Deciding that you should get a head start on your coursework, you head down to the Studious District and look for the library. A place that isn't too difficult to find considering all the main thoroughfares lead towards it in some fashion. The place is massive in scale; easily matching a small castle in size. Books of all shapes and sizes fill the area. You also find small lounges and cubbies where one can read peacefully.
The librarians give you the usual spiel. Remain quiet and respectful of the books. You can withdraw them for reading on your own time, but it's expected that you return them within two weeks or suffer egregious fines. Seriously, just looking at the 'fine calculations' gives you a minor heart attack. But you shouldn't have to worry about that. After all, you'll be spending some of your time working here. One of the benefits you get for that is an extension on check-outs out to a month.
One thing you notice clearly is that the library has such a warm and welcoming atmosphere. A good idea since people need to spend a lot of time here. Each bookcase is wonderfully carved from a rich and colorful wood. The ceiling is painted a light blue with frescoes of the sun drawn down its length. Definitely a feast for the eyes.
Settling in for a bit of a study session, you grab whatever books are aimed towards beginners. Basics of Spellforms, Introduction to Expanding Your Mind's Eye, Methodology of Affinities, and other books fill your arms as you navigate towards a fluffy sofa and hop right in.
Your studying is peaceful for the hour you spend poring over tomes. At the end of it you feel a bit more prepared for any upcoming classes, at least when it comes to direct knowledge.
Nia gains a +1 stacking bonus to any Advancement rolls she makes for Proficiency skills. The bonus will disappear on success or failure.
That accomplished, you look down at the books and feel a bit tired. You're not sure if you should continue studying or not, but the day has not ended yet. Numerous clocks fill the halls and rooms, allowing you to learn the time.
What will you be doing next? You have five more actions left today.
[] [Action] - Explore through Skyhold. Chance of a random event occurring.
[] [Action] - Meet with a person you know. Write-in choice.
[] [Action] - Visit the Library and study. Gain a +1 stacking bonus to any Advancement rolls you make for Proficiency skills. The bonus will disappear on success or failure.
[] [Action] - Work out and train. Gain a +1 stacking bonus to any Advancement rolls you make for Locomotion skills. The bonus will disappear on success or failure.
[] [Action] - Spar with people in the arena. Gain a +1 stacking bonus to any Advancement rolls you make for Skirmish skills. The bonus will disappear on success or failure.
[] [Action] - Socialize with your peers. Gain a +1 stacking bonus to any Advancement rolls you make for Intrigue skills. The bonus will disappear on success or failure.
[] [Action] - Peruse the local job board. You can earn a bit of coin by doing odd jobs for people and the school. Typically this will be things like helping in the kitchens, ferrying letters and parcel, or aiding a researcher.
[] [Action] - Visit the markets. Skyhold houses many merchants and peddlers. Perhaps you'll find something interesting. Either way you can likely find supplies there and commission artisans to make things for you.
[] [Action] - Write-in.