Endless Devotion (DC/Cultist Simulator/Book of Hours)

We are a student of Seasons. Life is brief, temporary, ephemeral, even as it is beautiful while it lasts.

And it is way too short to spend it pussyfooting around. Are we a wizard, people, or are we a fucking Wizard?

Let's do something a little fucking unwise.
Hell yeah brother let's show these familys the true power of a wizard that's all out fucks to give and got a whole lot of ass to kick.

[X] Call Winter Incarnate: Alexandra has convinced you. You need to be interesting and attract attention, and you have just the best way to do it. There is a reason you use skills to access the Lores: synchronizing with the lores without the skills as a filter is dangerous, and prone to making the sorcerer more than a little strange. But when you need power and awe, there is nothing better than to call upon Winter unending, your arcane might a servant to Lady Death. Well, after that Alexandra will not be able to say you haven't got enough attention, for good and for ill.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by JustKoon on Mar 14, 2024 at 1:37 PM, finished with 24 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Call Winter Incarnate: Alexandra has convinced you. You need to be interesting and attract attention, and you have just the best way to do it. There is a reason you use skills to access the Lores: synchronizing with the lores without the skills as a filter is dangerous, and prone to making the sorcerer more than a little strange. But when you need power and awe, there is nothing better than to call upon Winter unending, your arcane might a servant to Lady Death. Well, after that Alexandra will not be able to say you haven't got enough attention, for good and for ill.
    [X] Do Nothing
    [X] Call Winter Incarnate
    [X] Do Nothing: Alexandra will have to deal with it, but you will do nothing. Let her call the fire brigade, you will only cast a few unobtrusive spells that should limit the damage. There will be no suspicion on the NUHL, and until you again rock the boat, you should be safe from outside intervention. But the college will sustain a great deal of damage, in materials, time, and reputation.
    [X] Stop the Fire
So, here we have confirmation that if you give SV a 'smart and mild' option and an 'awesome and stupid' option, the awesome one will win!

Cool cool. That's cool.

So, now one of the families knows who you are, which is... yeah. You now WILL have to spend actions on politics - I mean, you don't HAVE to, but that would be giving the initiative to the magocracy that is unhealthily interested in your business, which is... no.

In exchange though if you manage to rope the Equili and give them a slice of this project - and that's a big if - you can in theory become a semi-neutral ground and research spot between the five families, which would be really cool, not gonna lie.

but this choice was so dumb guys

Also today I had to wrestle all day with gardening, so I am so tired. No chapter today

If we aren't putting on spandex and joining the Justice League to punch [Insert Crisis Event of the month] by the end of this quest what's the point of delving into the Lores, really...

Of course, I mean, who doesn't like smiting aliens with the wrath of various eldritch gods? Humanity is only allowed to fuck with humanity, and that's final!
I say this will go poorly.

In addition to that, however, sometimes coming out of left field works… but when it doesn't it tends to backfire spectacularly.
1991 - Turn 2
-[X] Teach Your Students: Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine
-[X] Confront the Schwarz: Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen, Surgeries and Exsanguinations
-[X] Standard Investing: Alexandra Schwarz, 2 FUNDS

[X] Call Winter Incarnate: Alexandra has convinced you. You need to be interesting and attract attention, and you have just the best way to do it. There is a reason you use skills to access the Lores: synchronizing with the lores without the skills as a filter is dangerous, and prone to making the sorcerer more than a little strange. But when you need power and awe, there is nothing better than to call upon Winter unending, your arcane might a servant to Lady Death. Well, after that Alexandra will not be able to say you haven't got enough attention, for good and for ill.

You breathe out. You stare mesmerized at the white cloud leaving your lips, feeling Winter take hold of you.

This is dumb. This is so dumb. You should just do nothing. It would be the sane, easy, and safe choice.

You smile as you start walking towards the fire. The ground freezes and shatters under your feet, the sound like the twinkling of glass.

Then maybe it's time to do something dumb. Chasing the lores, opening the College, they weren't the smart choices.

Yet here you are.

"I think it's best if you are not here for the next part, Alexandra," you calmly say over your shoulder, eyes fixed on the suddenly indecisive inferno.

"For this is about to get weird," you end as you close your eyes and start humming, thinking wintery thoughts.

You leave behind your Skills, filters, and windows you can interact with the deeper mysteries with, and instead step forward, accepting the Seasons with your entire body. Your laugh is a rasp as you step out of your skin, eyes still closed - always closed, you are not ready, never ready. Your skin is a single infinite wrinkle, your teeth rotten, your hair nothing but a lonely silver wisp waiting for the last note to close the symphony.

You have never felt more beautiful.

Your bones creak and cry as you walk into the fire, yet even as the flames lick your flesh only frost truly hurts you. You leave behind the glories of Summer and accept Winter, the Time of Beautiful Endings, and with it, you bring closure.

Fire rages around you, yet it should not be so. So you take pity on the world around you, and you speak silence to it. And the world hears the cries you do not have and understands them. Snow kisses your brow from a silent sky, the trees around you stilling themselves as they prepare themselves for the long winter you herald. They have no time for fire - there is no fire in Winter, only stillness, and as such there is no fire here, only endings.

You end your last step in the middle of the dying wood, ravaged by human action and now choosing its beautiful end. And with your last step, you end.

A second, a day, a year pass - nothing changes, for everything is still.

And does time even exist, in a world where nothing changes?

This lasts for eternity and a day until a heresy breaks the perfect peace you had brought onto the world. A desperate step breaks the frost embracing it. You turn to the culprit - why? You don't ask him, yet he hears - and even with closed eyes, you see him. An emaciated man, the look of nobility on his face ravaged by years of hunger and old age. His eyes are open - and that is a mistake, he is not ready - and with them, he looks at the face of Winter, and despairs at his mortality.

You do not care what he looks like - winter comes for him in every case. You do not care what he wears - rags and dresses meet Winter the same way, lost in dust and frost. You care that he is using something of his to escape Winter, to escape finality, to escape the End.

Oh. Magic. Mana. He is using magic.

He is the mage who started this all. You almost forgot about this.

As always, delving deep into the mysteries is... dangerously fascinating.

You slowly, ever so slowly, try to open your hands and let Winter leave your mind and soul. You do not open your eyes yet, and you are not deep enough into the Lore of Seasons to enter Spring after the end of Winter. To do that, you start walking, forcing your old bone and saggy skin - less saggy and old for every step you take, the beating of your heart bringing Summer back into your old, old flesh - to move towards the one whos started it all.

The mage seems still quite shell-shocked - poor guy. Even if you are still only dipping your toes into the lake of Season, you still have magic - weaving miracles is your job, after all. You just weaved a miracle a few steps closer to the Source, and his mind was not ready for it. He's not broken by it, the fact he still had enough presence of mind to shield himself from Winter everlasting proves that, but the poor guy will probably have quite the shakes for months.

You shake your head, smiling as you feel your newly returned hair kissing your scalp, and stop in front of him, now firmly back into the grasp of Summer. But Summer is only for you - Winter still has this land in its lap, and you don't mind it one bit. The mage is still a frostbitten mess, his every movement shaking off more ice flakes. He looks you in the eyes, and moves his jaw, trying to say something, anything.

You smile, shake your head, and plunge your hand into his chest, his flesh relishing the touch of Summer and letting you in like an old friend. You grab his heart and squeeze, and for a moment you are sure he is gonna explode right there, from the way his eye pop out.

"Tell your family that you did something mighty rude just now. We are not barbarians, are we? Setting fire to a forest just to get me to intervene has got me mighty annoyed, if you wish to know."

The mage again moves his jaw, and this time you almost hear what could be charitably called words coming from his frozen throat, but you just tsk and blow the barest of Winter at him, silencing him immediately.

"No, no, no words. Again: I am disappointed. I will be awaiting some reparation, just so you know. People might have gotten hurt back there, and that is not something I can tolerate," you add as you loose your grasp and turn back around, leaving the patch of completely still woods behind you, scarred mage included.

"And tell your Family Head that we would be more than happy to speak with them as civilized people if they wish. Our doors are always open, here at NUHL."

You walk out of the circle of frost, leaving the man behind - he will probably recuperate enough faculties to ask for help in an hour or two, and then he won't be your problem. You blink haphazardly as you try to purge the rest of the Mysteries from your mind - again, naming every single bone in your hand until you can put your surgery skill as a velvet drape over a now unneeded skill. Staring for too long into the Seasons can leave one more than a little loopy, and you would prefer your mind and body to live quite a few more centuries, thank you very much.

On the way to your house, you nod at a transfixed Alexandra, eyes wide open and tears frozen on her cheek. Stupid girl, she stayed and looked at you. You note with a raised eyebrow a few more people staring at the Winter Woods: all Schwarzs waiting for your intervention, you realize, every single student and civilian long since evacuated to safer harbors.

Oh well. Maybe they will be a bit more open when you try to teach them exactly what you just did.

You whistle as the adrenaline and cold clarity leave you, and embarrassment and despair hit you all at once at what is probably a huge fucking mistake, why did you listen to Alexandra and -


It did not take long after that stunt of yours for Alexandra to ask you to her office to 'discuss the future of the Schwarz family'.

Which should hopefully mean that the Hand family has finally started to believe you and caught one of the handful of baits you have been throwing them all year. Still, you have nothing better to do - teaching your idiot students what mitosis is one more time is sucking the soul out of you.

You open the door to Alexandra's office and blink when behind her desk sits Johan Schwarz, Head of the Schwarz family. Wearing a black bespoke suit and clasping his hands in front of him, Johan could be the image under the dictionary entry for Industry Magnate. His hair is white with age and more than one wrinkle occupies his face, yet his blue eyes are as sharp as a man a third his age and his posture is impeccable. You do not even hazard to guess his age: good old Johan is head of a Hand house, and that means he is, above everything, useful - and useful people get access to Equili life-prolonging elixirs. He could be almost two hundred, for all you know.

Yep, this talk is gonna be interesting for sure.

You throw Alexandra a smile - she is standing to the side of the desk, the perfect image of a secretary - and sit down in the leather seat opposite Johan. You try to hide your shivers as you move, but Johan is nothing if not competent.

"Cold, sir Ludwig?" He asks you with the voice of a man who has smoked for more than a century and could probably eat rocks for breakfast. "Do you need us to higher the thermostat for you, sir?"

You smile sardonically at the tilt with which he says sir. You both know he only sees you as a cocksure boy, and only his loyalty to the family has him feigning any form of deferentiality towards you.

Well, if that's how he wants to play it, then fine by you.

"No. But thanks for the thought, Johan. More of a metaphysical cold, I'm afraid. Nothing you can do about it," you answer him calmly, holding his gaze all the while. "That little show the other night had a few repercussions, is all."

"Shame. I was told it was one hell of a show," Johan slowly drawls, eyes fixed on you.

You nod at that. "Yup. And if I want to keep doing stuff like that and still be capable of walking around without frosting the floor, I need to cleanse myself afterward. Henceforth, the cold."

The silence lasts for a few seconds, Johan probably trying to get your measure after the other night, and you take the occasion to take a glance at Alexandra. She is staring straight forward at the wall, completely rigid, her expression completely opaque.

"I hope you have no problem with your attache, sir Ludwig," Johan says the exact moment your eyes stray. "I was more than a little surprised when little Alexandra told me you have not taken part of the full list of services we offer."

Your smile strains a bit at that. "And as I already told Alexandra, I was interested only in an assistant. A completely platonic assistant."

Johan hums deeply at that, not letting out his disposition at your words. "Quite different from your cousins then, sir Ludwig."

"Thank you for the compliment," you joke at him with a smile, and inwardly cheer when a scoff that could maybe be called a laugh escapes his wizened lips.

You are ready for one more incredibly tense silence, but Johan motions to Alexandra, and she mechanically grabs one of the many folders covering her desk and hands it to you.

"And this would be...?" You ask as you skim through the many pages.

"The results of the many investments we have started with your blessing and the NUHL funds for the year, sir," Johan drawls. "I thought it would be better to get it out before the... meatier parts of this conversation."

-1 fund: !d100= 66; +2 funds!
-1 fund: !d100= 53; +1 funds!
+1 Fund total from Standard Investing

"While being barred from the tested and profitable contacts of the Family hurt our prospects a fair bit, the caution you showed was more than understandable. Especially as the Equili managed to get suspicious of our presence before any of our estimates," Johan says as you quickly leaf through the dossier. You honestly don't get much out of it - there is a reason you left it to Alexandra after all - the news doesn't seem that bad.

Still, that word slip doesn't escape you.

"But we made a profit, no? And are we sure it was the Equili that started the fire then?"

Johan nods slowly at you, only to wave to Alexandra to hand you what seems like a letter. "A modest profit, but a profit nonetheless. For the fast turnaround you asked for, this should be more than enough. And as for the Equili, well..."

You hand the first dossier back to Alexandra. You skim the already-opened letter and your eyebrows rise as you quickly get the gist of the message.

"That was fast," you murmur as you read what can only be a declaration of reparation from the Equili family.

"Quite. You must have made quite the impression on the French, sir," Johan says with a grim smile, eyes still unerringly fixed on you.

You smile wrily back at him. "Let's just hope we can survive such an impression."

Johan chuckles at that. "Quite. Still, it is a standard reparation. They affirm that it was all a terribly tragic accident, that their man was practicing only for his spell to go out of control and burn the nearby woods - the fact that our college was put in danger was only a terrible, terrible coincidence," Johan drawls with a knowing smile and a roll of his eyes. "Of course, they are more than willing to pay for any kind of damage we received, and from that point of view the Equili's word is worth more than gold. With... a little extra added on, of course, to stop us from trying to spread this awful, awful story."

You snort at that. Classic Equili, end your every problem by drowning it in gold. "And how much would this little extra be?"

Johan says a ludicrous number. Your eyebrows try to disappear into your hairline.

+3 Funds

"That's... more than a little extra."

Johan nods at that. "True. Which means that your stunt attracted more than a little attention too, sir Ludwig. As shown by their request for a meeting with their Grand Transmuter."

You almost choke on your spit at that. You look up at Johan, still coughing, and see him look at you impassively. "Their Grand Transmuter? Isn't that only a step below Head?"

"That it is, sir Ludwig. He should be their Head of Research if I am correct," Johan says with a straight face.

You lean back in your seat, the metaphysical cold all but forgotten. "Isn't that a bit... premature?"

Johan slowly shakes his head. "Not in the slightest. In my long service - and make no mistake sir Ludwig, my service to your family cannot be described as anything but long - I have never seen anything like what my family members described of the other night," Johan adds inexorably, eyes pinning you to the seat as if you were an insect under a microscope. "For a Head of Research, a totally new field of discovery could be... irresistible. Because that is what it is, sir Ludwig, no? A completely new branch of magic, ripe for the taking?"

You nod at that. "I would not call it magic, per se, but yes. It can be described as such."

"A branch of non-magic that would be open even for Dulls? Even for my family members?" Johan says at last. The tension in the room skyrockets, as this whole conversation comes to the central knot: can you do it? Tens of unasked questions float in the air: why can you do it when no one else could? Isn't this only your hubris? Will it be dangerous? How can you guarantee it?

Will it help my family?

You take a deep breath as this old, loyal, and dangerous man stares at you with what you can only describe as carnivorous, desperate hope.

You nod at him, sure of yourself, and for a single moment you relax your grasp on your shivers and let the power of Winter fill the room.

"Yes. I bring you that, and more," you say with frost on your lips and Summer on your heart.

"I have only ever worked for the glory of my family, sir Ludwig," Johan says in a whisper, and he stops thouthfully when he sees his breath fogging up.

"And I can give you that which you lack," you add with all the surety that you do not feel.

"The Schwarzs have always been loyal to the Weisswald family," Johan concludes, eyes closed and ancient hands grasping at nothing.

"And I am a Weisswald," you conclude.

Johan opens your eyes and looks at you. Really looks at you, looking at what I don't know. He continues looking for it for what seems like hours, but in the end, must be no more than a handful of minutes. After that, the image of the hard, unyielding elder disappears, leaving behind only a hopeful and tired, so tired old man.

"That you are. That you are."

Alexandra for the first time in the entire conversation breaks her character and shows concern for the old man, but Johan waves her away instantly, before turning back to you. "The Schwarzs will be open to learning what you have to offer, and... after that, we will see. Now please leave, sir Ludwig. This old man needs his downtime."

You nod at that and get up from the chair, your shivering form rapidly making for the exit, only to be stopped at the edge by Johan's voice.

"I also advise you not to accept the Grand Transmuter's invitation until you have some results on hand. We can manage to delay it for at least six months. Use them well."

With that last advice, you leave Alexandra's office, your mind running a mile a second and your feet bringing you wherever they wish to.



Every turn takes 6 months, exactly a semester. So you will have two turns for every school year.

As of now your only department is Medicine, and a full Medicine course takes 6 years, or 12 turns, so there isn't any hurry.

You will have three types of resources: characters, skills, and assists. To take an action you need to assign a character to it. You can assign a skill to a character to aid him in such action, but only if the character knows such skill. You can assign an assist to a character to aid him in such action. Only one skill and assist can be assigned per character.

To complete an action you have to assign a character to it and reach the LORE breakpoints needed.

An example of a turn would be:

[X] Plan Start
-[X] Teach Your Students: Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine
-[X] Confront the Schwarz: Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen, Surgeries and Exsanguinations
-[X] Cover Your Tracks: Alexandra Schwarz


New University of Higher Learning (NUHL)

Suspicion: 0
(Just a new college far from civilization. Who knows if it will survive.)
Equili: Known (Now, now, now, what exactly are the Weisswald up to?)

Notoriety: 0 (What? Where exactly are you going to Uni? A campus lost in the woods? What?)

Education: ??? (Too soon to say)

Resources: 2 (The limited tuition of your first batch of students, plus help from your Family)

Upkeep: 0 (You have no Structure or Upkeep)



Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine (Teaching 2, Material 4)

Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen (Material 4, Arcane 8)

Alexandra Schwarz, Schwarz Family Attache (Material 9)


Surgeries and Exsanguinations: Surgery entails the flow of blood, and flowing blood entails purification. Beware, though, for that goes both ways, still as winter or alive as spring. (SEASON 4, SMOKE 0) (Usable by Ludwig Weisswald)


6 Funds: Your capital. You will receive a certain amount of funds at the start of every school year. The amount depends on your Notoriety, Education, and the Upkeep of your structures. (1 Material)(You will receive 2 more Funds on Turn 3. You can assign as many funds to an action as you want, ignoring the Assist limit.)


Department of Medicine:

Teach Your Students: Do your job and teach your students. You won't start opening their minds to the Lores and Principles, but there is time. (Required: Teaching 2)(Teach your students about medicine)

Teach The Lores:
Do your job and teach your students. Of course, you could also slip into the lessons some tidbits about Life, Death, and Seasons. Just softening them up, really. (Required: Teaching 2, SEASON 2)(Teach your students about medicine, Give them a SEASON mystery)

Surgery Masterclass:
You are probably the best surgeon in the world. Thanks to the Lores, sure, but you still are. Still, you think that you can create a Masterclass: a course that is head and shoulders above the rest of the world. That said, your students are still far from learning about surgery. (Required: Teaching 4, Surgeries and Exsanguination Skill)(Create the Surgery Masterclass. Gain Notoriety, Education, and chance of Suspicion)

Search for Unique Students:
The pearls in the mud, the stars in the sky. There could be someone more between all those students. Your college's reputation is practically nonexistent, so the chance is small, but you could go search for someone interesting. (Required: Teaching 2 OR Arcane 2)(Find a Student character and bring them under your wing. Chance depends on Notoriety. Very low chance.)

Search for Unique Professors:
The pearls in the mud, the stars in the sky. There could be someone more between all those professors. Your college's reputation is practically nonexistent, so the chance is small, but you could go search for someone interesting. All you need to do is socialize with your peers. (Required: Teaching 2 OR Arcane 2)(Find a Professor character and bring them under your wing. Chance depends on Notoriety. Very low chance.)


Cover Your Tracks: You have not made any waves yet, but there are still traces leading back to the Weisswald family. Clean your books and cover your tracks. The other families WILL find out about you, but you don't have to make it easy for them. (Required: Material 6)(Reduce your Suspicion)

Teach the Schwarz:
It is now time to put your money where your mouth is and teach the Schwarz what you can. They will be your first true students, and your first path to a deeper understanding of the Lores. NEW!
-Alexandra Schwarz:
If there was one person you have always wanted to share the Lores with, that is Alexandra. Take her under your wings and open her eyes. See what wonders her new mind can create. (Required: ANY 2 LORE)
-NUHL Security:
Violence is not where the Schwarzs shine, yet it is sometimes needed. Teach your campus security about the strength of a steep path, or the power of winter unrelenting. (Required: HILL 2 or SEASON 2)
-NUHL Medical:
When there are scrapes or wounds, your campus doctors shine. Teach them how you are teaching your students, about the cycle of seasons and the glory of verdant summer. (Required: SEASON 2)

Teaching Spree:
Due to a lack of resources and your insistence on being a professor, you are now forced to teach your students every semester or have them unprepared for the medical world. You could also hire a whole host of new professors to take your place if you don't mind the tightening budget. (Required: Material 4, 1 FUND)(The Teach Your Students action is automatically completed every turn.)

Hiring The Best:
Due to a lack of resources and your insistence on being a professor, you are now forced to teach your students every semester or have them unprepared for the medical world. You could also divine for professors who are good at teaching and are compatible with the Lores. Of course, that could result... expensive. (Required: Material 4, Arcane 4)(Find a Professor character and hire them. Cost and chance depend on Notoriety.)

Scholarship Extraordinaire:
You are not in this to make money. You are here to find answers to the deeper mysteries. To do that you need fresh blood and great minds. Luckily, there are plenty of great minds without the opportunity to go to college: offer a scholarship to the disenfranchised and misunderstood geniuses, and see what comes. (Required: 2 FUNDS)(Find a Student character and bring them under your wing. Chance depends on the amount of Funds used. This action does not need a character.) NEW!

Standard Investing:
You lack funds. Money makes the world go round, and you will need funds in the future. Send the Schwarz family to invest the little funds you have. They will limit themselves to public and legal opportunities, not rocking the boat so to speak. (Required: Material 6, 2 FUNDS)(Gain a random amount of funds. Chance depends on the amount of Material used)

Family Investing:
You lack funds. Money makes the world go round, and you will need funds in the future. Send the Schwarz family to invest the little funds you have. They will use the avenues being part of a Family opens you, gaining without doubt bigger profit. It might signal to the other families that you are there, though. (Required: Material 6, 2 FUNDS)(Gain a random amount of funds. Chance depends on the amount of Material used. Chance of Suspicion)


Erect Wards: Protection is paramount in your world, and a ward is essential. Erect your defenses.
-Arcane Wards: You are an old hand at wardcrafting. This won't be a problem for you. Of course, the more reagents you can buy the stronger the Ward will be, and the other families are more than familiar with arcane wards. (Requires: 5 Arcane)(Erect standard protections on the College. Strength of the wards depends on amount of Funds used and amount of Arcane used)
-Seasonal Wards: This here is new ground for you. How exciting! Try to make a ward that will ensure good health and weather for those inside, while assuring illness or even death to those invading. This will be weaker than an arcane ward, but the other family will have no experience with such a new ward. (Requires: Arcane 4, SEASON 2)(Erect SEASON protections on the College. Strength of the wards depends on the amount of Funds used and amount of SEASON used)

Search For Lore:
Now that you know what you are searching for, it is time to look for more artifacts and books related to the Lores. And it won't be strange for a College to look for books, right? That said, you will need to be present: only you know what you are searching for. (Required: Material 4, ANY LORE 2, 1 FUND)(Search for Lore Artifacts and Books. Chance and Efficacy, and Cost depends on the amount of Material, Funds, and Lore used. Chance of Suspicion.)

Make a Journal:
Now that you are truly researching the Lores, it is time to put your discovery black on white. Start a research journal. (Required: ANY LORE 2)(Create a Lore Assist.)

Study Your Skill:
Since you have discovered the SEASON your surgery skills have become literally supernatural. Yet you know that something is missing. A facet of your skill is closed to you, and that won't do. Study your skill and push it to the max. (Required: Surgeries and Exsanguination Skill)(???)

Study Yourself:
Since you have discovered the SEASON you have... changed. You yourself have not noticed such, but the rest of your family has more than once remarked on your changes. Study yourself, and the influence of SEASON on its practitioners. (Required: Ludwig Weisswald)(???)

Harmonize With Winter:
The little stunt you just did was not without drawbacks. Calling on the soul of Winter without a filter is powerful, yet it is also a sure way of losing yourself in the deeper mysteries. Yet imagine what you could find while in the throes of enlightenment. Just make sure not to lose yourself. (Required: Ludwig Weisswald)(???) NEW!


Invite the Grand Transmuter: You have no idea why someone as important as the Head of Research of the Equili wants to talk to you, but you are ready for it. Invite them to NUHL, and prepare yourself for the most important discussion of your entire life. (Required: Ludwig Weisswald)(Have tea with the Grand Transmuter. Choose the future of the NUHL. But beware: he does not have infinite patience) NEW!

Ask For Help:
You might have attracted more attention than you know what to do with. Ask for help from your Family: even if they cannot take the attention away from you, they can help you in some way, no? (Ask your Family for help.) NEW!


Buildings are not actions: while you can assign a character to them, they are not required to build a building.

No University is complete without a state-of-the-art library. You have a simple library enough for simple projects: change that. (Required: 2 FUNDS)(Build a Library, gain an Assist. Opens new options) NEW!

Your medical university cannot be complete without a state-of-the-art infirmary. Indistinguishable from a cutting-edge hospital if not for its size, the infirmary will help with your medical courses as well as handle all medical emergencies. (3 FUNDS)(Build an Infirmary, gain an Assist. Opens new options) NEW!

You are far from civilization, and idle hands are the devil's plaything. Build a few clubs that close late into the night, giving your students some much-needed relaxation. If you wish for NUHL to become a true town, this is where you start. (2 FUNDS)(Build some nightclubs. Opens new options) NEW!
Seasonal Wards and Harmonizing with Winter would go a long way towards providing those 'tangible results' that the Grand Transmuter is looking for....
I think we probably need to teach a Dull how to use the lores to have a proof of concept that we really can teach anyone this new field of magic.
Wouldn't teaching Dulls Lores upset the other families? I thought all their prestige and ego was built on being better at the occult and the magical. If anyone can do it, wouldn't everyone become threats in their eyes?
[X] Plan: Results in surgery
- [X] Teaching Spree (Required: Material 4, 1 FUND)(The Teach Your Students action is automatically completed every turn, Alexandra Schwarz, Schwarz Family Attache (Material 9)
- [X] Teach the Schwarz:
-- [X] NUHL Medical (Requires 2 SEASON) Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine (Teaching 2, Material 4), Surgeries and Exsanguinations (SEASON 4, SMOKE 0) (Usable by Ludwig Weisswald)

- [X] Erect Wards:
-- [X] Arcane Wards:
(Requires: 5 Arcane)(Erect standard protections on the College. Strength of the wards depends on amount of Funds used and amount of Arcane used), Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen (Material 4, Arcane 8) (2 FUNDS)
- [X] Infirmary(3 FUNDS)(Build an Infirmary, gain an Assist. Opens new options)

This will be expensive but it will look good and be a start on actually teaching people. That'll do for showing off a bit, and they're still Hand family's, so it's fine.

@JustKoon will the teaching spree take effect on the turn it's elected or the next turn?
I think teaching a Dull Lores this early would be a step too far- because it makes us a giant threat. We could snowball, and they know it. There are a LOT of Dulls who want to know magic, and handing them out like candy is how we'd make an army of our own- one that by sheer weight of numbers could swamp the Five Families.

instead, what we SHOULD present them is with wards and demonstrations of magic- of the tangible changes in us from practicing this magic. It demonstrates that there is a power here. If they want in, then they'll have to send someone to learn....
I really wish we'd done the hiring action, we have so few actions. Ugh. Really wish we could do the hire the best action, but I also want to teach the schwarz :/

I really wish we'd done the hiring action, we have so few actions. Ugh. Really wish we could do the hire the best action, but I also want to teach the schwarz :/

True. But I meant this quest to be a slow and kinda relaxing pace? There is really no rush, in theory. You got a lot of years before canon too.

Of course you chose to get the Equili's attention and now you have a clock, but it is a reasonable one.

Just grow your College, get Unique Students, and learn new skills. With calm.
[X] Plan: Action Economy
-[X] Teach The Lores
--[X] Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine (Teaching 2, Material 4) Surgeries and Exsanguinations:
-[X]Teaching Spree
--[X] Alexandra Schwarz, Schwarz Family Attache (Material 9)
--[X] 1 Fund
-[X] Hiring The Best
--[X] Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen (Material 4, Arcane 8)
--[X] 3 Funds
-[X] Library
--[X] 2 Funds

, well, here's what I've got. Hire teachers to handle the mundane stuff, hire a professor character so we can get more stuff done, and poke our students about lores and see what happens to them. I'd love to start teaching Alexandra so she can start doing lore stuff but it just doesn't fit. And I blew most of our cash on the professor, but I really want to be able to do more stuff.

3 funds might be a lot for a professor, but we're pretty obscure and we'll need a lot of cash to get someone good.
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[X] Plan: Action Economy
-[X] Teach The Lores
--[X] Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine (Teaching 2, Material 4) Surgeries and Exsanguinations:
-[X]Teaching Spree
--[X] Alexandra Schwarz, Schwarz Family Attache (Material 9)
-[X] Hiring The Best
--[X] Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen (Material 4, Arcane 8)

, well, here's what I've got. Hire teachers to handle the mundane stuff, hire a professor character so we can get more stuff done, and poke our students about lores and see what happens to them. I'd love to start teaching Alexandra so she can start doing lore stuff but it just doesn't fit. And I blew most of our cash on the professor, but I really want to be able to do more stuff.
Thanks, can you also put how much Funds you will spend for every action? The Hiring the Best for example, the more Funds you use the higher the chance of bagging someone good.
At least our suspicion is zero, so there should be zero attacks. With Equili taking an interest & our own prowess, there shouldn't be any fools who try to poke further.

I would normally say no, but we are so action swamped that this time I will allow it.

Blessed day!

Here's my provisional plan, but I have one more question before that. A character gets 1 action and 1 assist, as in a character can do both 1 action and 1 assist per turn?

[-] Plan: Get Fast Results with Money
-[] Teaching Spree
--[] Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen (Material 4, Arcane 8)
--[] 1 FUND
---[] Assist: Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine
-[] Teach the Schwarz
--[] NUHL Medical
---[] Ludwig Weisswald, Head of Medicine (Teaching 2, Material 4), Surgeries and Exsanguinations
----[] Assist: Alexandra
-[] Standard Investing
--[] Alexandra Schwarz, Schwarz Family Attache (Material 9)
---[] Assist: Ludwig Weisswald, Master of the Unseen
--[] 2 FUNDS
-[] Infirmary
--[] 3 FUNDS
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At least our suspicion is zero, so there should be zero attacks. With Equili taking an interest & our own prowess, there shouldn't be any fools who try to poke further.

Blessed day!

View: https://imgur.com/xB5TWSY

Here's my provisional plan, but I have one more question before that. A character gets 1 action and 1 assist, as in a character can do both 1 action and 1 assist per turn?

not exactly.

To an action you can assign any number of characters, one skill per character, and just one assist. Their stats get added to each other.

You have no assists right now, but you will need them in the future for when you have to reach very high Material or Lore prerequisite.

Characters are not assists. For an example, if you build the Library you will get a Teaching 2 permanent assist, which represents the Professors using the Library and getting good