Shrine Maiden (A Modern-Day Touhou Quest)

[X] Check to see if any invasive plants have contaminated the patch.
[X] Dig a narrow hole to see how deep the groundwater is and how well the soil drains.
[X] Try to see if there's any magic flowing through the patch.

I wonder how long it will be until gardening gets levelled up.
[X] Check to see if any invasive plants have contaminated the patch.
[X] Dig a narrow hole to see how deep the groundwater is and how well the soil drains.
[X] Try to see if there's any magic flowing through the patch.
For a moment, she debates letting Youmu steep in her growing panic, but just for a moment. The girl seemed to be getting genuinely worked up. "Relax. She's really more into harassing shrine maidens than anyone else, as far as I've seen."
Reimu: Youmu is surprisingly fun to bully
[x] Check to see if any invasive plants have contaminated the patch
[x] Compare the cucumber plants to see what differences there are between them
[x] Try to see if there's any magic flowing through the patch.
[X] Take a look at the soil to see if it looks right for planting
[X] Look around at the fence to make sure it's in one piece so no animals can get in
[X] Dig a narrow hole to see how deep the groundwater is and how well the soil drains

I'm feeling contrary.
[X] Take a look at the soil to see if it looks right for planting
[X] Dig a narrow hole to see how deep the groundwater is and how well the soil drains
[X] Try to see if there's any magic flowing through the patch.

TBH, if there was a write in I'd suggest that she trellis the cucumbers instead of having them grow on the ground. I've found that they generally do better since they compete less for sunlight, are further away from animals, and are less likely to get diseases from being close to ground.
Gonna go ahead and close it here. Update should be out in a few days.
Scheduled vote count started by dmclain2 on Mar 18, 2024 at 12:42 PM, finished with 12 posts and 12 votes.
I like the look of this quest, I hope it's not dead.
I really do think we should work on upping our stats, though... all those missed checks have been bothering me.
At least for me, I like how Rei misses a lot of things but tends to still reach an answer because of what experiences she does have. We could focus hard on expanding her hobbies, but that also slows down exploring this take on Gensokyo, and miss things from not pursing or stumbling across events. We only have access to so much time and are very limited by what money our poor shrine maiden can earn (the authentic Reimu experience).
At least for me, I like how Rei misses a lot of things but tends to still reach an answer because of what experiences she does have. We could focus hard on expanding her hobbies, but that also slows down exploring this take on Gensokyo, and miss things from not pursing or stumbling across events. We only have access to so much time and are very limited by what money our poor shrine maiden can earn (the authentic Reimu experience).
Lol, I remember that we were so strung by cash at some point that we regularly needed to work for our sexually harassing lesbian boss Yuuka but now we got some allowance from Aunty, meaning that we could skip working for some plans and get things in motion.