[X] [We shall temporarily move our endeavors to the Hakurei Shrine]

As Axel Fones mentioned, not only is this a fair exchange (she blew up our (admittedly desecrated) house), its also a completion of Reimu's goals! Also let's us sit around completely politely, with nothing but good will, and still terrify the Sages pretty much entirely on accident, which is always fun.
[X] [We shall temporarily move our endeavors to the Hakurei Shrine]

I know it isn't possible, but it amuses me with the aneurysm Byakuren might get with Reimu getting along with her Brother and a possible relationship.
From the ribbon, the various frills, to the diminutive nature of her form she might very well have come across as a rather adorable approximation of a shinto or buddhist priestess.

But the annoyance in her eyes give her the look instead of a forty year old school marm.

Poor Reimu needs a vacation. or Twelve.

Mamizou goes from 'worried' you note, to backing away expeditiously.

Tanuki_Survival_Instincts.sh activated; initiating GTFO protocols.

"Come with me."

Ah. "I'm afraid I cannot. I have tasks to perform here. If you do wish to speak to me however, I should be free later on today?"

She stares at you, wordlessly, for several long moments. Then she does what you expected, but wish she hadn't.

Myouren: <resigned sigh>

"A fine strike." You muse.

"How?" Reimu hisses.

Literally anyone else: "Fuck you, that's how."

This isn't the first time the Ship has been damaged. It probably won't be the last. You grit your teeth and bear the pain, but… it hurts.

...huh; interesting.

You raise your eyebrow, slightly. To think that someone with so many vices tying them to the world could separate themselves so fully from it, so easily? Your lips part, and you speak, softly, barely audible above the rushing wind. "Remarkable."

Myouren: "Congratulations, I am impressed."

>explodes buddhist temple
>refuses to elaborate

Sounds about right.

[x] [We shall setup camp in the wood]
Youkai living with youkai. Homeless was simply a state of mind.

We do not need anything as material as a roof!
[X] [We shall temporarily move our endeavors to the Hakurei Shrine]

She broke our sisters' house. That's just rude.

Obviously we must teach her out Buddhist ways to help her let go of her aggression.
Honestly speaking, while we should definitely post up in the Hakurei Shrine, that should only be for as long as it takes to rebuild the temple. Properly rebuild it, that is, not turn it back into that gold-plated mockery that it used to be.
[X] [We shall temporarily move our endeavors to the Hakurei Shrine]

I'm hoping we somehow get there before Reimu.
Just for her reaction.

>Destroy their home in fit of anger, go home after.
>They're living in your home now, before you even got back.
>They'd better do the damn chores.
Oh c'mon, noone wants to see the vampires reacting to this bullshit?

[X] [We shall request lodging at that nearby red manor]
You had seen it coming in, though of its resident… you knew nothing, actually. You were certain you could at least beg temporary aid.
[X] [We shall temporarily move our endeavors to the Hakurei Shrine]

This sounds the funniest, through the SDM would also be pretty funny
[X] [We shall temporarily move our endeavors to the Hakurei Shrine]