Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Zarya: That's you. A (former) debt-peon now once possessed by a demon an alien.
-"Demon": Formless and shapeless... a glowing unknown mass of bubbles. (An alien in truth!) (Freed!)
-Spiritual Aptitude: Zarya gains access to the following spells after praying to the Water-bearer statue in Antioch, which is permanently infused with a Spiritual Aptitude of 60.
--Spell: Momentum (enhanced movement speed)
--Spell: Dissolution (split apart into a mass of bubbles)
--Spell: Amorphization (transition of body shape between human and alien)
--Spell: Hydration (manipulation of already existing water)
--Spell: Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)
--Cautious I:
requires 75+% voter approval to interact with any HM or MP without a (+) mark
--Cautious II: requires 75+% voter approval to reveal demon-possessed status on purpose
--Disciplined I: gain (+) with any HM or MP after following a direct order from her
--Disciplined II: gain (-) with any HM or MP after disobeying a direct order from her
--Water I: the more water you are near, the easier it is to use your magic
--Water II: must be near a body of water (or another source) to use your magic
--Water-bearer: Zarya has constructed a statue in Antioch and poured all of the spiritual essence she's acquired over the past few months into it. She must pray to this statue to use spells as of The Moon.
-Additional notes: One of your black eyes has turned blue, as have the tips of your black hair. Currently resolved to control her Demon. Has made progress in suppressing it. Has not yet attempted to manifest it. Currently traveling with Linza, Philippos, Libra Venus, Theodora, and Capricorn Saturn, with the aim of helping Theodora take revenge against the cultists who sacrificed her, and their allies inside the military and the church. Now able to manifest her "Demon" for a up to ten minutes at a time after meditating on JOY or BEAUTY while being around WATER for a few minutes. If in the ocean, the manifestation is immediate and can be held indefinitely. Has agreed to join the church, though it may be was temporary. Currently residing in Antioch. Has learned that her "Demon" is actually an alien being from another world, and is aiming for an amicable separation. Can sculpt ice with her powers, and will learn to work with other materials. Has traveled to Sardis on behalf of the Antiochian Church... and with her mission done, it's time to go! She's returned to Antioch with a warning... a rogue Angel is on the attack! While in Antioch, waiting for the attack, she constructed the WATER-BEARER statue and transferred her spiritual power to it. Not long afterwards, she was separated from The Being, and the two defeated the Angel by working together. Later, she would be instrumental in defeating the Demon known as BELIAL.

Martin Aurelius of Sardis (-): Your former master, who resides in Sardis. He is a wealthy businessman and landowner. He owns several workshops that provide various goods, such as agricultural equipment, weapons, industrial and mining tools, and so on. He's dead, murdered by cultists and sacrificed to a Demon.
-Cornelia Prima (+): His wife, and your former mistress. Despite Martin owning your debt, Cornelia had roped you into her service and not his. She treated you well enough and kept you close. Now the captive of Dione. Was traveling with your group, and left in Ephesus.
-Lucian Aurelius: Their young son. Travelling with his mother.
-Aurelia Prima: Their young daughter. Travelling with her mother.
-Julian Aurelius: Martin's brother, and an artisan. Status unknown.
-Aurelia Prima: Martin's sister, seeking marriage and now possessed by the same Demon that once possessed Theodora. Looks like she wants to escape, so maybe there's an opportunity to work together. Was traveling with your group, having been denied an opportunity to sacrifice avenge herself, and left in Ephesus.
-Mettia Prima: Martin's elderly mother, a widow. Status unknow.
-Fellow former slaves: Linza (+) (she); Eusebius (+; in Ephesus) (he); Philippos (+) (he); Anacletus (he); Hypatos (he); Lucretia (she; in Sardis); Theokleia (she; in Sardis); and many others...
-- Linza and Philippos are currently accompanying Zarya travelling with Capricorn Saturn.

The Holy Maidens:
Seven powerful and virtuous women based on in specific major cities.
-Humility (+): Resides in Sardis. Can detect lies, among other abilities. Was in Antioch / Ephesus, aiming to crush cultists. Now resides in Ephesus, having gained firm control over the city and its politics. Has retaken her hometown.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 84
-Kindness (+): Resides in Pergamum. Can heal any injury, among other abilities. Was sent to Sardis on Humility's order. Fled to Ephesus after Dione tried to capture her. Joined up with you temporarily to fight the rogue Angel, and now heading out to Pergamum once more. Has now taken charge of her home.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 57
---Spell: Healing I → Healing II → Healing III (cures wounds)
---Spell: Understanding I → Understanding II → Understanding III (connect minds)
---Spell: Reciprocating I → Reciprocating II → Reciprocating III (shares feelings)
-Charity: Resides in Thyatira. Can grant powers to the Mystic Priestesses. Traitor. Defeated and sent to Antioch, where she lives outside the city in a villa.
-Diligence: Formerly resided in Ephesus. Status unknown. Dead.
-Patience: Resides in Philadelphia.
-Chastity: Resides in Smyrna. Can block magic (?). Murdered by invaders from Antioch.
-Temperance: Resides in Laodicea. Status unknown, probably either heading to Sardis or already there. Found in Sardis, and rescued! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea, having just retaken the former.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Spell: Balanced Mind: Emotion (reduces emotional fluctuations)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Attack (strengthens body when attacking)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Defense (strengthens body when defending)
---Spell: Balanced Soul: Flow (occasionally slips around enemy attacks)

The Mystic Priestesses: Twelve powerful and virtuous women who wander the land.
-Libra Venus / Melina (+): First encountered outside Philadelphia. Skilled with the cithara. Very friendly. Now travelling with Zarya. Now travelling to Laodicea with Scorpio Mars, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has rejoined your group and evaded capture! Lived with you in Antioch until her encounter with the rogue Angel, at which point she abandoned her old identity and renamed herself Melina. She's also put down her blessed cithara and now lives in a small commune.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Spell: Song of Roaring Flames (encourages and emboldens)
---Spell: Song of Calm Waters (relaxes and subdues)
---Spell: Song of Magnetism (attracts to a specific target)
---Spell: Song of the Sunshine (inspires warmth and joy)
---Spell: Song of Growth (draws out hidden powers)
---Spell: Song of Affection (draws out tender memories)
-Leo Sun: Deceased. (see also Theodora) Restored!
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Block! (grow furred armor)
--Spell: Slash! (grow fire claws)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Strike! (gain super-strength)
--Spell: Roar! (intimidate)
--Spell: Burn! (gain fire breath)
--Spell: Transform! (lion aura coat)
-Sagittarius Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command lightning. Now located in Ephesus and without her powers, aiding Humility. Has her powers once more.
-Taurus Venus: First encountered outside Philadelphia. Resides there.
-??? Pisces Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command emotions. (see Dione)
-Virgo Mercury I / Virginia (-): First encountered in Ephesus. Can command demons and influence people. Searched for the Holy Maiden of Diligence on the orders of the Sovereign Priest of Antioch. Encountered again outside Antioch, and formed a temporary alliance. But the alliance is now broken, and it seems like she can only see Zarya as an enemy over circumstances that were not Zarya's fault. After having betrayed the Church and sided with the cultists in Ephesus, she was captured, brought back to Antioch, and stripped of her position. Is now called Virginia. Possessed by BELIAL (formerly).
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50 0 !?!?!? 0
-Gemini Mercury: Resided in Thyatira. Has some sort of magical hearing ability. Now in custody in Antioch.
-Capricorn Saturn (+): First encountered in Smyrna. Can predict events. Now travelling with Zarya. Heading back to Smyrna. Aiding the attack on Thyatira. Currently helping to restore Church control in Thyatira. Status unknown. Recovered from the rogue Angel's grasp and heading back to Smyrna, but not before warning you of a future disaster! Now on the way to Thyatira to restore that city, having restored Smyrna to a functional state.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50
---Spell: Forewarn (predicts one upcoming disaster per day)
----Capricorn Saturn does not learn more spells. Instead, the quality of her warnings is improved.
-Aries Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Former friend of Theodora. Was in Antioch, now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Aries Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Sword of Savage Strength increases.
-Scorpio Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Now travelling to Laodicea with Libra Venus, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has joined your group and evaded capture! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Scorpio Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Shield of Sturdy Strength increases.
-Cancer Moon (+):
Resides in Antioch. Status is unknown. Searching for her. Found her and joined forces to take down the Advocates. Convinced Zarya to join the Church and exorcised the Demon from Theodora. Planning to exorcise the Demon from Zarya as well. Having been made aware that The Being was an alien and not a Demon, she would successfully exorcise it from Zarya. Has been kidnapped by BELIAL, and is now free and restored.
-Aquarius Saturn (+): Was found in a dungeon in Thyatira after having been presumed dead. Was helping to restore Church control in Thyatira, now in Antioch. Can witness the past. Gave you a kind warning.
-Virgo Mercury II: Virginia's replacement. Seems to be loyal to the church. Resides in Antioch and helps the Sovereign Priest of Antioch.

Gaius Helvius of Philadelphia: The son and heir of a wealthy farmer of the same name from the Philadelphia area.
-Ennia Segunda: His wife.

Theodora (+): The former Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Was used as a human sacrifice to summon a Demon that now possesses her. NO LONGER IN CONTROL. Back in control, and no longer possessed... though her eyes have been permanently changed. Has a small grudge towards Zarya, but is mostly over it. Restored as the Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Crusher of a Demon of Darkness (with help from her friend and ally Zarya).
-Demon: What must assuredly be some sort of water-dwelling dragon.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85 0 (see Leo Sun)
--Spell: Block! (grow scale armor)
--Spell: Crunch! (grow fangs)
--Spell: Slash! (grow claws)
--Spell: Swipe! (grow a tail)
--Spell: Seek! (improve eyesight; gain night vision)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Rampage! (gain strength; lose control)
-Allies: Eugenios, Thais, Daniel (three heretics that Theodora met in a small town near the desert)

The Sovereign Priest of Antioch: A virtuous (?) man in charge of the Church of the Followers of the Way. Currently residing in Smyrna after being chased out of Antioch by an Advocate-led rebellion. Was critically injured and recovered in Smyrna before returning to Antioch. His return has been controversial amongst the people of the city.

!?!?!? Kavouras / Celso Longinus (-): A man formerly possessed by a Crab-shaped Demon. Fought Theodora outside Smyrna and was defeated. However, his soldiers managed to recover his body. Is likely licking his wounds and heading to Antioch. His abilities include growing shell armor, turning his arms into pincers, and transforming into a big crab. He was chased out of Antioch and is likely recovering in fled to Ephesus. Goal: defeat him for good! He was burned alive by Humility in Ephesus and is either dead or close to it. Regardless, he is no longer possessed by the Demon Crab!
-Demon: An otherwise ordinary looking crab, if quite larger than a man.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Protect. (grow shell armor)
--Spell: Pincer. (grow pincers)
--Spell: Molt. (shed shell armor healing)
--Spell: Carcinize. (full body transformation)
--Spell: Tidal. (control water)
--Spell: Swell. (increase size)
--Spell: Shrink. (reduce size)

???: A man possessed by a demonic serpent, who is likely near Sardis... if he's still alive. (He's not.)

Silvina (+) and Silas (+): Two house slaves, currently under the command of the Livius estate in Ephesus. They're brother and sister. Currently Were last seen working with spies loyal to the Antiochian church to break cultist control over the city and end slavery there. They have succeeded.

Dione (-): The former Mystic Priestess Pisces Jupiter. A holy woman who is also a snake, as she's the possessor of a Demon Serpent. However, she seems to be the one in control of the snake... and also in control of Sardis, having wrested spiritual control away from the Followers of the Way. Wants you to be her ally... is not doing a good job of it. Alerted you to a vision of death and despair... could it be true? (You made it false!) Has lost Sardis and fled from this world... to another place, not death.

Apollonia (+): A cultist woman who is knowledgeable about spirits and curious about the Being. Once the Being is free from you, she wants to study it for herself. Hopes that you'll come back to Sardis soon. Instead came down to Antioch to visit you. Now travelling the land with The Being for company.
-"Demon": ZIZ, King of the Birds
-Spiritual Aptitude: 55
--Spell: RAVEN (send messages of bad fortune)
--Spell: CHICKEN (send messages of good fortune)
--Spell: GOOSE (defend self from wickedness)
--Spell: CALADRIUS (treat sickness and wounds)

BELIAL (-): A demon of living darkness and the shadow of the angels. Uses cultists like puppets, and now possessing Virginia. Looking to possess the Trinity. Has kidnapped Cancer Moon. Has been defeated!

There are other characters, of course, but they'll be added over time.

Other Notes:
(+) = favored towards you
(-) = biased against you
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Apollonia is using a demon…
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, really.
[X] Belial will come to you all for the Trinity, so wait and prepare a trap.
The Sun (XI)
Winning vote:
[X] Belial will come to you all for the Trinity, so wait and prepare a trap.

The Sun (XI)

The Sun is setting on a Good Friday.

You were among the minority who did not participate in the holy festivities – the fasting, the prayers, the silence, and the readings. Though it was not simply for your lack of devotion. You had a job to do. You had been participating in a different type of holy service. That morning, you and Apollonia brought your finished stature of the lion of Leo Sun tearing apart the darkness of Belial to the Great Church of Antioch and left it in the care of Leo Sun, who poured some of her blazing spirit into it over the course of the day. The two of you then joined Melina and helped in consecrating the city, leaving Aquarius Saturn and the new Virgo Mercury to do the same elsewhere.

There was no issue with leaving Leo Sun alone in the Church. Indeed, sending Belial there was the intention... the entire rest of the city was cloaked in an intense holy aura, and it almost caused the city to shine like a glowing midday sun or the light of a golden candlestick. The Great Church itself was also consecrated of course, but Belial seemed confident that it could breach that holy barrier and enter.

So, why not leave it convinced?


The women of the Trinity remain silent in their sleep. You all moved them before the uncovered altar, washed them, changed them into white robes and black veils, and adorned them in rosary beads. There's holy water nearby and the statue is behind the altar. The room is lit only by a single circle of candles, the rest unlit, leaving plenty of space for shadows in the dark corners.

And you all – Leo Sun, Aquarius Saturn, Virgo Mercury, Apollonia, Melina, and yourself – wait beside them for Belial to come. The three women are in their holy robes, Apollonia in a white tunic, and Melina and yourself in blue tunics. As the sun fully descends, your chatter over the day's events and plans for the future ceases and you join the Trinity in their silence.

You're not sure how long you wait before two shapes emerge from beyond the doors of the Church.

By the time you and Leo Sun have stood up and partially transformed into forms of water and fire, the shadowy shapes of Virginia and Cancer Moon, both possessed by Belial, have flung themselves into the Church...

...and subsequently have the doors slammed shut on them by the Being, who was lurking outside!

And in response, the holy women begin to pray!

"AHHHH...!? What are you doing...!?"
Leo Sun, with her blazing aura, lights up another row of arranged candles, and then another, and another...! You, meanwhile, call forth the holy water and attempt to snag Belial in it...

...but Belal isn't like that Demon that once possessed Leo Sun. It is unholiness, and so pushes against the light with its darkness!

"No! I will not be defeated here! Not when I'm so close! I can almost reach out and touch it... my completion!"
Dark auras swell around both Virginia and Cancer Moon, repelling your holy water and Leo Sun's blazing aura in a sudden shock! Then, taking advantage of the moment, the two rush forward at the congregated holy women, focused only on the Trinity. After all, what can the others do? They're not like Leo Sun or yourself. They're not fighters.

"Victory is mine!"
"Not yet!" declared Melina.

For with a cithara (borrowed from the Church) and her song, she swung it hard and bashed Virginia down into the ground! She then continued her song as you immersed the stunned Virginia in holy water. Cancer Moon as downed much the same way, but by Apollonia instead, who was suddenly covered in the white down of a goose. And with both of the possessed women secured and all of the candles lit, Leo Sun and yourself joined in the holy ritual!

"Ahhhh... this isn't over! You may have beaten me here, but I will return! And soon!"
"No, I don't think you will be..." you mutter to a now bewildered Belial. But you say nothing further to it, and instead focus on the ritual. Like before, the room is suddenly filled with the soft presence of an all-illuminating light from elsewhere. But this time, the lights are must brighter and seem to be coming from everywhere, not just the candles.

A light swiftly comes out of Cancer Moon herself, banishing the darkness. It tries to reach out and grasp the Trinity, but fails and finds itself dragged not into the darkness, but into your statue.

"W-what is this...!? It burns... let me out!!"
"We will, Belial... we will", replies Leo Sun, and the Demon grows only more confused.

Cancer Moon, who recovers almost immediately from her possession, is similarly confused, but only for a moment. Once she realizes what's going on, she moves into action, joining in the prayers and laying her hands onto Virginia. That's enough to for you all to start pulling the darkness out of her and sealing it up into the statue as well.

And with a roar, Leo Sun moves on impulse, leaping over the altar, cloaking herself in fire, and crashing into your statue, shattering it into tiny pieces!

And Belial itself is shattered into pieces, each one fading away one by one into the bright lights.

But curiously, the fragments of Belial don't try to reform into a single mass, even when they're near each other. It's like they've been made discrete Demons, if tiny ones...

You're not sure what that could mean for the future, but you know that for now Belial is no more.

And so, you all end your prayers and you drop to the ground, exhausted. Leo Sun and the other holy women rush to Viriginia, who remains out cold and unresponsive to their entreaties, while Apollonia looks to see if any tracs of Belial were left behind.

So, you're the first one to notice it when it happens.


Three soft voices suddenly appear, faint.

Three bodies toss and turn, and then arise.

The Trinity has finally awoken from their slumber.

(And with this development, the holy women will ask Zarya and Apollonia to leave for the night. On Holy Saturday, what will Zarya be doing? Choose one. You may also add details as desired.)
[] It's finally time to have that talk with the Sovereign Priest of Antioch.
[] You keep watch over Apollonia while she examines the Being.
[] Now that the Trinity are awake, see if you can get an audience with them.
[] Check in on Virginia. Maybe she's finally woken up?

QM Note: Next update ends this card and will also have the last vote.
looking for a tie-breaker vote!

vote will close at this time:
"Speaking of Dione, does she know you're here?" you ask. "Did she send you as a spy on her as a favor for allowing you to leave?"

"I'm sure she'd like that, but I'm here of my own accord. She refused to hear my out regarding Ziz, so I had to slip away in the middle of the night. I'm sure she'll forgive once I return with proof not just of the nature spirits but of the ability to make holy relics!"

She says that so happily too, her gray eyes sparkling beneath the sunlight, a warm smile stretching wide across her face.

"...You may not get the chance to. Temperance, Aries Mars, and Scorpio Mars have already left to retake the city. Granted, they'll have to stop by Ephesus to gain allies first."

Dione blinks. "Ah."
The previous update refers to Apollonia as Dione.

[x] You keep watch over Apollonia while she examines the Being.

In the end, I'll be glad to leave the affairs of the Church, with all of its politics and rivalries, behind. I'd like to spend some time with the Being before he goes off to see the world.
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oh wow, not sure what happened there... i can fix that in a bit.

also, vote closed, spending time Apollonia and the Being before they leave has won!
The Star (XII)
Winning vote:
[X] You keep watch over Apollonia while she examines the Being.

The Star (XII)

Holy Saturday is another bright and sunny day. The soft sunlight cascades into your apartment along with the chatter of people going about their business, some in their daily routines and others preparing for tonight and for Easter Sunday.

You, however, will be doing neither.

After you wake Apollonia and her pet raven up, the three of you head down to the city streets. With the threat of Belial removed, the people Antioch celebrated and dragged you into the festivities, despite the fact that this was supposed to be a holy week. Luckily, you managed to talk your way out of drinking to excess, and so didn't have to deal with another accursed hangover. Apollonia, however indulged herself freely, yet was also unaffected by the power of the strong wine. She walked with a particular bounce in her step and a wide smile on her face.

So, you can't help but ask...

"Was this also a gift from Ziz?"

You said that in a whispered tone to not draw in more attention, so only Apollonia and her companion heard you.

She blinked. "Huh? What do you..."

Her eyes then widened in realization. "Oh, you mean my good health? Yes, I can relieve myself of illness and malaise with the power of the bird of healing, Caladrius. I might be able to heal others too, but I haven't had an occasion to try it out."

"You know, there are plenty of sick people you could try and heal with that kind of power. People with lasting injuries from the last cultist attack."

But she laughs instead of taking your suggestion seriously. "Yes, and I'm sure your holy companions wouldn't have any problems with that. No, if I want to become a healer, I'll have to do that somewhere else, whether that's another city or another world entirely."

You make a noncommittal grunt. "I suppose so... and you are going to be leaving soon then?"

She nods. "I'd have left already if you let me see The Being earlier," she adds, to which you can only give her a doubtful glance. After having come here all this way to see your alien companion, you doubt she'd only be satisfied with only a short exposure. The only way that would happen is if the Being left with her. So, you ask her if that's her plan, and she agrees. Luckily for her, The Being will be easy to convince.

As for your alien companion, it often spends time in the ocean, and so you bring Apollonia down to the harbor, only stopping to make a detour to pray to your statue. You don't see it at first, but that's alright. You turn one of your arms into a tendril of bubbles and extend it into the blue waters, allowing your spiritual presence to flow through it and into the ocean.

It's a signal, once that the Being senses clearly, emerging from the ocean only moments later. Now it's much larger than either you or Apollonia, so its massive size from before must have been from absorbed water. Apollonia herself says as much as he draws closer to it.

"Could you absorb even more water? Do you have any sort of limit?"

The Being shudders and ripples, and then extends several tendrils into the ocean. You and Apollonia can both see water flowing into the Being and making it grow larger and larger... as it does so, a small crowd of onlookers comes around nearby... and it stops when it grows to a size too large to fit inside the Great Church of Antioch. But even so, the tides and waves seem almost unaffected.

The Being holds this size for a few minutes the people marvel at it before releasing all of that water back into the ocean, and even more, shrinking in size comparable to a large rabbit. It then sloshes its way over to you and Apollonia and extends tendrils to you both. You take hold of it without hesitation have Apollonia do the same. Only moments later, her eyes widen.

"Ah, so this is how the two of you communicated? I can hear it directly in my mind, or maybe through my whole body?" she asks, and you nod in response.

Separately, the Being communicates to you. [ZARYA, WHAT DOES THIS HUMAN DESIGNATED APOLLONIA DESIRE?]

You signal back through the link that what she wants is to study the Being. She's curious about this alien entity that was called from another world by her former companions. As far as you know, she has no hostile intentions, despite having been working with Dione. Furthermore, she also wants to travel and see the world.


It must have been having a similar discussion with Apollonia, as it makes an expected announcement to both of you.


You simply nod, while Apollonia jumps in place and cheers. Yes, this is about what you expected to happen. Of course, Apollonia needs to find a way out of this city first. She's only allowed to be here since she's (pretending to be) your prisoner, and so it'd be quite suspicious if she suddenly vanished. You don't want people inside the Church thinking that you've suddenly switched sides or were secretly a cultist all along.

As you think about that, Apollonia continues to have the Being essentially perform tricks for her. The Being starts off by demonstrating abilities that both you and her are already quite familiar with. The forced flowing of water. Sudden bursts of speed. Dissolving into bubbles and re-forming. However, it continues with abilities you never expressed. The emergence and opening of eyes. Sudden bursts of strength. Changing colors between bright and dark. Apollonia insists on observing the extents of the Being's capacity, and by the time of day's end, you doubt she's exhausted it.

You're quite grateful that the Being was so willing to work with you. Imagine if it had been hostile instead!

As the sun sets over the ocean, Apollonia makes her own declaration. "I ought to leave now while I can. Or in the morning at the latest."

You blink in surprise. "Huh? Already?"

"That's right. Since all of the holy women are and will be busy with Easter, they won't be paying any attention to me. It's the perfect opportunity to sneak out."

She starts walking back into the city towards your apartment, and the rest of you follow her. She brought only a small bag of supplies and rations with her, which you restocked for her. It's not suspicious when you ask for supplies after all, since you're the Hero of Antioch.

"I'll just need my bag and then we can go. Despite the circumstances, I'm grateful that you were able to host me."

"And I'm grateful you kept your promise... at least so far. You disappearing now of all times is going to cause problems for me," you note. "Are you sure you can't stay a bit longer, or at least say goodbye?"

She gives you a bittersweet look. "Zarya, you really think they'd let me leave? There's no way. I'm not going to be a prisoner here forever, and that's what'll happen if I stick around."

She then glances around conspiratorially before saying something that freezes your mind cold.

"You know, you could come with us."

"I... huh?"

She offers a hand. "Come with us for a while. Come see the world. Of course, it's not like you have to. I've seen how you look at the people here, as if they're all your friends. I know you love it here. But you can always come back."

You look to the Being, but it remains silent. You'll need to make this decision on your own.

Could you really leave? This is your home now. You like it here.

On the other hand, all of your travels so far have been at the behest of someone else. This would be the first time you could leave solely on your own volition. You have a sinking suspicion that if you don't take this offer now, a chance like it won't come again. You'll get settled and not want to leave.

But Antioch, when it's not being attacked by cultists, is a lovely place to be. This is a place where you'd happily stay and be settled. Especially since Melina and Leo Sun are here. Not to mention that Linza, Philippos, and Capricorn Saturn are never too far away.

Then again, it's not like you'd be gone forever.

Though, you can't imagine that your enemies inside the Church would be happy with you when you returned.



You blink. You were staring off in the distance the whole time while Apollonia had her hand out.

"A-ah, sorry! I was thinking. About what I want to do."

She nods. "And have you decided?"

You look down at her outstretched hand.

" know what? I have."

[] You take her hand and go.
-[] Disappear suddenly and without a trace.
-[] Leave a note behind explaining yourself.
[] You let her and the Being go.
-[] It's best if you don't help her.
-[] Its best if you help her leave.

QM Note: Thanks to everyone who's participated! This is the last vote. The World will be a series of epilogues covering not just Zarya and Apollonia but also some other characters.
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[X] You let her and the Being go.
-[X] It's best if you don't help her.

And so, but for the holy power of the statue, Zarya's life as the Water-Bearer of Antioch is over…
She then glances around conspiratorially before saying something that freezes my mind cold.

I was thinking about it, but... nah. The itinerant life would suit us if we didn't take steps to get settled in Antioch, going as far as building a workshop and erecting a statue acting as a focus to our power. If we shared interests with the Being, who is an adventurer and an explorer, we wouldn't have separated.

[x] You let her and the Being go.
-[x] Its best if you help her leave.

They are going together, so she counts as our partner's teammate. We'll deal with the consequences.
[X] You let her and the Being go.
-[X] It's best if you don't help her.

Traveling is fun, but I think Zarya has already found a place where she belongs.

Besides, I don't think she needs help.
need a tie-breaker vote
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Mar 23, 2024 at 6:23 PM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] You let her and the Being go.
    -[X] It's best if you don't help her.
    [X] You let her and the Being go.
    -[x] Its best if you help her leave.

incredible, the last vote is tied lol

a tie-breaker vote in the next couple of hours means an update tomorrow. otherwise, the first epilogue goes up on Easter Sunday.
Vote will close in roughly 24 hours from now...

...and we still need a tiebreaker vote >_>
The World (Epilogue I – Zarya's World)
Winning vote:
[X] You let her and the Being go.
-[X] It's best if you don't help her.

The World (Epilogue I – Zarya's World)

Easter comes and goes, and with it the truth of Apollonia's words was revealed.

She and the Being had both vanished without a trace, and it took quite some time for the Antiochian Church to notice. Easter was keeping them busy, of course. Easter Sunday began at sunrise, and you had heard prayers and verses throughout the city streets. The streets were more crowded than you'd ever seen before. Leo Sun had told you that people can from all over to join in the holy festivities. Despite the piety of the Aurelian women, they'd never come here themselves, and the same was true for your parents.

(It occurred to you then that it was the first time you'd thought about any of them in months. You let those thoughts dissipate back into the mental void from whence they came.)

Despite having the option to join in the crowd, and being quite welcome to do so, you kept to yourself. You went outside to be sure, but mainly to be seen, to eat, and to work on your new personal statue – a reminder of the Being's presence in this world and in your life. It's something to chip away at between commissions (of which you had several). Unlike a normal statue, you were going to see if you could get unfired water-logged clay to work, allowing you to make it mobile.

It was while you were at your workshop one day that Leo Sun came by with news of Virginia's recovery. That same day, she noticed that Apollonia was absent, and you had to explain that she flew away with the Being despite your insistence that she stay and not cause problems for you. You never actually saw her go, despite not to be involved any further, so your guess is that she left in the middle of the night just before Easter.

Leo Sun was angry, of course, but not at you. Of the Mystic Priestess quartet, the only one who was even a bit upset at you was the new Virgo Mercury, who mentioned that you could have stopped her if you'd wanted to.

You didn't rise to her bait, instead declaring that Apollonia was currently no threat to any of them, despite being a cultist.

But if she ever did become one in the future, well... you knew whose side you were on.

She must have taken that as meaning that you were on the side of her Church, and so did the Sovereign Priest of Antioch when he finally and briefly met with you again. You chose not to correct them. You were on your side, the side with your friends and allies standing by your side... which included people who just so happened to be holy women.

The old man's talk amounted to thanking you for your service with the Church and again reminding you that you could ask him for any favor you'd like. You turned him down once again, as you weren't doing this for him, even if he benefitted from your actions. You also brought up that you and all the people are eagerly awaiting to see his replacements for the vacant Advocate and various church positions, which now will include the Trinity.

(They're 'voluntarily retiring', but you know the truth. Maybe one day everyone will.)

He complained about a lack of suitable candidates from inside the Church. You countered with a suggestion that he should cast a wider net, and not feel the need to limit who he considers as a holy candidate. After all, it's not like his prior approach prevented the rise of Dione or Charity's treason.

He simply took your suggestion at face value, thanked you for your thoughts as a representative of the people, and let you go.

You weren't surprised to find that Followers were actively trying to spend more time with you shortly afterwards.

Well, it's not like you minded if that's all they did. You still have your concerns about the Church, knowing full well that you still have enemies inside it. Better to keep them close.

And someone must have leaked the news to Melina, because she's made an effort to come into the city and visit you more often. Unlike the other Followers, you look forward to her company. You even go and visit her in her commune sometimes too. She's flourishing up there.

And so are you, in your new home in Antioch.

Last year, you couldn't have possibly imagined that you'd end up not just free, but prosperous and popular and far from Sardis and the place where you grew up. You had been someone's possession for the longest time, and now you're your own woman. You can do what you want! You've got no big goals, but that's no problem. Life will go by day by day, and you'll appreciate each one as best you can for the rest of your life. As long as you can keep these spiritual threats at bay, it'll be a long and peaceful one.

You'll make it so!

QM Note: Thanks for joining me on the quest, everyone! As I said before, this will be the first of a series of epilogues. I expect to also post those weekly on Sundays, and there should be seven in total (including this one).
Well, it was definitely a fun trip. My gratitude to the author for that. that you brought this story to the end. This is unfortunately quite rare.