have been mauled by life, and a woman who seems if anything more mauled, missing part of an ear and a nose, and with a thick scar over one eye. She reached down to touch at her axe, while one of the men was already getting ready to draw his sword. They were Nords, all of them of course.

But Lord Stalleo is who Do'azda considers first.

He is an older man, with a grizzled beard but strong arms left bare by his furs. His hair flares out, in a strange style that she is sure must be of some kind of fashion, and his eyes are hard, thoughtful. "A Khajiit, an Argonian, and a Nord traveling together. If you are not bandits, then you are adventurous sorts. I am the rightful lord of Treva's Watch, but while I was away fighting for the rightful High King of Skyrim, my cousin betrayed my family and turned his back on law and justice to embrace banditry and violence, taking both of my heirs, my three daughters, my daughters-in-law, and my grandchildren hostage. He and his fell upon my garrison unawares, slaying those loyal to me. I have seen some few of my men upon the walls, however, the gutless traitors."

Do'azda considers this for a moment, ears flicking thoughtfully. "And he will not ransom them away? Do'azda is just passing through, and yet…" she shrugs. "Isn't that what bandits want?"

"It would be immoral," one of the men insists, a tall man who, like all these others, is blonde, "To give into the demands of traitors."

"And how could one trust such words?" another demands

"We don't have the money if we wished for that kind of ransom," the woman said bluntly. "Our Lord is great, but this keep is his inheritance, and his income is the tolls it takes from the south road."

"As polite as this talk of me is, I can make my own conversation," the Lord says, his look even and level. It is clear that there is camaraderie from the war that has not yet worn off, fighting in the name of… well. Of Ulfric, surely. Yet he is not looking at Do'azda as if he is about to attack. She is an oddity, but seemingly not that much more to him at the moment.

He moves, and settles into a seat the servant hurries to bring him, a twisted thing of silvered oak, which Do'azda suspects from the scars and burns on it, he took with him on campaign. "We need aid of some kind, for we do not have the numbers to defeat my accursed cousin."

"It looks like it will rain," Bathes-In-Steel says, looking up at the sky.

Everyone, Do'azda included, stops at that. Because yes, it does look like it is going to rain. What is less clear is the significance of this fact.

"This… is true," Ingne says, diplomatically.

"We do not have tents," Bathes-In-Steel says, then turns to the Lord. "This fort, its buildings have ceilings?"

"Yes? Most buildings do." He sounds baffled.

"Ah, right," Do'azda says, seeing the point and smiling. "So you're going to ask--"

"We should conquer the fort. I have been told I am most unpleasant when rained upon. It is not like swimming at all," Bathes-In-Steel declares.

"Ah, right, this one supposes if we must, we must," she says, shaking her head. It is true that she herself does not like to get wet, so Bathes-In-Steel's point is well made.

"Wait, wait a moment," Ingne says, turning. Her eyes are wide. "How many bandits are occupying this fort?"

"Oh, dozens," a dark-haired guard declares, stepping forward. "I was set to counting, and I counted over twenty just up on the walls at one point or another, and most weren't on the walls."

Do'azda considers this, and nods, "She believes she should be able to defeat all of them, if she has help from her companions and we show cleverness." Cunning would be even better, in truth, because there is no way merely to be smart enough not to face troubles. She has ideas both obvious and not.

"I… are you… I am willing to help, but what idea could you have, even?" Ingne steps forward.

"There is a way in, a secret passage," Lord Stalleo says, grandly.

"Though it is possible," Do'azda immediately points out, "That a cousin would know of it and know to trap it." She has two, no three ideas now. Three paths forward.

Wait, actually four now that she considers it.

She is also aware of something, that she would not think so casually of such danger even a month ago, and that now she is considering it as a real task, a set of actions to be plugged through one by one. She needs to liberate the fort so she can sleep soundly tonight, rather than attempting to convince them to share their tents, which perhaps she could do.

But no, this is easier.

"Do'azda does have a question, though?" she asks, realizing it's quite important.

"Yes, Khajiit?" he asks, frowning at her. "I have no fortune to pay you upon success, but you will be welcome to stay as long as you wish, and you can have anything you take from the bandits."

"It is not about that," Do'azda says, smiling faintly. "Are there any of the bandits that we should not kill, whether from among them or your cousin? Because we will need to know who to spare, because once the fighting has begun she does not think there will be a chance to spare any who we are not told."

She knows the effect it will have, she is no fool, and she smiles wider at it, at the tightening of hands on weapons. To the races of men, where an argonian's smile is a threat, a baring of gleaming ivory and tearing fangs, a khajiit's smile is a taunt, a promise that they know more than you, that they have already considered how best to trick you, take advantage.

That it reveals her own razor teeth is a secondary concern.

"Kill the bastards," Lord Stalleo declares, "Even my cousin. He has chosen his path. Just save my family and reclaim my birthright, if you can manage it. I don't know why, but I believe you mean it…"

Of course. That is the point. Do'azda turns to Bathes-In-Steel, and reveals her scheme.

What is the plan?

[] [Scheme] Use the secret entrance that has just been pointed out… but as they do, the Lord is to make a sham attack, complete with arrows fired and plenty of noise and trouble--and indeed as she develops the plan she learns he knows magic, and can use that to create some chaos--so as to keep people from thinking of the secret entrance if they know of it.
[] [Scheme] They have climbed mountains, all of them, so why not climb something greater than that? They will go up the side of the fort, using ropes if need be and otherwise making their way up… while Lord Stalleo attempts to negotiate for payment in exchange for having the fort back… sure to fail, but also equally sure to draw attention specifically to one side of the fort and not another.
[] [Scheme] Riften is a known element… and one that clearly is willing to use non-Nords. Do'azda, Bathes-in-Steel and Ingne will approach the fort posing as criminals from Riften, looking to trade in stolen goods and see if they can get their cut in the name of the rulers of the Riften underworld… and when the gates open, when a moment's vulnerability is shown, they will strike and slaughter the bandits.
[] [Scheme] Shouting is still capable of turning over the board, especially when it will be so unexpected to the defenders. Both Ingne and Do'azda can Shout the Whirlwind. Do'azda can launch herself into the unprepared bandits in the courtyard from above, as Ingne does the same to secure the walls, and Bathes-In-Steel scales the walls, trusting her muscles to allow her to ascend alone faster than she could with Do'azda and Ingne to slow her approach. If nothing else, it categorically gives them the element of surprise.

TL AN: Ingne is going to have an adjustment period for two people whose response to having to sleep outdoors is to pick a fight with dozens of bandits in a fort.

VM AN: In their defence, the rain is probably quite unpleasant, so who can say if this response is proportionate or not. Think about the strategy for the fight, also! It's nontrivial.
[X] [Scheme] Use the secret entrance that has just been pointed out… but as they do, the Lord is to make a sham attack, complete with arrows fired and plenty of noise and trouble--and indeed as she develops the plan she learns he knows magic, and can use that to create some chaos--so as to keep people from thinking of the secret entrance if they know of it.
[X] [Scheme] They have climbed mountains, all of them, so why not climb something greater than that? They will go up the side of the fort, using ropes if need be and otherwise making their way up… while Lord Stalleo attempts to negotiate for payment in exchange for having the fort back… sure to fail, but also equally sure to draw attention specifically to one side of the fort and not another.

I feel like this is appropriately sneaky as a response, to prioritise the Hostage's lives, and I do dearly wish to prioritise the hostages, as not only will it prevent any stupid exchanges or last minute spite (like this cousin murdering them when we get to beating up his thugs) it is one of the only things this Lord actually seems to care about. The fort will remain, the bandits can be fought at any pace, but the hostages are vulnerable and temporary.
I'll change this for the sham attack & secret entrance if that gets more traction.
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