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Okay, fuck it, I need to start writing again. I'm going to make a oneshot/mini-quest for the ttrp Fated to Die. Who's in?

Ryoko is a clanless Leaf ninja. Despite not coming from a noble clan, she has managed to claw her way to the rank of special jonin by sheer virtue of her skill with a blade.

She is given command of a three-man squad and ordered to investigate a farming hamlet that's stopped contact with Leaf.
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Introductory Post
Book Fort
Leaf has gone through the blender in the past few years, and is no longer a military superpower.

The Fifth Hokage, Goketsu Jiraiya, is dead.

The Sixth Hokage, Hyuuga Hiashi, is dead.

The Seventh Hoakge, Sarutobi Asuma, is dead.

Lord Eighth, Uzumaki Naruto, is a powerful ninja but inexperienced in the ways of leadership. He has inherited a Leaf that has been crippled by war and malfeasance, and is relying on the uneasy peace brought by the Akatsuki's bloodsoaked edicts.

Beset by threats on all sides, Leaf has never been more vulnerable.

You are Ryoko, a combat special jonin who has, by miracle or by luck, made it through the last two wars. You have been assigned a mission, directly, by the Hokage to investigate a series of farming hamlets that have gone silent. You will lead a three-man squad to investigate the cause, and resolve it by any means necessary.

Leaf has already had one famine in recent memory and cannot afford another. You must not fail.

Ryoko is going to be a special jonin with some broken sauce. Choose your specialization...

[x] Melee Weapons Specialist.
Cloud Strife and Sephiroth wish they were you, and you make it look effortless.

[x] Taijutsu Specialist.
You cast fist. Maito Guy, Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan are among your peers.

[x] Ninjutsu Specialist.
You didn't ask how big the room is, you cast fireball.

[x] Ranged Weapons Specialist
Your enemies are pincushions now.
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We punch!
[] Taijutsu Specialist.
You cast fist. Maito Guy, Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan are among your peers.

We cast sword!

[x] Melee Weapons Specialist.
Cloud Strife and Sephiroth wish they were you, and you make it look effortless.
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Rules and Links
General Rules

Ryoko's Character Sheet (have mercy on this one)

Ryoko's Known Stunts and Ninjutsu (be gentle, ye optimizing gremlins)


Voting Style: We're going to use Approval Voting Style here, so you can vote for as many options as you want, and each vote will be counted. At the end of a voting cycle, the option that has the most votes will pass. If two or more options are tied at the end of voting, I get to pick which one to roll with.
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Looking at builds: how about a kenjutsu akimichi. I know, weird combo they normally go for taijutsu, but think of the silly nonsense we can do if we manage to be a shape-shifter and get our hands on chakra metal.

That's right, I'm talking about the legendary hermit crab ghost sword build.

Start as elite kenjutsu akimichi

Spec into stealth

Find a chakra metal sword that we can hide in

Run around casting jutsu through our near indestructible shell

Become a novel and very hard to describe cryptid
[x] Melee Weapons Specialist.

Henlo yes, I vote for sword
Start as elite kenjutsu akimichi

Spec into stealth

Find a chakra metal sword that we can hide in

Run around casting jutsu through our near indestructible shell
Keep in mind that the intended duration of the quest is the mission... This is the equivalent of a oneshot campaign. Depending on choices and how much wordcount I can squeeze out of my brain, I think this would be 10-15 chapters. 😅
Looking at builds: how about a kenjutsu akimichi. I know, weird combo they normally go for taijutsu, but think of the silly nonsense we can do if we manage to be a shape-shifter and get our hands on chakra metal.

That's right, I'm talking about the legendary hermit crab ghost sword build.

Start as elite kenjutsu akimichi

Spec into stealth

Find a chakra metal sword that we can hide in

Run around casting jutsu through our near indestructible shell

Become a novel and very hard to describe cryptid
…The Akimichi can shrink their size as well as turn bigger? That's a wild capability that I had no idea about.

If so, I approve of this setup in broad terms, though I feel like a mace or morningstar would be a better form-factor than a sword for hiding inside of. Plus if we hide inside a morningstar, we can retract the chain part or something and push the ball around like a hamsterball, and that would be very funny. Move over, human bullet tank, here comes metal bullet tank
[x] melee weapons specialist.

I have learned nothing from Meti's Sword Manual and I think swords are very cool
…The Akimichi can shrink their size as well as turn bigger? That's a wild capability that I had no idea about.

If so, I approve of this setup in broad terms, though I feel like a mace or morningstar would be a better form-factor than a sword for hiding inside of. Plus if we hide inside a morningstar, we can retract the chain part or something and push the ball around like a hamsterball, and that would be very funny. Move over, human bullet tank, here comes metal bullet tank
Very hazy on cannon, but doesn't choji have some techniques he can only use after getting into full skinny mode?
[x] Melee Weapons Specialist.

f*** swords, I cast infinite Spears!
"Cloud Strife and Sephiroth wish they were you,"