Sigh. I'll add it to my notes.

@_brightwing @1066 @Solarstream @OldGlory76 @TheRevanchist131 @Alikard310 Please review the attitude votes, I'd rather you got a vote than have to dismiss your opinions altogether.

Ah, do you mean Just Harry isn't an acceptable write-in? I thought it was a narratively sound choice for Harry to make, wearing his heart at his sleeve. Call back to the dialogue with Hagrid in canon.

How would you change it if it were to make it into the story? Should we add a con to balance it out? Say it's a Dursley influence?
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Ah, do you mean Just Harry isn't an acceptable write-in? I thought it was a narratively sound choice for Harry to make, wearing his heart at his sleeve. Call back to the dialogue with Hagrid in canon.

How would you change it if it were to make it into the story?
Well, the thing is that Harry already noticed that there's a certain amount of kayfabe to politics, even if his conscious mind hasn't exactly put a pin in it. Draco slips up a few times in front of Harry, for example, when he glances at people around him before making a public decision.

Just being himself isn't acceptable, because there needs to be a "mask", a "character" for people to focus on. Politicians aren't people to their followers, they are the ideals they preach.

All of this goes over Harry's head, but as he's been chosen to be naturally attuned to Accord Crafting, he has an instinctual grasp of these things. Thus, I'd say that you'd need to choose a characterization that aligns with whom Harry is without leaving him bare in the blizzard, so to speak.

The four options I gave are facets of this, with Aloof being the furthest from the chosen personality. If readers had chosen for him to refuse to be called Prince Potter, then the Class Prince option wouldn't be there. Similarly, if people had chosen for him to insist on being called Prince Potter, Polyanna would be much different, with a bigger focus on dignity and junk.

People are complicated, so there's a lot of aspects of Harry that can be chosen to emphazised. The main point is that when he steps out of his room, Harry has to choose one to exaggerate so that people get taken by surprise by the other sides of him, if I might put it very pragmatically.

Additionally, this will make the hidden parts of him more precious, and something he shares with those closer to his heart.
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?
Hmm in that case I'm switching to:

[][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus: Like the Class Prince in that he embraces popularity, but it's less sneering and more jock vibes. Clapping people in the back, parties, stuff like that. Still exhausting, but this seems like a friendlier way to be princely.

I like the idea of presenting a strong charismatic front, while keeping the aspect of optimism of Polyanna and cold calculation of Class Prince inside to make decisions.
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Okay... I spent too much time thinking about the schedule but I'm trying to make the school make some sense here. Each house is talented in one field. Conjuration for Gryffindor, Accords for Slytherin, Rituals for Hufflepuff, and Transfiguration for Ravenclaw, I think that is would make sense for each course to share some amount of time learning WITH the House adept in that field. As such Gryfindor houses has 3 double depth sessions in Conjuration with each house once. And thus we must have a double depth course with each of them once suggesting that such is consistent for all first years at least. This eats up 6 of the 2 block sections and leaving us with 4 left to fill.

From there we should have a day where we experience other courses with those that have no inherent bonus, thus for example we experience a both a course with Ravenclaw in both Accords and Rituals where none present have an advantage, and if we stay with those students before recess we can all commute together from one class to the next. This eats up 3 more when doing this with each remaining house, leaving us with just 1 set of 2 periods unperfected.

For the last one its mostly sort of random, to fill it out I liked the Potential of having something linger from the end of second period through recess into 3rd period so on these non-doubled up ones I let that happen.

Finally I made sure each day wasn't filled with only one other house, and made Friday us experience each house in case we do want to set up something for anyone during the day before the weekend.

[X][EVENING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's evening classes are in and what house they share with:
-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw

(Now to see if I care enough to do anything overly analytical like this for the Morning courses...)
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[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?

[X][MORNING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's morning classes are in, and which House they take them with:
-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Literature | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: History | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Mathematics| Hufflepuff

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: The Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: History | Hufflepuff

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Literature | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Slytherin

[X][EVENING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's evening classes are in and what house they share with:
-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw

Okay I went through the Morning Classes as well...

For the morning classes I wanted to play more with the "Sticking with one House until a recess" idea that sort of existed in my Evening strategy. Additionally I wanted to get every language twice and each language taken with a specific house. I also wanted to use the two block structure for each other type of class, and pseudo-randomly assigned each class to two that they would have the double block of and giving a single block to each other House. Pseudo Random because I either wanted to place Ron in situations that I would find amusing having more time to do (The Arts and Japanese) and I wanted to sort of tangentially connect the doubled class to what maybe would help the main spellcraft of that house (IE Slytherin got the double Literature and Geography course for things like fairytales and superstitions, Hufflepuff getting History since Rituals as a word at least has a historical and traditional bent to it.)

As such each language is taken twice, and each other course is taken 4 times.

Additionally I always placed Physical Education or The Arts to end only leading to a Recess so in case someone needed to clean up they would hopefully have some additional time to do so.

Also I specifically made sure Literature or a Foreign Language never came right before or after the other without at least a Recess between because I don't know exactly why but I thought it would be easier to not have to make that mental language switch.
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[X] ComiTurtle

You put a lot of thought to it..

[X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus: Like the Class Prince in that he embraces popularity, but it's less sneering and more jock vibes. Clapping people in the back, parties, stuff like that. Still exhausting, but this seems like a friendlier way to be princely.
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?
[X] @ComiTurtle
Psst, ComiTurtle already voted Pollyanna for attitude, you might want to change your vote so the tally doesn't get fucked up

[X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus: Like the Class Prince in that he embraces popularity, but it's less sneering and more jock vibes. Clapping people in the back, parties, stuff like that. Still exhausting, but this seems like a friendlier way to be princely.

[X][MORNING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's morning classes are in, and which House they take them with:
-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Literature | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: History | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Mathematics| Hufflepuff

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: The Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: History | Hufflepuff

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Literature | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Slytherin

[X][EVENING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's evening classes are in and what house they share with:
-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
[X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus: Like the Class Prince in that he embraces popularity, but it's less sneering and more jock vibes. Clapping people in the back, parties, stuff like that. Still exhausting, but this seems like a friendlier way to be princely.

[X][MORNING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's morning classes are in, and which House they take them with:
-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Literature | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: History | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Mathematics| Hufflepuff

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: The Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: History | Hufflepuff

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Literature | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Slytherin

[X][EVENING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's evening classes are in and what house they share with:
-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
Calling it now.

BTW, I ran out of meds, so it might be a while before I update unless I manage to get a prescription soon.
Scheduled vote count started by Dr Heaven M.D. on Mar 5, 2024 at 6:30 AM, finished with 33 posts and 19 votes.
  • 19

    [X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?
    [X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus: Like the Class Prince in that he embraces popularity, but it's less sneering and more jock vibes. Clapping people in the back, parties, stuff like that. Still exhausting, but this seems like a friendlier way to be princely.
    [X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus, purely because I am committed to voting for options I know will never win.
    [X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince who makes people happy?
    [X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus
  • 12

    [X][MORNING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's morning classes are in, and which House they take them with:
    -[X] Monday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Literature | Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Slytherin
    --[X] Recess
    --[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 5th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
    -[X] Tuesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: History | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Slytherin
    --[X] 4th Period: Geography | Slytherin
    --[X] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 6th Period: Mathematics| Hufflepuff
    -[X] Wednesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: The Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 5th Period: History | Slytherin
    --[X] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin
    -[X] Thursday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Slytherin
    --[X] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
    --[X] 1st Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 2nd Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 4th Period: Literature | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Slytherin
    --[X] 6th Period: The Arts | Slytherin
    --[X] 5th Period: History | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 6th Period: History | Hufflepuff
    -[X] Friday:
    -[X] Monday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: History | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] Recess
    --[X] 3rd Period: Literature | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Slytherin
    -[X] Tuesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Geography | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff
    -[X] Wednesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Ravenclaw
    -[X] Thursday:
    --[X] 1st Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 6th Period: The Arts |Shared with Ravenclaw
    -[X] Friday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 3rd Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Physical Education |Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 5th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 5th Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
  • 12

    [X][EVENING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's evening classes are in and what house they share with:
    -[X] Monday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
    --[X] Recess
    --[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
    --[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
    -[X] Tuesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
    -[X] Wednesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
    --[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
    -[X] Thursday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    -[X] Friday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
    -[X] Monday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] Recess
    --[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
    --[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
    -[X] Tuesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
    -[X] Wednesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw
    -[X] Thursday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
    --[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
    --[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
    --[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
    -[X] Friday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
    -[X] Monday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] Recess
    --[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
    -[X] Tuesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 4th Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin
    -[X] Wednesday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Hufflepuff
    -[X] Thursday:
    --[X] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin
    --[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Hufflepuff
    --[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Ravenclaw
    -[X] Friday:
    --[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
    --[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin
Aw man, I would've liked to see true jock Harry.

Hopefully Pollyanna doesn't mean full-on stars-in-the-eyes anime antics, because seeing that in a setting like Harry Potter would be jarring.
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Still interested, but if you'd like to take some time off and revisit this later its perfectly okay. Pactverse and HP goes wonderfully hand in hand - I don't think I've read anything else in this vein.
Still interested, but if you'd like to take some time off and revisit this later its perfectly okay. Pactverse and HP goes wonderfully hand in hand - I don't think I've read anything else in this vein.
You're very sweet, but the thing is that after dengue my stamina was so fucked that I spend most of the day either sleeping or wheezing as I try to recover and I haven't been able to write anything. It's not a lack of desire, so much that if I don't recover slowly I'll end up passing out in the middle of an intersection or something.
May I ask has there been wizards that have tried to do magictech as to advance their society to catch up with the muggles and not one day die from them when they are finally revealed to the Spoken world
You're very sweet, but the thing is that after dengue my stamina was so fucked that I spend most of the day either sleeping or wheezing as I try to recover and I haven't been able to write anything. It's not a lack of desire, so much that if I don't recover slowly I'll end up passing out in the middle of an intersection or something.

Cripes, sorry to hear that--hope you get your groove back soon.
Well, guess I now have one more literary addiction...

'Tis late in my corner of the world, but I must say I massively respect anyone trying to make sense of the ungodly mess that is Wizarding World-building. And my heart skipped a beat when King of England introduced himself :rofl:

To paraphrase another famous politician of fiction: "I will be watching your work with great interest"
You're very sweet, but the thing is that after dengue my stamina was so fucked that I spend most of the day either sleeping or wheezing as I try to recover and I haven't been able to write anything. It's not a lack of desire, so much that if I don't recover slowly I'll end up passing out in the middle of an intersection or something.

Dengue? That's rough man, take however much time you need to recover and don't forget to drink your guava juice