[X][DREAM] He Dreamt of Rivers: Running water under his feet, pant sleeves rolled up, Harry walked down a shallow river, taking small polished stones out of the current and holding them in his shirt, accompanied by friends.
Closing the vote. Gotta say, I'm surprised no one commented on the references to MGS, Sirius or Pale.

Can't speak for the other two, but honestly the Pale influence has been so prevalent throughout this entire quest that the specific reference didn't quite register.

Not a bad thing, to clarify! Pale's worldbuilding is awesome, and the way you're using elements of it to build Unspoken Britain is equally awesome!
Alright, the River has it.
Can't speak for the other two, but honestly the Pale influence has been so prevalent throughout this entire quest that the specific reference didn't quite register.

Not a bad thing, to clarify! Pale's worldbuilding is awesome, and the way you're using elements of it to build Unspoken Britain is equally awesome!
Scheduled vote count started by Dr Heaven M.D. on Mar 4, 2024 at 7:08 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.
  • [dream]

    [X][DREAM] He Dreamt of Rivers: Running water under his feet, pant sleeves rolled up, Harry walked down a shallow river, taking small polished stones out of the current and holding them in his shirt, accompanied by friends.
Chapter Five: Education is Fun-damental (According to Huge Dorks) (part one)
He Dreamt of Rivers: Running water under his feet, pant sleeves rolled up, Harry walked down a shallow river, taking small polished stones out of the current and holding them in his shirt, accompanied by friends.

Chapter Five: Education is Fun-damental (According to Huge Dorks)

Sweaty and sore, Harry still managed to wake up feeling quite relaxed. The dream stuck around in his mind, enough that he could almost still feel the cool water lapping at his ankles, and the sense of companionship.

He laid there for a moment, eyes closed, not rushing to wakefulness but getting there at his own pace. Once he did, he was able to take in the room and actually pay attention to detail with a clear mind.

It was quite large, but lacking almost anything in the way of decorations. No posters, no baubles, nothing. Just red curtains with golden filigree, the same theme seen in the blankets, carpet and roof. Hogwarts seemed to really like sticking to a theme, actually.

Still, it seemed like it was a whole lot of empty space. There was a desk in the corner, complete with a plush chair, and in the opposite corner to the left of his bed, there was a large wardrove that had his suitcase on top.

He got up and stretched, his diminutive body forced to crawl all the way to the over-king-sized bed. There were posts on all corners that hung red silk curtains, and he now realized that his pillows had drawings of lions. He felt a little embarrassed now, and wondered if everyone else had this much oppulence in their rooms.

There was the door that lead out of the room, and another one next to it. Poking his head through revealed a private bath decorated with even more...

Was the toilet made of solid gold? Ugh. It was like something a yank would think was classy.

He quickly showered and changed into another uniform. The previous night's stormy weather had moved on, leaving the sun to shine down on the Scottish pastures. His room was already quite warm, so he decided to go without the outer robes and just settled for the shirt and tie, rolling up the sleeves and leaving the knot loose with the top buttons unbuttoned.

Once set, Harry found himself standing at the door, hand on the knob. His eyes stuck on his ring, comfortably warm around his finger, but his mind travelled past the door and into the common room.

Outside his dorm, he'd be sharing a House with a bunch of people that just knew him as... Prince Potter? The son of the Unforgiven's killers?

It was a bit intimidating, really. It was one thing for people to see him as a Prince, but Draco had known him as the muggle-raised chatterbox before that. They'd been pals. And Ron didn't really care about all that... he didn't think.

Petunia Dursley hadn't raised boys ignorant to social engineering. He knew that he would be seen as a meal ticket by most.

He needed... he needed a plan. A way to play this.

[][ATTITUDE] Aloof: Not really smug or superior, just... cool. Coolsville, even. Population? Us. Ignore the fact that he doesn't know what cool people actually do beyond look into the distance with steely eyes and not emote much. That should carry him through, right?

[][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?

[][ATTITUDE] Class Prince: Draco seems to have some ideas about how royalty should act, and as far as Harry understands he's the model of high society boys. Maybe he should immitate? Sneer a bit? Lead people? This seems complicated, but maybe it's a way to get ahead of King Riddle's tutoring?

[][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus: Like the Class Prince in that he embraces popularity, but it's less sneering and more jock vibes. Clapping people in the back, parties, stuff like that. Still exhausting, but this seems like a friendlier way to be princely.

[][ATTITUDE] Write-in: Subject to QM's veto, write how you think Harry should present himself to his housemates.

Once down to lunch, a bit of social anxiety creeped into Harry's chest. All the upperclassmen were grouped up and talking amongst themselves, and a lot of people in the Houses themselves seemed to have met at the train and gotten sorted together.

Turning his head around, he realized that people from different Houses were able to sit together. Made sense, considering what Professor McGonagall said, now that he thought about it.

Hm... Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were... surrounded by people at the Slytherin table.

Dang, Draco was a social powerhouse, huh? Well, in that case...

Harry looked to the Ravenclaw table and found Ron sitting there, eating some oatmeal with the face of someone still half-asleep.

He quickly walked over and sat next to him with a smile, getting one back from Ron.

"Wotcher, mate," said Ron, gesturing at the empty plate in front of harry. "Ta-aah-p it twice and ask for whatever you want. Don't say please, you'll get stabbed."

By now used to the ominous asides magicians were so fond of, Harry did so and asked for tea and scones, which promptly appeared, both steaming hot and smelling sweet. A complimentary tub of strawberry jam even manifested, despite Harry not asking.

"How'd you sleep?" Ron asked as he sipped at his cup of tea.

"Great, I had a really nice dream. I'm actually surprised how well I can remember."

"Oh, you got your omen? I guess that makes sense?"

"My what? Why does that make sense?"

Ron stared blearily at him, realized he'd have to actually explain himself and ordered another cup of tea after he downed the first one in one swig. "Alright, so you know reality?"

"... yes? It's the stuff we're in, right?"

"Eh, more or less. Imagine that reality is like a thin film spread over a drum, and fate is a thin covering of water over the film," his friend said, gesticulating with one hand while the other brought the cup to his lips. "Now, some places and some people have more 'weight' on the film, because they have magic or history or whatever. And because they have weight, the water gathers on them, right?"

"Sure, that makes sense."

"Mm. So, as a Prince you probably have some weight, but Hogwarts is ancient and stuffed full of power, so it's practically tearing a hole through reality just sitting here, which means there's a lot of fate here."

"And what's fate, exactly?"

"Eh," Ron shrugged. "I never really got it. It's like... coincidence? My da' said that someone with a lot of fate kicks a pebble and causes a landslide, or they sneeze and cause a storm. It all ripples out."

"Like on water," said Harry, nodding like he understood.

"Yes," said Ron, nodding like he'd done that on purpose. "Anyway, when people with weight get into a place like Hogwarts, sometimes they get dreams that foretell future events in really ambiguous ways. If you can remember it perfectly all day, it's probably an omen."

"And is it good?"

"It's whatever the future is. You said it was relaxing?"

Harry nodded and explained his dream.

"Sounds relaxing."

"What does it mean?"

"Buggered if I know. I never really got into divination," Ron shrugged. "It's all metaphors and implications and whatever."

"Mm," Harry sipped his tea.

"By the way," Ron said, slightly more awake now, "What did the Headmaster want with you?"

"Oh, the Unspoken King offered to tutor me in politics."

Ron spat out his tea.

Before he could ask what the hell Harry was talking about, said Headmaster stood up at the faculty table and clapped his hands, which produced a thunderous sound.

"Students, we shall begin handing out your schedules for the year soon. Please go to your respective tables, there will be time for inter-house companionship soon enough."

Harry did as ordered, giving Ron a pat on the back on the way back. He ended up sitting next to the blonde girl that explained the wax thing to him during the Sorting, Greengrass, who gave him a speculative look as he settled down, but said nothing.

Professor McGonagall walked down the table, handing out paper slips to students. When she got to Harry, she graced him with a small nod before she moved on, which he returned a bit too late for her to see.

Embarrassed, he looked down at his schedule.

[][MORNING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's morning classes are in, and which House they take them with:
-[] Monday:

--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period:
--[] 6th Period:

-[] Tuesday:
--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period:
--[] 6th Period:

-[] Wednesday:
--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period:
--[] 6th Period:

-[] Thursday:

--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period:
--[] 6th Period:

-[] Friday:

--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period:
--[] 6th Period:

The options are: Literature, Mathematics, Geography, History, Foreign Languages (French), Foreign Languages (German), Foreign Languages (Japanese), The Arts and Physical Education.

All of these are mandatory and can be repeated as many times as the voters wish, though I'll say that my highschool, upon which this schedule is based, used to make classes take two periods each.

The periods cover a forty-minute stretch, while recess is twenty minutes each, meaning morning classes take 4:40 hours, starting at 07:20 and ending at 12:00.

One hour later, the evening classes begin.

[][EVENING-CLASSES] Select the order that Harry's evening classes are in and what house they share with:
-[] Monday:

--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:

-[] Tuesday:
--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:

-[] Wednesday:
--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:

-[] Thursday:

--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:

-[] Friday:

--[] 1st Period:
--[] 2nd Period:
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period:
--[] 4th Period:

The options are: Conjurative Arts, Accord Crafting, Transfigurative Arts, Ritual Crafting.
[X][ATTITUDE] Just Harry: He might be the Unspoken Prince, but he's not going to let it change who he is. Go about his classes like he'd normally would at school, just by being himself.

[X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus: Like the Class Prince in that he embraces popularity, but it's less sneering and more jock vibes. Clapping people in the back, parties, stuff like that. Still exhausting, but this seems like a friendlier way to be princely.

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: History | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Literature | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Slytherin
-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Geography | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff
-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts |Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Physical Education |Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 5th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
Last edited:
Aw, man. I want Harry to go all Blue Steel, gazing off into the distance like the clueless kid he is.

I'm surprised there isn't Latin, Greek, Futhark, Old English, or Hieroglyphics. Modern languages, huh? French for Beauxbatons, German for Durmstrang, and Japanese for Mahoutokoro, I'd guess. Though apparently, the Japanese is the smallest school, they may have an exchange program with Hogwarts.
[X] Plan: _brightwing

EDIT: Absolutely fantastic update! And the worldbuilding just gets richer and richer! So glad this is back!

SECOND EDIT: Changed vote based on information from OP. New vote posted.
Last edited:
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?

Don't have an opinion on classes
Last edited:
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?

Manic pixie dream boy let's gooo
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: History | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Literature | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Slytherin
-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Geography | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff
-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts |Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Physical Education |Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 5th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin
-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Hufflepuff
-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Ritual Crafting | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Shared with Slytherin

Sorry @_brightwing hope you don't mind me taking most of your plan. What can I say I'm a sucker for nobility that wants to be nice and good.
[X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus, purely because I am committed to voting for options I know will never win.

The schedule plan scares and confuses me, but at the same time I don't want to leave it all in the hands of the first submittee, so:

-[] Monday:
--[] 1st Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Slytherin
--[] 6th Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw

-[] Tuesday:
--[] 1st Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[] 6th Period: History | Hufflepuff

-[] Wednesday:
--[] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Ravenclaw

-[] Thursday:

--[] 1st Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 6th Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw

-[] Friday:

--[] 1st Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Hufflepuff

Did this mainly via Random.org, but have tried to throw in a few tweaks that make sense from a story perspective (double-length lore-dump lesson, helping Ron with his worst subject) and a British public school one (sport nearly every day at the same time arranged so all houses match each other at least once and the rival houses do it twice, languages as the ugly stepchild of the schedule).

-[] Monday:

--[] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin

-[] Tuesday:
--[] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff

-[] Wednesday:
--[] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[] Thursday:

--[] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[] Friday:

--[] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

Pretty much just Random.org again--I figured a magic school would have its longer lessons be on, y'know, magic, though.
The schedule plan scares and confuses me, but at the same time I don't want to leave it all in the hands of the first submittee, so:

-[] Monday:
--[] 1st Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Slytherin
--[] 6th Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw

-[] Tuesday:
--[] 1st Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[] 6th Period: History | Hufflepuff

-[] Wednesday:
--[] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Ravenclaw

-[] Thursday:
--[] 1st Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: History | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 6th Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw

-[] Friday:
--[] 1st Period: The Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Literature | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: Physical Education | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 5th Period: Geography | Slytherin
--[] 6th Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Hufflepuff

Did this mainly via Random.org, but have tried to throw in a few tweaks that make sense from a story perspective (double-length lore-dump lesson, helping Ron with his worst subject) and a British public school one (sport nearly every day at the same time arranged so all houses match each other at least once and the rival houses do it twice, languages as the ugly stepchild of the schedule).

-[] Monday:
--[] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin

-[] Tuesday:
--[] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff

-[] Wednesday:
--[] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[] Thursday:
--[] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[] Friday:
--[] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[] Recess
--[] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

Pretty much just Random.org again--I figured a magic school would have its longer lessons be on, y'know, magic, though.

Really liking the evening plan! Narratively double classes makes great sense.

Do you guys mind if I swap out my evening vote with this?
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince who makes people happy?

Not to be rude(and sorry if it is), but the write-in option of Just Harry seems kind of nonsensical and tone-deaf, as I can't see any reason as to why Harry should ignore his public image and how it will form. (also 'not letting it change who he is ' makes no sense given that already accepted the position of the unspoken prince and its responsibilities when we agreed to tutoring from Riddle, and I see zero advantage to choosing it.)

Big guy in campus seems like it could be fun, as canon Harry was a jock anyway, but I personally think Polyanna would be more fun, as aggressive kindness and optimism strikes me as a great way of being socially underestimated and remaining approachable , which is useful when in a position of power.
Yeah, sorry guys, but I gotta veto Just Harry. He already decided he'd present a "Face", so going "no actually" kinda undermines the plot.

Plus, this will be relevant later.
Thanks for the confirmation, @Dr Heaven M.D.! With that in mind, new vote below:

[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: History | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Literature | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Slytherin
-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Geography | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff
-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts |Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Physical Education |Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 5th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff

EDIT: Changing vote for the last time, sorry for the waffling. 😅

[X] Plan: @ComiTurtle
Last edited:
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Mathematics | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: History | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Literature | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Slytherin
-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Geography | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Foreign Languages (German) | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff
-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Foreign Languages (Japanese) | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Geography | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Literature | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 6th Period: Physical Education | Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: History | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Foreign Languages (French) | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 5th Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts |Shared with Ravenclaw
-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Literature | Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Geography | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: History | Shared with Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Physical Education |Shared with Slytherin
--[X] 5th Period: Mathematics | Shared with Ravenclaw
--[X] 6th Period: The Arts| Shared with Hufflepuff

-[X] Monday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Slytherin

-[X] Tuesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 2nd Period: Conjurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Hufflepuff

-[X] Wednesday:
--[X] 1st Period: Conjurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Ritual Crafting | Hufflepuff
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Accord Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Thursday:
--[X] 1st Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Accord Crafting | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw
--[X] 4th Period: Ritual Crafting | Ravenclaw

-[X] Friday:
--[X] 1st Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] 2nd Period: Transfigurative Arts | Slytherin
--[X] Recess
--[X] 3rd Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
--[X] 4th Period: Conjurative Arts | Hufflepuff
[X][ATTITUDE] Big Guy in Campus

I'm going to leave the crafting vote to people who have clearer visions (no pun intended).
I dreamt about this quest last night. I don't remember much of it anymore but I do remember the line 'Riddle looked at Headmaster Dumbledore. "We have to do facelift surgery on Moaning Myrtle."'
[X][ATTITUDE] Polyanna: Harry's not really a pessimistic kid, or an optimistic one. But if he's got to choose... why not be all smiles and sunshine? Begin his Manic Pixie Dream Guy arc! Why not be a Prince that makes people happy?
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