You are a cloud of dust (Riot? Quest)

[x] CH4colatey Clathrates (house special!): Tasty shaved ice impregnated with various tasty gases that don't look like they should be able to form clathrates at available temperatures/pressures
Adhoc vote count started by 6 ZeV Proton on Mar 3, 2024 at 4:05 PM, finished with 14 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Digest
    [X] Bloody Makemake: An incredibly red cocktail of complex organics gently irradiated with cosmic rays. Imported from beyond the nitrogen frost line
    [X] Baked Adonis: This early interloper had its surface volatiles seared away in the bright, hot rays deep in the system, leaving behind a crunchy extinct comet with a chewy, volatile-rich interior
    [X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal
    [X] :V Gobble it up! Gobble it up! Gobble it alllllllllllllll up!
    [X] Jovial Gelato: A delectable blend of creamy snow ice with traces of salt served under hydrogen
    [X] Sour Sorbet: A delightfully tart treat of hydrogen sulfide and water ice imported from the cooler reaches of the system
    [X] Consume all, All of it! Eat and be merry!
    [x] CH4colatey Clathrates (house special!): Tasty shaved ice impregnated with various tasty gases that don't look like they should be able to form clathrates at available temperatures/pressures
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Last call! Total: 4
4 4
Turn 14: You are a growing planet at an astronomical restaurant (course 3; last call!)
[X] Digest: 23.1%
[X] Bloody Makemake: An incredibly red cocktail of complex organics gently irradiated with cosmic rays. Imported from beyond the nitrogen frost line: 23.1%
[X] :V Gobble it up! Gobble it up! Gobble it alllllllllllllll up!: 15.4%
[X] Baked Adonis: This early interloper had its surface volatiles seared away in the bright, hot rays deep in the system, leaving behind a crunchy extinct comet with a chewy, volatile-rich interior: 7.7%
[X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal: 7.7%
[X] Jovial Gelato: A delectable blend of creamy snow ice with traces of salt served under hydrogen: 7.7%
[X] Sour Sorbet: A delightfully tart treat of hydrogen sulfide and water ice imported from the cooler reaches of the system: 7.7%
[x] CH4colatey Clathrates (house special!): Tasty shaved ice impregnated with various tasty gases that don't look like they should be able to form clathrates at available temperatures/pressures: 7.7%

Concordance: 45.9%

You spend a lot of your time digesting your delicious acquisitions with the aid of savory, nitrogen-rich Bloody gaMakemake, and you manage to almost keep up with your ravenous accretion, which is to say it still lags your rather nonspecific gobbling up of nearby ice, rock, and gas.

The crispy shell of the Baked Adonis was cooked just long enough to be a treat and stands in wonderful contrast to the soft and creamy primordial ices buried away. It pairs well with the Vintage Nebula Gas, even if it seems to have an awful lot of oxygen for a supposedly sub-2% metallicity vintage. This course is capped off with some more Jovial Gelato, Sour Sorbet, and CH4colatey Clathrates, giving you another generous helping of ice, gas, organics, and sulfur.

Complex Bloody Makemake-derived organics rarely survive for too long near your still incredibly hot surface, but patches of mostly solid rock are starting to congeal, and dollops of hot but solid metal are beginning to precipitate out deep in the sphere of molten metal at your core. Thanks to the lower densities and relative velocities involved, it appears that the contribution to your heat budget from infalling debris is rapidly decreasing with respect to the heat given off by radiation. The atmosphere near your surface is still rather thin, but between inbound ice chunks and offgassing from surface lava, it's thickening rapidly. Last call for gourmet planetstuff orders!
[ ] Jovial Gelato: A delectable blend of creamy snow ice with traces of salt served under hydrogen Sold out
[ ] CH4colatey Clathrates (house special!): Tasty shaved ice impregnated with various tasty gases that don't look like they should be able to form clathrates at available temperatures/pressures Sold out
[ ] Escargot au Kairei: A hearty meal of M-type asteroids seasoned with a secret siderophilic sauce and served under nebula gas
[ ] Sour Sorbet: A delightfully tart treat of hydrogen sulfide and water ice imported from the cooler reaches of the system Sold out
[ ] Granita al Caffè: For the busy protoplanet on the go, this energizing blend of volatile ices will serve as excellent reaction mass for getting more done
[ ] Frozen Margarita on the Rocks: An organic-rich cocktail of ice and hydrocarbons served with cool, locally sourced rock
[ ] Bloody Makemake: An incredibly red cocktail of complex organics gently irradiated with cosmic rays. Imported from beyond the nitrogen frost line
[ ] Baked Adonis: This early interloper had its surface volatiles seared away in the bright, hot rays deep in the system, leaving behind a crunchy extinct comet with a chewy, volatile-rich interior
[ ] Soup of the Day: Expertly salted and seasoned ice with chunks of nutritious silicates
[ ] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal

If this selection isn't quite to your liking, you do still have the option of absconding to another establishment or giving yourself more time to digest, but fine dining in this orbit ends this turn anyway.
[ ] Move to a cooler venue
[ ] Move to a hotter spot
[ ] Digest
[ ] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))
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[X] Granita al Caffè: For the busy protoplanet on the go, this energizing blend of volatile ices will serve as excellent reaction mass for getting more done
[X] Frozen Margarita on the Rocks: An organic-rich cocktail of ice and hydrocarbons served with cool, locally sourced rock

Sounds like we need to cool down some
Sounds like we need to cool down some

Still forming planet that is normal.

Still last chance to grab as much from this free eat all you want menu as we can.
So lets get eating.

[X] Soup of the Day: Expertly salted and seasoned ice with chunks of nutritious silicates

[ ] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal

Also the noted oxygen content here is important, so if some people could eat some more of this that would be nice.
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[X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal
[X] Frozen Margarita on the Rocks: An organic-rich cocktail of ice and hydrocarbons served with cool, locally sourced rock
[X] Last Call Buffet
-[X] Granita al Caffè: For the busy protoplanet on the go, this energizing blend of volatile ices will serve as excellent reaction mass for getting more done
-[X] Frozen Margarita on the Rocks: An organic-rich cocktail of ice and hydrocarbons served with cool, locally sourced rock
-[X] Bloody Makemake: An incredibly red cocktail of complex organics gently irradiated with cosmic rays. Imported from beyond the nitrogen frost line
-[X] Soup of the Day: Expertly salted and seasoned ice with chunks of nutritious silicates
-[X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal
[X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal

It pairs well with the Vintage Nebula Gas, even if it seems to have an awful lot of oxygen for a supposedly sub-2% metallicity vintage.

Also the noted oxygen content here is important, so if some people could eat some more of this that would be nice.

Although we don't have any life at the moment watch out for a Oxygen Catastrophe or equivalent. Or don't :ogles:

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by 6 ZeV Proton on Mar 3, 2024 at 5:45 PM, finished with 12 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Frozen Margarita on the Rocks: An organic-rich cocktail of ice and hydrocarbons served with cool, locally sourced rock
    [X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal
    [X] Bloody Makemake
    [X] Granita al Caffè: For the busy protoplanet on the go, this energizing blend of volatile ices will serve as excellent reaction mass for getting more done
    [X] Soup of the Day: Expertly salted and seasoned ice with chunks of nutritious silicates
    [X] Digest
    [X] Consume all before its gone, IT WILL BE EATEN!!!
    [X] Last Call Buffet
    -[X] Granita al Caffè: For the busy protoplanet on the go, this energizing blend of volatile ices will serve as excellent reaction mass for getting more done
    -[X] Frozen Margarita on the Rocks: An organic-rich cocktail of ice and hydrocarbons served with cool, locally sourced rock
    -[X] Bloody Makemake: An incredibly red cocktail of complex organics gently irradiated with cosmic rays. Imported from beyond the nitrogen frost line
    -[X] Soup of the Day: Expertly salted and seasoned ice with chunks of nutritious silicates
    -[X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Soup of the day Total: 3
3 3
Turn 15: You are a growing planet with at least three satellites and a disk punctuated by cleared bands
[X] Frozen Margarita on the Rocks: An organic-rich cocktail of ice and hydrocarbons served with cool, locally sourced rock: 20.0%
[X] Vintage Nebula Gas: A finely aged high-purity hydrogen/helium blend guaranteed to contain no more than 2% metal: 20.0%
[X] Bloody Makemake: 20.0%
[X] Granita al Caffè: For the busy protoplanet on the go, this energizing blend of volatile ices will serve as excellent reaction mass for getting more done: 10.9%
[X] Soup of the Day: Expertly salted and seasoned ice with chunks of nutritious silicates: 10.9%
[X] Digest: 9.1%
[X] Consume all before its gone, IT WILL BE EATEN!!!: 9.1%

Concordance: 40.1%

Going through your orders, you are a bit dismayed to find fayalite in the Soup of the Day, which would have otherwise been a comforting treat. Unfortunately, there aren't any waiters around to ask after about what this unfortunate inclusion is doing, and this perhaps suppresses your appetite and digestion a bit.

With it being the last call at the asteroid buffet, you get a lot of drinking done! You gulp down a seemingly endless tide of what drinks are still serving themselves, pausing only briefly to sample the remaining dishes. This has noticeably increased the amount of ice in your system, and if not for much of it hydrating the molten mantlestuff about your metal core (not to be confused with the compacted ball of material at the core of your system), it would probably make up a significant fraction of your settled volume.

An unknown amount of time later, with the strange and wondrous madness of the feast over almost as abruptly as it started, things have changed significantly. The belt of dust and ice that served up immense culinary wonders has largely been depleted, although a considerable amount of lighter gas too energetic or lightweight to stay bound persists. Your satellites have grown noticeably even though their mass contributes little more than a rounding error to the total mass in your system. Your more distant, more recently captured companion seems to have fed quite well and has cooled down enough for a pile of icy rubble to build up on its surface. Amidst the literal haze from downing heroic amounts of ice and gas, you also spot a tiny new satellite in an orbit between your two older ones. Its moment of formation eludes you, but based on its gentle tug on your atmosphere, it doesn't seem to be drastically denser than ice. Curious bands cleared of material have begun showing up in your disk between your satellites' orbits.

On your own surface, islands of solid rock are beginning to form as your lava cools, but many soon break apart as packets of hot and/or volatile-rich magma surface. Although plenty of material continues to whizz about in your disc and occasionally fall in, you've gotten very close to the point where you can begin asserting and exerting control over your internal convection to increase or decrease the flow of heat from your inner core to your surface. Oxygen, should you want to keep it around, is unlikely to be an issue after how much water ice you've consumed. Of course, it's not impossible to begin developing a reducing atmosphere too, whether from preferential and massive uptake of hydrocarbons or growth to the point where you can retain hydrogen.

[ ] Move to a higher orbit
[ ] Move to a lower orbit
[ ] Collect more gas
[ ] Collect more ice
[ ] Collect more dust
[ ] Collapse
[ ] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))
[X] Collapse